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Thursday, December 30, 2021

Penultimate day of 2021

Woke up and got the boys breakfast. Had some coffee and cleaned up a bit. Showered and went to Cardenas to grab some cheese and milk. Came back home to have lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had lunch and washed more dishes. Now building a Lego set with Javi. We finished that up and went out to eat an early dinner at Papa Panchos. After we went to to Costco and Target and returned home.
(Afternoon: Bean soup, water, burrito,  horchata)

My Mom and sister took off and we watched a movie on Netflix. Now relaxing until bedtime. Enjoying my last few days on vacation. Tried that margarita that Arnel brought over and it was no Bueno. Now watching TV before bed.
(Nighttime: water, margaritas)

Last hump day of the year

Woke up and got the boys some cake loaf for breakfast. Made some coffee and went to go shower and got ready to go. Cleaned up the garage a bit before we left to Hillsdale mall. We got there and it was raining. Did some shopping, we everyone ate except me. We finished up and drove to Tanforan.
(Morning : water, coffee, cake loaf)

We got to Tanforan and hit up Target. Found some good clearance items and drove to San Bruno to get the boys hair cut. While waiting I got myself lunch. After we drove to my sister's and hung out a bit. Arnel passed by dropping some things off they brought us from Hawaii and we drove Hine 
(Afternoon: Turkey club, doritos, coffee, water)

Got home and watched the Book of Bobba Fett and chilled. Had some food and now relaxing until bed time. Tried to fix the karaoke machine before bed. Some luck, not there yet.
(Nighttime: Thai Iced Tea, beer, pizza, cheese sticks, water)

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


Woke up and made the boys breakfast. Had some coffee and watched some TV before playing Dos with Javi. Not sure what the plan is for today. But cleaning up is part of it.
(Morning: coffee, twix)

After wasguhg dishes and taking a shower we went to Costco. Got gas and some items. Returned home to out things away and have a late lunch/early dinner. I went to lay down for a bit but noticed that the boys room was messy, so I made them clean up. After I went back to lay down. I finished watching the All Madden documentary and my wife told me that it was announced that John Madden passed away today. Very sad day for football and professional sports.
(Afternoon: Pizza, hot dog, Sierra most, water)

Cleaned up a bit and had dinner. Folded laundry and I watched the boys play Mario Party Superstars with my wife. We watched the finale of Macgruber and the Reno 911! Movie. Now off to bed, busy day tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: cold cuts beer, water, pizza, cake loaf)

Monday, December 27, 2021

Last week of the year

Woke up and started getting laundry ready. Swept the house and took out more recycling. So tired and done with cleaning 😆. Anyway,  showered and rested up to see what we are doing today. 
(Morning: nada)

Going out real quick to pick up some food for everyone,  coming back to eat leftovers from yesterday. Drove over to Chili's to pick up food for everyone else. Came back home and relaxed until we went to the mall and Target.
(Afternoon: chow mein, pork, prime rib, salad)

Got home and washed more dishes, played Dos with Javi and I went to shower. Folded laundry and watched everyone play Mario Party Superstars. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, chow mein, cookies)

The Day after Christmas

Woke up and cleaned up a bit. Took a shower and went with Javi to Church. It was a nice service today. After we went to Target to get some items for the food today. Got back home and chopped up some carrots, bell pepper, celery, onions and garlic. Set up the table and finished up watching some football. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Watched more football, Amilcar came over first. We caught up for a bit and soon after Arnel.came by with Priscilla, Allix and Kingston. We had more conversations and some appetizers, waiting for Oscar, Monica, Janessa, Micaela and Vincent to come over. When they did we had some food and opened gifts. We had a great time together and the kids did as well.
(Afternoon: pork, chow mein, arroz a la valenciana, tres Leche, whiskey and coke, coquito, water, egg rolls, cheese sticks)

After everyone left I cleaned up a bit. Washed lots of dishes and tossed out lots of garbage. Changed the boys and changed into my pj's. Played Madden and now relaxing before bed.
(Nighttime: whiskey and coke, water)

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Christmas 2021

Woke up and put the prime rib to cook in the oven. The smoke detectors kept ringing so we had to add a fan and open the door. We rearranged the living room so we could fit everyone. We also started making the masked potatoes and my wife made her shrimp pasta Alfredo. 
(Morning: water)

