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Monday, May 17, 2021

lockdown day 427


Woke up and was seriously considering calling out today. But my wife did and we cannot both call out since one of us has to watch Javi in school. I got dressed and got Gabriel's bag ready to go for school. We dropped him off and came home. I made coffee and checked in to work. Started reading emails and helping some people. I checked in to a training meeting and now it is over. Waiting for questions.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Chocolate)


Ran out to Target to get a few things and to pick up Gabriel. Just getting back right now. I was talking to my Mom in the car and talking about my uncle who passed away earlier today. She wasn't feeling really good, but she was much better than what she was feeling earlier. Went to pick up food at Panda Express and now checking back in and answering more questions. Finished work and cleaned up a bit, took out the trash and watched some of the Giants game before heading out to pick up dinner. Practice was canceled today. 

(Afternoon: Apple Snapple, water, Panda Express)


Picked up the food, came back home and saw that they let the boys watch TV when I said that they couldn't. So I went to calm down in the room as I did not like that they went against what I told them. Came out to eat and to calm them down as they were being super loud. Took out the trash and had dinner. Going to shower soon. After the shower I watched wrestling and now playing Madden before bed.

(Nighttime: burrito,  chips, salsa, beer)

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