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Saturday, October 5, 2024


Woke up and had some coffee. Took Javi to his practice and came home. He showered and got ready and we went to the Halloween Spirit Store. I got Gabriel an Optimus Prime costume and I got the Ghoat Face costume. Came home and relaxed.
(Morning: coffee. Water. Pizza)

My Mom and sister came by. We went to go watch the 2nd Joker movie. I fell asleep like 3 times. I wasn't a fan. Afte we grabbed food and I watched WWE Bad Blood. Ate dinner and we went to Target.
(Afternoon: water, popcorn, coke, Plato mixto  nicaraguense.)

Put things away and showered. It's hot, going to watch SNL and go to bed. Games tomorrow for the boys  .
(Nighttime: water)

Friday, October 4, 2024

Finally Friday

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and took then to school. I came back home to have coffee and log in to work. Had an early meeting and waited until lunch time.
(Morning: Pound cake,  coffee, water)

Picked up the boys, had lunch and came home. Finished work and took Gabriel to basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: meatloaf, water, corn,  iced coffee)

After his school practice,  we took Gabriel to Just Hoops. Came home and walked over to Popeye's to grab some dinner. Showered and now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: Chicken sandwich, wings, water, Mac and cheese)

Thursday, October 3, 2024

once again a hot ass game

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and got their lunch ready and took them to school. Drop off was good. Came home to log in
 Had a few meetings and did some laundry. 
(Morning: pumpkin loaf, water, coffee)

Put the meatloaf in to cook, went to get the boys. Came back and had lunch. Finished work with another meeting. Tool a nap amd took Javi to his basketball practice.  
(Afternoon: meatloaf, zoa, lemonade,  corn)

Came home, watered the lawn. Showered and washed the dishes. Finishing up the game and will watch TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: rosquillas, tequila and soda)

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

another hot ass day

Morning :
Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed to BART. Caught the train and got to the Civic Center station. Got to my desk and set up. Attended a meeting and went to get my ID badge updated.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Pumpkin loaf.brownie)

Had lunch and a few more meetings. Took off early to go to Kaiser for my knee and arm. After came home to wash the cars. No practice for Gabriel due to weather.
(Afternoon: water. Sandwich,  burrito. Coke)

Took Javi to basketball practice and came home. Showered and prepared a meatloaf for tomorrow. 
Watching TV before bed.
(Nighttime: water)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

hot ass day

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed out to BART. Caught the train, no issues today. Got there and set up. Had a meeting and relaxed after.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Oatmeal, peanuts)

Had lunch and attended another meeting. When it was close to quitting time I packed up and headed home. Caught the BART back and stopped by 7-11 amd grabbed some Slurpees. Came home to put things away and ee headed to Javi's basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, water. Peanuts)

Practice was good, it was hot. Passed by putting gas in the truck. Dropped off Javi and picked up my wife to go ro target. Came home and showered, ate and now watching TV. 
(Nighttime: pumpkin loaf, arroz a la valenciana, water, beer, tortilla and cheese)

Monday, September 30, 2024

New week

Woke up and changed. Got my things and headed to BART. Caught the train and when we got to the Embarcadero station the driver said that the train was not going past the next station, that we had to get off to continue. So I had to get off and caught the Muni metro to Civic Center. Got to work and set up, checked emails and updated some items I was assigned and watched some training demo videos.
(Morning: oatmeal, peanuts, water)

Had lunch and talked to my mom. The power went out in the building so they sent me home. Walked to BART and caught the train home. Got home and logged into work and did a few things before logging off. Took Javi to his baseball practice. 
(Afternoon: left over panda express,  arroz a la valenciana, coke, water, zoa)

Practice was good, got home and chilled. Took Javi to basketball practice and when we got home finished taking out the trash, compost and recycling. Showered and now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: water)

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Coming home

Woke up and packed up. Loaded the truck and we were off to Porto's. Ran into a few work friends and had breakfast and started our drive home. We were making good time and got off to get the boys lunch.
(Morning: water, iced horchata coffee, ham and cheese croissant)

While my wife drove I watched the Niners game, there was an accident and we got delayed a bit. I took over driving with about 2 and a half hours to go. Got home and unpacked did laundry and watched some football. 
(Afternoon: water. Donuts,  cinnamon roll)

Went to pick up food and had dinner. Packed up my lunch and got things ready for tomorrow. Showered and now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water. Panda express)

Saturday, September 28, 2024


Woke up.and changed headed over to dca. Went to Starbucks and when we came back he were in line to go to the first ride.
(Morning: water)

We got kn a few rides and had lunch. Adfter we rested up.and walked a lot more
(Afternoon: food)

Finished with the park. Came back to the hotel room. Now off to bed. Heading home tomorrow. 
We also hd a fun time celebrating Jabi.
(Nighttime » water, beer)

