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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Another day in the Jury room


Woke up and went to get ready. Got items for the kids for lunch and snacks. Got them ready and we headed over to drop them off at school. The drop off was good, we picked up some Starbucks and drove home. When we got back all bins had been picked up. Now logging in to jury duty. Well, I did it, I wasn't going to get me a Warriors jersey, but there was a 20% coupon sent to me and I pulled the trigger and got me a Curry one. Should be in tomorrow. We had our breaks and now just 2 more hours to go for the day. My wife went over to Javi's school for the field trip they will be going on today. My Mother in Law will be going to get Gabriel for us since we are a busy with the field trip and jury duty.

(Morning: Iced Caramel Macchiato, water, Monster mix) 


Still in jury duty. Very sleepy, almost done here. I think I will be back in tomorrow. As I thought I have to be back tomorrow. Went out real quick to drop off water to my wife at the park for Javi's field trip. Came back home and played with Gabriel outside with the basketball hoop.  After we came in and chilled for a bit.

(Afternoon: Sopa de Res, white rice, ZOA, water)


Practiced with Javi outside in the catchers gear, also had him practice pitching to get his arm strength up. After I went to Costco with my wife and filled up the truck with gas. Came home and showered, put the boys to bed. Had some food. Watched TV and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: soup, chips, pastry, beer, water)

Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day

Woke up and went to make pancakes for Gabriel. Chilled and had coffee. Debating if I should mow the lawn. Well, I did it and it took a bit because the lawn mower acts up. I was able to help outnour neighbor with watching her things as she went to clean out her backyard and our next door neighbor asked if we wanted a basketball hoop for the boys. I said yes and he said he would bring it on over later.
(Morning: coffee, water, pastry)

Showered and watched the Giants game. Had thr boys clean outside. Andres passed by dropping off some food we ordered and we had a late lunch. After I put away the canopy, brought over the basketball hoop and set it up. Moved the grass in the backyard and we played a little bit of basketball in the back before coming in to take out recycling and garbage. 
(Afternoon: Antojitos, coke, water)

Chilling, watching TV. Talked to Arnel for a bit. Bathed Gabriel and now going to shower. Sent the boys to bed. Had some popcorn and ice cream and watched a show. Now off to bed. Jury duty resumes tomorrow morning. 
(Nighttime: ice cream, beer, water, popcorn)

Sunday, May 29, 2022


Woke up early to shower and have some coffee. Heading out to get the boys and come back home for the party Javi got invited to. The drive was good, listened to some oldies on the radio and got there in good time. Chilled a bit and talked to my mom and after we came back. Javi showered and got ready to go and we got a text that there was a covid issue with the sister of the birthday boy and we decided not to have Javi go. But his friend came over to play.
(Morning: pastry, coffee, water)

They got here, we had lunch, I went to go take a nap while they were here. The driving these past couple of days has worn me out. When I got up we went to the park for a bit and came home.
(Afternoon: Pizza, coke, water, bread sticks, wings)

Got home and gave Gabriel a bath. Changed him for bed time. I rested up a bit and talked to my mom. Had dinner and put the boys to bed. Watched the final 2 episodes of Stranger Things 4 and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, sticks, beer, water)

wine tasting (May 28, 2022)

Woke up and took a shower. Got dressed and had some coffee and a pastry. We are headed to Calistoga and to Napa.
(Morning: coffee, water, danish)

We got to Calistoga to the winery. We had some fun doing the self tour. The wine tasting was fun. We got took home a bottle and grape juice for the boys. After we went to the Napa outlets and got the boys some shoes and clothes. After wedl drove to have an early dinner. 
(Afternoon: wine, bread sticks, calamari, churrasco, fries, water, coke)

Got home, rested, watched some episodes of Stranger Things, showered and now off to bed. Up early tomorrow to get the boys and come home.
(Nighttime: popcorn, water, cookies)

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Day off (May 27)

Woke up and got ready. Had the boys eat breakfast and get ready for school. Took them and dropped off my wife at home and I went to wash the car and vacuum it as well. After I went over to gas it up and hit up Costco for some items we needed. Aft3r I got home I put things away, took out some trash and watched TV before going out to pick up the boys.
(Morning: cheese Danish, chocolate milk, water)

