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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

lockdown day 428

Woke up and got dressed. We are getting closer to when The lockdown will officially end. Got Gabriel's bag and lunch ready. Opened up his pediasure and got him dressed after. We took him to school and came back home. I made coffee and checked in to work. Early questions today that I answered and now just waiting for more.
(Morning: coffee, water, candy)

Had a craving for Starbucks so I passed picking some up. Picked up Gabriel and came home to eat and I was able to water the back yard, mow the lawn and water it. Now hanging out with the few minutes I have left before starting work again. After we work I got Gabriel ready for practice. 
(Afternoon: Bisteak encebollado, water, doritos, caramel frappuccino)

We got to the field and they had a good practice. After we went to a pastry place in Hayward and came home. Had dinner and now bathing Gabriel and soon going to take a shower. Chilled after and watched some wrestling,  now off to bed.
(Nighttime: left over burrito,  beer, water, danish)

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