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Monday, May 31, 2021

lockdown day 441

Woke up and came out to make coffee. Hung out for a bit and then we went out to fill up the pool for the boys. It is going to be hot today. Whe the boys played in the pool I went out in front to mow the lawn. After I jumped in the pool to cool off in the cold water. After we dried off and showered.
(Morning: coffee)

Had lunch and rested. Stayed home with the boys while my wife and her mom went shopping. Played Mario Maker with the boys and after we went to.the backyard again and chilled. Tool a walk and came back in. My wife ordered pizza.
(Afternoon: carne asada, tortilla, hot dog, gallo pinto, come, water)

Went to pick up a happy meal for Javi and the pizza for us. Got home and had dinner. Went outside again to water the grass. Came in and played a card game.and sent the boys to bed. Right now doing laundry and folding clothes while watching RAW. Gabriel threw up and he is in our bed after this, I'm going to sleep, work starts up again tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: pizza, wings, beer, water)

Sunday, May 30, 2021

lockdown day 440

Woke up and made breakfast for the boys. Had some coffee and ate with them. Went outside to hang out in the backyard. It's nice out today. I bought some Groupons to take the boys to Rockin' Jump and so we got ready to go.
(Morning: water, coffee, egg, cheese and bacon sandwich)

We drove to Fremont to go to the place. Got there and the boys jumped around for close to 80 minutes. Left and came home to.drop off the boys. Went to Chili's for lunch and now getting back. Tried to take a nap in the hammock, but could not. Played Go Fish and What Do You Meme? Now going out to set up the fire pit. 
(Afternoon: shrimp pasta, chips, guacamole , water, coke, cheescake)

Set up the pit and had a nice little fire. Played tag with the boys and played other games. Watered the grass and put out the fire pit. Going to clean it tomorrow. Came in and showed. Watched the Mick Foley biography and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, chocolate, Margarita)

Saturday, May 29, 2021

lockdown day 439

Woke up around 10. Showered, made coffee and chilled a bit. Made.some Chicharrón for lunch and started up the grill.
(Morning: water, coffee, Chicharrón, tortilla)

Our Aunt and Uncle came by with our nieces and we had lunch. After we went to the park and came back home. Now the kids are playing the switch. 
(Afternoon: carne asada, tortilla,  corn, lemonade, water)

After everyone left I chilled and watched dthe Giants game while talking to my mom. Showered and had dinner, played Uno and had some drinks. Watched Law and Order SVU and caught up with the show. Captain Benson is a horrible character. Anyway watched another show and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, Jack and coke, pizza, hit dog, tortilla)

lockdown day 438

Woke up, got dressed. Took Gabriel to school. Came back and made coffee and watched some shows. Cleaned the bed and laid down for a bit. Did a load of laundry and now waiting waiting go get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water, chocolate,  gummies)

Picked up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and now going to go outside to hang out while the boys play.  Watched a movie and napped, laid down for a bit while the boys played the switch. Pretty soon taking off to go get ice cream.
(Afternoon: shrimp fettuccine Alfredo,  coke, water)

Got a sundae at Baskin Robbins, went to the park. Came home and left the boys and went to Costco to grab some meat for tomorrow. I also got some pork belly to make Chicharrón another day. Got back home had dinner and showerd. Played charades with Javi and now watching Smackdown.
(Nighttime: Margaritas, water, chips, pizza)

Thursday, May 27, 2021

lockdown day 437

Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel ready and did some accounting before going to drop him off. After the drop off we picked up some Starbucks and came home. Day off again today and now hanging out on the hammock in the backyard. Setting up the grill for burgers later. It's nice out, going to have the boys play outside today so we can enjoy the weather. 
(Morning: Iced Caramel Macchiato,  water)

Went ti Target to get some items and after picked up Gabriel. Came home and started up the grill and made burgers. Had lunch and have been chilling in the hammock ever since. Javi finished his school work and the boys are playing with a golf set I got today. Took a nap and came inside to watch AFV.
(Afternoon: burgers, coke, water, ice cream)

