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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

lockdown day 471


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Waited a bit to see if Gabriel was going to go to preschool today, my wife told me that he would not be going and because he was still having a runny nose. I set up for the training that I have to do. Made coffee and began the first training with Leah. The training went well, it went almost the full allotted time. The second training I did with Monika and I did the opposite part, it was fun and engaging with the crowd. Now off to get some food for lunch.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Had some spaghetti with meatballs for lunch, a kiwi strawberry Snapple and now checking back in to work. I have 2 more trainings to conduct today. If they are like the other ones, I will be logging off around 5 and getting Javi ready for swim class. Not sure if Gabriel will be going as he is still a bit sick. Finished up both trainings, they were good, there was not too much participation so it dragged a bit. But we are done for the week. Now getting Javi ready to go swim. Thr drive here was quick,  he is in the pool now. I got the baseball display cases in and had the boys sign two baseballs and gave one to my wife and kept one for myself. 

(Afternoon: Snapple, water, Spaghetti with meatballs)


After we got back I picked up my wife and we headed out to get some Taco Bell. Came home and had dinner, watched Loki and now resting up, close to bed time

(Nighttime: taco bell, water, beer)

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