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Monday, May 3, 2021

lockdown day 413


Woke up and went to change. I got Gabriel's bag ready and got his pediasure for him. Got him dressed and my wife took him to preschool. I didn't go today since I had a meeting at 8 AM and time would not allow me to go. Checked into work and attended the meeting. It was good, I introduced myself. Right now I have a headache and it is not nice.

(Morning: Coffee, Chocolate, water)


I went to go get Gabriel at preschool and talked to my Mom for a bit. I have a really big headache. About to have some lunch. On a break I helped Javi with some soft toss and played catch. Put things away and continued working. Had a few snacks, now just making some food for the boys before Javi gets ready for practice.

(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup, water., fig newton, ZOA, chips, ice cream)


Practice was good. It was hoy as balls out there. It was so hot that I had them take a break in the shade. After practice we went tk 7-11 and got some slurpees and came home. Took a shower,  bathed Gabriel,  had dinner and sent Javi to shower.  Took out the trash and now watching RAW.

(Nighttime: chicken flautas, gallo pinto, beer, water)

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