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Sunday, January 31, 2021

lockdown day 321

Woke up and we went to the backyard to have the boys play with water balloons. After we got ready to go to the park. I dropped them off and came back home to get the boys bikes and went back. We stayed at the park for some time having fun.
(Morning: mini donut)

After the park we went to Sonic's and grabbed some food. Came back home, had lunch and chilled. Cut up some onion, celery, bell pepper and carrots. Cleaned up outside and mowed the front lawn. Finished the Yokozuna Icon's documentary and now watching The Royal Rumble.
(Nighttime: bacon cheese burger. Milk shake, fries, water)

Still watching the Rumble. It's been good so far. Had some dinner and put clothes to wash. Took a shower and put the boys to bed. Now watching tv. Heading to bed soon.
(Nighttime: arroz a la valenciana,  bread, root beer, water, cookies)

Saturday, January 30, 2021

lockdown day 320

Woke up, went to make the boys breakfast and ate. Had coffee, changed the boys and took a shower. Got ready and packed things up to drive to San Bruno to get Gabriel's hair cut. Now hanging out in the car with Javi while waiting for my wife and Gabriel to be done.
(Morning: egg, cheese and bacon sandwich,  coffee)

After the haircut we went to pick up my Mom and hit up Serramonte. Went to the Disney store, bought shirts for Valentine's day for me and my wife. Got Javi a shirt and Gabriel a wolf stuffed animal. When we got our food my sister called me and told me they had an extra Covid vaccine shot and if I wanted it to go to her work asap. We took off and I got the shot. I have my next one on the 20th of Feb. After I went to my sister's house, had lunch and hung out before going home.
(Afternoon: shrimp pad Thai, cacao, water. Gatorade)

Got home and dropped everyone off went to Cardenas to grab some onions, celery and eggs. Came home and had some dinner. Changed and watched some tv. Going to bed soon. 
(Nighttime: quesadillas, beer, water, ice cream, doritos)

lockdown day 319


Woke up and went to get ready. Had coffee and got Gabriel ready and we took him to preschool. Came back home and swept up some leaves and sticks. Checked in to work and talked to a few people. Had some breakfast and now waiting for questions. Answered a few questions and helped chop up ingredients for lunch.

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Pop tart, mini donut, French Toast)


Went to pick up Gabriel and came home, had lunch and went to my unit meeting. Right now I am in a town hall meeting finding out about things that will happen within the city. Got a message from my supervisors boss saying that I did a good job with the focus groups. After work we headed out to Walmart to get a few things.

(Afternoon: Carne molida, white rice, water, mini donut, peanut butter cup)


Came back from Walmart and had dinner. Showered and put clothes to wash. I changed the boys bed sheets and now watching Dinosaurs with the boys. Changed them after and put them in the room to watch tv. 

(Nighttime: wine. Chicken wings, doritos, popcorn)

Thursday, January 28, 2021

lockdown day 318

Woke up around 5, went to change and slept on the couch until around 7. Got up and changed Gabriel and we took him to preschool. It is raining today. We came back home and I checked in to work. Talked to a few people and now waiting for a town hall meeting. Did that and got ready to go pick up Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, cake loaf, bagel and cream cheese, water)


Picked up Gabriel and came home. Ate lunch and checked back in to work, went to another meeting and now reviewing things for next weeks focus groups. Cleaned up the sticks and branches that I collected the last two days. Made an iced coffee and now running out the clock. After work I stretched out and we went to Target. 

(Afternoon: Iced Coffee, Hamburger, water, Orange Crush)


We came home from Target and had dinner. Right now I am bathing Gabriel and after I will shower. Tired today. Changed Gabriel and I took a shower, put clothes to wash and went to read a story to the Boys. Put them to bed and watched tv. Waitinf on a load to dry so I can fold it before going to bed.