Not doing much right now, just hanging out. Went out to pick up some sushi and came home. Had dinner and showered. The boys showered as well. They went to bed and we watched some tv. Watching the Friends Reunion now and going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: water, beer, sushi)

lockdown day 436

Woke up and got dressed. Had the boys get ready, had coffee and waited to go down to Daly City. 
(Morning: coffee)

Got to Javi's school and he finally met his teacher in person.  He returned his book and got a packet. We went to my sister's to visit my Mom. I took her out to Red Robin's for lunch and went back to the house. The boys and my Mom went to get Myrna and we drove home.
(Afternoon: monster burger, root beer, water, fries, chocolate pie)

Got home and waited for Gabriel's practice. Then we got the text that they canceled it. We went grocery shopping and came home. I played Madden had dinner and went to sleep.
(Nighttime: gallo pinto, eggs, tortilla,  water, beer)

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Lockdown day 435


Woke up and got dressed. Went to get Gabriel's bag ready and made him some nuggets. Got him dressed and we took him to preschool. Came back home, made some coffee and checked in to work. Answered some emails and talked to a few people and now just waiting for questions from the cohort. Waiting for time to go get Gabriel. Dude, I'm falling asleep over there. Really need time to hurry so I go get Gabriel and be able to stay awake. Game day tonight for both boys.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Chocolate)


Went to get Gabriel and picked him up. Came home and got the boys lunch that my Mother in Law cooked. Had lunch and checked back in to work and ran out the clock. Going to be off for the next 3 days. Logged off and we headed to the park for the game. We got there and started to warm up, did some hitting with the kids, while coach Andres did some grounder with them. Coach Rick practiced pop ups. We got the boys ready and it was game time.

(Afternoon: chicken fajitas, white rice, beans, coke, water)


The game started good, but got a bit out of hand. The kids played ok, they beat themselves a lot of the game. After the game was over I dragged the field and put away the chairs. One of the parents and the team mom were getting into it with a coach from the opposing team. We had a chat with one of the league representatives and told them our concerns. After I passed by picking up dinner, came home and ate. Showered,  watched NXT and now going to bed 

(Nighttime: beer, Hawaiian BBQ)

Monday, May 24, 2021

lockdown day 434


Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel's bag ready and got him ready. I was able to get a reservation at Be Our Guest for our Disney World trip. Took Gabriel to preschool and it was a quick drop off. Came back home and made coffee and checked in to work. Went to a meeting to help with set up of a phone and for the rest of the morning I was just answering emails and taking questions.

(Morning: Coffee, water, cupcake)


Went to get Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and cut the grass in the backyard. Right now I am running out the clock here and waiting for questions.  Checked some more documents that were requested of me and trying to work and entertain these boys as much as I can. Almost done for the day. We got ready and took off to practice. The Marlins were on our field and I asked them what was going on as it is our practice day. They were rude and a bit disrespectful so I walked away to let the team manager deal with it. Shortly after there was almost a fight. The Marlins coach came after our coach, there was some confusion and irritation and the kids went to practice with the 2 other teams that were at the park.

(Afternoon: Bean Soup, white rice, chips, gummies)


After practice we came home, had dinner, showered and now going to bed. Javi's game tomorrow is against the Marlins. 

