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Monday, June 21, 2021

lockdown day 462


Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel's things ready for preschool and got him ready. We went to drop him off at school and came home. I made coffee and logged in. Now just waiting for questions and reviewing items for training. I had Javi do some exercise and had him do some school work and now getting ready to go out to get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


Went with my wife to get Gabriel, it was a quick trip, came home and had lunch and rested up a bit before logging back in to work for a meeting. Attended the meeting and updated the power point. Watered the grass and vacuumed the office. Running out the clock and going to get the boys ready for swim class. Took the boys to swim class and they did well. Came home and both boys bathed.

(Afternoon: Fajitas tacos, white rice, water)


They had dinner, I tool out the trash and swept up the front yard. Ate some ravioli and went to shower. Changed the boys and put clothes to wash. After a bit I sent the boys to bed. Watched a documentary on Chyna, 2 episodes of Parks and Recreation and finally finished RAW while folding clothes. Now off to bed.

(Nighttime: granola bar, water, gatorade,  ravioli, candy)

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