(Nighttime: bratwurst, beer, water, ice cream)

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

lockdown day 317

Woke up, went to change. It wasn't as cold as yesterday. Made coffee and got Gabriel's lunchbox ready. Before leaving I went out to pick up the branches and sticks that fell off the tree our front yard. Now going to drop off Gabriel. Got back home and checked in to work. Attended the forum meeting and packed things up to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, pop tart, water)

Packed up the car and picked up Gabriel. Drove to my sister's place and set up my station. Facilitated both focus groups and after work went to drop off the items to Amilcar. Saw the new kitchen and it was really good. I like it a lot. After I went back to my sister's house and chilled a bit before heading out.  After NXT I went to the room to hang out before bed.
(Afternoon: monster, water, corn nuts, sandwich)

Drove to pick up some sushi for my wife. Headed home, the drive was quick, when we got here I walked across the street to get a box that our neighbor had saved for us. Put things away, had some soup, California roll and a nacatamale with sourdough bread. I am stuffed. Watching wrasslin now.
(Nighttime: California roll, nacatamale,  soup, water, sourdough bread)

lockdown day 316


Woke up and went to get dressed. It is really cold again. My hands feel frozen. Made coffee and got Gabriel's lunch bag and breakfast ready. Changed him and we took him to preschool. Back home now, all the bins are put away and now working. Checked in and talked to a few people. now relaxing and waiting for questions. Attended a meeting that really felt pointless. But anyway, life goes on.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Pop tart, Reese's Pieces)


Went to go get Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and now back in to work and reviewing some items that I need to go over. Very sleepy, but we move on. Had a quick meeting. With my supervisor and unit mate about the focus groups for tomorrow and logged off of work.

(Afternoon: Lobster bisque soup, water, doritos, chocolate)


Since it was Javi's 100th day of school, he wanted to celebrate. We ordered Chili's and I went to go pick it up. Got there and came back home to have dinner. Bathed Gabriel and now going to take a shower. Aftrr the shower I read to the Boys before they went to he. We watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine,  the power went out twice but it seems good now. Anyway. Off to bed.

(Nighttime: Margaritas, ribs, pulled pork. Pulled pork quesadillas, loaded mashed potatoes, garlic bread, water)

Monday, January 25, 2021

lockdown day 315


Woke up and went to change. Got Gabriel's lunch ready and had some coffee. Changed Gabriel and we took him to preschool. We came back and I checked in to work, talked to a few people and reviewed some items. Called to place an order for replacement parts for my CPAP machine. Now just waiting for questions and for time to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, pound cake)


I went to pick up Gabriel and came back home to have lunch. After we went outside to play and enjoyed the outdoors for a bit. Came back in and set up some training things I need to do for Wednesday. Now running out the clock. After work I went out and cleaned up some of the grass that is growing out of control and took out the trash.

(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup, water, iced coffee, Reese's pieces)


We had dinner and I helped Javi with a project. Cleaned up and went to shower. Changed Gabriel and put him to bed. A little later I read to Javi before he went to bed. Watch tv and going to bed soon.

(Nighttime: chicken tacos, oranges, water, root beer)

Sunday, January 24, 2021

lockdown day 314

Woke up, made breakfast for the boys. Watched a quick movie with them before getting ready to go. We went to buy them some shoes and clothes. 
(Morning: coffee, cheese and egg sandwich)

Got the items and came home. Watching the Bucs and Packers game. Waiting for lunch to be ready. Had lunch amd watched the rest of the game. Did an activity book with Javi and started watching the next game. After half time I bathed Gabriel and cleaned the bed. About to wash dishes and go shower.
(Afternoon: water, pasta, horchata)

Had some chips and spinach dip. Some Tequila sunrises and after we sent the boys to bed we watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: chips, spinach dip,  Tequila sunrises,  chocolate,  water)

Saturday, January 23, 2021

lockdown day 313

Got up, gave Gabriel some cereal. Made coffee, cleaned up the cereal he dropped and watched Soul. It was a nice movie. After tool the jumper out so the boys could play.
(Morning: coffee, monster mix)

