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Monday, December 27, 2021

The Day after Christmas

Woke up and cleaned up a bit. Took a shower and went with Javi to Church. It was a nice service today. After we went to Target to get some items for the food today. Got back home and chopped up some carrots, bell pepper, celery, onions and garlic. Set up the table and finished up watching some football. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Watched more football, Amilcar came over first. We caught up for a bit and soon after Arnel.came by with Priscilla, Allix and Kingston. We had more conversations and some appetizers, waiting for Oscar, Monica, Janessa, Micaela and Vincent to come over. When they did we had some food and opened gifts. We had a great time together and the kids did as well.
(Afternoon: pork, chow mein, arroz a la valenciana, tres Leche, whiskey and coke, coquito, water, egg rolls, cheese sticks)

After everyone left I cleaned up a bit. Washed lots of dishes and tossed out lots of garbage. Changed the boys and changed into my pj's. Played Madden and now relaxing before bed.
(Nighttime: whiskey and coke, water)

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