We waited for everyone to show up and when they did we had an early dinner. After we opened up gifts and had a lot of fun doing that. 
(Afternoon: prime rib, coke and whiskey, dessert)

After everyone left for the night, I washed the dishes and now I am relaxing. Washed more dishes and did some karaoke with the boys. Had a very good Christmas. 
(Nighttime: cheese sticks, whiskey and coke)

Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas eve

Woke up and cleaned up a bit. Showered and got ready to go out to do some last minute shopping for items. 
(Morning: bagel and cream cheese, coffee, water)

Went to Target and gotnsome things. Came home to rest up and played Clue. After we played Mario Party Superstars and now waiting for my wife's Aunt and Uncle to come over.
(Afternoon: refresher,  peanut butter cups, chips)

They came over and we had dinner and had a real good time. After they went home we listened to some Christmas music and sent the boys to bed. About to go to sleep as well. Early start time tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: beer,  water, lasagna, garlic bread, Cesar salad)

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Day 4 of vacation

Woke up and went to get some McDonald's for breakfast. Decided to keep Gabriel in today. Finished watching the Matrix Resurrection and went to take a shower. We were going to go out to get something but the boys were acting up and making a scene so we stayed home. 
(Morning: water, coffee, McDonald's breakfast)

I ran out to see of they had a blanket at Bed Bath and Beyond,  but no luck. Picked up some Broken Skull IPA before coming back home. Had lunch and we went to look for some items at the dollar tree and Walmart. On the way back home we picked up some coffee.
(Afternoon: Chicken, rice, water, iced Caramel Brule)

Got home and started watching the game. The Niners started hot but ultimately lost the game. We had dinner and watched some TV. Wrapped up gifts and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: sushi, beer, water)

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Day 3 of vacation

Woke up and got dressed.  Took Gabriel to preschool and passed by Target looking for the pasta for the weekend. Came home and made some breakfast bagel sandwiches and did laundry. Tried watching little shop of horrors and fell asleep. Woke up in time to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water, breakfast bagel)

Went to to Cardenas and Smart and Final and found the pasta we were looking for. Picked up Gabriel and came home. My sister came by and took the boys to Chuck E Cheese. We met them at the movies to watch Sing 2.
(Afternoon: popcorn,  coke, water, brownie)

After the movie we ate at Famous Dave's. Came home, watched the new Matrix movie and had some wine. About to go to bed. Niners game tomorrow. Need to rest to yell at the TV for about 3 hours or so.
(Nighttime: wine, water, wings, bbq)

Day 2 of vacation

Woke up and got dressed. Took Gabriel to school. Took the car to the car wash and vacuumed the truck. Got home and did some accounting. Made coffee and cleaned up outside. Waiting for more leaves to fall before doing a bigger clean up. Going to Costco soon. Went to Costco and got gas and other items for this weekend. Now returning home and waiting for time to go get Gabriel. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Went to go get Gabriel and hit up the bank to take out the boys allowance. Came home to have lunch and rest up. Played Madden and stop me if you heard this before Javi was crying and acting like a jerk over some popcorn. I wanted to watch a movie with them but apparently it wasn't going to happen without popcorn,  so I decided to take a walk. This is just some straight BS. It started to rain and I came inside the house. Watched a movie with my mom and we went out to get some items.
(Afternoon: Pizza, coke, water)

Got the items at Target and picked up some Hawaiian BBQ and Wing Stop. Came home and had dinner. Took out the recycling and washed dishes. Showered and now watching TV.
(Nighttime: coke, water, fries, veggie sticks, wings)

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Day 1 of Vacation

Woke up and went to shower. After I changed Gabriel and got him ready. I walked over to the corner to get my car and came back to get him to drop him off to preschool. Returned home to pick up my Mom and Javi and we went to Denny's. Had a good breakfast and returned home. After some time we went to Target and grabbed a few things and returned home to wait for my wife to get here to move the other car.
(Morning: breakfast sandwich,  hash browns, coffee, water)