I ordered some Popeye's for picked up, came back and had lunch. We are outside watching the boys play in the jumper and the yard. It's a bit chilly but still good. Relaxing now. Went in and cleaned the house. Showered and went to get a bag for Amilcar's birthday gift.
(Afternoon: chicken, cole slaw, biscuits, pastry, root beer, water)

Got gas at costco and a few other items. Came home and chilled for the rest of then night. 
(Nighttime: beer, water, spinach dip)

Friday, January 22, 2021

lockdown day 312


Woke up way earlier than expected. Went to use the bathroom and changed. Made coffee and got Gabriel's lunchbox ready. Watched some news before changing him and taking him to preschool. Came back home and checked in to work. Today is my sandbox day. Going to review CalSAWs and see what I can do. I have a meeting later this afternoon with my team regarding this and other items. Checked in with a few people, going to take a break soon.

(Morning: Coffee, water, pop tart)


Went to pick up Gabriel and came back home. Had lunch and attended my unit meeting. Everything was good, now going to run out the clock. After work we went to Big Lots and to another store. Disappointment all around. Ordered some pizza and came home. 

(Afternoon: chicken, Rice, chocolate,  water)


Got home, had dinner and helped the boys build these block sets. About to shower. Changed the boys, watched a Pixar show and had them watch tv in the room while we watched WandaVision. Now in the room, going to bed soon. 

(Nighttime: pizza, beer, water)

Thursday, January 21, 2021

lockdown day 311


Woke up and went to change. Got Gabriel's lunch ready for school and we took him over. Deposited some money at the bank to send out a payment to Best Buy. Came back home and checked in to work. Talked to a few people and now waiting for questions from EW's. Had a question and answered it, tool a break and cleaned the backyard.

(Morning: Coffee, water, reeses pieces)


Went to pick up Gabriel at preschool and came back home. Had lunch and playing with the boys outside. It's nice out right now, early it was pretty cold. Going to go back in to work and finish out the day. So tired, need a pick me up. Don't know what though. Anyway, going to get some water. After work I cut Javi's hair and we went out to Target. 

(Afternoon: leftover Chinese food, orange soda, orange, water)


We got home and I put things away. Had dinner and after I put up some more things in the garage. My 2 bats, some flags and another autographed picture. Came in and washed dishes,  changed the boys, showered and played a round of Smash Bros. After the boys went to bed I watched some tv. Now going to sleep.

(Nighttime: Philly cheesesteak, water, monster mix)

lockdown day 310


Woke up and got ready. Had some coffee, served Gabriel some cereal. Got his bag ready to go and we took him to preschool. Now we are home and I am watching the inauguration while waiting for my forum meeting. Attended the meeting and there were a few enthusiastic fans for Biden and Harris as they are getting inaugurated today. They were talking about it in the chat and on the call. I did not mind, but I just think that politics should not be talked about during work. There are people that get very aggressive and that could be a bad thing. Any way, going to take a break. 

(Morning: coffee, boost, water, chocolate)


Headed out to get Gabriel and drove to my sister's place. Finished up work and hung out for a bit and chilled. My wife just came in from work. Going to see what's for dinner and head home. We left and drove home, ordered Chinese food while we were on the way, passed by picking it up before we got home. 

(Afternoon: turkey Sandwich, corn nuts,  gatorade,  iced coffee)


Had dinner, changed the boys and I went to shower. Started washing clothes. Played Smash Bros with Javi and listened to music. Put the boys to bed and read them a story. Now finishing up laundry and watching NXT.  Finished that up and now watching Veep while waiting for the clothes to dry. Done with folding clothes,  now off to bed.

