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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

lockdown day 471


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Waited a bit to see if Gabriel was going to go to preschool today, my wife told me that he would not be going and because he was still having a runny nose. I set up for the training that I have to do. Made coffee and began the first training with Leah. The training went well, it went almost the full allotted time. The second training I did with Monika and I did the opposite part, it was fun and engaging with the crowd. Now off to get some food for lunch.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Had some spaghetti with meatballs for lunch, a kiwi strawberry Snapple and now checking back in to work. I have 2 more trainings to conduct today. If they are like the other ones, I will be logging off around 5 and getting Javi ready for swim class. Not sure if Gabriel will be going as he is still a bit sick. Finished up both trainings, they were good, there was not too much participation so it dragged a bit. But we are done for the week. Now getting Javi ready to go swim. Thr drive here was quick,  he is in the pool now. I got the baseball display cases in and had the boys sign two baseballs and gave one to my wife and kept one for myself. 

(Afternoon: Snapple, water, Spaghetti with meatballs)


After we got back I picked up my wife and we headed out to get some Taco Bell. Came home and had dinner, watched Loki and now resting up, close to bed time

(Nighttime: taco bell, water, beer)

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

lockdown day 470

Woke up and still not feeling great. But I have training to do. Not sure if my wife will be taking Gabriel in to preschool today. Anyway, getting things ready for the 4 slots today. The morning trainings went well, they went the full time. After tool a break to rest up.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had lunch and got ready for the next trainings. The first training is going well. I have a slight headache and we still have one more to go. The second one was good as well. After work I watered the lawn and chilled outside. We went to the park and the boys played a bit.
(Afternoon: chicken gnocchi soup, water)

After the park we went to Chili's to have dinner. Came home and I showered,  changed the boys and cleaned the bed. Folded clothes while watching NXT. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: burger, chips, guacamole, dr.pepper, water, wings)

Monday, June 28, 2021

lockdown day 469


Woke up and felt bad, but still got ready for work. Got Gabriel's things ready and got him dressed to go to school. We took him and came back, made some coffee and had a donut. Not feeling great, a little sick, but I still checked in to the trainings to listen to them. I think I should be good to go when it's my turn tomorrow. After the training I got ready to head out to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water, donut)


Went to go get Gabriel and came home. Had some lunch and checked back in to work. Now waiting to see what goes on for the next half of the day. Helped someone out with a question about residency. Had a snack and took Javi to swim class. Swim class was good, only he went. Gabriel is still a bit sick. 

(Afternoon: Carne molida, white rice, water)


Came back home and helped Javi shower. I went to take out the trash and were the grass and there was a 4.0 Earthquake that hit. The ground moved a bit outside, my wife said the house moved a bit, but nothing major. Went to shower and changed the boys, now watching tv. Made some tortilla and cheese, also made some Margaritas.

(Nighttime: chocolate cake, mini donuts, water, peanuts, tortilla and cheese, Margaritas)

Sunday, June 27, 2021

lockdown day 468

Woke up with a slight headache. Made coffee, showered and ran out to get some donuts. Came back home and ate and played Mario Golf.
(Morning : Donuts, coffee, water)

My Mom, Sister and Brother in law came by and we went to Javi's team pizza party. It was fun and he got a trophy amd I got a certificate. We came home and rested up a bit. 
(Afternoon: Pizza, water, chicken, gatorade)

Took a nap and woke up and went to Target for a few items. Came back home and put things away. Washed dishes and took out trash and recycling. Watched tv, not feeling good, going to bed

(Nighttime: pizza, chocolate cake, snapple, water)

Saturday, June 26, 2021

lockdown day 467

Woke up and made the boys breakfast. Had some coffee and played Mario golf. Showered and got ready to go watch F9. We left to go to the movies and it was a nice theater. It had luxury loungers and it was a entertaining movie, but a little ridiculous. After we drove home. 
(Morning: coffee, water, icee, popcorn)

