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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Last day of June

Got up. Had a nacatamale and coffee. Hung out for a bit and eventually tool a shower.

We took the kids to the park and after we went to get some meat at Safeway to grill. I built the mini grill and now waiting for the last of the meat to cook.

Finished cooking and ate. Played some ps4 with Javi and my wife for a bit. Bathed the boys and now putting Gabriel to sleep.
Took some time but he went to sleep. Came out and watched some TV before bed. 3 day work week ahead of me.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Weekend vibes

Got up, made breakfast. I made breakfast sandwiches and cleaned up. Took a nap and waited to get ready for later.

We went to see 2 condos in the area and came back home again to rest. We watched Cinderella and went out for dinner.

Hit up Target for a few things and now we are home. Putting Gabriel to bed and when I am done I will go out to wash bottles and have a few cervezas before bed.

Friday, June 28, 2019


Got up, made Gabriel a bottle and put clothes to dry. Got ready, made a bottle and headed out. The drive was smooth and I found good parking. Lots to do today. I finish out the day at 1440.
The morning went well, did some work, turned in my time sheet and time study.

Walked over to 1440. Had lunch and went to Costco. They didn't have the cups for Javi, but I had to get him different ones. Now relaxing before working again and running out the clock.
Went to go grab some coffee and headed home. Stopped by my sister's to get my nacatamale and came home.

We went to serramonte to check a few things out. I got us some shirts for 4th of July and we did some shopping at Target. Came back home and have been hanging out, watching TV and about to go the bed.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

2 more days until the weekend

Got up, my stomach is still acting up. Used the bathroom and got ready. Made my coffee and headed to work. The drive was good. Found parking and now waiting to walk to work.
Got in to work, checked in and been working on a few things. Submitted my scenarios for review, waiting on some other items from my supervisor to go over and create some more examples.

Had lunch and chilled for a bit. Still waiting on the scenarios to come in for the non-magi part. We had out unit meeting and it was a drag again. Have to do special training for someone who clearly just wants the training to not do work. After I walked to the car and drove home.
Got home, put the trash bins away and we went over to my sister's house to get the kids. After we went to Costco to get some items we needed.

Got back home, had dinner. Put Gabriel to sleep and now about to take a shower. After finished washing clothes and watched some TV, now going to bed.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

A decade in the making

Got up, my stomach was hurting real bad. I used the bathroom and got ready. Made a bottle  for Gabriel, grabbed my coffee and headed to work. Traffic was smooth and I got good parking. Today is our 10 year wedding anniversary. We are going to dinner later tonight.
The morning has been good so far. We have a forum meeting later. After that going to lunch and might get a coffe or tea.

Had lunch and chilled. Went back to my desk, took a quick nap and tool off to Walgreens to get some items and hung out until I left. I went to get the kids at my sister's house and came home.
When I got here we got ready to go to our dinner at Kincaid's

Dinner was great, my prime rib was delicious. Put Gabriel to bed, showered, brushed Javi's teeth and sent him to bed. Washed dishes and now watching some tv before bed.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Got up, my stomach is acting up. Got ready, put clothes to dry and made coffee. The drive to work was good. Got parking, now resting until I go in. Junior Giants practice later today.
Today also marks the 10 year anniversary of the passing of Michael Jackson. I remember getting off of work from Starbucks and going over to Sam's barbershop to get a shave, when Arnel called me and told me. I was in shock. MJ's music is a big part of the soundtrack of my life. Can't believe it's been 10 years.
Got in to work and started on some assignments and chatted with a few folks.

Headed over to pick up my sandwich and went to 1440. Went with Amilcar while he had lunch. Talked about a few things and went back to work. After I walked to the car so I could get home to take Javi to Junior Giants practice.
The practice went well, we have a coach now. I helped set up the drills and passed some things out. Now we are on our way home.