Moved the car, played Madden. Played catch outside with Javi and started watching football. Fell asleep for a bit and now having some coffee and waiting for my wife to be done so we can go grocery shopping.  We went to Trader Joe's in Castro Valley on the way back we got into an argument. We had discussed before that we would not be getting each other Christmas gifts so we could focus on saving money and replacing the money we spent on the roof. But she kept pushing and pushing about me having to buy her UGG boots and that we never discussed anything. However, she kept up her part of not getting anything for me, but wants me to get her something. It really upset me because personally I don't care if I get anything,  gifts should come from people, not someone begging, forcing or acting like a child to get what they want. So since she wants them that bad, I just sent her the money for them. I am good knowing that this year most of the gifts we are giving as a family I was able to pay for them because I wanted to. I don't expect anything from anyone. But I guess that is just where I am in life.
(Afternoon: coffee, water)

Made dinner when I got home. Javi was acting like a crazy person and of course as it always is in this house, it is my fault. So I served everyone and went to fo some accounting and ate. Now watching MNF, praying for a miracle tomorrow so I can win my Fantasy Football match up. Watching RAW and I think tonight I will be sleeping in the living room. Not very happy here tonight, need some space. 
(Nighttime: teriyaki chicken, fried rice, water)

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Ready for Kickoff

Woke up and made chocolate chip pancakes and I put clothes away. Took a shower and got ready to go pick up my Mom. Only me and Gabriel went down to Daly City. We got there and hung out for a bit. Came back home so I could watch the game.
(Morning: coffee, cacao)

Got home, parked my car down the street since they are doing work here for thr next 3 days. Cleaned up the leaves in the front yard, went to Target to get some items before coming home to watch the game. Had lunch while they were playing and now finishing off the game. The Niners won and after we played Mario Party Superstars. 
(Afternoon: lasagna,  garlic bread, lemonade, coffee, cinnamon bun, water)

Finished up the game, I won. Went to pick up food and came home to eat. After watched SNF on my tablet. Put the boys to bed and watched TV. Now off to bed. On vacation. 
(Nighttime: beer, water, burrito)

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Spider-Man day

Woke up and went to make coffee. Played Madden and showered. Got ready to go watch Spiderman No Way Home. We got to the theater and got our snacks a d watched the movie.
(Morning: coffee, water. Cinnamon bun)

The movie was good. After we drove home so Javi could eat. I took him over to Kaiser to get his 2nd covid shot and now we are back at home. We went out to Walmart and got some few things, passed by Cardenas and now we are home.
(Afternoon: popcorn,  coke, water, Caramel Brule latte)

Got home. Had some tamales. Watched some football and showered. Had some carnitas tacos and now Watching MacGruber. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: tamales, carnitas tacos, beer, water)

Friday, December 17, 2021

Last day of work this year and last day of training


I woke up and went to get changed. I got the boys ready for school. Javi has a minimum day and Gabriel has his party today. Got back home and made coffee. Logged into work and into training. We finished up and I watched Gabriel's performance via Zoom. After I finished up laundry and now waiting to go get the boys.

(Morning: Sausage, pancake on a stick, coffee, water)


Went to get the boys and came home. Warmed up the left over Chow Fun, since Javi ate all the beef, it's just Chow fun. Now logging back in to work for the last training of this round and of the year. Folded laundry and now waiting for the unit meeting. My nephew came over and hung out for a bit. I attended the final unit meeting of the year. Now just running out the clock. Finally done with work and we got ready to go out to have dinner.

(Afternoon: No beef chow fun, rice, water)


We went to Sizzler's, the food was ok. After eating we went to Costco. Grabbed a few things so we can make food next Friday. Came home and cleaned up the garage. Watched Ron's Gone Wrong. Finished the movie, finished playing Madden.  Now off to bed

(Nighttime: steak, potato, water, hack and Coke, popcorn)

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Penultimate day of work this year

Woke up and fought myself and went to work. The drive was long, there was an accident on the San Mateo Bridge. Got to my parking spot and rested a bit before walking to work. Got there and I set up my station. Did the morning training and had a meeting afterwards. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Ate lunch and started the 2nd training. It went quick, after we talked about the MC training. After work I walked over to my car and drove home. Got in pretty quick and now hanging out waiting for Javi's winter program on YouTube. 
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, monster, Water)

Watched the program. Had dinner and went to shower. Put the boys to bed and played Madden. Now watching TV and doing laundry.
(Nighttime: Chinese food, beer, water)

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Hump day


Woke up and went to get dressed. It's cold outside today. Got my things ready and headed out to drive over to work. The drive was good, slight traffic but I got here in good time. When I got here I came upstairs and set up my work station. I got the items for training ready and today took about an hour. Now waiting for questions. Around 11 we are going out for our unit lunch.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


After training we went to catch an Uber and picked up the girls. We got to the restaurant and had to wait. We got seated and Humberto joined us. We shared a muscles appetizer and I had the roasted duck with potatoes. It was really good. After we got in another Uber, dropped off the girls at 1440 and came back to the office. Now just reviewing items and running out the clock. So close to leaving, hopefully everything goes well on the drive home. I am tired and hope there is no rain or traffic. Can't wait to get home to see those crazy kids and my wife. After work drove home. There was some traffic but got home in good time.