(Nighttime: pancakes, peanut butter cups, beer, water)

lockdown day 433

Woke up and went to watch a little bit of SNL. Showered and made coffee, now finishing up the show. Chilled and waited for my wife to wake up and get ready and we were off to lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water)

We went to have some sea food at Shell Shock. After lunch we headed over to get the boys and went over to Arnel's sister house to do the 40th day rosary for his mom who passed away 40 days ago. After drove home, went to costco for gas and some other items and came home.
(Afternoon: water, iced caramel frappuccino, sea food)

Had some food from the get together. Put things away and went out back to play with the boys. Their uncle Danny gave them whiffel ball bats and he wanted to hit. When we were done, I played Uno with Javi and watched tv. Now going to bed
(Nighttime: duck, chicken, pork, beer, water)

Saturday, May 22, 2021

lockdown day 432

Woke up and went to shower. Got ready for the game and gave Javi his donut. Gabriel woke upnand came out, I gave him his donut as well. Right now waiting for them to finish So I can get them ready to go. It's going to be a very busy day for us. Took off and headed to the park. I set upnthe bases and did the chalk for the lines. The game didn't go in our favor, Javi went 0-2 with 2 strikeouts. However, he did have good swings. After the game we went home to change and we were off to the communion reception. 
(Morning: coffee, water, hamburger,  iced coffee)

Drove out to Antioch and a car almost hit us on the way up here. We got to the park and started saying hi to people. Had some pozole and now watching the boys while they play in the park. Stayed a bit longer and when we were ready go go we started the drive go my sister's. 
We got there and found parking in front, went in and had some flautas, hung out some more before leaving the boys for their sleep over.
(Afternoon: coke, water, pozole, chips, flautas)

Drove to Baskin Robbins and got ice cream and a shake. Drove home and relaxed. It was nice to decompress. Watched Army of the Dead and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: shake, water)

Friday, May 21, 2021

Lockdown day 431


Woke up a bit later and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel's bag ready and got him dressed. We went to drop him off and stopped by Starbucks grabbing some coffee for the morning. Came back home and checked in to work. Answered a few questions, on a break I went out to sweep outside. Very tired today. Ran over real quick to BevMo! to pick up some Broken Skulls IPA and came home. Now just waiting for time to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Iced Caramel Macchiato, water, chocolate)


Went to pick up Gabriel and talked to my Mom for a bit. On the way home I called Arnel to wish him a happy birthday. Got home and chilled for a bit. Waited for my wife to get home and we had lunch. We had some pupusas and I am checking back into work and going to a meeting. After work I logged off and hung out for a bit. Cleaned out the grill and got it ready for the burgers.

(Afternoon: Pupusas, Sprite, water)


Grilled some burgers and had dinner, after we went to the Dollar Tree to get a few gift bags and came home. Changed the boys, tool a shower and I had a donut, chips and pretzels along with some merlot. Very nice buzz going. Going to bed now

(Nighttime: wine, water, doritos, pretzels, Donut)

Thursday, May 20, 2021

lockdown day 430

Morning :
Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel's lunch bag ready and got him ready for preschool. Before leaving I cleaned up some sticks that were on the lawn. The drop off was good. Now heading home. Made coffee and checked in. I got to my meetings and helped people and now just waiting for time to go get Gabriel.
(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)

Picked up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and helped Javi practice a bit. Started laundry and now running out the clock. Got the boys ready for their games and I headed out with Javi. 
(Afternoon: Water, Root Beer, Arroz a la Valenciana)

Got to the park and we got ready. The game was good, Javi went 1-2 with an RBI. They lost the game but he was awarded the gameball. He was so happy about that. I was very proud. After came home to bathed Gabriel and shower and now folding clothes. Going to bed.
(Nighttime: chocolate cake, water)

lockdown day 429

Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel's bag ready and got him dressed. Took him to preschool and dropped him off. It was quick. I got back home and made myself some coffee and attended a meeting. I was able to call Disney on my break to set up the airport pick up and drop off. Now getting ready to go pick up Gabriel.
(Morning: Coffee, water)

Picked up Gabriel and passed by McDonald's grabbing lunch. We had lunch and packed up the car and headed down to Daly City to my sister's house. Checked back in to work and noticed something going on with an EW about the way they are fishing for answers.  Reported that and went on my way, had to help a few more people before logging off. I have a meeting tomorrow to show someone how to do something. 
After work we rolled flautas.
(Afternoon: water, coke, big mac, chicken nuggets, McChicken sandwich)