After Target and picking up the boys we came home and had lunch. Close to 3 we started the drive over to my sister's. Picked up my Mom and took her to get her covid test at Kaiser and hit up Target again for the gift Javi is taking on Sunday. We hung our at my sister's until it was time to meet up Amilcar and Olga for dinner.
(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup, zoa, water)

Left the boys with my mom and tool off to Espestus to have dinner. Had a lot of meat and some drinks and we were stuffed. After we drove home and watched the first 2 epiof Stranger things and now off to bed. Napa tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: lots of food, beer, water)

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Last game for Gabe


Woke up and got ready for Jury Duty. Got the boys ready and we took them to school. Returned home to make coffee and log in to Jury Duty. Can't say no more about that. Later today hopefully they clear up the issue with the Wins and Losses for Javi's team, we have us at 14-4, playing 18 games. They have us at 13-4, with 18 games played. It doesn't add up. Anyway, it's Gabriel's last t-ball game today. Got to report to jury duty on Tuesday. Now lunch. 

(Morning: coffee, water, monster mix)


Ate the left over tamales and had a lemon lime soda. Folded clothes and now off to go get Javi. Picked him up and came home. Watched Young Rock and took a nap. Close to 5 I got Gabriel ready and we went to the park for his last game. He did well and after we came home.

(Afternoon: tamales, soda, water)


Got home and went to put away the pool and tarp. My wife ordered sushi and we went to pick it up. Came home and I showered, had dinner and now relaxing. Watched the new Obi-wan show on Disney + and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: sushi, beer, water)

Game day (Should have posted on 5/24/22)

Woke up and got ready. Got the boys ready to go and when we were heading out we couldn't find the car keys. So naturally the person who had them last gets mad at me because she misplaced them. So I got the spare keys and driving the kids to school. Came back home and made coffee and logged in to work. Long day today. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Ordered some Popeyes chicken and went to pick it up. Washed the car, grabbed some teaspoon tea and picked up Gabriel. Got home and we had lunch. Gabriel played in the pool a bit and we went to get Javi. Came back home, found out tomorrow I have jury duty and got ready to go to the game.
(Afternoon: Popeyes chicken,  Thai Iced tea, water)
The game was good. Javi hit a 2 run homerun and he threw out 2 runners attempting to steal 3rd. They won again and he got 1 of 3 game balls. After we came home and cleaned up and now watching TV 
(Nighttime: Chicken, slurpee,  water)

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Jury Duty

Woke up and went to get dressed. Got lunch readynfor the boys and we went to drop them off. Came back home and now logging into my remote jury duty session. Let's see how this goes. Well, that was interesting. After all was said and done I have to report again tomorrow to see what is going to go on. So I check in tomorrow at 8:30.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Passwd by Target and got a few things. Picked up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and chilled for a bit. Went over to pick up Javi andnnow just waiting for time to start getting ready for the game. Got ready for the game and we went over to set up.
 (Afternoon: Chicken, white rice, coke, water, zoa)

The game was good. We had kids rotate and play different positions. We won on a wlak off. Then we find out the latest they are trying to say that we are not officially the league Champions, although we have 14 wins and other team can reach us. We have to go tomorrow and check the official books, we smell something fishy going on. Got home and had dinner, showered and now going to bed. 
(Nighttime: McChicken sandwich, tamales, beer, water)

Monday, May 23, 2022

New week

Woke up and went to get ready. Started lunch for the boys and got Javi ready to go. Gabriel is being difficult today. Anyway, about to head out to drop them off at school. I am exhausted still. Was ready to answer any question that came my way. Not too many did, now just waiting for time to go get Gabriel.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Went to wash the car and picked up Gabriel. Came home and had lunch and checked back in to work. On a break I went over to pick up Javi and came back home to run out the clock. After work we got ready and headed out to the Duck Pond to practice. 
(Afternoon: Carne molida, white rice, coke, water)

We went to the Duck Pond and had a good session of hitting and fielding. After we came home to relax. Still exhausted from the day and wanted to nap. I had dinner and showered and now just watching tv before going to bed. No jury duty tomorrow,  but Javi has a game.
(Nighttime: carne molida, white rice, beer, margarita)

Sunday, May 22, 2022


Woke up and went to shower. Gave the kids some breakfast and we got ready to go to church. Attended services and went to Target to find a birthday gift. Now we are home relaxing.
(Morning: coffee, water)