(Afternoon: Duck, potatoes, muscles, champagne, water, Rockstar)


Got in and cleaned up a bit. Washed some dishes before going out to pick up some food. Came back home and had dinner. Showered and changed Gabriel. Sent the boys to bed and now watching some TV and going to bed soon.

(Nighttime: double bacon cheeseburger, fries, onion rings,  water)

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

One day closer


Woke up and got dressed. Made breakfast for the boys. Got their lunch ready and had them get dressed. We drove them over to school and came back home. I made coffee and went into my training meeting. Today was a lot of presenting for me. I did the Power Point and some of the documents we presented. After the training I was able to pick up half the leaves outside. The battery died in the leaf blower so I had to do it in sections.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


I went to pick up Gabriel. Before I did I stopped by Teaspoon to get us some treats. When I got there I noticed that a truck had jumped the curb and hit the building. It looked scary but it also looked like everyone was ok. Anyway, I got the items, picked up Gabriel and we came home. I finished another part of the leaves and had lunch. Washed dishes and finished up some things for work. Now running out the clock. After work we went to Target to order Javi's glasses. Came back home. 

(Afternoon: Carne molida, white rice, Thai Iced Tea, water)


Got home and bathed Gabriel,  helped Javi shower and I cleaned up. Played Madden and showered, now just watching TV. Made some nachos for dinner and relaxing before bed time.

(Nighttime: jack and Coke, water, peanut butter cups, nachos)

Monday, December 13, 2021

Last week of work


Woke up and went to get ready. My knee is bothering me again. Got lunch ready for they boys and got the dressed. I took them to school. It is raining. Came back after drop off and now just here logging into training. The training went quick today, had the group work on their tasks after. Now just waiting for time to go get Gabriel.

(Afternoon: Coffee, water, cookies, chocolate) 


Picked up Gabriel and came home. Made him lunch. Before I went back into work my wife came home. I did the PM training and was able to get Javi on my break. Back home now and answering questions. Took out all 4 bins for tomorrow and went to Target to.grab a few things and get dinner.

(Afternoon: coffee, water)


Picked up pupusas and came home to have Diner. Watched AFV, showered and caught the last qualifying MNF. Now in the living room passing the time until bed time.

(Nighttime: pupusas, beer, hot chocolate)

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Ready for Kickoff

Woke up and went to shower. Changed and fixed the nutcracker decorations outside. The wind was blowing them around and they were making a knocking noise all night. We got ready and went to church. After we picked up some pastries and now are home.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Made some chicharron and had lunch. Now watching the Niners play against the Bengals. The game was frustrating. They won on OT but dude, it seemed they were out to loose this game. Anyway, did laundry and we went out to get my wife some sushi.
(Afternoon: coke, water, peanut butter cups, chicharron)

Picked up the food, drove around to look at the lights in the neighborhood. Came back home and finished laundry and watched TV. Showered and now hanging out until bed time.
(Nighttime: beer, water, rompope, sushi, brownie)

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Sick on the weekend

Woke up, not feeling great but we do what we do. Made the boys eggs with Vienna sausages and I had coffee and toast with mine. After played some Madden and watched Netflix.
(Morning: eggs, Vienna sausage, toast, coffee, water)

Warmed up the left over soup for the boys. Some clam chowder for me and my wife. Now going to shower. We went around the block to see Santa Claus, they have a parade through the neighborhood. So that was fun. After that we went to the mall to look for some shoes for Gabriel.  We got them and came back home.
(Afternoon: clam chowder, water)