Friday, September 27, 2024


Morning :
Continuing the drive. We stopper at the rest stop and got gas soon after. Arrived at the hotel at 4:30. Checked in, but there was no luck with early check in. Took a power nap in the car and headed over to Disneyland. We got on the Haunted Mansion and a few other rides.
(Morning: water, coffee, wrap. Chips)

Got on a lot more rides as the day heated up. Went back to the hotel to officially check I. And have lunch. Took the boys swimming amd we showered before heading back to the park.
(Afternoon: water , Fanta, beer, chicken. Chicken wings, man and cheese)

Got back to Disneyland and got on a few more rides. Now back at the hotel and going to bed. My whole body hurts.
(Nighttime: I don't know anymore)

Thursday, September 26, 2024

The night before

Woke up, got dressed. Took the boys to school, grabbed breakfast and came home to log in to work. Had a meeting and chilled.
(Morning: coffee. Water. McDonald's)

Did some laundry and was off early. Had lunch and picked up the boys. Took a nap, went to pick up the truck and got some snacks for the trip. 
(Afternoon: fruit punch, burrito, water)

Got everything ready and now getting ready to drive to Disneyland. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Fun run

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready to go to school. Took them over and came home. Started watching a documentary on Vince McMahon and we got ready to go to the school for the fun run. It was good, we saw both Javi and Gabe do their thing.
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, water, fig newtin)

Got home and logged into work. Had a meeting and my wife went to pick up the boys. Finished up work and took Gabriel to practice. Dropped him off to my wife to take him to another practice. 
(Afternoon: water. Chicken taco)

Took Javi ti practice and came home. Showers all around. Had dinner and now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: water tequila with soda, chicken sandwich,  pizza)

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

lumpia day

Woke up.and changed. Grabbed my things and headed to BART. Took the train to the city and walked over to Peet's to grab some coffee. I ran into a parent of one of Gabriel's teammates and headed to the office. Set up and reviewed some items. 
(Morning: water Caramel Macchiato,  eggs, fig newton)

Pick up the Lumpia I ordered and had lunch. Tool a nap, had a meeting and did some more prep work for training. Packed up and came home. Did some accounting before heading out to Javi's practice. 
(Afternoon: Water, coke, pancit, lumpia. Peanuts)

Came.back from practice and had Javi shower. I talked to my mom for a bit. Showered and ate. Now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: cranberry juice, chicken. Sandwich,  water)

Monday, September 23, 2024


Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed out to BART. Took the train to work. My badge holder broke. But luckily I still had it. Got to work and set up. Worked and did some review. Had a meeting canceled. 
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Afternoon :
Had lunch and attended another meeting. Got ready to go home. Got to BART and got to Bayfair.  Drove to the little league field to watch Javi practice. 
(Afternoon : Peanut butter sandwich,  water, peanuts, Gatorade)

Came home and took out trash and compost. Had Javi get ready for basketball practice. It was a good practice. Came back home, had Javi shower, I showered and had dinner. Now watching TV until bed.
(Nighttime: water. Beer. Hard boiled eggs, crackers)

Sunday, September 22, 2024


Woke up and had some coffee. Played uno with Gabriel and took a shower. We went to Mass and after a communion gathering for Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Finished up with the communion meeting and went home. Picked up my wife and Javi and started our drove to Livermore to a birthday party. It was fun.
(Afternoon: water, 7 up, hot dog, nachos, chips, cupcake)

Drove home and dropped the kids off. Went to Target and came home. Showered and now watching TV for a bit.
(Nighttime: water

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Baby Shower

Woke up and made some coffee. Taught Javi how to make some pancakes. Went to shower and got ready for the baby shower. I ironed some shirts and we were off.
(Morning: water, coffee)

The baby shower was fun. Had some good food and good conversation.  After we came home and I took Javi to his baseball practice. Came home and got ready to go to the movies. 
(Afternoon: beer, water, coffee, sprite, buffet food)

Went to watch Teansformers One and it was good. Came home and changed, now decompressing before bed.
(Nighttime: fruit pinch, popcorn,  water)

Friday, September 20, 2024


Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school. Came back home and logged into work. Had some coffee and waited for a meeting to start. After that one finished I took a break and attended another meeting. 
(Morning: water, coffee, hard boiled eggs)

Went over to pick up the boys from their evacuation drill. Came home and hd some lunch. My wife went over with the boys and her mom to have lunch while I finished work. When I was done I tool Gabriel to his school basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: water, cran-grape, pizza)

When practice was done I took him to his Just Hoops basketball practice. Passed by to pick up my wife and Javi and went to Target. Grabbed some items and came home. Had Gabriel shower. I showered and had dinner. Watched TV for a nit and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: wine, water, beer. Wings, mini tacos, shrimp)

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Doctors visit

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and took them to school. Came back home and logged into work. Had a quick meeting before leaving for my doctors appointment. I was not happy with the doctor. He basically told me to just take pain medication and that's it. But I insisted on a referral to another doctor and x-rays.
(Morning: water)

