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Monday, January 3, 2022

Return to work

The crazy child I have Woke up at around 5:40 and didn't stop crying like a crazy person until 6:40. I got up and got dressed. Gave him breakfast and changed him. Now off for the drop off. Went to drop him off and returned home. Made coffee and found out I had a meeting at 9 so I couldn't go with my wife and Javi to get him tested. I had my meeting, the test went well and after I took a break and took a walk around the block with Javi. After I helped a few people out and chopped up some items for lunch. Going soon to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

I went to go get Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and we took a walk. Jumped into a meeting regarding training and settled a few things. Played a quick game of Mario Party and started reviewing more of the materials. About to log off and call it a day. I hooked up the new karaoke machine and played it for a bit. Put away 3 of the 4 inflatables outside. The snowman is still wet. Put the lights in the garage and cleaned up a bit.
(Afternoon: Carne molida, white rice, Root Beer, water)

Showered and rested up. My back is stiff. Made some cheese and salami sliders. Had some Cesar salad with some water and now waiting for the boys to go to bed. They went to bed,  now going to sleep. 
(Nighttime: water, cheese and salami sliders, Cesar salad)

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