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Friday, May 21, 2021

Lockdown day 431


Woke up a bit later and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel's bag ready and got him dressed. We went to drop him off and stopped by Starbucks grabbing some coffee for the morning. Came back home and checked in to work. Answered a few questions, on a break I went out to sweep outside. Very tired today. Ran over real quick to BevMo! to pick up some Broken Skulls IPA and came home. Now just waiting for time to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Iced Caramel Macchiato, water, chocolate)


Went to pick up Gabriel and talked to my Mom for a bit. On the way home I called Arnel to wish him a happy birthday. Got home and chilled for a bit. Waited for my wife to get home and we had lunch. We had some pupusas and I am checking back into work and going to a meeting. After work I logged off and hung out for a bit. Cleaned out the grill and got it ready for the burgers.

(Afternoon: Pupusas, Sprite, water)


Grilled some burgers and had dinner, after we went to the Dollar Tree to get a few gift bags and came home. Changed the boys, tool a shower and I had a donut, chips and pretzels along with some merlot. Very nice buzz going. Going to bed now

(Nighttime: wine, water, doritos, pretzels, Donut)

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