Grabbed a pizza from costco, picked up the pictures at Walgreens and came home. Had lunch. Worked some more and went to pick up the boys. Finished work and cut my hair and shaved.
(Afternoon: Chicken, pasta. Grape soda, pizza)

Took Javi to basketball practice and came.home. showered and cleaned up. Now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: pizza, water)

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Out of commission

Woke up and changed. Asked if I could work from home since my knee was all out of whack. Tool the boys to school. Came home and had breakfast and logged into work. Presented at forum and waited until lunch time.
(Morning: water, coffee. Sausage mcmuffin, sausage biscuit, hash brown)

Passed by Starbucks for coffee for my wife, picked up the boys and came home. Had lunch and went to another meeting. After work I went to get Gabriel from basketball practice and took him to baseball practice. 
(Afternoon: pasta, water)

Toom Gabriel to my wife and I stayed to watch Javi's last 40 minutes of practice. Came home, had Javi shower. I showered and ordered some pictures. Watched some TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: apple, plum, water,)

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Woke up and changed. Got ready and headed out to BART.  Caught the train and got to work and set up. Had a meeting and reviewed some items. 
(Morning: water. Coffee. Madeline)

Had lunch and napped. Had a quick meeting while reviewing some documents and got ready and headed home. Had an early dinner and tool Javi to practice. 
(Afternoon: water, zoa, meat patties, rice, chicken)

Practice was good, came home and had Javi shower. I showered and now watching TV. 
(Nighttime: crackers, water)

Monday, September 16, 2024

Another week

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed out to BART. Caught the train and got to the city. Walked over to work and set up. Had coffee and a meeting.
(Morning: Water, coffee, peanuts)

Had lunch after the meeting and read a book. When I got back the internet was down and didn't come back until 3:49. I gathered my things and walked over to BART and came home. Had lunch and helped Javi with his homework and chilled. 
(Afternoon: water, peanut butter sandwich, zoa, chicken. Tacos, cranberry juice)

Took Javi to practice and it was good. After came home and had him shower. I took out trash and I shower after. Now relaxing before bed.
(Nighttime: sushi, water)

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Play Ball

Woke up and had coffee. Showered and got Gabriel ready for his first Fall Ball game. Watched some of the Niners game until we left for the park.
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Got to the park and warmed up the kids. Gabriel did great, he pitched and had 2 singles and scored a run. After we went to watch Javi's game. His team lost 5-3, he had a solid single ans struck out. He played right field. After we came home and I had lunch and took a nap.
(Afternoon: water, cranberry juice, tacos)

Watched football and showered. Now washing clothes and watching TV. Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: crackers, water)

Saturday, September 14, 2024


Woke up and had coffee. Showered and went out to the Duck Pond to help film a promo for my nephews project.
(Morning: water, coffee)

The filming went great. The boys got filmed doing some baseball drills and pretending to drink a drink. After we came home and made tacos. Took Javi to baseball practice and came home.
(Afternoon: water. Coke, tacos, chips)

Went to Costco and target. Came home and showered. Washed dishes and now watching TV until bed time. Fall Ball games tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water. Pumpkin Chai, peanut butter cups)

Friday, September 13, 2024


Woke up and changed. Logged into work. The boys don't have school today. Reviewed some documents and waited until lunch.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Madeline)

We went to olive garden and had lunch. Came back and finished work. Took Gabriel to his basketball practice at school.
(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup,  salad, water)

After practice and drove to just hoops for another practice. Picked up Javi and went to Target. Came back home and showered. Had Gabriel shower and now watching TV until bed.
(Nighttime: beer. Water. Peanut butter cups)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Hump day

Woke up amd changed. Drove to BART and caught the train. Got to work and set up. Had breakfast and a chat with my co worker. After had a meeting and had a chill morning.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Donut, oatmeal,  madeline)

Had lunch and took a walk to get an iced coffee. After work I caught BART and drove to the little league field for practice. Started practice while waiting for Gabriel. He got there and we had a good practice..
(Afternoon: water, iced coffee, tuna sandwich)

Got to the school to swap kids. My wife took Gabriel home, I stayed with Javi at practice. Came home and had them shower while I ate something. I showered after and now watching the VMA's until bed time.
(Nighttime: cheese stick, chicken sandwich, tortilla and cheese, Malibu, water)

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Back in office

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed off to work. Caught  BART and got to the city. Walked to work and set up my work space. Logged in and had a chill Morning.
(Morning: water coffee. Oatmeal)

Had lunch and read. Logged back into work
 Finished up and came home. Had some bean soup and took a nap.
(Afternoon: water. Zoa, sandwich,  bean soup)

Showered and watched wrasslin'. Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: water)

late post (9/9/2024)

