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Friday, June 11, 2021

lockdown day 451


Woke up and went to get dressed. I really didn't want to work today, but here I go. Got Gabriel's lunch ready and got him dressed. We took him to preschool and passed by Starbucks to get some coffee. Came home and I logged in to work, reviewing emails and finishing a task I was given. Helped someone with their phone set up and now about to go on a break.

(Morning: Water, Iced Caramel Macchiato, Chocolate)


I went to Target to get the cupcakes for tomorrow for Gabriel's class. Picked him up and came back home. Had lunch, might have over eaten since I really didn't have dinner last night. Full and sleepy. Back in to work and now waiting for questions again. We took off for Gabriel's game and it was fun. After we went to have dinner. 

(Afternoon: Bratwurst, water)


Had dinner at Shell Shock and came back home. Showered and watched TV before falling asleep. Nothing much today, it was nice.

(Nighttime: Seafood, water)

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