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Friday, November 29, 2019

black Friday

Got up, we went out to Denny's for breakfast.  We came back home and started cleaning out the playroom. We got rid of 5 garbage bags full of toys and other items. I cleaned the floor mats and got things ready.

Ordered pizza and had lunch. We went to throw out the trash. Came back home and cleaned out some more things. Another bag of toys filled. About to start watching Smackdown. 
Watched the show and we headed out to Tanforan to get out of the house for a bit.

Got Javi some pants to go with the shirts I got him. We ordered 2 iPads one for my wife and I will be getting the new one and Javi will get the one I currently have. Now we are at home.
Put Gabriel to bed, we watched the Mandalorian and the Movies the made us. About to go to bed.


Got up, shaved and showered. Been watching football. About to leave soon to go to my sister's. 

We stopped by Starbucks before going over. We got there and hung out before Thanksgiving early dinner was served. The meal was very good. Soon we will be going back home.

Got home, cleaned up a bit. There were ants in the playroom so we had to move things around to clean. We ended up watching Home Alone. It was Javi's first time. He enjoyed it. After they went to bed, I played Madden and now going to bed.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

mental health day

Decided last night that I would take the day off for a mental health day. I got up, cleaned the kitchen and had coffee. After a game of Madden I started cleaning the living room. About to vaccum after my wife gets off her phone call.
Finished cleaning up and showered. My Mom came to get the boys before 12.

I headed out to watch A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, it was a good movie. I came home and rested, after we went to get the kids food and went to drop off their things for the sleep over. 

We went to put gas in the truck and to serramonte.  We had some sushi and came back home.  Showered and now relaxing in bed. 

Tuesday thoughts

Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry. Made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was good, not too bad. It was wet, it may rain later. Got in and made sure things were sent to where they needed to be sent and now waiting. 
Before lunch we had a meeting to discuss training. We are set.

Had lunch and headed out to get some sliced pineapple for the ham. Came back and hung out and chilled. We made the copies we needed to make for the training and I headed out to get Javi.

Got home, folded clothes and had dinner. About to bathe the boys and shower. Came out and watched some tv. Played Madden and now off to bed

Monday, November 25, 2019


Got up, got dressed, made coffee and headed out. Got to work,  just hanging out. It's a short week. Going to have lunch and go to the post office. 

Had lunch and about to head out. Got the money order and sent it off. Went back to work. Found out we were having a meeting at 2 PM at 1440. I drove and found parking, walked over and we reviewed the power point presentations. After I went tonget gas and went home.

Got home, we met my Mom near Target to get Gabriel. We did some shopping and came back home for dinner. The kids played a bit. I showered, put Gabriel to bed and now watching tv before bed.

SNF vs Survivor Series

Got up, got dressed. I was able to order the PS4 bundle from best buy. We went to the park for a bit and after went to have lunch.

We had lunch at Red Robin's and went to pick up the PS4. I also got Mortal Kombat. We got home, I moved the old PS4 to the playroom, connected the new one in the living room and packed up the PS3 for storage. Started watching Survivor Series and waiting for SNF.

Great show for WWE with Survivor Series and the SNF game was great. My 49ers beat the Packers 37-8. They are 10-1 now. My wife went to drop off my mother in law to the airport. I stayed back to put the kids to bed.
My wife came back and we watched the Walking Dead. I played Madden before going to sleep 

Saturday, November 23, 2019


Got up, showered, cleaned the bed.went to pick up the ham for Thanksgiving. Came back home and got the kids ready for the movie. My Mom and Sister came by to pick up the boys to take them to watch Frozen 2.

Went to have lunch with my wife at Red Lobster. Now back at home trying to rest up.
Took a quick nap and my sister dropped the kids off. I started watching NXT War Games.
My wife and mother in law went shopping.

NXT was great. The kids had dinner and I changed Gabriel. Now watching TV before bed.

Friday, November 22, 2019


Got up, got dressed, put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out to work. There was some traffic but I still got here on time. Checked emails, checked in with some people and now waiting for assignments. Our meeting location got moved to 1440, so later I have to go move the car. Right now watching Disney +.

Had lunch and drove to look for parking for the afternoon meeting. Didn't find parking so I hung out at Costco until it was time to go in. The meeting was good, we got feedback on the training materials and after I took off to go get Javi.
Got Javi and went home. Chilled for a bit and we were off to serramonte to walk around a bit.

Got home, had dinner, hung out. Showered and put Gabriel to bed. Did a puzzle with my wife and Javi. Now watching Smackdown before bed.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Close to the weekend

Got up, went to wake up my wife who was sleeping on the couch. She was coughing a lot and took meds and went to sleep. I got dressed, made my lunch, made coffee and headed out to work. I have a very busy day today. There was slight traffic, but I got to work on time.
At 8:30 I went to a meeting, followed by a training and guess what, another meeting. The productivity scale of these meetings and training's are debatable. But we move on.