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and warmed them up some food for lunch. My wife took them to school, I made coffee and logged into work. We have a training today. It's my last training with this group. We had a demo and an activity that ran a bit long. Sent them to lunch.
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Ran out to Costco business center and grab some items for lunch today. Came back home and logged back in to the training. My wife made lunch and picked up the boys. After work I took Gabriel to his just hoops basketball practice and started watching the Niners game. After I headed home.
(Afternoon: water, candy)

Dropped Gabriel off and picked up my wife to go to a parent meeting. Officially meet Gabriel's basketball coach. My mother in law brought Javi to the school and took my wife and Gabriel home. I stayed with Javi for his practice. Got home and had him shower. I washed dishes. Ate dinner. Made lunch to tomorrow and tool a shower.  Took out the trash and watched TV until bed
(Nighttime: steak bites, Hawaiian bread, cranberry juice, water)

Sunday, September 8, 2024


Woke up.and changed. Got Gabriel his breakfast and got him ready for his Morning scrimmage game. We got to the park and started to warm up. I put out the bases and dragged the fields. The game was good, Gabriel played 2 defensive innings at 3rd. He got 3 hits. A single, triple and a homrrun. After we came home and washed the camry and waited for my wife and Javi to show up.
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Had some orange chicken and headed out to Javi's scrimmage. He did well. He played 4 defensive innings as a catcher. Got a walk, triple, home run, stuck out and hit into a fielders choice. After I took him over to 7-11 to get a slurpee. After we came home and I had him shower and had an early dinner.
(Afternoon: water, coke, sushi bake, slurpee)

Watched the SNF game and did some laundry. Showered and finished up some laundry. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water)

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Woke up and went to use the bathroom. Noticed something odd in the back yard. Turns out a scumbag racoon messed up our grass. I  leaned up and took a shower and went out to get lunch.
(Morning: water)

Picked up lunch and ate. My Mom.and Sister came by and we went to watch Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.  It was a fun movie. Got Javi ready for practice and took him.
(Afternoon: water fruit punch  popcorn, onion rings. Double bacon cheeseburger)

Got home and relaxed a bit. Went to Target and came home. Showered and had some food. Now watching TV before bed.
(Nighttime: water. Wine. Chicken. Sandwich  fries, chips and avocado)

Friday, September 6, 2024


Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready for school. Came.back and made coffee, logged into work. Had a meeting and did some laundry. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Worked and went over to panda express to grab lunch for the boys before picking them up. Came home and finished up work. We took Gabriel to basketball practice and after to just hoops.
(Afternoon: pizza. Water, peanuts)

Got home ans showered. Watched the last of the football game. Now watching TV until bed.
(Nighttime: water, chicken sandwich,  bacon cheeseburger, frosty)

Thursday, September 5, 2024

staying home

Woke up and changed. Got the boys  ready and tool them to school. Came back home and logged in to work and started getting things ready for next week. 
(Morning: water, coffee. Eggs)

Did some more work before picking up the boys. Came home and had lunch. Finished work and rested up before going to practice for Javi.
(Afternoon: pizza, chicken, coke, water)

Came home, showered and got ready for tomorrow. Showered and now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, drank)

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

another day

Woke up and changed. Got ready and took off to go to bart. Caught the train and got to the city. Walked over to 1440 and set up. We did the morning training with some demos and it went well.
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Had lunch, took a walk to Peet's to grab some coffee and came back to finish training. After work I caught the bus and BART to come home and pick up some items before going to the little league field to Gabriel's practice. 
(Afternoon: water. Madeline. Iced coffee. Sandwich)

After Gabe's practice  we drove to the school to switch out kids. I watched Javi's basketball practice and came home. Had him shower while I made me some dinner. Showered and ate. Now relaxing until bed time.
(Nighttime: water. Cranberry and vodka, hard boiled egg, puffs)

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Training day

Woke up and changed. Got my things ready and headed out to BART. Caught thr train and when I got to the city I walked over to 1440 to set up for training. My coworker brought donuts for the group and we started the training. It went good today amd close to lunch I got ready to meet Amilcar for lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee. Donuts)

Had lunch and walked around costco. Took a quick walk to check where the temporary bus stop was. Got back to the train and finished strong. After I caught the muni and BART back home.
(Afternoon: meat, donuts, water. Zoa)

Got home ans put the registration sticker on the camry. Tool Javi to basketball practice.  Came home and had him shower while I looked for some items. Washed dishes and showered. Had dinner and now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: mango juice. Water, meat)

Monday, September 2, 2024

Day off

Woke up and went to put some clothes to wash. Went to the backyard and started cutting the grass. It had been a while since I had cut it. After I came back in to switch out the clothes and take a shower. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Set up the hitting net and had the boys play catch and hit off the tee to get ready for practice this week and for fall ball. My Mom, sister and brother in law came by and I went to watch Blink Twice with my wife and sister before coming back to start up the grill.
(Afternoon: water coke, popcorn)

