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Monday, June 10, 2019

5 more working days

Got up, got dressed, made coffee and headed to work. It's warm still. We have a training today, hopefully the last one for SSI. Tired of this topic. Anyway, debating if I should ask for Friday off. We'll see. Waiting for time to walk to work. It's still very warm. On the way to work it was getting hotter. I got in and around 8:10 we started setting up for the training. It went well, about 5 people in the training and we ended at 11:45. After checked in with my supervisor and went to have lunch.

Ate my sandwich and watched some netflix. It's very suffocating up here on the 3rd floor. Got to go get some more water. Running out the clock and going to get the kids after. The clock expired on me early. They sent us home because the 3rd floor was really hot.  I drove to Target to get a mini grill so I won't have to bring out the big one and I got gas and now I am at my sister's house getting the boys.
We took off to go home to get ready for swim class.

Swim class was fun. Javi did well and Gabriel had a blast. The water was cold which was welcomed as it was still hot outside. After the swim we went to check out the park where we are practicing tomorrow for Javi's Junior Giants team.  We came home, had dinner and I bathed Gabriel.  Gave him a bottle and put him to sleep. Started laundry again and watching RAW. Going to bed soon.

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