Had lunch, watched some Married With Children and attended my unit meeting. We are in the stages of finishing up our training materials so we can present them to management tomorrow. We are getting 12 hours of OT for the next 2 weeks, so I will get them as comp time. Right now waiting to go home.
Drove home,  the kids were already there. I took Gabriel with me to Target and Trader Joe's  and came back home to finish up the laundry and have dinner.

Bathed the boys, putting Gabriel to sleep. Going to shower and watch some tv after.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

fake outrage

Got up, got dressed,  made coffee and headed out. There was slight traffic but nothing out of the norm. Got in to work, still no assignment, waiting for the forum.
While I wait, I wanted to say something. If people are genuinely offended by something,  please be offended. But this fake outrage culture we live in, is not good.
You have people who are just waiting to pounce on anything anyone says, go the extra mile to make it into something it's not and going even further to feel offended and outraged for other people.
I understand everyone is different and everyone will deal with things the way they do, but I don't buy into this I'm mad that you are not mad, so let me be mad for you culture. This whole cancel culture is going to bite people in the ass.
I'm not saying that people should just say whatever they want to say and feel how they want to feel. But the energy you put out in trying to cancel someone or something,  have it when you make a mistake and they are canceling you.
Anyway, almost forum time.
Forum was good, a bit long. It always feels long when the presenters are fake.

Afternoon :
Had lunch and now hanging out. Debating if I go get coffee or have one from the machine here in the break room. I didn't have any coffee, but I did have a 20 minute nap. Which was amazing. After went back to my desk, helped an EW on a case and set up for tomorrow. 
After work I came home to take out the trash. My mom came over to drop Gabriel off and we were hanging out for a bit.

I went out to get some In-n-Out burgers and came home, had dinner. Chilled for a bit, put Gabriel to bed, now going to shower. Came out to watch tv and pretty soon going to bed. NXT was fun tonight,  AEW to me was a distant second. Especially with the tag team botch that AEW fan boys are saying was done on purpose

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry, made Gabriel a bottle, made coffee and headed to work. Light traffic,  got in and checked emails. No assignments yet. Taking a break before lunch. 

Had lunch, still no assignment, watched some Married With Children. After I went to go pick up Javi and went home. When we got there my wife and I went over to Costco. We got a few things and came back home.

Had dinner and chilled before bathing the boys. We watched some tv, I showere and then put Gabriel to bed. Javi went in after to go to sleep. Watched a little more tv with my wife and now finishing up an show before bed 

Monday, November 18, 2019

new week

Got up, got dressed. Made coffee and headed out the door. Made it to work and checked in. Been looking at some emails and other items. Waiting for assignment. No assignment as of yet. So I've been chatting with people, surfing the net and watching some Netflix and now Married with Children.

Had lunch and still watching Married With Children. Running out the clock. Have to go get the kids after here and put things away at the house so I can make room for the Christmas decorations.
After work I went to go pick up Javi. Got home and put some things away to make room. Gabriel's Smackdown ring in put away.
We went to get dinner and came back home.

Got back, had dinner and began washing clothes. Showered and changed the boys, put Gabriel to bed. Now out in the living room watching RAW before bed.

Sunday, November 17, 2019


Got up, made pancakes for the kids. Watched some football and got ready to go to the storage room.

Got the Christmas decorations out of the storage. Went to the park and came back home. Watching the Niners game and they just won! It was a good game, they started slow but ended well. After we went to Target to get groceries. 

Came back home and left the kids with my mother in law and we went to Chevy's for dinner, came back home. Showered, helped Javi shower and put Gabriel to bed.  After I came out to watch The Walking Dead and soon going to bed.

Saturday, November 16, 2019


Got up, made coffee and breakfast. Chilled, got the kids ready, cut my hair and showered and we were off to Hillsdale mall.

I walked around the mall with the boys while my wife and Mother in Law shopped. We had lunch and came back home.
I watched some Disney + Encore episodes and watched Noelle.

Went out to pick up some pizza and soon will try to put Gabriel to bed. Took a bit but he went to sleep. Came out and took a shower and now watching tv. Going to bed soon


Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry. Hung out with the boys since they were up. Drove to work, light traffic, got in and checked in. No assignments for me today, so it was The Toys That Made Us season 3 and Disney + for me.

Afternoon :
Had lunch, talked to my supervisor for a bit, after work came home and we got ready to go to Kohl's.  We needed to return something back to Amazon. After we were off to Serramonte. 