We had some chilli dogs for lunch and Gabriel went to play in the pool. Javi did not. I fell asleep for a bit and woke up to see him trying to drink the pool water so I took him out and bathed him. We went to Kennedy Park and played for a bit and returned home. I cleaned up outside and came in to watch a movie on Hulu
(Afternoon: chilli digs, water)

Finished the movie and went to Cardenas to grab some items. Came home and had Javi shower while I dumped out some water outside. Washed clothes and now relaxing and having a margarita. Almost bed time.
(Nighttime: margaritas, ceviche, tostadas, water)

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Game day

 Woke up early to shower and make breakfast. We have games today. Got everything ready and I had Javi get ready to go. We for to the park and set up. We got word that our team manager got suspended for the rest of the season so we are taking over the team. The kids played well, but the other team played much better. They lost. Gabriel's game went good. After we stayed and talked about what was next and I went to get the  car washed 
(Morning: coffee. Water)

Got home had lunch. Rested a few minutes before putting up the new canopy and bringing the pool out. Played in it for a bit now just hanging out in the sun drying. After some time I cleaned up and brought things in. Went to shower and ordered some food for dinner.
(Afternoon: water, coke, McDonald's, beer)

Food got here and it was missing an item. Had to call to get a refund. Anyways, ate and chilled. Changed the boys and now about to watch some TV. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Chinese food, beer, water)

Friday, May 20, 2022

End of the road


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Got the items ready for the boys and got the ready to take to school. After I dropped them off I came home to make coffee and start training. The training went pretty well. We ended on a good note and after that we went to Walmart to return the canopy that was not complete. We got there and they told us they could scan it, but we had to take it to a FedEx drop off station, so we did that and they said they couldn't help us. So we passed by the house and grabbed something and went on our way to get Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, coffee)


Picked up Gabriel and went to another drop off station. We returned the item and came home. I dropped off my wife and Gabriel at home and I went to put gas in the truck at Costco. Picked up some Jack in the Box and came home to eat. My meeting was pushed back so I couldn't go get Javi. But now here we are. I'm waiting for time to be up so I can log off and check if I have jury duty.

(Afternoon: Stacked Grilled Cheeseburger, tacos, fries, coke, water)


After work I checked on my jury duty status for Monday and I was not selected but have to check again. Rested for a bit before heading out to Costco and coming back. We had dinner, I showered and we watched the new Chip N' Dale movie and now getting ready for bed. 

(Nighttime: pizza, beer, water)

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Game day


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Today is another in office day so I have to take off and go to the BART station to take the train. The drive to Bay Fair was ok, there was some light traffic due to some pavement issues but I got to the station and rushed up to catch the train to go to work. It was a nice ride today, a bit busy but quick. Got to work and set up for the day. There are some internet connectivity issues today. I started training and we got through the material. Kathleen came up and we chatted for a bit. I talked to Karla, now waiting for time to go home. Off early today since it's game day.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Had my lunch and now waiting to leave. Packing up and ready to go. Left the building and walked over to the BART station. Made it just in time to catch the train. The ride was good, relaxing. When I got to Bay Fair I got in my car and went to get the car washed. Came home, chilled and went to pick up Javi. Returned home, took a nap and had some food before getting the boys ready for the game.

(Afternoon: Sandwich, ZOA, water, shrimp fettuccine Alfredo, coke)


We headed out to the park and I set up the field. There was some confusion as to where the catchers gear was. We borrowed it from another team since they forgot it. Javi started catching and we had to pull him since he got hit in the hand during an at bat and couldn't close his hand for catching. The team did well, responded from being down 5-0 to winning 12-5. Javi walked once, got hit by a pitch,  stuck out and got 2 RBI's. After the game we came home. Showered and now watching TV until bed time.

(Nighttime: margaritas, pupusas, water)

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Back in the office


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Got all my things and headed out to the BART station to catch the train to go into the city. It was a nice ride in today. Smooth, no issues. They closed the exit that I normally go up to get out of the station so I had to walk a little further. Got to work and set up, talked to my supervisor really quickly before starting the bonus training. It went ok. There was a lot of information that we had to go over and I think we did a good job with it. Tomorrow we continue with it. After I did a bit of research before starting my lunch.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Ate lunch and relaxed. Now setting things up for tomorrow. Javi may have a make up game tonight. Still waiting for confirmation. Looks like no game tonight. Only 7 kids and need 8 to play. So they practice. That will be good for the kids, they can just go out there and practice before tomorrow's game. We'll, I had a feeling they would cancel practice and they did. So I will just practice in the back yard with the boys. Some hitting and catching for them. Packed up my things and walked over to the BART station and now I am on the way home. Picked up some Starbucks and washed the camry. Got home and got the catchers gear ready for Javi.