Got home, folded laundry and put it away. My wife ordered food from Chevy's and grub hub delivered the wrong items. She went to go return it. I stayed with the boys, washing dishes and sanitizing bottles. Now trying to out Gabriel to bed.
He went to sleep, I came out and washed some more dishes and went to shower. I loaded the Cars 3 game on the PS4. It was fun, now watching TV and going to bed soon.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Back to work

Got up way too early. Needed to use the bathroom. Got ready, put my things away and headed out of the house to go to work. The drive was smooth, no traffic. Found good parking, now waiting for time to start walking to work.
Started to walk to work and made it in good time.
The morning went well, got up to speed on things.

Had lunch and watched Netflix. When it was time I walked to the car and it wouldn't start. After some time it did, I hope it continues to work as it should.
Drove home and changed and went to get the kids for swim class.

Swim class was good, had dinner and watched TV for the rest of the night and now going to bed.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Stomping ground

Got up, washed dishes and started laundry. My sister came to pick up Gabriel to take him to the fair. We got ready to go watch Toy Story 4.

The movie was good, I really enjoyed it. After we went to finish laundry and came home to rest and clean up. WWE stomping grounds is tonight.

Cleaned and hung out with the kids. The PPV was good. Better than most recent ones. The main event was too long but the event itself was good. However people like to be on the hate WWE bandwagon so they are never happy. Now watching TV and after will go to bed, tomorrow back to work.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Back home

Woke up, started to put things away. Also started to place items in a bag for donation. Checked the kids clothes to see what still fit so we could donate and if we needed to buy anything more.

After we got ready we headed out to serramonte to visit Arnel, Brian and Amy at the booths were they were selling some items. We had a good chat, after we had lunch before going back. My sister and niece stopped by and after we hit up Target for groceries and headed back home.

We watched the new Adam Sandler movie Murder Mystery and got some Popeye's chicken for dinner. Put Gabriel to sleep and now watching some TV before bed. Gabriel goes to the fair tomorrow and we go with Javi to watch Toy Story 4.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Going home

Got up and now laying here. About to start packing to go home. Started packing and ordered room service.

Headed down to check out and have a last drink. We are waiting for the shuttle to take us to the airport. We got in the shuttle and head to the airport. We had some coffee and some food before we boarded our flight. Really expensive.

The flight started ok, but Gabriel started getting restless and cranky. He finally fell asleep, we are about 40 minutes away from getting to SFO. So close to being home. My wife bought some snack packs here on the plane, I didn't eat. I am getting hungry though. I can't wait to get home to eat something and shower.
Got home, showered and watched wrestling.  About to go to bed.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Last full day

Got up early and went to the bathroom. Started packing the dirty clothes into a bag so we don't mix it up with the clean clothes. Made reservations to the Mexican place tonight and ordered room service. We are taking today easy.

Went down to the pool and hung out for the day. We came up around 4 and got ready and I just chilled. We had dinner reservations at 6:10. The food was ok, it was passable. After we came up to the room to wait for the lip sync show to begin.

The show was fun. Gabriel fell asleep and when the show was done we came up to the room and now are about to go to bed. We have to be up early tomorrow to pack and get ready to get out of here.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Hump day

Got up, about to get ready to go. Went down for breakfast,  had another omelette and some coffee. Headed to the indoor pool. We did that for a bit and the kids area. Now we are just hanging out while Gabriel naps. Later we swim with dolphins.

Still lounging at the pool. Came back to the room to change and head out to swim with the dolphins.  We had lots of fun, Javi and Gabriel had a blast. Now we are on our way back to the hotel.

We had dinner and Gabriel fell asleep so I came back with him to the room. My wife and Javi came about 15 minutes after. Watching US and going to bed.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Up early

Gotnuo, chilled for a bit. Started changing the boys. Put sunscreen on everyone and went to have breakfast. We had a good meal and then took off to the lobby pool for fun in the water and in the shade. My wife and sister in law went to the spa. Just hanging out now.

Grabbed Javi and me some food. My mother in law put Gabriel to sleep and now I have him while they go eat. My wife finally came back from the spa and we came back to the room.

We went down to the beach finally and played in the sand and water. After we were done we went to an Italian themed restaurant and had dinner. Came back up and went to bed.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Beautiful view

Got up, got dressed, went to have breakfast and now chilling poolside. Went for a swim, had some drinks. Grabbed Javi some food while Gabriel napped.

