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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

lockdown day 302

Woke up, not feeling great. Went to change. Had coffee and cereal and we went to drop Gabriel off at preschool. Came home and checked in to work. Sleepy, tired and may be sick. Need to get some rest and through this day. Been reviewing items and bundled up, not feeling it. Anyway, chopped up onions, garlic cloves, bell pepper and potatoes to help out with the lunch preparation. 
(Morning: coffee, cereal, water, peanut butter monster mix)

Went to pick up Gabriel and came back home. Had lunch and played outside with the boys. Finished up some training and ran out the clock.
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, water)

After work I washed dishes and made chillaquilles for dinner. Had some fruit punch as well. Washed more dishes, showered, changed Gabriel and Javi change. Watched part 1 of the Tiger Woods documentary and took some Nyquill and off to bed.
(Nighttime: pretzels, chillaquilles,  water, juice)

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