(Afternoon: Monster, water, sandwich, ice Caramel Macchiato)


Since practice was canceled, I had Javi hit while I played catch with Gabriel. He was excited about his new glove. After Javi put the catchers gear on and we practiced again. We did a pop up drill from the crouch. After we went to Target to.get the team snacks for Gabriel's team for tomorrow. Came home, had dinner and had the boys shower and bathe. I showered after and now Watchung a movie before bed. Back to the office again tomorrow. Early morning. 

(Nighttime: water, beer, pupusas, wings)

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Calm before the storm


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Got the items ready for the boys and we took them over to school. Construction continues in our area which doesn't really help us. Anyway, after we dropped them off to school we came home. Made coffee and checked in to work. Going to meet with my training partner at 10 to go over a calendar for training. When we were about to start looking over the calendar, my supervisor asked us to attend a meeting. We were going over a special project for training and there is going to be a MC intake project next week that is going on. Karla and I suggested that Julia should do it, but that was met with mixed reactions, so we spoke up and stated how we thought is was unfair to let her slide again on training. Anyway, I got my assignment and now I'm off to get ready for it.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


We drove over to get Gabriel and went to get the car washed. Came home and had lunch. Some taquitos and gallo pinto. I had a lemon lime drink and checked back in to work. Waiting for time to go get Javi. Time was here and we went over to get him and now are back home. I am so tired. I don't want to go to the office the next 2 days. I ordered Gabriel a new glove, hopefully that gets him excited to try and learn how to catch more. We went outside and tried out some grounders with his old glove. He did ok, but he gives up too quickly. That is something we will have to try and break. With Javi it took some time, but he is much better now and taking the challenges we give him and trying his best. 

(Afternoon: Taquitos, Gallo Pinto, Soda, ZOA, Egg McMuffin, water)


After work I fell asleep for a bit. Woke up and drove to get dinner and came home. Showered and changed the boys. Watched AFV and Young Rock with the boys before they went to bed. Got my things ready for my in office day tomorrow. Now going to bed.

(Nighttime: burgers, water)

Monday, May 16, 2022

New week


Woke up and went to get ready. I am so tired. Part of my night consisted of me defending myself against the kicks from Gabriel stretching. Got Javi's items ready for school, woke him and gave him breakfast. Took him over to school, passed by McDonald's grabbing breakfast for us and came home to make coffee, eat and check in to work. I was able to review the case that was sent to me last Friday. I looked it over with my supervisor before calling the manager to discuss the outcome. Now just hanging out here and getting ready to see what is for lunch. We are going to Benihana's later tonight.

(Morning: Coffee, Sausage McMuffin, Sausage Biscuit. water, hash browns)


I went over to make the bed. Answered some more questions. Now waiting for lunch to be ready. Had a quick bite. Ran out to Walgreens to get some pictures I ordered. Now back home and waiting for time to go get Javi. Picked him up and came home. Now I am just waiting for more questions and running out the clock so we can go to Benihana's.

(Afternoon: water, white rice, torta de carne, tortilla, cheese, coke)


Drove down to Burlingame and had dinner again Benihana. After we came home, changed the boys and showered. Watched some TV and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: Benihana trio, Dr. Pepper, water)

Sunday, May 15, 2022

the day after

Woke up, tired, not going to church today as we attended yesterday. Made breakfast for Gabriel and he didn't eat. Watching TV with Javi now. Fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up I went to the room. My wife ordered food from Texas Roadhouse and we were going over to pick it up.
(Morning : water, pico, coffee)

Grabbed the food and came home to eat. After I was watching TV again and fell asleep again. I've been so exhausted and tired. After some time my wife came out and we watched Cold Case Files and hit up Target real quick to grab some medication for the boys.
(Afternoon: pulled pork dinner, coke, water)

Returned home and put things away. Had some fruit. The boys showered and soon I will shower and may have some cake. Boys went to bed, Gabriel is sick again. Did the boys laundry and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, fruit)