(Nighttime: Chinese food, water, peanut butter cup)

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

lockdown day 309

Got up and went to change. It was really windy last night and it still is. The leaves are back again all over the yard. We took Gabriel to preschool and came back home. Been doing modules for a new computer system. Just got off a Skype meeting and taking a quick break. Did some more work for the CalSAWS training and put the trash and green bin back on the side of the house. 
(Morning: coffee, peanut butter cup, pretzels)

Went to get Gabriel and passed by McDonald's getting some lunch. Came home and hung out before getting back in to work. Finished up some training things. Talked to Lilly who is leaving us for the CAAP program. After work played catch with Javi and hung out outside until I came in.
(Afternoon: McChicken Sandwich, mcdouble, 10 nuggets, iced coffee, water)

I was looking at some lights to order for the garage. Had some pizza and beer. About to give the boys a shower and shower after. Did that and read a book to Javi and took Gabriel into his bed. Watched some tv did some accounting and went to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, pizza, tamales)

Monday, January 18, 2021

lockdown day 308

It was a bad night. Gabriel wanted to go to our bed. I said no, put him back in his, he made such a scandal that I sent Javi to my bed and stayed there. He finally fell asleep and I brought Javi back in and went to bed. Then Gabriel woke up crying as he peed himself and the bed. My wife thought she could keep him there, so she tried and was not able to. So I went in and waited him out. He fell asleep on his bed and I slept on Javi's bed. When I woke up I went to bring oit the jumper for the boys. Cleaned up some leaves and more came down with a gust of wind, so I will wait for a bit. Chilled and cleaned up again and started getting the grill ready to make burgers, headed out to Target to get more bread and other things before heading back home.
(Morning: peanut butter cup)

Made burgers and hot dogs, had some root beer and now laid out on the grass on a cover. The boys are having ice pops and soon will be jumping a little more before I put the jumper away. Cleaned up the leaves again and put things away. Showered, washed dishes and cut up some pineapple for everyone. Now back outside to enjoy the air before the sun goes down.
(Afternoon: burgers, hot dog, root beer, chocolate, water, pineapple)

Took a quick nap and then I made some chicken sandwiches for me, rice and chicken for the boys. Changed and put the boys to bed. Watched RAW and the Tiger Woods documentary and now going to bed. It is really windy outside.
(Nighttime: chicken sandwiches, water, chocolate)

lockdown day 307

Woke up and made breakfast for the boys and myself. Bacon and eggs for them, bacon, egg, cheese, toast and coffee for me. Called Disneyland for AP information. They were able to update the address for me and gave me some info. About to go watch some of the game. Well didn't do that since the game is on later, so I put out the jumper for the boys to play. 
(Morning: coffee, water, toast, egg, cheese, bacon, water)

Watched a few minutes of the game before heading out to Trader Joe's in Castro Valley. Did some shopping and came back home to chill and watch the game. Been outside with the boys and my family came over. They dropped off Dominic and Lilly while they went shopping. 
(Afternoon: bread, spinach dip, water, iced coffee, chocolate)

Had dinner and some beers. Chilled outside and now just hanging out. About to shower after my family leaves. They left and I washed dishes,  had my last beer for the night, took out the recycling and about to shower. Watched tv, played Mario deluxe and went to bed.
(Nighttime:  chicken tostada, beer, water)

Saturday, January 16, 2021

lockdown day 306

Got up and changed. Had some coffee before getting the car ready. Woke up the boys and we took off. Been driving all morning and now we are close, but eating at a restaurant.
We got to the place a bit late, they told my wife we could stay a bit longer but they decided not to honor that, so that was a bummer. Since they were being a bunch of twatsicles, we found another spot and just played with the snow for some time.
(Morning: coffee, more coffee. Breakfast sandwich, hash browns, orange juice)

The kids played for a while, I fell asleep watching and when they were over it, we drove to go get gas before coming home. We were a little low on gas so we this one 76 station and no one was wearing masks. It was quite disturbing,  I wore mine, put $15 worth of gas and headed to costco to fill up the rest. We had pizza and hot dogs for a late lunch. When I got tired my wife took over and drove the last hour and a half home.
(Afternoon: water, monster,  smoothie, pizza)