Got home and picked up the boys, we went to El Torito and had an anniversary lunch. After thr meal we came back home and played again. Rested up and helped the boys shower.
(Afternoon: carne asada burrito, rice. Beans, chips, salsa, beer, water)

Started watching the Giants game and reviewing the training materials for the upcoming week. When I was done we watched Parks and Recreation. Caught the last part of the Giants game and they walked off the A's in extra innings. Going to bed now.
(Nighttime: peanuts, water, granola bar)

Friday, June 25, 2021

lockdown day 466


Woke up and went to get dressed. Gabriel is not going to school again. Made coffee, moved the car for street cleaning and came back in to log in to work. Went to a meeting and reviewed the training materials. The training starts on Monday, but I go Tuesday and Wednesday. Finished the meeting and now just waiting for lunch time.

(Morning: Water, coffee)


Had some Fettucine Alfredo with shrimp. Washed dishes and now in a webinar. We went over to Gabriel's parent/teacher conference and they told us he was well behaved and advanced in a lot of things. After we picked up some Starbucks and I came home to finish up work. I have a headache, hopefully it goes away soon.

(Afternoon: Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo, Water, Iced Caramel Macchiato) 


Mario Golf finally came in and I played it before we went for a drive. Came home and played some more. Changed the boys, I showered and they went to bed. Watched some tv and going to bed soon.

(Nighttime: water, peanuts, pretzel bites)

lockdown day 465


Another bad night for Gabriel. He is not going to preschool. I got up and went to get ready for work. Made coffee and logged in to work. Reviewed some emails and got ready for a 9 AM meeting. Attended the meeting and got our assignments for training. I go Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the next 3 weeks. Now waiting on final confirmation of completion of the ppt to start practicing.

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Chocolate)

Afternoon: Made the boys chicken strips, made sandwiches for my wife and myself. Had lunch and drove over to my sister's. Got here pretty quick, logged back into work and now just answering questions and making updates. Finished up work and hung out for a bit. My wife came home from work and we decided to head home to get some food.

(Afternoon: Iced Coffee, Turkey sandwich, water)


The drive was good, a little bit of traffic. We dropped off the boys and headed out to grab dinner. We stopped at the Food Trucks close by and got a Maine Lobster roll, Lobster tacos, Lobster bisque and sliders for the boys and garlic fries for us. We came home to eat and the food was good, but over priced for the portions. Anyway, took out the trash, going to shower and relax. Played Madden before bed.

(Nighttime: Maine Lobster Roll, garlic fries, sliders, water)

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

lockdown day 464


Woke up and got dressed. Gabriel had a bad night, he had some medication to un stuff his nose. Gave him breakfast and got him ready for school. We dropped him off and came back home. Made some coffee for my wife and a cup for me. Checked in to work and started answering questions and reviewing documents. Attended the weekly forum meeting. Now waiting for time to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


Went to Target real quick to pick up some items. Went to get Gabriel and came back home. Had some Arroz A La Valenciana and a Mango Iced Tea. Checked back in to work and now waiting for feedback from the training material. Talked to my supervisor before logging off for the day.

(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, Mango iced tea, water)


Took Javi to swim class. After came home and helped him shower. Went to pick up some food amd.drove back home. Had dinner, showered, changed Gabriel and helped Javi make another YouTube video. Watch Loki and now off to bed. 

(Nighttime: burrito, water)

lockdown day 463


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel's items ready for school. He did not want to wake up today. Finally he got up and had breakfast, I got him dressed and we took him to preschool. Came back home and made some coffee and logged in to work. Searched for some items I needed, got some feedback and updated a ppt real quick. Now researching and waiting for questions. Also waiting for time to go get Gabriel. 

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Went to go pick up Gabriel and came home. Had 2 chili dogs for lunch. Checked in to the meeting we had and now just running out the clock. While ending work I was able to answer a few more questions and revise my part of the power point. I'm getting a little hungry. The pool I ordered from Amazon came in today with some other items. Hopefully this weekend is hot. After work we took the boys to Hop hop for a bit and came home.

