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Thursday, January 14, 2021

lockdown day 304

Woke up, changed and started doing more laundry. Made coffee and got Gabriel's bag ready. Took him to preschool and then I went to Target tonget some items before coming home. Got here and switched out the clothes since apparently no one else here can do that and made a bagel with cream cheese. Now watching Law and Order SVU. By the way you may have noticed I did not mention work as I called out to rest up.
I went in to garage and started my project,  put up the peg board and marked the area with painters tape. Did the Red and Orange portion and went to have lunch.
(Morning: coffee, bagel and cream cheese, water)

Ate bean soup while the paint dried. Hung out outside and played catch with the boys. After some time my wife went to nap, the Boys to play and I finished up my project in the garage. Painted the Gold and Black portion and after the paint dried a bit I started putting things in place. It looks really nice, very proud of the work I did.
(Afternoon: bean soup, white rice, beer, water, juice)

We went out to get burgers and came home. Ate dinner, folded clothes and I went to shower. Just finished up renewing my Driver's license and now having a few cold ones and hanging out. Had the boys change and I read them a bedtime story. Going to watch some TV before bed. So sore from today. But so happy everything worked out.
(Nighttime: water, beer, burger, cupcake, peanutbuttercup)

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