Got home, cleaned out the car. Put the clothes we used today to wash and washed dishes. Bathed Gabriel and now about to shower and finish up the football game. Made some food for the boys, made myself some cheese sticks and going to chow down on the the food. Finished up laundry and now finishing up some Law and Order SVU before bed. My shoulder feels shot, hope it gets better tomorrow 
(Nighttime: beer, cheese sticks, nuggets)

Friday, January 15, 2021

lockdown 305

Woke up and got dressed. Had coffee and a bagel. Gave Gabriel his cereal and took him to school. Came back home and moved the cars and swept the leaves from the front. Went in and watched WandaVision. Finally hung up the mirror and mowed the grass in the front. 
(Morning: coffee, bagel)

Went to get Gabriel and drove down to my sister's. Dropped the boys off and we went to get my wife her Covid vaccine. Got food and now hanging out before going back home. We ended up going to target to get some water amd other snacks for the trip. Passed by getting the boys and headed home.
(Afternoon: burrito, chips, iced coffee, water)

Drovd home, tired,  got things ready for the day trip tomorrow. Played Smash Brothers with Javi and I went to shower. Talked with Arnel for a bit and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water)

Thursday, January 14, 2021

lockdown day 304

Woke up, changed and started doing more laundry. Made coffee and got Gabriel's bag ready. Took him to preschool and then I went to Target tonget some items before coming home. Got here and switched out the clothes since apparently no one else here can do that and made a bagel with cream cheese. Now watching Law and Order SVU. By the way you may have noticed I did not mention work as I called out to rest up.
I went in to garage and started my project,  put up the peg board and marked the area with painters tape. Did the Red and Orange portion and went to have lunch.
(Morning: coffee, bagel and cream cheese, water)

Ate bean soup while the paint dried. Hung out outside and played catch with the boys. After some time my wife went to nap, the Boys to play and I finished up my project in the garage. Painted the Gold and Black portion and after the paint dried a bit I started putting things in place. It looks really nice, very proud of the work I did.
(Afternoon: bean soup, white rice, beer, water, juice)

We went out to get burgers and came home. Ate dinner, folded clothes and I went to shower. Just finished up renewing my Driver's license and now having a few cold ones and hanging out. Had the boys change and I read them a bedtime story. Going to watch some TV before bed. So sore from today. But so happy everything worked out.
(Nighttime: water, beer, burger, cupcake, peanutbuttercup)

lockdown day 303

Got up and got dressed. Had some coffee and took Gabriel to preschool. The drop off was quick. Came back and logged in to work. I have a forum meeting later and I am off at 12 today.
(Morning: Coffee, cookies, tea)

Got everything ready so we could go get Gabriel and head down to the city. My wife has a dentist appointment and has to work. I borrowed my Mom's car to go get lunch and hit up Target. After lunch we went to the UPS store to return some items. When we got back we were hanging out while the boys played with Myrna. 
(Afternoon: Hawaiian BBQ,  fanta, water, cookie)

My sister made chicken for dinner and we ate. After we drove home,  since the ride was quick we went over to Costco to get gas. Got home and put things away and now going to shower, change the boys and do laundry. While doing laundry I signed up for Nintendo online and played some games. Went to bed.
(Nighttime: chicken, tortilla, queso fresco, water, iced coffee)

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

lockdown day 302

Woke up, not feeling great. Went to change. Had coffee and cereal and we went to drop Gabriel off at preschool. Came home and checked in to work. Sleepy, tired and may be sick. Need to get some rest and through this day. Been reviewing items and bundled up, not feeling it. Anyway, chopped up onions, garlic cloves, bell pepper and potatoes to help out with the lunch preparation. 
(Morning: coffee, cereal, water, peanut butter monster mix)

Went to pick up Gabriel and came back home. Had lunch and played outside with the boys. Finished up some training and ran out the clock.
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, water)