Grilled the tomahawk steaks and had dinner. After relaxed and took out the bins for pick up tomorrow. Showered and put things away. Going to bed soon. We train tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: steak, avocado, water. Tres leches cake, puffs)

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Day Game

Woke up and hung out with the boys. They left to practice and I got ready to go to the Giants game. Got to Bayfair BART and caught the train to the Embarcadero station and transferred to MUNI Metro shuttle and got to the stadium.
(Morning: water)

Got my Funko pop giveaway of Buster Posey. Met up with Amilcar. We walked around and grabbed some food. Went to out seats and ate. The game started. The game was fun but the Giants lost. I went to catch the MUNI and caught BART home. 
Got home and cleaned up a bit.
(Afternoon: bratwurst, coke. Water)

Went to Target and Cardenas. Had some nuggets and beers. Cut the grass in the front of the house and tool a shower. Now resting up for tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: nuggets, beet, water, chocolate)

mystery spot 8/31/24)

Woke up and had some coffee. Started Watching bash in Berlin. Showered and got ready to go to Santa Cruz.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Got Starbucks and drove to the mystery spot. It was fun.  After we came home.
(Afternoon: iced Caramel Macchiato,  water. Peanuts)

Had dinner, took a nap and watched a movie. Off to bed.
(Nighttime: burrito,  horchata, water)

Friday, August 30, 2024

Giants game

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and tool them to school. Came back home and logged in to work. Did some final reviews for the training and got ready to go get the boys.
(Morning: water, peanut butter cups)

Picked the boys up, came home and had lunch. Took a nap. Finished work and tool another nap before getting ready to head to Oracle park to watch the Giants play the Marlins.
(Afternoon: Cole slaw, Cole. Wings, water)

The game was good. Giants won 3-1. There was a drone show that was fun. Came home and everyone changed. Playing Madden to decompress. 
(Nighttime: Chicken, garlic fries, Gatorade. Water)

Thursday, August 29, 2024

got to make a decision

Woke up and changed. Made the boys lunch, packed them up and took them to school. Passed by picking up breakfast at McDonald's and came home. Put clothes to dry and had breakfast. Logged into work and had a meeting. Did some research on a personal loan to help me with some debt I have. Those interest rates are killer.
(Morning: sausage mcmuffin, sausage biscuit, hash brown, coffee, water)

Made lunch for the boys for when they get home. Had lunch myself and finished up with the clothes. My wife got home and we went to pick up the boys. They had lunch and relaxed. I finished work.
(Afternoon: cup o noodle soup, water)

Took Javi to practice,  attended the back to school zoom meetings. Came home and watered the grass in the front. Showered. Now watching TV. Tomorrow I do more research on that loan before it gets out of hand.
(Nighttime: water. Orange chicken, mini wheats)

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Draft Day


Woke up and changed. made my coffee and grabbed my things and headed over to BART, Caught the train over to work. They still have the one exit and enterance closed due to updating the fare gates. I walked over to my building and set up. Had breakfast and organized a lot of items for training. 

(morning: Oatmeal, coffee, water)


Had lunch and talked to my Mom for a bit. Talked to my wife before returning to my desk. Did some work before collecting my things and coming home. Caught BART and got to bayfair and went to put gas in the camry. I came home after and cleaned up, took the truck to get gassed up.

(Afternoon: Tuna sandwich, Steak bites, mashed potatoes, water)


Took Gabriel to basketball practice. Came back home and had him shower. I showered and got ready for my Fantasy Football draft. I think I did ok, but Yahoo says otherwise. Anyway, had a snack and now going to bed.

(Nighttime: water, tequila and soda, peanut butter cups)

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

back in office

Woke up and changed. Got my things ready and headed out to BART. Caught the train and got to Civic Center. They are I stalling the new fare gates so they closed one side of the station. So I had to walk around. Got to my desk a d set up.printed out some things and began working. Had a quick meeting and tool my lunch. 
(Morning: water. Coffee. Oatmel)

Had lunch and talked to my mom. Logged back in and did some more work, had another meeting and now just waiting to go home. Finished working and walked over to BART and came home.
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  peanuts. Water)

Rook Javi to practice and came home, had them shower and I went on a quick target run. Came home and showered, had dinner and took out some recycling. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: Cesar salad, mango juice water. Peanut butter cups)

New week (8/26/24)

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready for school and took them to school. Came back home and logged into work. Caught up on emails and talked to a few people before taking a walk.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch and did somw.more work before going to get the boys. Came back home and finished up working. Took a nap and rested.
(Afternoon: chow mein, Cesar salad, water)

Took out the trash, showered and had some food. Watched TV and now trying to sleep. 
(Nighttime: water, cheese sticks, mango juice)