Got our Disney Christmas shirts. Had dinner, got Javi a Ugly Christmas sweater and came home. Showered and now trying to put Gabriel to bed. 
After he went to bed, I came out and watched some TV before bed. 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

baby shower day

Got up,  got dressed, made coffee and headed out to work. Made sure I took the gift for Rebekah as it is her baby shower today. I got in, checked in and I was able to finish the edit for the document I got assigned. 
Around 10:50 I started heading over to 1440 for the baby shower. Found out they opened a Target near by and I went to check it out.

After Target I made it to the building. Went to go meet Amilcar and went to the baby shower. I talked with Rebekah for a bit, caught up with Maria, Glenn and Rudy. After it was done I helped clean up and took things down to her car for her. 
We had our meeting and got updates there, when we were done I went back to 1235. 
Left work and went to pick up the kids.

Came home, chilled, did laundry and put Gabriel to bed. Showered and watched tv. Pretty soon going to bed.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Got up, got dressed, made my coffee and headed out. Traffic was ok, a bit of a slow down in some areas, but I got here on time. It's cold this morning. Got in and checked in. They postponed the training until next month. Now debating if I should go get some cash out.
Didn't go to the bank but went to Walgreens and got a few things and cash back. Went back to work and attended the forum meeting. 

After the meeting I had lunch, hung out a bit. Attended a meeting and got a new assignment. Tried working on it, but I need the original word document. Maybe tomorrow. After work I went to get a card and bag for a baby shower gift, went home to take the trash out.
When I was done we went to pick up the kids. 

We left my sister's and went to Costco. Came home after. While my wife heated up lasagna,  I had Javi do his homework and had bathed the boys. We had dinner and I put Gabriel to bed. Showered and sent Javi to bed, watched some tv, the rest of NXT amd soon going to bed.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Disney +

Got up,  got dressed, headed to work. Traffic was ok. Checked in and talked to my supervisor. It's Disney + launch day and I am done with work, so I get to stream some things to watch today.

I already watched a few shows, had to stop Lady and the Tramp as I kept falling asleep. Now looking for something else. I was watching a few episodes of Married With Children and now finishing up Lady and the Tramp. Running out the clock today is taking time. It's slowly ticking away.
After work I headed home. 

Chilled and watched a few things with the family. Had dinner and put Gabriel to bed,  showered and came out to watch some TV before bed

Monday, November 11, 2019


Got up, made coffee, cleaned up some. It's Veterans day, so a day off for us. My wife got up and we were watching tv.

My wife made lunch and we went out to grocery shopping. We got back home and after I went to go get some dinner.

MNF action, the Seahawks vs the undefeated 49ers. It was a very good game, it went to OT. The Niners DEF brought it, unfortunately the rookie kicker missed in OT and the Seahawks kicker didn't. Niners are undefeated no more.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sunday funday

Got up, made coffee, had some pie. Hanging out with Gabriel in the room watching football. Not sure what the plan is today, hopefully it's low key. 

Afternoon :
We went to Celia's for lunch. My mother in law was hit by a car when she was pulling out of her parking spot. A scuff really so they let it be. I hit my knee on some bricks and I am in pain. We went to the park and just Javi, my wife and her friend got out. Gabriel fell asleep. 
After we came home, I am in the room with Gabriel as he is napping. Everyone else is out and about in the house.
When Gabriel got up, we went out to the living room. We went to Target and came back home. 

Watched some of the SNF game, put Gabriel to bed, that took some time. Came out, showered and my wife and her friend came back home. I took Javi to bed and now just hanging out.
Had dinner and watched tv. Now going to bed.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

start to a long weekend

Got up, made coffee, watched Smackdown and showed. Soon going to pick up my mom to go to Jumpity Bumpity.

We got to serramonte and played for about an hour and a half. We had lunch and walked around the mall and headed home.
My wife and her friend came back from their day trip and now we are just hanging out. I am very sleepy.
Finished watching an episode of Married with children and we went out to Nation's to get dinner.

Drove back with the food. Ate and had a good conversation. After my wife bathed the boys, I am about to shower and chill. Putting Gabriel to bed soon. 
It took a bit but he finally went to bed. I went out to make sure Javi brushed his teeth and I had a talk with him about how he behaved in the last part of the day. I told him to think about what he did and what consequences his actions had and to have a better day tomorrow. 
After he went to bed, I went to hang out in the living room and now going to bed.

Ready for the weekend

 Got up, got Gabriel a bottle, got dressed, put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed to work. The drive was good, smooth and no issues. Got in and checked in. Have been reviewing emails and waiting for an assignment to do. Maybe I'll watch a movie or a show.
I decided to watch Married With Children, going to lunch soon.

Heated up the Chinese food my Mom gave me yesterday. Watched some Married With Children episodes. Now running out the clock. 3 day weekend coming up. I may see if my supervisor lets us out early today.
Didn't get let go early, but we got OT for the weekend, so I get some comp time!
After I went to get gas and then home.