Had a light sampling of flautas and we headed home. Got here and had to bring down some branches and we sre going to use it for fire wood. We went real quick to Cardenas to get some produce and milk. Now we are home, changed Gabriel and I went to shower. Now hanging out watching tv. Played Madden and off to bed.
(Nighttime: Apple crown Royale, flautas, chewy bar, water)

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

lockdown day 428

Woke up and got dressed. We are getting closer to when The lockdown will officially end. Got Gabriel's bag and lunch ready. Opened up his pediasure and got him dressed after. We took him to school and came back home. I made coffee and checked in to work. Early questions today that I answered and now just waiting for more.
(Morning: coffee, water, candy)

Had a craving for Starbucks so I passed picking some up. Picked up Gabriel and came home to eat and I was able to water the back yard, mow the lawn and water it. Now hanging out with the few minutes I have left before starting work again. After we work I got Gabriel ready for practice. 
(Afternoon: Bisteak encebollado, water, doritos, caramel frappuccino)

We got to the field and they had a good practice. After we went to a pastry place in Hayward and came home. Had dinner and now bathing Gabriel and soon going to take a shower. Chilled after and watched some wrestling,  now off to bed.
(Nighttime: left over burrito,  beer, water, danish)

Monday, May 17, 2021

lockdown day 427


Woke up and was seriously considering calling out today. But my wife did and we cannot both call out since one of us has to watch Javi in school. I got dressed and got Gabriel's bag ready to go for school. We dropped him off and came home. I made coffee and checked in to work. Started reading emails and helping some people. I checked in to a training meeting and now it is over. Waiting for questions.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Chocolate)


Ran out to Target to get a few things and to pick up Gabriel. Just getting back right now. I was talking to my Mom in the car and talking about my uncle who passed away earlier today. She wasn't feeling really good, but she was much better than what she was feeling earlier. Went to pick up food at Panda Express and now checking back in and answering more questions. Finished work and cleaned up a bit, took out the trash and watched some of the Giants game before heading out to pick up dinner. Practice was canceled today. 

(Afternoon: Apple Snapple, water, Panda Express)


Picked up the food, came back home and saw that they let the boys watch TV when I said that they couldn't. So I went to calm down in the room as I did not like that they went against what I told them. Came out to eat and to calm them down as they were being super loud. Took out the trash and had dinner. Going to shower soon. After the shower I watched wrestling and now playing Madden before bed.

(Nighttime: burrito,  chips, salsa, beer)

Sunday, May 16, 2021

lockdown day 426

Woke up and had coffee. We were going to get ready to go to Gabriel's practice and BBQ, but they canceled practice and moved the BBQ time to later so we couldn't go. We adjusted and finished getting ready to go to the outlets. My Mom and Sister came by to go with us. I watched the RVD Icons episode and had some early lunch.
(Morning: coffee, Chicharrón, water)

We got to the outlets in Livermore and did some shopping. Went to the Disney store and got us some hats for the trip. Walked around a bit and after we had a late lunch at Mas Fuego in Fremont. Boy was that a bad decision. After we came home and I watched Backlash and set up the hammock that came in.
(Afternoon: (not so) super burrito, water)

Folded clothes and the boys were out of control. Put them to bed early. I went to shower and had some food. Watching a Shawn Michaels biography. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: half of a not so super burrito, cheese bread, shrimp, beer, water)

Saturday, May 15, 2021

lockdown day 425

The lights went out several times last night. Didn't have a good night due to not being able to use the CPAP too much. Woke up, made some breakfast for the boys. Changed Gabriel into his uniform and then I showered and had some coffee. We left and made it to his game, it was misty out today but no rain so the game was still on. They played the Reds and it was a good hour of tee ball. After we came home to chill, my wife made chorizo con huevo and now getting Javi ready for his game.
(Morning: coffee, chorizo con huevo, water, toast, tortilla)

