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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

One day closer


Woke up and got dressed. Made breakfast for the boys. Got their lunch ready and had them get dressed. We drove them over to school and came back home. I made coffee and went into my training meeting. Today was a lot of presenting for me. I did the Power Point and some of the documents we presented. After the training I was able to pick up half the leaves outside. The battery died in the leaf blower so I had to do it in sections.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


I went to pick up Gabriel. Before I did I stopped by Teaspoon to get us some treats. When I got there I noticed that a truck had jumped the curb and hit the building. It looked scary but it also looked like everyone was ok. Anyway, I got the items, picked up Gabriel and we came home. I finished another part of the leaves and had lunch. Washed dishes and finished up some things for work. Now running out the clock. After work we went to Target to order Javi's glasses. Came back home. 

(Afternoon: Carne molida, white rice, Thai Iced Tea, water)


Got home and bathed Gabriel,  helped Javi shower and I cleaned up. Played Madden and showered, now just watching TV. Made some nachos for dinner and relaxing before bed time.

(Nighttime: jack and Coke, water, peanut butter cups, nachos)

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