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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

lockdown day 296


Woke up, got dressed and made coffee. No Boost today, I forgot it. Anyway, went to go drop Gabriel off for his first day of preschool, he cried, but I know he will do well. Came back home, logged in and started work. Around 9 I joined the forum meeting and did my presentation. Cleaned the boys beds, cleaned ours and now waiting for time to start packing things up so we can leave to go to the city. Well decided to have the Boost after all.

(Morning: Coffee, water, pretzels, corn nuts, boost)


We got everything ready to go and headed over to pick up Gabriel. He had a good day at preschool. Passed by getting lunch and drove to my sister's place. Threw out the trash, set up my lap top and started working. I have a training to do either Friday or Monday. Finished up work, confirmed that the training is Friday. After hung out with my Mom, Sister and Niece for a bit before driving home. 

(Afternoon: Chicken Sandwich, Whopper, water)


The drive was good and felt quick. Earned uo a bit, showered and changed Gabriel. Had dinner and put the boys to bed. Watching tv and soon going to bed.

(Nighttime: chicken, tortilla,  white rice, water)

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