We got to the park and I did the chalk for the foul lines and batters box. Had the boys warm up and was joined by the rest of the coaches. The game was good, Javi started on the bench but he had great at bats. 1 for 3, 2 K's, 2N, 2 RBI's. They lost the game but it was fun. Javi even pitched for a bit, it was his first time. He did ok. After the game we came home and changed to go to Sizzlers.
The experience was not good, I had the steak and all you can eat shrimp. The food was ok. After we came home.
(Afternoon: water, pizza, steak, shrimp, bread, root beer)

I took the boys to the Rat Casino (Chuck E Cheese) and we had fun. They played a lot of games and won prizes. Came home, Javi showered, I semi washed the Camry,  bathed Gabriel and now going to shower myself. Watched TV, did some laundry and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water)

Friday, May 14, 2021

lockdown day 424


Woke up and went to get dressed. After I packed up Gabriel's lunch box and backpack. Got him dressed and took him to preschool. Drove back and made some coffee. I attended 2 meetings in the morning and waited for some questions. Talked to a few people and on a quick break to go grab some coffee at Starbucks. About to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water, Caramel Macchiato, peanut butter cups)


Picked up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and now going to log in to a meeting. The meeting was pretty quick, took a quick break and put away the pool. Cleaned up the back a little bit. Going to play catch with Javi a little later. Practiced a bit and ran around, finished work and we went to costco and came back home.

(Afternoon: Water, Root beer, chicken, white rice)


My wife wanted sushi so we tried a new place. Picked up the food and came back home to have dinner. Played Uno with Javi and watched a show. Changed the boys and we put them to bed. Marinated my pork shoulder for the carnitas tomorrow and now off to bed.

(Nighttime : water, chocolate,  Margaritas, sushi, popcorn, chips)

Thursday, May 13, 2021

lockdown day 423


Woke up this morning and debated if I should log in to work. Not really feeling working today. But I changed and got ready. Gave Gabriel his donut and dressed him and got him ready for preschool. We took him over and came back home. I made coffee and logged in. Checked in with a few people and answered some questions. Got ready to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, donut)


Turned on the sprinkler in the front yard and went over to pick up Gabriel, took the freeway home to avoid traffic due to construction. Got home and had lunch. Checked back in to work and now running out the clock. Logged off and headed out to the park and started the warm up with the kids. They take on the Pirates tonight. I have a feeling they will do well.

(Afternoon: Shrimp Alfredo Fettucine, Sprite, water)

Nighttime :

The game starts and Javi got to start center field. He did well, still needs to pay attention to the game, but he made a good play and had some good ABs. They won their first game and Javi got his first game ball. He was so happy and excited. My wife took him home and I dragged the field before driving home. When I got home we had dinner and I showered. After that I had a few celebratory  beers and got the snacks ready for Saturday. Watching tv and going to bed soon.

(Nighttime: beer, hot dog, chips, water, chocolate)

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

lockdown day 422


Woke up this morning and went to change. Got Gabriel's bag ready and got him dressed and took him to school. Came back home and made coffee and checked in to work. Went to the forum meeting and I asked to be off early so I can go visit Arnel later on today. Super tired, but we go one. I had Javi do some hitting off the tee and we are setting up to leave pretty soon.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Heated up the left over pizza and had lunch. We are close to taking off to go get Gabriel and go to visit my Mom at my sister's. I was able to log off at 12 and leave, got the Bambino and drove to my sister's house. I changed the cabin air filter to my Mom's car and rested up while she went to run some errands and picked up Myrna. 

When they got back I took off to Amy's house to visit them as Arnel.was there. Gave my condolences for the passing of their parents and showed support for them. I stayed a few hours before going back to meet my family before coming home.