Sunday, August 25, 2024

end of the week

Woke up and made the boys breakfast. Made some coffee for myself and showered. Put some brackets on the chairs and tightened the bolt on the couch. Had Gabriel get ready for practice and they left. I tool Javi to church for a school mass. After we went to Target.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Came home and had lunch. Did some laundry and tool a nap. Woke up and we went to the park. Played basketball and walked around. Came home.
(Afternoon: lasagna, garlic bread, water, coke, ice cream)

Played soccer in the back yard with the boys. Had both shower. Had dinner and showered. Relaxed in the room while they watched TV. Sent them to bed. Now going to watch TV until bed time. Work tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: chow mein, fried rice, orange chicken,  cranberry juice, water)

Saturday, August 24, 2024


Couldn't sleep. I think I finally fell asleep around 4 am. Woke up around 8:30. Had coffee and went to pull out the cushion covers to wash. Took a shower and we were off to have lunch.
(Afternoon: water. Coffee)

Had lunch at Apple Bee's, went to the park and came home. Took a nap and when we woke up we went to Target.  Came back home and put things away.
(Afternoon: water. Chicken  salad. Artichoke dip, chips)

Had ice cream, played loteria with the boys. Talked to my mom. Changed and had cereal now watching a movie before bed.
(Nighttime: water. Cranberry juice,  cereal, cheese and tortilla)

Friday, August 23, 2024

Out again

Woke up and changed. Got lunch ready for the boys and took them to school. Picked up breakfast at McDonald's and came home. Ate and did some laundry. Watched TV and tool a nap.
(Morning: water. Mango juice, sausage and egg mcmuffin,  sausage amd egg biscuit,  hash brown)

Woke up from my nap and finished folding and putting away the boys clothes. Went to Starbucks to get coffee before picking hp the boys. Came home and had them eat lunch and I tried to take another nap before basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: pizza, cranberry juice, chicken)

Practice was good for Gabriel.  I did some shooting around with Javi. Came back home and started watching the last preseason game for the Niners against the Raiders. After this going to watch some TV before going to bed.
(Nighttime: brownies cranberry juice, water)

Thursday, August 22, 2024


Woke up and changed. Not feeling good with this COVID issue. Put on my mask and gloves and helped the boys get ready for school. Took them and came back to watch a little bit of TV before going back to sleep. 
(Morning: water)

Woke up and we went to Costco to grab some items for the boys and some juice that I wanted. Came home to drop the items off and went to go pick up the boys. Came home and set up Javi's email for school and went to pick up a pizza. Had lunch and tried to take another nap. Woke up.and had Javi get ready for basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: pizza, mango juice, water)

Javi's practice was good. Came home and had him shower. I watched the DNC speech before taking a shower. Had the boys clean up and go to bed. Ate some salad and watched some TV. Didn't get the chance to walk as much as I wanted to, but I'm sick so it's OK. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: water, cranberry juice, chicken Cesar salad, thraflu)

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Mother fu*ker

Woke up and changed.drove over to BART and caught the train to the city. Walked over to 1440 and went to set up. We started the training and it went pretty good. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had lunch at Costco and took a walk. Went back to train and I didn't feel good so I asked to go home early. Got home and took a covid test and it was positive. Had to report it to work. Will be off tomorrow. 
(Afternoon: turkey sandwich,  smoothie, water)

Went to Target to get meds and came back. Had dinner, when my wife went to drop off her mom at the airport I took a shower and started laundry. Put the boys to bed. Watched some TV. Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: water carne molida, iced Chai, peanut butter cups)

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Training day

Woke up and changed. Got ready and headed to work. Got there ans walked to 1440 to set up for training. I introduced myself to the group and we were off and running with training. I think it went well for what it was.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had lunch and walked over to Costco to walk around. Finished the training and caught the bus back to BART and came home. When I got home I had a quick light early dinner and washed dishes.
(Afternoon: water, sandwich, ground beef with potatoes, wafers)

Took a walk with my wife and had the boys shower. I showered and after had some cake. Now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: water, milk, cupcakes,  cake)

Monday, August 19, 2024


Woke up and changed. Greeted the birthday boy with a hug and kiss. Got them ready for their first day of school and headed out to drop them off. We talked to some parents and joined the morning prayer. Went to the dollar tree and came home to set up. We went back to hand out cupcakes to Gabriel's class for his birthday.  After we came back home and rested until we went to pick them up.
(Morning: donut, water)

Picked up the boys, they had a good first day. Came home and Gabriel opened his gifts. He was so happy. After we went to get lunch and ate. I took a nap and when I got up checked on the sink in the bathroom and cut my hair.
(Afternoon: lemon lime soda, burrito)

We did the cake and I gave him his last gifts, which were wrestlers he wanted. We went to Chuck E Cheese and came back home. I cut the grass in the back yard and showered. Going to bed. Back to work tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water)