After work I washed dishes and made chillaquilles for dinner. Had some fruit punch as well. Washed more dishes, showered, changed Gabriel and Javi change. Watched part 1 of the Tiger Woods documentary and took some Nyquill and off to bed.
(Nighttime: pretzels, chillaquilles,  water, juice)

Monday, January 11, 2021

lockdown day 301

Woke up, it's cold. Went to change and after I made Gabriel a sandwich for lunch to take to preschool. Got his backpack and lunch bag ready and headed out for the drop off. It was good today. Got back home and rested up a bit before logging in to work. Logged in and talked to a few people, reviewed some documents before the people came by to remove the rest of the rocks in the back yard. They did an OK job, a little sloppy but whatever, it's done. Now getting ready to go get Gabriel.
(Morning: coffee, cereal, water, peanut butter cup)

Went to go get Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and now going to check out some other documents and run out the clock. I am reviewing some materials for the new program that we are going to switch to. Having an Iced Coffee and talked with a few people as well. The boys are playing outside and I am just researching and waiting until 5.
Before 5 we went over to talk to the neighbors about the fence, they were so nice about everything and they were cool people.
(Afternoon: Shrimp pasta, water)

We went to Big 5 and Target, stopped by getting food and came home to take the trash bins out. Bathed Gabriel,  I showered and put the bath rugs to wash. Talked to my mom for a bit, watched some wrasslin' and put the boys to bed. Watched RAW, the last of Get On Up and now off to never never land.
(Nighttime: tacos bell, gatorade, peanut trail mix, water, tea)

Sunday, January 10, 2021

lockdown day 300

Woke up, had some coffee and peanut butter cups. Watching football. Ordered some things to exercise outside for me and the boys. Need to lose some weight this year and get healthier. Going to shower soon and get ready to go down and get the boys. 
(Morning: coffee, peanut butter cups)

We hit up Target at bridgepoint and got some Panda express before heading to my sister's. We got there and had lunch, hung out with the boys. My wife went with my sister to get some things for the boys, I stayed hanging out with my mom and the boys. When they got back we drove home.
(Afternoon: dr. Pepper, panda express,  water, iced coffee)

Got home, noticed that 5 of the 6 lights we bought were on. Not sure if the one that was low didn't get enough sunlight. Anyway, got in and put things away. Chilled and cleaned up a bit. Fed the boys and had some drinks. Watching Broken Skull Sessions with Bayley. After going to watch some more TV and off to bed.
(Nighttime: peanut butter cup, fried rice, rum and coke, water, cookies)

lockdown day 299

Woke up and made the boys pancakes. Folded the rest if the laundry. Put the comforter to wash and had coffee. Cleaned the boys beds, packed their clothes for the sleep over and soon going to shower. Had.some.french toast.. Heading out for a dentist appointment. 
We drove over to Daly City, there was a crazy driver on the road. Glad they got off before we did.
(Morning: Coffee, water, Frenchtoast)

Picked up some food for my wife. Dropped them off at my sister's,  went to the dentist. Had another great visit. After I met up with Arnel and his family and had a quick bite to eat. Picked up my sister to take her to get her car,  went back over to disconnect and connect some items for my mom. I also hung up some pictures for her. After we went to Serramonte to get some things.
(Afternoon: sushi, chow mein, rice, pork, chicken, water. Iced chai)

Drove home, the drive was smooth. About to jump on a zoom call. Did the call for Aria's birthday and after talked with Arnel for a bit. Moved the car, had dinner and drinks. Now watching a documentary. 
(Nighttime: beer, pizza, water, quesadillas,  chips, jalapeno)

Saturday, January 9, 2021

lockdown day 298

Woke up, went to change and had coffee. Got Gabriel ready and we went to drop him off to preschool. Soon getting back home to start work. Today is training day.
Set up everything and we were ready to rock. We knocked out the training and Oscar's crew came by to start the process of removing the dead tree in the back yard. They broke a piece of the lattice, but will replace it.
(Morning: boost, water, coffee)