(Afternoon: 2 Chili Dogs, water, pretzel, iced lemonade)


Came home and showered, bathed Gabriel and watered the grass. Had some snacks and watched Lego Masters with Javi and Mental Samurai with my wife. Now going to bed.

(Nighttime: doritos, water, cookies)

Monday, June 21, 2021

lockdown day 462


Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel's things ready for preschool and got him ready. We went to drop him off at school and came home. I made coffee and logged in. Now just waiting for questions and reviewing items for training. I had Javi do some exercise and had him do some school work and now getting ready to go out to get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


Went with my wife to get Gabriel, it was a quick trip, came home and had lunch and rested up a bit before logging back in to work for a meeting. Attended the meeting and updated the power point. Watered the grass and vacuumed the office. Running out the clock and going to get the boys ready for swim class. Took the boys to swim class and they did well. Came home and both boys bathed.

(Afternoon: Fajitas tacos, white rice, water)


They had dinner, I tool out the trash and swept up the front yard. Ate some ravioli and went to shower. Changed the boys and put clothes to wash. After a bit I sent the boys to bed. Watched a documentary on Chyna, 2 episodes of Parks and Recreation and finally finished RAW while folding clothes. Now off to bed.

(Nighttime: granola bar, water, gatorade,  ravioli, candy)

Sunday, June 20, 2021

lockdown day 461

Woke up and the boys gave me Father's day cards. We went to have breakfast at Sheri's in Castro Valley. It was a nice breakfast and after we came home and I started watching the Broken Skulls sessions with Stone Cold and Mick Foley. 
(Morning: pancakes, bacon, Sausage, hash browns, eggs, cheese and ham)

We went over to Round 1 for bowling. We almost got into a car accident, I was able to stop the truck in time thankfully. We bowled and played some games and came home. Finished watching the Giants game (they beat the Phillies) and started watching Hell in a Cell. Had an early dinner and now relaxing, going to shower soon.
(Afternoon: pasta, water, iced coffee, donut)

Showered and finished the Hell In a Cell event. Went to toss out the trash and set up some things for the week. Watched some tv, put the boys to bed and finished a show. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: ravioli, water)

Saturday, June 19, 2021

lockdown day 460

Woke up and went to start decorating the back yard for the party. Put up banners, bunting, tables, chairs and put out the drinks..had the boys shower and showered myself. We went out to get some ice and beers, came.home and my sister came by with my Mom and took the kids to get ice cream. Now waiting for Amilcar to get here with the benches and table. Ordered the pizza for pick up at 12. They got here and we set up the rest of the tables, benches and canopy. We took off to get the pizza.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Came back home and started the grill. Made burgers , hot dogs and pizza. Some nice drinks and a good time. The kids loved the trophies we got them and they had a blast playing water balloons together. They got my hammock dirty, but I'll clean it later. After everyone left, we cleaned up and now I am resting.
(Afternoon: hot dog, burger, lemonade, water, chips)

Washed the hammock and dried it. Rested a bit and took a nap. Had some pizza and bread sticks with some lemonade. We went real quick to Target and came home. I showered and changed the boys. Watched some tv and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, lemonade, pizza, bread sticks)

Friday, June 18, 2021

lockdown day 459

Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel's things ready and got him dressed. We took him to preschool and they had a picture for me for Father's day. I Have to day off today, part of history. Today is the first observance of Juneteenth. It was signed into federal law and the mayor of San Francisco decreed it was now a holiday so we have the day off.
We are back home now, about to have breakfast,  I have some more yard work to do.
Cleaned up the back yard and went to watch some TV. Trying to rest up as much as I can.