1st Communion

Woke up early and went to set up outside with the canopy, tables and chairs. Got the boys ready and showered. Got ready to go and we were off to church. We got there and dropped Javi off at the class and I walked over to meet the family in church.  The service was very good. Javi did a great job and received his 1st communion. After we came home to finish set up.
(Morning: coffee water)

Picked up the food and came home. Set up here and let everyone know we were ready. We had a very good time with family and friends. Hanging out, eating, drinking and telling stories. 
(Afternoon: Tacos, beer, water, chips, beans)

Just a few people stayed behind and we were catching up by the fire pit. After they left we cleaned up and washed up. I showered and now hanging out here before  bed.
(Nighttime: horchata, water, nachos, cake)

Friday, May 13, 2022

Friday the 13th


Woke up and went to get dressed. Not feeling work today, but here we are. Went to get the items for the boys ready and got them ready for school. We went over to drop them off and came home to make coffee and check in to work. Started the training and it was ok, only a few people were in there. I had a few questions come my way but nothing more. We went for a walk and we also passed by the post office to drop something off before going to get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Picked up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and tried to build the canopy that my wife ordered. It was not a complete set, so we have to go and return it. Started the next training and only 2 people were in the training. On a break we went over to pick up Javi who was having a bad day and trying to take it out on us. Now just checking in with the group. Ended the meeting but was asked by a manager to review a case. It was complicated so I will have to check on Monday. 

(Afternoon: Bean Soup, water, lemon lime, chocolate, white rice)


We went to pick up the cake for tomorrow. Came home and went to Target. Picked up more things and I had to run out to Walmart to get a helium tank for the decorations. Showered and cleaned up, now going to bed.

(Nighttime: taquitos, water, beer, Texas toast)

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Game day


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got things ready for the boys and we took them over to school. Came back home and made coffee and checked in to work. Started the training and now waiting for questions. So far I have had a few and we requested a review of a desk guide. Looks like there were a few positive COVID tests from Javi's team. So now we are going to get tested. Just got an update that another kid, who wasn't at practice has tested positive as well. His Dad was there so there is even more concern with that now. On a positive note, I found the Broken Skull American Lager. So hopefully if I am not positive for COVID I will be trying that soon. Took the test and I was negative. 

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


We went over to Teaspoon and grabbed some drinks. I ordered the Thai Iced tea and it was on the house as a birthday treat. After we picked up Gabriel and came home. Just finished having lunch, some left over Arroz A La Valenciana. Now going to check back in with work and getting ready for a training and or a meeting. Attended both the training and meeting. On a quick break I went over to pick up Javi and now we are home. About to go in to another meeting. After we were done I logged off and we went kcer to the game.

(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, Thai Iced Tea, water)


I started setting up the field and some of the parents helped me out. That was really cool of them. The game was very close and tense, Javi started RF and after went to play catcher. He did well, struck out in his first AB but he had some good swings. His second AB he got a single and took 2nd base on the throw. Stole 3rd and scored. They ended up winning 6-3. He got another game ball. After we came home, finally had dinner and took a shower. Now relaxing before bed.

(Nighttime: Popeye's chicken, biscuits, Cole slaw, water, beer)

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

1sr Reconciliation

Woke up and got ready. Called out today, wasn't feeling it. We went to drop off the boys and passed by Cardenas and the dollar tree and came home. We also passed by getting some Starbucks. Took a quick nap before heading over to church to support Javi with his 1st Reconciliation. It was a nice time. After we signed him out and went to go get Gabriel. 
(Morning: concha, water, Caramel Macchiato)

Picked up Gabriel and had lunch at the Olive Garden.  After we came back home and rested. I fell asleep again and when it was time we got ready to go to the batting cages for Javi's practice. 
(Afternoon: salad, soup, fettucine Alfredo,  bread, Dr. Pepper)

Practice was good. I gave ine if the kids a ride home as well. We got here and went to McDonald's to grab dinner and came home. Ate, I showered and now watching TV before bed. Back to work tomorrow.  
(Nighttime: Chicken nuggets, McDouble, beer, water)

More training


Woke up and went over to get dressed. Got the items ready for the boys and got them dressed. We took them over to school and dropped them off. Came back home to make coffee and logged in to another training room and well, it is pretty much a waste of time. But here we are. Anyway, right now just waiting for some questions before I go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water, Cookies, candy)


I went to Target to grab the boys what I think will be enough snacks for the rest of the school year, went to get Gabriel and took out some money at the bank. On the way home I had to stop by again to Target to get some hot dogs for the lunch my wife is going to make. Got home and put things away, built the Bowser ship for Gabriel. I will help Javi with his later today when he gets home. About to go in to training.