(Afternoon: Iced Coffee, pizza, water, chicken, pasta, sandwich)


I got to my sister's at the same time as my wife did. Parked and went up together,  hung out and had dinner. Drove home and when we got here I put some things away, showered, helped Javi shower and now just hanging out throwing back a few brewskis. Watched some tv and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: chillaquilles, beer)

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

lockdown day 421


Woke up and went over to get changed. Got Gabriel's bag ready and got him dressed, took him to preschool. Came home and watered the front yard, made coffee and checked in to work. Talked to a few people and answered a few questions. Ready to log off for the day lol.

(Morning: Coffee, water, cookies)


Went to Jack in the box to get some milkshakes for us as treats on this hot day. Picked up Gabriel and came home. We had lunch, played outside for a bit, some soft toss hitting and relaxing. Came back in to work and now just waiting for questions. Logged off of work and got Gabriel ready in his uniform and we went to the park for his game. He was good at hitting and running the bases, playing the field was a different story. He was playing with dirt and not paying attention. 

(Afternoon: Oreo shake, carne molida, white rice, water)


After the game we went to get the boys some shoes. I found a pair of Nike's that I liked and got them for myself as well. Came home and ordered pizza for pick up. Had dinner and showered. Tried to fix a chair and watched NXT, played madden and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: pizza, wings, lemonade, coke,water)

Monday, May 10, 2021

lockdown day 420


Woke up and got dressed. Hooked up Gabriel with his breakfast, got his bag ready, got him dressed and we took him to preschool. Came back, made some coffee and checked in to work. Talked to a few people and reviewed some emails. Checked in with the cohort this morning, so far no questions so that is good. Arnel's present came in today, so I will be packing it up and taking it over to him later this month.

(Morning: Coffee, water, cookies)


We went to Starbucks real quick for coffee but they didn't have what I wanted. Only my wife got something. We picked up Gabriel and came home. Had some lunch, they boys played in the pool and did some hitting. Checked back in to work and now running out the clock, practice later today. We went to practice and it was not a good one, the kids really weren't really into it today. Lots of coaches yelling in dissatisfaction. But it was over and now we are heading home. 

(Afternoon: Sopa de res, water, iced coffee)


Got home and fed Javi, went to Target with my wife and came home to shower. Brushed Gabriel's teeth and put him to bed. Took out the trash and had dinner. Finishing up RAW and going to bed. 

(Nighttime: beer, cookies, peanut butter cup, lunchable, quesadillas)

Sunday, May 9, 2021

lockdown day 419

Woke up and gave the boys some breakfast cookies and milk. Had some coffee and changed the boys. Sent out some Mother's day texts and now waiting to go change so we could have brunch. We got to Chevy's and ordered, the waitress did not listen to our order and got us the wrong thing. The service was slow and very disappointing. At least the food was good.
(Morning: coffee, water, churro pancake, crab and shrimp omelet, potatoes, avocado)

We got home and changed the boys so.they could go in the pool. They did and after a while I got in as well. It was cold. After we dried off and I made some burgers, had a few beers and took a nap outside. Finishing up laundry and now going to shower. 
(Afternoon: beer, water, burgers)

Finished up the laundry and chilled. Played Mario 3D with Javi and my wife. Made Javi dinner and I had some cheesesticks and another beer. Changed the boys and we put them to bed. I changed and watched a few TV shows. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, cheesesticks)

Saturday, May 8, 2021

lockdown day 418

Woke up and got dressed. Made breakfast for the boys and had Javi get ready for the game. We left and got to the park and played a game. It was another loss but the boys played hard. After we stopped by Gabriel's game but it was just finishing.
(Morning: coffee)

We got home and ordered the food. Around 1:30 we went to pick it up and came back home. We ate and had some good conversation, I went out to fill the pool and the boys used it a bit. My wife's aunts came by and we ate with then as well and talked a bit. Everyone went home happy with the early mothers day celebration. 
(Afternoon: pupusas, sprite, water)