Went to go get Gabriel and passed by grabbing lunch. Went to my unit meeting and now waiting for questions to arise. No questions. Went outside to play catch with Javi and ran around with the boys.
(Afternoon: burrito, chips, orange fanta)

Watched Smackdown and chilled. My wife ordered pizza. I bathed Gabriel and showered after. Doing laundry. Washed dishes and now putting the boys to bed. Finished watching The Flight Attendent on HBO max. Played madden, folded clothes and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: tacos, half of a burrito,  pizza, beer, water)

Thursday, January 7, 2021

lockdown day 297

Woke up, it's cold as tits today. Changed and made coffee. Will have a boost later when checking in to work. Tired, exhausted and have a headache. We went over to drop Gabriel off at preschool,  today was a much better drop off. No tears or scandal. We got back home, checked in to work. Sent out some payments and then got some bad news.
A former supervisor Ananda Admiral passed away suddenly last night. She was young and left behind 3 boys. The email was just shocking, hard to comprehend the words that were written. I am a bit shaken up, but I can't imagine how shaken up those that were really close to her are right now. I hope that she is resting in peace and that God looks over her family.
Had a quick break and had nutter butter, now back to work. I have a slight headache. I chopped up some celery, carrots and onion to help out with lunch.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water, nutter butter)

While my wife made Chicken Gnocchi soup I went to pick up Gabriel. It looked like he had a good time today in class. We drove home and had our soup. About to attend a meeting and hopefully run out the clock with no issues. Training tomorrow. Played a little Super Mario Deluxe with Gabriel and now running out the clock. Finished work and went to grab some milk and came back home.
(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup. water. peanut butter cup, cracker, iced coffee)

Chilled for a bit and fell asleep for a bit. Played Super Smash Bros and went to shower. Had dinner and washed dishes and cleaned up. Played Mario deluxe and had the boys go to bed. Watching tv now.
(Nighttime: water, chicken gnocchi soup, spaghetti and meatballs)

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

lockdown day 296


Woke up, got dressed and made coffee. No Boost today, I forgot it. Anyway, went to go drop Gabriel off for his first day of preschool, he cried, but I know he will do well. Came back home, logged in and started work. Around 9 I joined the forum meeting and did my presentation. Cleaned the boys beds, cleaned ours and now waiting for time to start packing things up so we can leave to go to the city. Well decided to have the Boost after all.

(Morning: Coffee, water, pretzels, corn nuts, boost)


We got everything ready to go and headed over to pick up Gabriel. He had a good day at preschool. Passed by getting lunch and drove to my sister's place. Threw out the trash, set up my lap top and started working. I have a training to do either Friday or Monday. Finished up work, confirmed that the training is Friday. After hung out with my Mom, Sister and Niece for a bit before driving home. 

(Afternoon: Chicken Sandwich, Whopper, water)


The drive was good and felt quick. Earned uo a bit, showered and changed Gabriel. Had dinner and put the boys to bed. Watching tv and soon going to bed.

(Nighttime: chicken, tortilla,  white rice, water)

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

lockdown day 295

Woke up, changed and had a boost and coffee. Watched some morning news and went to log in to work. Waitinf for questions and assignments for the day. My shoes came in and now I am waiting for a Disney package to come in. The package came in and I put my pins up and got the other items ready for the boys. Close to 11:30 I took a walk over to Popeye's to pick up some chicken that I ordered. Came back home and finished up some work.
(Morning: coffee, boost, chocolate)

Had lunch, played outside, put away the trash bins. We hung up another painting on another wall. Still need to figure out the mirror situation. Checking back in to work and now going to run out the clock. We have to go get some items for Gabriel to take to school tomorrow.
After work we went to Walmart and Lucky's before coming home. When we got here we noticed we forgot the lunchables, so I went to Target to pick some up.
(Afternoon: Water, Chicken, Cole Slaw, Biscuits)