(Afternoon: Dr. Pepper, peanut butter cups, water, arroz a la Valenciana)


Practiced outside with Javi and Gabriel. Had them shower and we watched some TV before bed.

(Nighttime : lasagna,  beer, water)

Monday, May 9, 2022

We'll Do It Live

Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the boys items ready for school,  had them get ready and we took them over to school. Came back home and made coffee and went to check in to work. We have a training that we weren't given time to prepare for, so we do it live. It was a good training,  spent half the day doing that after went to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Picked him up and went to San Leandro o try a new sandwich place. Came back home, ate and checked in to work again. We are waiting for instructions for the rest of the week. On my break I went to pick up Javi and came home to finish out my work day. After work we went to practice with the catcher gear on. It was a good practice. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich, soda, water)

After practicing we came in and I took out the trash. Started watching the Giants game and had dinner. Showered and sent the boys to bed. 
(Nighttime: beer, water, lasagna, Texas toast)

Sunday, May 8, 2022

mother's day

Woke up and made the boys breakfast. Cleaned up a bit, made coffee and went to shower. Got ready and started laundry. We took off to church and attended mass. After we returned home.
(Morning: coffee, water)

We drove over to Hillsdale mall to grab a few things and after we had Mother's day lunch at Kincaid's. Service was a bit slow, food was not their best today. But it was a good meal. After we came home.
(Afternoon: artichoke dip, prime rib, creme Brule, coke, water)

Finished laundry and watched WrestleMania Backlash, played with Gabriel and changed him. Went to shower, made them dinner and I had some cake. Wached something on HBOMAX before going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, cake)

Saturday, May 7, 2022


Woke up and went out to get things ready for our Mother's Day event here. They wished me a Happy Birthday and I went to shower. We had breakfast as Denny's before coming home to rest before Gabriel's game. 
(Morning: coffee, water, grand slam breakfast)

Got Gabriel ready and we headed to the game. It was a fun time. Gabriel did well and was paying attention. After the game we came home to change. I ran out to get ice and pick up the pizzas. Returned home and everyone started to arrive. We all had a good time. I did not want to celebrate my birthday today as it was a mother's day celebration. But my wife surprised me with some cupcakes and they sang me happy Birthday. After everyone left I cleaned up outside and came in to clean up inside. 
(Afternoon: lasagna, Cesar salad, bread sticks, beer, water, cupcakes, cake)

Chilled and talked to my mom. Boys went to bed. I watched some TV for a bit. Now off to sleep. Another busy day tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: bread sticks, beer, water)

Friday, May 6, 2022

Dr. Strange day

Woke up and went to get ready for work. Got the boys items ready for school and took them solo. Came home to make coffee and start training. It went ok in the morning, almost 2 and a half hours. After we went real quick to order the food for Javi's communion. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Went to Target to get salad amd garlic bread. Picked up Gabriel. Dropped of lunch to Javi and came home to start the PM training. It was good as well. We found out late we are doing an all day training on Monday, even got the documents late as well. Our supervisor is a joke. Anyway, Javi's new glove came in and we went out back to play catch. He loves it. After work we went to the kive to watch Dr. Strange and the multiverse of madness. I enjoyed it. After we came home.
(Afternoon: Chicken nuggets,  iced tea, water, popcorn,  coke)

Got home and changed Gabriel. Showered and had dinner. Watched TV and now going to bed. Long day tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, beer, pot stickers)

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Game day


Woke up and got ready. Working from home today as part of a deal to train all day. Got the boys ready and headed out to take them to school. Returned home to make coffee and to start the training. It went ok, there was a bit of an issue with one of the training region cases, but I think we adjusted well. After I went to do meal prep for my wife and I started getting the yard ready for Saturday. 

(Moring: Coffee, water, pastry)


I went over to get Gabriel solo, came back home and had lunch. Started the 2nd training of the day and it went ok for what it was. Again, training region decided to mess with us. But we dealt with it as best we could. Right now trying to mow the grass in the back yard. Gabriel has a game today.