Went back to the room, hung out and they set up a dinner for later. When it was time we left and got to the restaurant and had a decent meal. We came back on the bus which was an adventure itself.

We watched most of the show they had celebrating Mexican heritage. Gabriel really liked it, but he fell asleep so we brought him up and now we are going to bed.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Father's Day

Got up, got ready to go get breakfast and hit the pool. Gabriel was acting like an @$$ so I had to take him to the bathroom to talk some sense into him. After we finished we hit the pool and hung out until lunch time.

My mother in law and sister in law finally got here, we got some drinks. Came back up to change for dinner.

Dinner was good at Wayne's Boot. After we played miniature golf and came up to the room. About to go to bed.

Saturday, June 15, 2019


That plane ride was crazy. Gabriel was acting like a butt. But overall it was good. We got to Cancun and got the shuttle and off to the hotel. We are in the room waiting for our bags.
Bags came in and I put things away. My wife did not agree with having things organized so her things are all over the room. We went to eat breakfast and headed to the pool.

After pool time we came back to the room and rested. We went back out to grab some food and went to the beach. Gabriel didn't like the sand. Javi loved it. It started to rain so we came back to the room. We are supposed to go eat, but my wife is sleeping.  So I don't know anymore.

We went out to eat and I had a good meal. Everyone else not so much. Gabriel was being a little butt, my wife was not happy with the selection and Javi is, well Javi. I had some tacos and other items. A few more beers. Now in the room. Calling it a night early today. Father's Day is tomorrow.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Travel day

Slept in with the boys. Folded some clothes while waiting for Gabriel to wake up. Took them to Denny's for breakfast and we hit up Target to get Javi some pjs.

Cleaned up the kitchen, finished packing and put Gabriel down for a nap. It was delicious.
After my wife was done with work we went to Target again and now we are finishing up getting ready to go.

Got to the airport and checked in. Made it past security and are now waiting to board the plane. It was delayed a bit. We have been taking turns with chasing down Gabriel.
Got on the plane and here we go

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Last working day

Got up, Gabriel had a strange night, he even fell out of bed. I told him not to be that close to the edge. Anyway, got ready and headed out. Last day of work this week. Tomorrow it's finally travel day. Can't wait.
Today is much cooler than the last few. Checked out the power point Humberto did and suggested some things. Reviewed some materials but not really in to working today.

Had lunch, debating if I should go out and get coffee. Well, I did it, went out to get coffee before our unit meeting. After the meeting we were sent to 1440 again. Finished out my day and drove home.
Got home, got ready and went to the dollar tree before meeting my family at Chili's for Lil Will's graduation dinner.
We had a good meal and came home.

More packing. Helped my wife pack her bag. One more bag to go and we'll get to that tomorrow.  I already started my backpack for the trip.
The Warriors ended up coming short and the Raptors won the series. The Warriors left it all on the court, injuries and all, great effort and a big congratulations to the Raptors. I still say that game 3 was the most crucial game, they should have never sat Klay that game.
Shaved and showered, finishing laundry and will go to bed soon.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

3.. no 2 more working days

I was able to get Friday off, so only today and tomorrow are working days for me until we leave for vacation. The meeting was canceled today so we will be working on the next training assignments. The drive was good, it was a double star day at Starbucks so I treated myself. Now waiting in the car for time to go.
The walk was good, much cooler than yesterday. When I got to the building it was still super warm. They sent us to 1440 again.

Hit up Costco and got lunch. After hung out and reviewed some items. After work I headed home. My mom dropped off Gabriel and we went to go get Javi. After we picked him up we went to Target and did some shopping. Came home after.

Had a burrito for dinner and gave Gabriel a bath. Now trying to put him to bed. Done, now going to take a shower. Washed bottles and sanitized them. Javi went to bed, finished packing the big bag, now I just need the small one and we are ready. Gabriel is up, going to bed.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

4 more working days

Woke up super late. Found parking in a 4th area. Not a good start to today. Went over to work and got on the tasks I had to do. They sent us to 1440 because the building was hot.