Took a quick nap, showered and changed. Went out back and lit a fire in the fire pit for the night. After some time we came back in and had dinner. I had the left over pupusas and a few beers. Watxhed SNL and pretty soon going to bed. 
I got.a call from Arnel and he let me know his father passed away tonight. Very sad news, I will be praying for him tonight. 
(Nighttime: pupusas, beer, crown apple, water)

lockdown day 417

Woke up and got dressed. It's my 40th birthday today. I made coffee and got Gabriel's bags ready, gave him breakfast and got him dressed. We went to drop him off at preschool and came home to drop off my wife. I took the car in to get the rear brakes changed and the service was quick and great. After I hit up Target to get some things for tomorrow and came home. Watched some tv while I got got snack.bags ready for Gabriel's team and soon we are going to pick up the Bambino.
(Morning : coffee, water, cupcake)

Picked up Gabriel and drove past the house to bring in a gift Karla sent to me. Very thoughtful of her. We had lunch and Brian checked over for a bit to drop off a gift. We talked for a while and he went on his way. Watched the rest of the show I was watching on Brian Pillman. Folded clothes and now going to shower. Dinner in about 2 hours.
(Afternoon: strawberry milkshake, double double, water)

Drove out to Forbe Mills and we had dinner. The restaurant was nice and we had a great time. Came back home and changed the boys, put them to bed and now are watching a show. Off to bed.
(Nighttime: rib eye, mashed potatoes,  crab Mac and cheese, crab cakes, clam chowder, water, beer, apple crown royale)

Thursday, May 6, 2021

lockdown day 416

I ended up sleeping on the couch. I was ans still am very upset about the way my wife acted all day yesterday. It's complete bs. Anyway, got up, got ready and gave Gabriel his pediasure. Got his lunch and backpack ready and soon heading out to drop him off at preschool. Been working with the cohort and answering questions. Helped out a few people and on a break I prepared some pork shoulder to make a little later. About to go get Gabriel.
(Morning: coffee, water, empanada)

We went to Starbucks and got some coffee, then we went to get Gabriel. Drove back home and had lunch. Checked back in to work and finished the work day. After work I got the boys ready for their game.
(Afternoon: Caramel frappuccino, Chicharrón, chicken, rice and beans, water)

We got to the park and got ready to play. They played their hearts out and list by 1 run. They are getting close to a win for sure. After the game I dragged the field and drove home. Bathed Gabriel,  Javi showered, I showered after and now relaxing before bed.
(Nighttime: beer, chips, water)

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

lockdown day 415

Woke up and got dressed. Packed up Gabriel's bag and took him to preschool. Came back home and made coffee and logged in to work. Went to the forum meeting and also was available for the cohort 20 project. Answered some questions and washed and vaccuumed the truck. Got everything ready to go to my sister's. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Picked up Gabriel and headed down to my sister's. Had lunch and logged in to work. The Afternoon meeting I had was canceled. So I spent time answering questions. I was able to order some car parts for my Mom and a few items for myself. My Mom made me some chancho con yucca with Chicharrón. It was delicious. My sister offered to go get Javi a hair cut so his Mohawk would look better, I did and I got an ear full from my wife. More on that later.
(Afternoon: chicken fries, pizza, chancho con yucca, Chicharrón)

Drove home and put things away. Took a shower and rested up. Been playing Madden and washing clothes. My wife came out to have a discussion regarding the hair cut misunderstanding. Anyway, now finishing up and going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: m&m's, water)

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

lockdown day 414


I woke up and went to change. Got Gabriel's bags ready and changed him. At night I heard the New Day Podcast and I was very surprised that they gave Javi and Gabriel a New Day Gas Up! I have it recorded and played it for them. They were happy to hear it. After I took Gabriel to preschool with Javi and came home. Made coffee and checked in to work. I was available until around 10 when I went to another meeting. Washed some dishes and helped a few people. Now waiting for time to get Gabriel. Also, May the Fourth be with you

(Morning: Coffee, water, m&m's)


I was going to order pizza but my wife wanted Taco Bell. When they came back I went out to get Gabriel, now we are home and had lunch. Now waiting for questions. Running out the clock. Had some water and on a break practiced some catching and hitting with Javi. About to put the things away. Finished up work and got Gabriel ready for practice. Now dropping the boys off at home.