(Afternoon: Monster, water, carne molida, white rice)


Got to the park and helped warm up the boys. Javi went over to the snack bar to get some fries. My wife had to do a shift there today. The game was good, Gabriel had fun and hit well. After we got some snacks and hung out before coming home. When we got home the boys cleaned up and ate. I showered and made some mini pizzas for my wife and me. Now watching some shows before bed. 

(Nighttime: water. Gatorade, beer, nachos, pizza)

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Hump day

Woke up and went to get dressed. Today is my normal office day but I worked out a deal to work from home in exchange for training all day. Got the boys ready and took them to school. The drop offs were good and we came home. Had some coffee and checked in to work. The training was ok, it's training region day. So everything that can go wrong will. After going to get the crazy one.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Drove over to get Gabriel and picked up lunch. Came home to eat and checked back in to work for the PM training. It was good, more relaxed. Now waiting in time to go to practice. Got ready and we headed out to practice. It's hot today so we didn't do a lot so the kids didn't over heat. But it was a good work out for them.
(Afternoon: Panda Express,  water)

After practice we came home and dropped off the car. Went to Clancey's for ice cream and milkshakes. Drove back home and showered. Cleaned up a bit and talked to my mom. The boys went to bed and now we are watching TV. Soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: pastry, milkshake,  beer, water)

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Game day

Woke up and went to get ready for work. Got the boys items ready for lunch and got them dressed. We headed over to drop them off and on the way home we grabbed some Starbucks. Got home and started the training and it went ok. Some people are still acting like you know what's. But it is what it is. Ended training and started to work on cases for training region for tomorrow. 
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, water)

We picked up Gabriel and came back home. Had some lunch and continued making training cases. On my break I picked up Javi and now I am waiting for time time get ready to go to Javi's game. His school performance was canceled, so we will go play. Finished up work and headed over to the park.
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, zoa,water)

The game was good until the umpire, who was also the coach of the other team made 2 bad calls against us for his team. This caused one of our coaches to complain and it got out of hand. There was yelling and a few of the kids were crying. I had to refocus them and they responded and they won. Javi started at catcher, rested 2 innings and finished the game off. After the game we came home,  the boys had food, Javi showered, I washed dishes and showered after. Now just relaxing before bed.
(Nighttime: water beer, pastry)

Monday, May 2, 2022

Busy week


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the boys items ready for school, gave them breakfast and had them get ready. Took them over to school and came back home. Started to log in to work and do some other items I needed to do. Had some coffee and started training. Today we were a bit late since I was having issues logging in with MS Teams. The app wouldn't start. I had restart my computer and try some other tricks to log in. We did ok today, it was short with material. We are in the end game of the training. We need training cases and our supervisor to make them. We are running out of time.

(Morning: Pastry, water, coffee)


I found a good deal on this Bowser Ship I wanted to get the boys. It was 50% off so I got 2, since it was basically buy 1 get one free. Anyway, I went to pick up Gabriel and came home. Put things away, had lunch and I started training. It went good, but some people are just negative and they need to look for other work opportunities. It's a shame how they are. After I had Javi hit a bit and played catch. He tried my 1st basemen glove. After we went to Costco to get the things and came back home.

(Afternoon: Water, Crab Sandwich, ZOA)


After putting away the items, I took out the trash and recycling. Had dinner, washed dishes and put some leftovers away. The boys went to bed and we watched TV. Now off to bed.

(Nighttime: left over Chinese food, beer, water)

Sunday, May 1, 2022


Woke up and went to shower and get dressed. Made breakfast for us and relaxed. Got the boys ready to go to church and we were off. We attended church and we had a meeting after for Javi's first communion. 
(Morning: coffee, water, bacon, eggs, toast)

After we were done listening to the coordinator and making Javi's banner we went to the dollar tree to get some items for teacher appreciation week. Went to eat Chinese food and to drop off an item at Khol's for return for Amazon. Came home and rested. We played outside for a bit, some baseball and football. Going to take a nap.
(Afternoon: Chinese food, water)

Wokebup and went over tonget Gabriel a snack, started naming food for Javi and made some chicharron. Javi showered,  I bathed Gabriel. Had dinner and cleaned up. Showered and now resting up. Training all day tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: chicharron, tortilla, beet, water)