Got home, played Madden. Went to put gas in the camry and and to pick up some pizza. They were backed up so my order took an extra 30 minutes to be ready. After I came home to eat, but that didn't happen because again Javi decided to act out because it wasn't what he wanted to eat and I finally lost it. I am just tired of this every single day. We cater too much to him and he needs to man up and just eat what we all eat. Anyway, gave Gabriel a shower and changed him. Wrapped up a few more gifts and had dinner. Now about to change. Watched some more TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: brownies, water, beer, rompope, pizza, wings, crazy bread)

The end of the work week

Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the snacks ready for the boys. Made some coffee and headed off to drop them off at school. Came back home and logged in to work. Started the morning training and played Madden for a bit.
(Morning: coffee, water)

We went to Target before picking up Gabriel. Came home and logged back into work. The PM training was good. We had our unit meeting and set up our unit holiday lunch. After work I went to clean up the leaves outside and we went to return something to Khol's and got Javi some PJ'S. Now we are home.
(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup, Starbucks refresher,  water)

Had some nachos and now are watching a movie. After went to bed and passed out.
(Nighttime: nachos, beer, water, cookie)

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Seven more working days

Woke up and went to get ready. Packed my lunch, made sure the boys had their items ready. Watched the news for the weather and traffic report and headed out to get parking for work. The drive was smooth, no traffic. Got here at 5:59. Parked and took a nap. Wokenup around 6:50 and started my walk to work. It is cold today, but the walk kept me warm. Did the training and helped a few people before going on lunch. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch and rested up before the 2nd training. It was good, it went about an hour and a half. After I walked over to the car and drove home. There was some traffic. I passed by picking up dinner.
(Afternoon: sandwich, capri sun, water, candy, chips)

Got home and unpacked. Had dinner and rested up. Showered and played with the boys. Changed Gabriel and brushed his teeth. Had Javi do the same. Watched TV and folded clothes. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: McDouble, McChicken, tacks, iced tea, water)

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Driving into the office


I woke up probably 10 minutes before the alarm was going to go off. Went to get dressed and got my things ready for the drive to work. There was slight traffic but nothing too major. Got in to the parking lot and entered the building. Went into the Expo room to try the new connections I brought in. I was able to the 2nd monitor to work. Did the training and it was very short today, we released them to work on their task and to ask questions about any CalFresh Carrying task that they may have.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Had my lunch and took a power nap. Still tired. Have to log into the PM training to do one more show today. It's my Mom's birthday and she is currently at Disneyland with my nephew. I called her to wish her a Happy Birthday and let her go so she could enjoy the rest of the day. We did the PM training and stayed logged on to help people. About to drive home.

(Afternoon: Water, ZOA energy drink, Caprisun, Chocolate, sandwich, cheetos)


The drive home was good, some traffic near the end. Got home and had dinner. Cleaned up and helped Javi shower. My wife bathed Gabriel and I showered after. Had the boys go to bed and now watchin TV, going to bed soon. Early wake up tomorrow.

(Nighttime: water, beer, coke, chicken fajitas, rice, tortilla, brownie)

Almost a sick day

Woke up this morning and wanted to call out sick. Karla sent me a message that she was going to be out, so I forced myself to log in. Got ready and got the boys ready, took them to school and came home to make coffee and log in to work. I did the training with Monika today, it was fun. The training went quick. I was able to clean the living room and dinning room. Got ready to go get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

We went to pick up some drinks before getting Gabriel. Picked him up and came home. He had Mac and Cheese, we had cheeseburgers. Now going back into the training to help the PM group out. My wife went to get Javi because I am in training. After work I cut the grass in the backyard and got ready to go to Costco. 
(Afternoon: cheeseburgers, Thai Iced Tea, peanut butter cups, water)

Went to Costco,  got a few items and returned home. Had dinner and went to Target to get Javi his shirt for Thursday. Got back home, chilled and showered. Watched TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime:Pizza, hot dog, bee, water)

Monday, December 6, 2021

Sick day

Woke up and was not feeling well. Called out sick. Got the boys ready and when my wife took them to school I went back to sleep. About to shower, not sure if I have to go pick up Gabriel. 
(Morning: water)

My wife came home with Gabriel and I went to pick up lunch. Came home and ate, picked up Javi when he was off and went to Target. Got home and rested up.
(Afternoon: super burrito, coke, water)

Watched MNF and relaxed. Had dinner and took out the trash. Showered and watched a show on TV before heading for bed. 
(Nighttime: kept over Mexican food, water)