(Morning: water, coffee, donut)

Folded some clothes and took off to get Gabriel. After we went to Walmart in Union City. I got some shorts, shirt, socks and fire wood. I got the boys some items as well. Grabbed lunch and drove home, put things away and now watching Gabriel play in the little pool. It's hot again, I love it.
Chilled with the boys outside and waited for my wife to get home. We went to the Costco business center and came home.
(Afternoon: iced tea, water. Chicken nuggets, mcdouble, McChicken)

Folded some clothes and watched Luca on Disney +. Cleaned the grill and got it ready for tomorrow. About to go shower. Had a quick bite and watched tv. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: chicken nuggets, water, cookies)

Thursday, June 17, 2021

lockdown day 458

Woke up and went to get dressed. It looks like another hot day today. Got Gabriel's bags ready and dressed him. Now we arenjust waiting for time to drive him over to preschool. Got back home and made some coffee. I wasn't feeling good so I asked to log off at 12.
(Morning: coffee, water)

We went to get Gabriel and passed by Cardenas to get some things for Saturday. Came home and had lunch. Ran out to Target and returned. A little later we are going to costco. 
(Afternoon: water, chicken, cheese Danish, popcorn,  pizza)

We hit up Costco and another Target. Came home and ordered Chinese food. I walked over to pick it up. Had dinner, I showered.  The boys played a game.and got ready for bed. Watched tv before calling it quits for the day.
(Nighttime: beef chow fun, fried rice, water)

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

lockdown day 457


Yesterday was the official reopening of the state. I still put down lockdown until we are actually able to fully go without masks and I go in to work. Anyway, this morning I woke up and got dressed. Helped Gabriel get dressed and got his things ready for preschool. We took him over and came back home. Today is going to be a hot day. I made coffee and checked in to work. Attended the forum meeting and a team meeting. Now waiting to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, Coffee)


Went to Target to get milk, after I went to pick up Gabriel and came home to have lunch. I worked on a few things in the backyard, trimmed the leaves that were coming over the fence and cleaned up quite a bit. Now back in to work and running out the clock. After work I got the boys ready and now we are off to swim class.

(Afternoon: Sopa de Res, water, Starbucks refresher)


Swim class was fun, after we got some Wendy's and came home. It's still hot here, so I am going to shower and put the fan on. Watched some of the Giants game and helped Javi make his first YouTube video for his new channel and now watching Loki and doing laundry. Folded the first batch, next one is tomorrow. Going to bed.

(Nighttime: burger, nuggets, lemonade, water)

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

lockdown day 456


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel ready, got his bags ready and we took him to preschool. The drop off was good and quick. We returned home and I made coffee and logged in. Talked to a few people and started working on my part of the training. Spoke to my supervisor regarding a part of the materials and did some research with the help of Amilcar. Now just waiting to go get Gabriel and head down to my sister's place.

(Morning: Water, Coffee)


Made some lunch for Javi and for us. Ate and now getting ready to leave. Went to pick up Gabriel and drove to my sister's house. Set up my work station and started working. Attended the meeting about training and updated the power point for training and I sent it off to the next person. Right now I am running out the clock.

(Afternoon: Pretzel's. chicken fries. water, donut)


We surprised Alexia with a birthday dinner and had some fun. After we drove back home and I put away the trash bin and came in to shower. Watched Lego Masters with Javi and sent the boys to bed. It's warm here, it's going to be an interesting night. Watching NXT before going to bed.

(Nighttime: ribs, gallo pinto, queso frito, water)

Monday, June 14, 2021

lockdown day 455

Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel's bag ready, got him dressed and we went to drop him off at preschool. Came home and made coffee and logged in to work. Answerd some questions and worked ok a project. Now waiting for time to go get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water, chocolate)

Picked up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch, checked back into work. Talked to my supervisor regarding a concern for the training and we should be getting a response soon. Finished up work and cleaned up a bit. Changed the boys for their swimming classes. We went to the pool around 5:10.
(Afternoon : carne molida, white rice, water)