Went to 1440, had lunch with Amilcar and later we had a meeting. After I went home to get things ready to go to Javi's practice. He had a good one. After we went to Tanforan to get them some food.

Got back home, finished laundry. Started packing and put Gabriel to bed. Showered and folded clothes and now watching TV  before going to bed.

Monday, June 10, 2019

5 more working days

Got up, got dressed, made coffee and headed to work. It's warm still. We have a training today, hopefully the last one for SSI. Tired of this topic. Anyway, debating if I should ask for Friday off. We'll see. Waiting for time to walk to work. It's still very warm. On the way to work it was getting hotter. I got in and around 8:10 we started setting up for the training. It went well, about 5 people in the training and we ended at 11:45. After checked in with my supervisor and went to have lunch.

Ate my sandwich and watched some netflix. It's very suffocating up here on the 3rd floor. Got to go get some more water. Running out the clock and going to get the kids after. The clock expired on me early. They sent us home because the 3rd floor was really hot.  I drove to Target to get a mini grill so I won't have to bring out the big one and I got gas and now I am at my sister's house getting the boys.
We took off to go home to get ready for swim class.

Swim class was fun. Javi did well and Gabriel had a blast. The water was cold which was welcomed as it was still hot outside. After the swim we went to check out the park where we are practicing tomorrow for Javi's Junior Giants team.  We came home, had dinner and I bathed Gabriel.  Gave him a bottle and put him to sleep. Started laundry again and watching RAW. Going to bed soon.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Bloody Sunday

It's hot as the devils taint up in here. So damn hot. We took the boys outside to play in the front yard. Got them ready and rested before our Sunday outing.

We went to our cousins house to celebrate my aunt Myriams birthday. We had fin, the kids played, I ket some new people, after we went to Target and got some last items for the trip and some groceries for the upcoming week. 5 more days until we go to Cancun.

Still hot as balls over here, played with the kids outside. Right now trying to put Gabriel to bed and cool off the room. My wife and Javi went to get donuts.
Finally put little man to sleep, cams out, brushed Javi's teeth and I tool a shower. No packing done, but I know what I need to take. Making my lunch for tomorrow. Going to see if I ask for Friday off and get this vacation started early.

Saturday, June 8, 2019


Woke up, was hanging out with the kids. Swept the kitchen and made breakfast for the boys. We went outside for a bit to play catch and try out the new tee ball set. I went to shower and get ready as we are going to get Javi's hair cut.

It's hot, it's really hot. I am waiting in the car with Gabriel since he fell asleep. My wife is with Javi waiting to get his hair cut.
Gabriel woke up, I took him in. After the hair cut we went to eat and got ice cream after. We drove home to rest for a bit before taking the kids to my sister for a party.
We went to Marshall's and to Macy's, had dinner and came home.

We were watching TV while waiting for the kids. They got home, I put Gabriel to bed and hung out with Javi before he went to bed. Watching TV and about to go to sleep

Friday, June 7, 2019

6 more working days

Got up, got ready, put clothes to dry, made Gabriel a bottle, made my coffee and headed out to work. Thendrice was good, I found good parking. Today we have to set up the training materials for Monday. Also, there is Wrestling today. Busy day overall.
The morning went well, we were able to get the things ready for Monday's training. I started watching the Super Show Down event.
Today marks the anniversary of my other Dad's passing. Dave passed away 5 years ago.

Had left over pizza  and a coke. Finished watching the wrestling event. I was helping a few people, then the fire alarm went off. We got back in 30 minutes later. I came home,  my wife left, I took the kids to serramonte to get a gift for my Aunt.

Gabriel was acting like a real a hole. He made a huge scene. Wi got Javi his food, he ate, we went to the Disney store, got the gift. Bought some chips and dip for Sundat. Javi wanted to buy himself a toy with his tooth fairy money. He did. We came home after. Now trying to put Gabriel to sleep.
Put him down, showered and watched Card with Javi for a bit. Put him to bed, watched a movie while waiting for my wife to show up from her dinner with old colleagues. 
The Warriors lost, they are down 3-1. They should win the next 3 in dramatic fashion.  Going to bed after this movie ends.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

7 more working days

Got up, my back is really hurting right now. I need an adjustment. I got dressed,  made coffee and headed to work. The drive was ok, found parking in my usual parking area. Now waiting to start walking. We have a training today 9-11 & a unit meeting.
Training was good, we got out in an hour and a half. We now have to work on the one for Monday.