Got home, bathed Gabriel and cleaned up. Showered and changed for bed. Ate dinner and now watching TV. It's cold, but I got my blanket on. Watchung the news before going to bed. 
(Nighttime: pasta, meat, brownie, water)

Monday, January 4, 2021

lockdown day 294

Woke up and went to change. Had a boost and coffee to start the day. Made the boys pancakes after watching some of the morning news. Went to turn on my computer to get it going, fist day of work this year. 
Checked in with my supervisor and reviewed emails that I had. There were around 57 of them. Javi started class, I filled out some paperwork for Gabriel and now here with the Xfinity home security person who is installing the system.
He installed the camera and the sensors and was on his way. I had some cookies and now waiting for lunch,
(Morning: coffee, boost, water, cookies)

Had lunch and chilled. We are going soon to drop off the paperwork for Gabriel's new school. Hopefully we can get him going by next Monday. We went to drop off the paper work and he will start Wednesday. It will be good for him and us. Came back home and finished out work.
(Afternoon: meat, fettuccine Alfredo, water)

Cleaned up some more took out the trash bins and the Christmas tree. Had dinner, showered and now doing laundry and watching RAW. Folded some clothes and waiting for the last load to finish so I can fold it and go to bed. 
(Nighttime: gallo pinto, corn dog, beer. Water, peanut butter cup)

Sunday, January 3, 2021

locldown day 293

Woke up and went to make coffee. Started watching some football, talked to Amilcar and went to shower. It's a bit cold but manageable. Got dressed and moved my shoes from the garage to the room. 
(Morning: coffee)

Made the boys peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, made brownies. Waiting for them to cool off before kick off. Headed out to Best Buy, Walmart and to Texas Roadhouse to get food. Came back home to eat. Rested up, played Switch with Javi and took a quick nap.
(Afternoon: brownies, water, ribs, mashed potatoes,  césar salad, beer)

Took out the trash, got the boys ready for bed. Watched some tv and had to clean up the office/playroom. About to brush my teeth and go to bed.
(Nighttime: water)

Saturday, January 2, 2021

lockdown day 292

Woke up and went to shower. Got ready and drank some coffee. Got Gabriel ready to go so we can go do the school tour visit. The visit went really well, we brought home the paperwork and are going to fill it out. 
(Morning : coffee)

Picked up some food at Tacos del Gordo. Came home to eat. I had a carnitas torta. Now watching some tv. Fell asleep for a bit and when I woke up I went out real quick to target and came home to finish up Cobra Kai.
(Afternoon: Carnitas torta, 7-up, water, chocolate)

Had some cesar salad and water, finished up the season of Cobra Kai. Played Mario Deluxe and washed dishes. Had a case of fumbleitis amd dropped water twice. Cleaned it up and now going to watch tv for the rest of the night. Almost done and going to bed.
(Nighttime: cesar salad,  water, corn chips, cheese its)

Friday, January 1, 2021

lockdown day 291

Woke up and went to watch some TV until the boys woke up so I can make breakfast. I made bacon, eggs and Hawaiian bread. Had some cofee and started taking down the Christmas ornaments,  lights and inflatable decorations. Cleaned the bathed bathrooms and vaccuumed the carpet in the living room. Now resting a bit before taking a shower. Oh I almost forgot I had a reeses peanut butter cup after midnight. First taste of chocolate since 2019.
(Morning: coffee, bacon, eggs, Hawaiian bread, peanutbutter cup)

Showred and chilled. Now we are outside watching the kids. My Mom, sister and nieces came by.  I mowed the lawn and hung out for a bit.  Had lunch and ordered some items for my Mom. They hung out and left.  I started washing dishes and made dinner. 
(Afternoon: water, peanut butter cup, macaroni and chees, coke)

Had some bacon wrapped steak and gallo pinto. Some rum and coke before I washed then dishes and started watching Cobra Kai. Had some popcorn, folded clothes and now watching Smackdown before bed.
(Nighttime: bacon wrapped steak, gallo pinto, water, rum and coke, tiramisu, chocolate)