The swim classes were cool, after we got Popeye's chicken. They were taking a bit long so I told my wife to take the boys home and I walked home with the food. Now going to shower and watch tv.
(Nighttime: chicken,  cole slaw, biscuits, water)

lockdown day 454

Got up, made some sausage and eggs.wjth coffee. Folded the laundry I did yesterday and took a shower. Brought the boys to the mall to a place called Hop-Hop. 
(Morning: coffee, water, egg, Sausage)

Waiting for the boys to end the one hour session. Going to see what I get the boys for lunch. I have to wash the car soon. We went to Target real quick to get Javi his swim gear for tomorrow, I got them some Vanilla Bean Frappuccinos and I got myself a refresher. Came home made then lunch and I washed the car. After I made some Chicharrón and ate.started Watchung NXT take over. 
(Afternoon: water, Chicharrón, tortilla, refreshe)

We watxhed a movie on Netflix and after I watered the grass in the backyard and in front of the hose. Showered and folded some clothes. Watching tv and going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: reeses pieces, peanuts, water)
(Afternoon: water)

Saturday, June 12, 2021

lockdown day 453

Woke up and made breakfast for the boys. Ate and had coffee, went to shower and got ready for Javi's last game. We took off around 11:45 to get there on time.
(Morning: eggs bacon, coffee and water)

Got to the park and realized we were the home team, so I chalked up the batter's box and the foul lines. I was the only coach there up until game time so I had to get the kids ready. They played hard and were having fun, but in the end could not pull out the win. It was a fun game and a great season. We took a team picture and we left. Now we are home, bathed Gabriel,  Javi is showering. About to go eat.
(Afternoon: lemonade, water)

Amilcar and Olga came by and we went to Famous Dave's for dinner. Had a good time and came back home. We played in the backyard,  played charades and talked for a bit. Now watching tv before going to bed.
(Nighttime: ribs, pulled pork, brownie, ice cream, potato salad, mac and cheese,  water)

Friday, June 11, 2021

lockdown day 452


Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel ready for school and we took him. The drop off was good and on the way back home we got donuts. Now logged in to work ready to answer questions and review documents. Gabriel had an event at school and we were able to watch it via Zoom. He sang the National Anthem and did the pledge of allegiance and now we are back to working. 

(Morning: Donuts, Coffee, Water)


Went out to pick up Gabriel and passed by picking up pupusas. Now having lunch and soon checking back in to work. Attending my unit meeting and got the things rolling for our next training. Did that and now just looking over some documents and running out the clock. After work we got ready to go to the movies. 

(Afternoon: pupusas, water)


We drove over to Bayfair Mall to watch Peter Rabbit 2. The movie was fun, after came home and changed. Now finishing up In the Heights. The movie was ok, a little bit of a let down. But it is what it is. Going to bed.

(Nighttime: icee, water, popcorn)

lockdown day 451


Woke up and went to get dressed. I really didn't want to work today, but here I go. Got Gabriel's lunch ready and got him dressed. We took him to preschool and passed by Starbucks to get some coffee. Came home and I logged in to work, reviewing emails and finishing a task I was given. Helped someone with their phone set up and now about to go on a break.

(Morning: Water, Iced Caramel Macchiato, Chocolate)


I went to Target to get the cupcakes for tomorrow for Gabriel's class. Picked him up and came back home. Had lunch, might have over eaten since I really didn't have dinner last night. Full and sleepy. Back in to work and now waiting for questions again. We took off for Gabriel's game and it was fun. After we went to have dinner. 

(Afternoon: Bratwurst, water)


Had dinner at Shell Shock and came back home. Showered and watched TV before falling asleep. Nothing much today, it was nice.

