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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Hump day


Woke up and went to get dressed. It's cold outside today. Got my things ready and headed out to drive over to work. The drive was good, slight traffic but I got here in good time. When I got here I came upstairs and set up my work station. I got the items for training ready and today took about an hour. Now waiting for questions. Around 11 we are going out for our unit lunch.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


After training we went to catch an Uber and picked up the girls. We got to the restaurant and had to wait. We got seated and Humberto joined us. We shared a muscles appetizer and I had the roasted duck with potatoes. It was really good. After we got in another Uber, dropped off the girls at 1440 and came back to the office. Now just reviewing items and running out the clock. So close to leaving, hopefully everything goes well on the drive home. I am tired and hope there is no rain or traffic. Can't wait to get home to see those crazy kids and my wife. After work drove home. There was some traffic but got home in good time.

(Afternoon: Duck, potatoes, muscles, champagne, water, Rockstar)


Got in and cleaned up a bit. Washed some dishes before going out to pick up some food. Came back home and had dinner. Showered and changed Gabriel. Sent the boys to bed and now watching some TV and going to bed soon.

(Nighttime: double bacon cheeseburger, fries, onion rings,  water)

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