(Afternoon: Chalupa, 2 tacos, bean and cheese burrito, nachos, powerade, water)


Went to Target and came home go start up the grill to make hamburgers. We had dinner, I showered and changed the boys. Now watching Young Rock and NXT. Off to bed

(Nighttime: burger, tacos, beer, water)

Monday, May 3, 2021

lockdown day 413


Woke up and went to change. I got Gabriel's bag ready and got his pediasure for him. Got him dressed and my wife took him to preschool. I didn't go today since I had a meeting at 8 AM and time would not allow me to go. Checked into work and attended the meeting. It was good, I introduced myself. Right now I have a headache and it is not nice.

(Morning: Coffee, Chocolate, water)


I went to go get Gabriel at preschool and talked to my Mom for a bit. I have a really big headache. About to have some lunch. On a break I helped Javi with some soft toss and played catch. Put things away and continued working. Had a few snacks, now just making some food for the boys before Javi gets ready for practice.

(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup, water., fig newton, ZOA, chips, ice cream)


Practice was good. It was hoy as balls out there. It was so hot that I had them take a break in the shade. After practice we went tk 7-11 and got some slurpees and came home. Took a shower,  bathed Gabriel,  had dinner and sent Javi to shower.  Took out the trash and now watching RAW.

(Nighttime: chicken flautas, gallo pinto, beer, water)

Sunday, May 2, 2021

lockdown day 412

Woke up and made the boys breakfast. Made myself some coffee and an egg, cheese and bacon sandwich. After I went outside to work on the front yard. My neighbor noticed that the lawn mower wasn't up to par and suggested that the choke was needed to be checked. I watched a video on YouTube and I was able to locate the part and identify the issue and hopefully fixed it.
We cleaned up the back yard as well and I went to go shower. 
(Morning: coffee, water, bacon, egg and cheese sandwich)

I started the grill and grilled up some carne asada, corn and tortilla. We had lunch and after cleaned up. Arnel and Allix passed by to visit and drop off an early birthday gift. We hung out for a while, Allix and the boys played and they went on their way. I fell asleep watching the Giants game, my wife woke me up so we can go to Ghirardelli outlet and we had some sundaes. Now we are back home.
(Afternoon: carne asada, rice, beans, corn, hot fudge sundae, water)

Laid down for a bit in the room. My stomach is hurting. Played Mario Deluxe with Gabriel. They had dinner I changed him after and started watching a Macho Man Randy Savage documentary. After some time I put the boys to bed, changed and we tried watching a movie. I washed the dishes before bed and now going to sleep.
(Nighttime: water)

Saturday, May 1, 2021

lockdown day 411

Woke up and went to get dressed. Made the boys breakfast and had Javi change. We headed out to the park for his game. They needed an announcer so I volunteered to do it today. Javi's team lost 8-16. He went 0-2, BB, RBI. After the game he had lemonade and a hot dog and we waited for Gabriel's game to start. 
(Morning: coffee, water, egg and cheese sandwich)

Gabriel's game was fun, I did the announcing there as well. After we came home and I had some chicken and spaghetti. Now relaxing. Fell asleepnfor a bit and woke up. We went to Fremont to look for some shoes for the boys,  no luck. We got some donuts to take home.
(Afternoon : Spaghetti and meatballs, chicken, cole slaw, mashed potatoes, water)

Got home and everyone had donuts, I went to shower and had my donuts after. We watched a movie on Netflix called The Mitchell's vs the Machines. Now watching tv.
(Nighttime: coffee, donuts, water)