(Nighttime: Seafood, water)

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

lockdown day 450

Woke up and got dressed. Called out today to rest up. My shoulder is still acting up. Had coffee and drove down to my sister's to see my Mom. 
(Morning: coffee, water, donut)

The boys went with my Mom to pick up Myrna. I was watching the Giants game. They came back with Happy Meals. Now just waiting. My wife came by and we went to grab food at Serramonte and came back. Put the table in the truck and now getting ready to eat a late lunch.
(Afternoon: chicken nuggets, peanuts,  water, shrimp pad Thai, iced Thai tea)

Hung out some more and drove home. The drive was quick and now we are at home relaxing. I showered and now catching up on Lego Masters. Finished that up and now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: mini muffin, water)

lockdown day 449


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel's bag ready and dressed him. Broke down some cardboard and put it in the recycling bin. We went to go drop him off at preschool and came back home. Made some coffee and checked in to work. My knee and shoulder are hurting. Waiting for questions to come in and reviewing some documents. Called my Aunt for her birthday and now waiting to go into a webinar.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Reese's Pieces)


I drove over to get Gabriel and came home. Had some lunch and now checking back in to work. Let's see where the rest of the day takes me. One more meeting later and I'm out. After work we drove to the park. Me and the other coach set up the field and got the kids ready to play.

(Afternoon: Chicken fajitas tacos, rice, beans, tortilla, water, cheese)


The kids lost the game, but they had fun for the most part. After the game we drove home and then to Chili's to get some food and came home. Had dinner, bathed Gabriel,  Javi showerd and I showered.  Now just watching tv before bed.

(Nighttime: burger, loaded mashed potatoes,  water)

Monday, June 7, 2021

lockdown day 448


Woke up and went to get changed. Got Gabriel's lunch box and backpack ready for the day. We took him to preschool and the drop off was good. Came back home and made coffee before logging in to work. Checked in and started answering questions. I had Javi get some practice in outside and he has to go do some more pretty soon. Now just waiting for time to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, gummies, coffee)


Ordered some Starbucks for pick and I went to go get it before I got Gabriel. Picked him up and now we are home. About to have lunch and check back in. Answered a few questions and now close to being off of work. I would like to nap, but I don't think that will happen. Anyway, no practice tonight, a game tomorrow.

(Afternoon: Spaghetti and Meatballs, Iced Vanilla Latte, Water)


Went to Target real quick to grab a pretzel and came home. Had dinner, played charades,  showered and watched some tv before bed.

(Nighttime: potatoes, avocado,  chorizo,  pretzels,  water, pineapple juice,  chocolate)

Sunday, June 6, 2021

lockdown day 447

Woke up and got ready, helped the boys get ready and we drove down to the ballpark for the baseball pictures. Gabriel went first and after Javi went. It was a fun experience. After we went home and took a quick trip to Cardenas and now we are home. 
(Morning : coffee, water)

Changed and had lunch. My Mom, Sister and Brother in law came by and we went to the outlets in Livermore. I got the boys 2 matching shirts each for the trip. Walked around some more and came back home. When we got here we are charades and soon after they went home and I napped for a bit.
(Afternoon: chicken tacos, water, corn nuts)

Warmed up the left over tacos, made dinner for the boys. Took a shower and got things ready for tomorrow. I got Javi to shower and we played charades again before the boys went to bed. Watching a biography on Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: chicken tacos, water, chips, ice cream)

lockdown day 446

Woke up and went to change. Made Javi some pancakes and had him get ready for the game. Laid out Gabriel's uniform and we took off to the game. We got there and warmed up the kids, the game went ok. They lost again but played better as the game progressed. Javi went 0-2 with 2 K's. But he had fun and made a good defensive play. After the game we watched Gabriel's last inning in tee ball, he had a good hit and played a pretty good field. We drove home after.
(Morning: coffee, water, lemonade,  snickers)

Drove out to Pleasanton to get Gabriel a hiar cut. Waiting for them in the car. Went to eat lunch and drove home to finish up my game of Madden and went outside. 
(Afternoon: hamburger,  wings, onion rings, water)

