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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Driving into the office


I woke up probably 10 minutes before the alarm was going to go off. Went to get dressed and got my things ready for the drive to work. There was slight traffic but nothing too major. Got in to the parking lot and entered the building. Went into the Expo room to try the new connections I brought in. I was able to the 2nd monitor to work. Did the training and it was very short today, we released them to work on their task and to ask questions about any CalFresh Carrying task that they may have.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Had my lunch and took a power nap. Still tired. Have to log into the PM training to do one more show today. It's my Mom's birthday and she is currently at Disneyland with my nephew. I called her to wish her a Happy Birthday and let her go so she could enjoy the rest of the day. We did the PM training and stayed logged on to help people. About to drive home.

(Afternoon: Water, ZOA energy drink, Caprisun, Chocolate, sandwich, cheetos)


The drive home was good, some traffic near the end. Got home and had dinner. Cleaned up and helped Javi shower. My wife bathed Gabriel and I showered after. Had the boys go to bed and now watchin TV, going to bed soon. Early wake up tomorrow.

(Nighttime: water, beer, coke, chicken fajitas, rice, tortilla, brownie)

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