When I got home I threw out the trash. Adri was here so I talked with her for a bit before we went out to the Olive Garden. We had dinner and came back home. I showered, watched a bit of Coco and off to bed

Thursday, November 7, 2019

close to the weekend

Got up, got dressed and headed out a bit early to get a Creme Brulee Latte from Starbucks. Got to work had a meeting at 8:30 and it was good. After I went to 1440 to drop off a gift for JJ and chatted with Rebekah for a bit she is leaving early on Maternity leave. 
After I walked back to work and had the sandwich I made for lunch. 

Got back, had lunch. Tried to watch a show on Netflix but it couldn't keep my attention. Cleaned up some things, sent out some emails and now running the clock out.
Drove to my sister's to get the kids. Hung out for a bit and then went home. 

Got home, had a late dinner. Showered, put Gabriel to bed, listened to Javi read for a bit and watched some tv before bed.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

hump day

Got up, got dressed, made coffee, made Gabriel a bottle and headed out. Light traffic got in on time. Checking in and let's see where today goes. Nothing so far, been watching some Netflix and some of WWE's the Bump. About to go to the weekly forum meeting. Still tired, a lot to do. I was able to order new parts for my CPAP machine which is always good. I have to go get a CPAP sanitizing machine soon. 
The forum was the same as always. There are never really any answers that they can give.

Had lunch and watched The Devil Next Door. I chatted with a CF Policy member and reviewed a document for a meeting tomorrow. After work I came home, picked up my wife and we went to Target and then to my sister's place to get the kids. 

Got home, had dinner, showered and  bathed both boys later. Put Gabriel to bed, watched NXT and AEW. Both shows were fun to watch,  the highlight of AEW was the Jericho video and Cody promo. But I still think that NXT had the better show. 
Anyway, about to go to bed

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry, made coffee, hung out with the boys for a few minutes before I headed out to work. Traffic was good, got here quick. Checked in and got my assignment for the next training. 
Going to start working on that now.
I was able to finish a draft of the power point that I needed to do and I went to lunch.

Had leftovers and watched Angry Birds 2. It was a fun movie. I got word that we may postpone my part of the training as there is no direction with that part. After I came home to get my wife and kids to head to my brother's place for dinner.

We were celebrating Dave's birthday and lord there was a fire. But we contained it. After dinner and flan we said a few words about Dave and we headed home. Changed the boys, I showered and put Gabriel to bed. Watched some tv and now going to sleep.

Monday, November 4, 2019

jury duty

Got up, got dressed, made coffee and headed out to work. I am on stand by for jury duty. I got in, checked in and waited to see if I needed to do anything. At 11:15 I checked and I had to report to the court house.

Drove to Redwood city and got to the court house. Lily was there so we were having a fun chat. We got dismissed and I went to Mollie Stone's to grab some Mitchell's ice cream and came home.
I got here and my Mom met me here with the kids, after she left I went with my wife to Safeway. 

Helped make dinner, had dinner, bathed the boys, out Gabriel to sleep, showered and Javi went to bed. Watched some tv and now going to sleep.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

lazy day

Got up, chilled. Cleaned the living room and under the couches. It was a mess. After I went out to throw water on the cars amd Gabriel played with water balloons. Came back in had a brownie that I made and been watching football. 

Brought down the wrestling ring and some figures for the boys to play with. So far only Gabriel has taken advantage. We got ready and went to have a late lunch at Chili's, did some shopping and came home.

Watched the Ravens vs Patriots game. I had predicted earlier that the Ravens would win and they did. The Niners are the last undefeated team in the NFL. Played pillow fight with the boys and chess with Javi. Now putting Gabriel to bed. He went to bed, one more game of chess with Javi. We watched the walking dead and now waiting for Gabriel to go back to sleep so I can change to go to bed.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

party day

Got up, chilled. Got ready and cleaned up a bit. We are going to a few Birthday parties. 

Got gas and went to Javi's friend Birthday at the Bounce House. After we headed out to the Jungle to go to Janessa's party. Javi got 1000 tickets on one game. After we went to Oscar and Monica's house for a bit.

Still here, about to go home. We were having good conversation amd we had to go. The drive would be around an hour or so. We got in and changed the boys. Now have a cold one before bed 

Friday, November 1, 2019

2 more months to go

Got up, got ready and took Gabriel to daycare. Went with Javi to have breakfast at IHOP. Came home and later picked up Gabriel. 

After some rest at home, we went to Serramonte to take the kids to Jumpity Bunpity. Did some shopping at Target and headed home. 

Watched Smackdown and chilled. Put Gabriel to bed and now watching AHS. It's November 1st. 2 more months to go in 2019. After this going to bed.