Chilled outside and started a fire in the fire pit. Roasted marshmallows and waited for the fire to burn out. We went to Target and came back home. When I went to check on the fire pit I saw a Racoon in the backyard. Scared it away. Went to shower and now relaxing watching Parks and Rec. Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: marshmallows,  sushi, water)

Friday, June 4, 2021

Lockdown day 445


Woke up and went to change. Got Gabriel's lunch bag ready and went to go wake him up. Got him changed and went to drop him off at preschool. Returned home to make coffee and to check in to the training meeting. Right now just listening to what they are teaching. Talked with the group about case comments and other items. About to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Fruit cups)


We drove over to get Gabriel and had to pass by Cardenas to get some cheese. Got back home and going to have lunch soon and go into the unit meeting. Finished work and we went to get some food.

(Afternoon: Water, Bean soup, white rice)


Got some Papa Pancho's and came home to eat, watched Raya and the last dragon with the boys showered and now going to watch another movie. Headed off to bed. Early game tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: water, chips, burrito)

Lockdown day 444


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Got Gabriel's bags ready for preschool. The boys woke up and had them get ready. We took Gabriel to preschool and came back home. Made coffee and logged in to work and now in another training with the Cohort 20. The training was good and ended around the 3 hour mark. They looked like they understood most of the material but we will have to see.

(Morning: Water, coffee)


Went to put gas in the truck and to get Gabriel. Got back home and had lunch. Now logging back in to work. Javi has one more hitting session before today's game. Nothing much going on today at work, just reading up on some new developments and answering questions as they come. Finished work and drove over to the park for the game.

(Afternoon: Carne molida, white rice, water)


The game started and it started well. The game didn't end in out favor. Javi went 0-1, 2 BB, 1 RBI, K. After we came home and I made dinner for everyone. Showered and now watching the finale of Law and Order SVU. After that I watched The Darkside of the ring. Now off to bed.

(Nighttime: string cheese, pineapple juice, water, chocolate)

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

lockdown day 443


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel ready to go and had Javi change. We are leaving soon to go to my Sister's place. Javi has an appointment this morning and I will be working from there. The drive was quick, no traffic and we were able to use the carpool lane. Got here and set up for work, in the forum meeting now. After we went real quick to pick up some lunch and came back home.

(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water)


Got back and was talking to Amilcar about some news he had. Had lunch and now waiting for time for a meeting to start up at 1. Logged on to the meeting and it's given me a headache. So tired and bored. Anyway, now just hoping they finish it up soon. All done with work and now waiting for time to drive back home.

(Afternoon: water, Panda Express, Red Bull)


Had dinner with my Mom and Sister and drove home. We passed by Costco but but gas line was super long so we just came home. Put away my things and showered, now watching some Law and Order Criminal Intent. In bed now, going to sleep soon. My knee is popping again.

(Nighttime: water,  chicken, potatoes, Mac and cheese)

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

lockdown day 442


Woke up and went to get dressed. Gabriel is not going to school today as he was coughing a lot. Made coffee and logged in to work. Caught up with emails and now just waiting to answer questions. I don't think I'll answer much today as my unit mate is answering them all. Spoke with Karla to get an update about what I missed. Doesn't seem that I missed too much. We went out for a walk and came back home, when we got here I placed the order for Javi's and Gabriel's baseball trophies. From the looks of things it looks like they will not be getting one from the league this year so we decided to order one for them. They come by the 8th. 

(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water)


Called my Mom to see how she was doing. We had left over pizza for lunch. I am tired. I set up the hitting net for Javi and he should be going out soon. Went out for a bit to practice some catching and hitting with Javi and now close to logging back on. Logged back on and ran out the clock. After work I rested up before going to Target. 

(Afternoon: Pizza, water, biscuit)


After Target we came home and put the groceries away. I watered both lawns and took a shower. Watched the premiere of Lego Masters with Javi and now watching NXT. Off to bed now.

(Nighttime: water, pineapple juice, gallo pinto, cheese, tortilla)