Sunday, August 18, 2024


Woke up and made the boys breakfast. Took a shower and we went to basketball practice. Came home after that.
(Morning: water, coffee

Gabriel wasn't feeling good and went to sleep for a bit. I walked over to McDonald's with javi to grab lunch. Came back and we went to Lucky's to grab the cupcakes for Gabriel tomorrow. Started Watching the 49ers preseason game.
(Afternoon: McChicken,  McDouble, chicken nuggets, fries, grape soda, water)

Walked to Popeye's to pick up wings. Came back to eat and watch the end of the game. Showered and packed up Gabriel's birthday gift for tomorrow. Watching a movie before bed.
(Nighttime: water, wings, chicken sandwich)

Saturday (8/17/24)

Woke up and showered and we went to the Livermore outlets. Walked around and did some shopping. Got some shoes and some shirts for the boys. We drove to Chili's after.
(Morning: water)

Had lunch and drove home. Watched Bel Air and some of the Giants game before going to Target. Came back and drove to the movies.
(Afternoon: santa fe salad, water, chips, guacamole)

We watched Alien Romulus and drove back home to watch the Unbrella Academy. Went to bed after.
(Nighttime: water hi-c, popcorn, cheesecake)

Friday, August 16, 2024

Back to work

Woke up and changed. Logged into work and caught up on things. Logged off at 10:30 and got the boys ready to go to the meet and greet at school. We got there and met their teachers. Went to Cardenas and came home.
(Morning: coffee. Zingers, water)

Walked to 7-11 with Javi and came back. Had lunch and tookna nap. Went to Costco and came home to relax before basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: water, chicken soup, mocha freeze, cookie

Practice was good, while Gabriel did his thing, I played with Javi. Went to Target and came home. Changed and talked to my Mom. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water. Cheesecake)

Thursday, August 15, 2024

back home

Woke up and showered. Got ready and finished packing before we went down for breakfast. Came back upstairs and grabbed our things and headed down to check out. We got picked up and headed to the airport. 
(Morning: omelet, water. Coffee, oj, bacon, sausage,  hash brown)

Got on the plane and headed home. The flight was good. Got to SFO and got picked up by my sister. We went to have an early dinner and dropped her and my mom off.
(Afternoon: water, burger. Salad, bread)

Got home, emptied the truck, showered and now finishing up laundry. Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: water)

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

day 4

Woke up and went back to sleep. We all slept in, tired from yesterday's activity. When we got up we changed into our swim gear ans went down to get our seats and then breakfast.  After breakfast we applied sun block and chilled, went swimming and had fun.
(Morning: water, coffee, omelet,  sausage, bacon, maduro)

Did some more swimming and wentook a breaknto have lunch. After that rested up and re-applied sun block and back to swim. Had some drinks, did the water slides and last river and finished up. Came up to the room and showered and got ready for dinner.
(Afternoon: club sandwich,  beer, piña colada, water)

We went to the buffet to have a light dinner just in case the hibachi experience was not what we expected. We walked around and finally got to the restaurant. The hibachi experience was good, the food was good. After listened to some live music and came up to the room. Started packing and now relaxing until bed time. We leave tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: lots of protein, fried rice,  beer , water)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

day 3

Morning :
Woke up and changed. Came down to grab coffee and catch our ride to the marina to go to Isla de Muneres for an excursion. We got there and found our Gabriel couldn't snorkel so I decided not to go either. My wife and Javi tried but the waters were too rough. After we waited to go to the beach.
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, croissant, water. Beer)

Afternoon :
We walked around and swam at the beach it was nice. We went back to the dock to catch the boat to the other spot where we had lunch and swam. Finally got back to shore and had to wait a long time for the shuttle back to the hotel.
(Afternoon: water. Beer, sex on the beach, buffet food)

There was an accident on the way back which delayed us. We got to the hotel late and missed the circus show. We showered and had dinner at the Italian restaurant. Walked around,  I hung out in the lobby listening to music while everyone went upstairs. About to go up and go to bed.
(Nighttime: wine. Water. Canolli, chicken Alfredo, bread, pizza)

Monday, August 12, 2024

Day 2

Woke up and changed into our swim clothes. Went down to get some towels and put them on our seats by the pool. Went to grab breakfast and returned to put on sunscreen and wait a bit before jumping into the pool. We swam and did the lazy river for most of the morning. We also did the water slides.
(Morning: coffee. Water, oj, eggs Benedict)

Had a piñata colada and swam some more and took a break to dry off and had some lunch. Went back out to rest up before jumping back into the pool. Ordered a Mai tai but didn't finish it, it didn't taste too good. Did some more swimming and wr came back up to the room. 
(Afternoon: buffett, water)

We went to dinner and had some good sea food. After we listened to some music in the lobby before going to an urban show. Sat back in the lobby to hear some live music and came up to the room.
(Nighttime: Ceviche, octopus, dessert, mojito, rum and coke)

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Day 1

Couldn't really sleep too well on the plane. The seat was uncomfortable. Gabriel was leaning on me the whole way, so I tried not to move. We landed and passed immigration and got our bags, we were not screened. We went to wait for our shuttle and came to the hotel. We did the check in but it was really early so our room wasn't ready. We had breakfast and went to change and hit up the pool.
(Morning: pretzel, cookie, water, coffee, waffle. Hot cake, omelet, bacon,  sausage.)