Had lunch, I was updating my new computer and was notified that our unit meeting will he taking place at 1440. So I headed over and talked to a few people and had the meeting. Came home after.

Put clothes to wash, changed all the bed sheets and went to serramonte. We had dinner and shopped a bit. When we came home Javi and I were determined to get his tooth out. Proud to say Javi lost his first tooth tonight.
We watched some TV and I went to bed after.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

8 more working days

Got up, slept ok. I had to use the bathroom because my stomach hurt. I made a bottle for Gabriel and I got ready, made coffee and headed out. The drive was smooth. Got parking. I may have to do a training today, so we'll see.
The morning went well, we went to the forum meeting. It was ok, there was a fire alarm so we had to evacuate. 

Went out to get some lunch and a coffee. Came back and watched some Netflix while waiting to go home and helping some people. When it was time to go, I walked to the car and headed home to pick up my wife before getting the kids.

We celebrated Danny's birthday, and the kids graduation. We came back home, put Gabriel to bed. Showed Javi the shoe tying book I got him. Finished watching the last episode of Black Mirror and now hanging out and going to bed soon. Training tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

9 more working days

Got up, tired as always. The boys had a good night. I made a bottle for Gabriel and went to get ready. I put clothes to dry and made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was smooth, got parking and now waiting. I hope today goes by quick.
The morning went by quick. I can't seem to shake this sickness off. We are going to try and get Javi into a different time slot for swimming.

Had lunch, chilled and was watching When They See Us on Netflix. I walked over to 1440, talked to a few people, attended what may be my last pre forum meeting for some time. It was a bit awkward. Anyway after I headed to my sister's to get the kids and now I am home. I have to go to the meeting later.

The meeting was good. When I came home I signed up to be a volunteer. Let's see how that goes. I asked if they could make the practices on Tuesdays, hopefully they can accommodate.  I put Gabriel to bed, showered and watched tv. Now it's bed time.

Monday, June 3, 2019

10 more work days

Got up, went to use the bathroom. My stomach is still acting up. I got ready, made my coffee and headed out to work. Traffic was ok, got parking but barely made it. Some people are inconsiderate and need to park better. Today marks 10 working days until we go on vacation to Cancun. Hopefully today goes by pretty fast.
The morning went ok, it felt slow. I still don't feel well.

Had lunch, watched Netflix and helped a few people out with cases. It seems that they did not really pay attention to the training and are asking the questions now. After I came home to get my wife and we headed out to get the kids. It's my brother in laws birthday today. We got there and Gabriel was asleep. They were going to go to the Outback Steakhouse, but the way Gabriel was acting we passed and sent Javi as he wanted to go.

Got home, tried out my new headphones, they are really good. Had dinner, washed clothes and put Gabriel to bed. After I showered and we watched some tv. Going to finish the part of RAW I missed and go to bed.

Sunday, June 2, 2019


Got up, I fell asleep on the couch, still not feeling well. I cleaned the bathroom and started on the kitchen. When we were done we got ready to go get the kids to go swimming.
We got to my sister's and waited a bit before swimming.

We went swimming and had fun
Came back home, stopped off to get some in and out burgers. Now just resting, still not feeling well.

Washed bottles, got things ready for the boys tomorrow. Javi starts at the Boys and Girls club and Gabriel to day care. I hope they both have a good time and that Javi makes new friends who are cool. Put Gabriel to bed, showered and now watching tv. About to go to bed.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

June swoon

I've been sick as a dog. Only have been drinking liquids, nothing really solid. We went outside to play with the kids with water balloons.

Got the kids ready, my sister came by to pick them up and they will be staying over. Watching nXt Takeover.
We took off to serramonte and I got some shoes and we did some shopping at Target.

We went to Chevy's to have some appetizers and a drink. Came home and watched Netflix and about to go to bed.