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Church day

Woke up and made pancakes for the boys. Took a shower and we got ready to go to church. We made it there and it was a good mass. Got a church passport for Javi so we can keep track of attendance. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Got home and attended a zoom meeting for Javi's communion process. Had lunch and now Watching the Niners vs Seahawks. Well the game started off very scary. One of the Niners players got hurt and taken to the hospital. The game was good for the most part. They lost. After I went to pick up some items at Target for the bathroom. 
(Afternoon: water, spaghetti)

We had dinner and I changed Gabriel. Sent Javi to change. Now just relaxing and watching TV. Going to need a miracle during tomorrow's MNF game to win in Fantasy Football this week. Anyway, off to bed.
(Nighttime: jack and Coke, beer, rice and beans, tortilla,  cheese, water, chocolate)

Saturday, December 4, 2021

All of the lights

Woke up and had coffee. My wife made chorizo con huevo and we ate. Cleaned up a bit and got ready to go to Khol's to return something. 
(Morning: coffee, water, chorizo con huevo)

Went to Khol's hit up Target. Got home and wrapped up the Christmas gifts that came in. Now heading to Costco for gas and to San Joae for the Christmas in the park event.
(Afternoon: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Caramel brulee latte)

Finished up the park and now about to eat. After we had dinner we drove home and hung out. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: water, margarita,, burger, mashed potatoes)

Friday, December 3, 2021

Off early

Woke up and went to go get ready. Got snacks for the boys ready to go. Got then ready and took them to school. Came back home made coffee and logged in to work. Training was not good today. The cases were not working as they should. So we had to do an audible. After training I did laundry and played Madden. About to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Before getting Gabriel we picked up some Starbucks. Got him and grabbed some Burger King. Had lunch and we were off to get Javi so we could drive down for his dentist appointment. Got here quick and now waiting at my sister's while they go to the dentist. 
(Afternoon: iced Caramel Macchiato, whopper, chicken sandwich,water)

We went to Serramonte and did some shopping. Everyone had dinner except for me, I wasn't hungry at the time but had Thai tea. Now about yo drive home. The drive was quick,  got home and ate some food. Showered and watched TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, Japanese food)

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Another office day


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Waking up a little later and taking off a little later to see how it goes. I made my coffee, packed my lunch and off to work. The drive was good, no real traffic. Just a bit of slow downs here and there. Got to the area where I park around 5:58 AM, so I had to wait 2 minutes to officially park. When I did I took a nice nap. At 7 I woke up and walked to work. The walk was good, took me about 17 minutes to get here. I was getting ready to set up and use the bathroom before work and the fire alarm went off. So I grabbed my things and went to wait outside for the Fire Department to clear the building so we can go in. When it was cleared I came upstairs to do the training. It was short today, the cases did not work again. Now just waiting for questions. 11 more training days to go until vacation time.

(Morning: Coffee, water, candy)


Been sitting here in the Expo room. It is pointless for me to be here. About to meet Kathleen for lunch. I am really tired. I need a boost or something. I really need a nap. Lunch was fun, we had a good chat and now I am back in the Expo room. Waiting for questions and running out the clock. When time was up I jetted to the car. Got in and started to drive home. It would have been a quick commute but they are doing construction on my exit so that delayed me an extra 20 minutes. 

(Afternoon: Water, Monster, Chicken, Candy)


Got home and had dinner, went to Target and came home. Chilled and showered. Washed dishes and watched TV. Played Madden and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: tacos, coke, water)

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Parking day


Woke up and got ready for work. Set up the boys lunch bags and snuck out of the house to drive to work. The drive was good. Light traffic, but got here around 7:05. As I anticipated, my badge didn't work, so I had to ask a security guard to let me in. I walked over to 1440 and we began training. The training was good, we also set up things for tomorrow.

(Morning: Coffee, Water)


Karla invited me to lunch. We had Thai food. I had Pad Thai and some water. After I came to my desk at 1235. Now setting things up and waiting for time to start driving home. So tired and sleepy, would like to nap but so close to going home. I hope the drive is kind to me today. Left work a little early to drive home.

(Afternoon: Pad Thai, water, Rock Star)


Got home at a good time. My nephew was here and I went to pick up some Popeyes with Javi. Had dinner and cleaned up. Showered and watched TV. Off to bed now.

(Nighttime: Popeyes, water)