Spent most of the day swimming, around 2:30 we went to ask of the room was ready. It was and we came up to the room. Settled in and all of us showered. Took a nap and got ready to go have dinner.
(Afternoon: water, beer. Margarita, quesadilla, tacos)

We ate at an Asian cuisine spot. We had sushi. Wine and I had pad Thai. After walked around to get to know the place. Grabbed coffee and ice cream, hung out and listened to some live music, had a shot of tequila. Came upstairs and went back down late for a magic show. Now back up in the room, tired and ready for bed.
(Nighttime: pad Thai, sushi, Wine, water, Carmel Macchiato,  tequilla)

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Leaving (8/10/24)

Woke up and took a shower. Went to the bank to get change and passed by Cardenas buying some chicken for some tacos we are making later. Dropped my wife off at the nail saloon and I went home. Had both boys shower and watched some of the Olympics coverage. When my wife was ready we went to pick her up.
(Morning : water. Pastry)

Had lunch and went home to rest up and finish packing. We left and drove to my sister's and started prepping and cooking. We ate and now waiting to go to the airport. 
(Afternoon: McChicken, hi-c, water. Tacos)

Got dropped off at SFO and we are about to board the plane to cancun. 
(Nighttime: water, peanuts)

Friday, August 9, 2024

Last day

Woke up and changed. Logged in to work and checked emails. Had 2 meeting and went for a walk. Came back and relaxed until lunch time.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Walked over to Popeye's to grab lunch and came home. Finished work and took a nap. 
(Afternoon: wings, soda, chicken sandwich,  water. Plum)

We.went for a walk, came back and I showered. Had some crackers and water, now watching TV.
(Nighttime: water. Crackers)

Thursday, August 8, 2024


Woke up and changed. Watched the news and logged in to work. When the boys woke up I made them breakfast. Ate and had coffee, had a meeting with Karla and tool a long walk with the boys. Finished up some items and started the grill.
(Morning: coffee, eggs. Toast. Water)

Grilled some burgers and had lunch. Checked back into work and did a few more things. Finished up and we packed up most of the kids things. 
(Afternoon: hamburger patties, cheese, grape soda, water, peanut butter cups)

Took the boys to the park. Came back home and j showered. Changed the boys. Had some ice cream amd now hanging out until bed time.
(Nighttime: ice cream, crackers, peanuts, water)

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Hump day

Woke up and got ready to go to work. Grabbed my things and headed out to BART. Caught the train and did some reading on the way in. When I got to the city I got news that my friends cousin died in a car crash. He used to work with me in my Starbucks days. I was in shock. I got to work and set up, kind of going through the motions early. I distracted myself finishing up an assignment. I attended forum and went for a walk.
(Morning: coffee, water, oatmeal, eggs)

Had lunch and read some more. Finished up some other items and waited to go home. After work I walked over to BART and tool the train home. 
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs,  water, peanuts, chicken)

Got home, cleaned the grill. Tool Gabriel to basketball practice and to Target. Came home and showered,  had him shower and I had dinner. Now doing laundry. 
(Nighttime: pizza, water, zoa, peanut butter cups)

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Woke up and got ready. Headed over to BART and caught the train. Got to work and set up, did some work to set up for training and met Kathleen outside to go to lunch.
(Morning: water. Caramel Macchiato, oatmeal)

Had lunch with Kathleen and after walked back to work. Had a meeting and when I was done I walked over to BART and came home. When I got here I put some food away for lunch tomorrow and took Javi to basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: chicken salad,  water. Snapped, peanuts)

Practice was good, came back home and had Javi shower. I showered and made some hard boiled eggs. Now playing charades with the boys before going to bed. 
(Nighttime: water, eggs, cheese, cereal)

Monday, August 5, 2024

Last week

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed out to work. Caught BART to the city and got to my desk. Set up and started working. Had a meeting and met with my new unit mate.
(Morning: water, coffee. Yogurt. Oatmeal)

Had lunch and it upset my stomach. Had a few meetings and when I was done I walked over to BART and caught the train home. When I got here I took out the bins and washed some dishes. We went to go look for Javi's pants.
(Afternoon: water, sandwich,  wings)

Went to GAP, the Nike outlet and Old Navy and got Javi some pants. Came home to mow the grass in front and watered it. Showered and played uno with Gabriel. Watched wrasslin and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, carots)

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Rest day

Woke up and went to shower. Started laundry while waiting to go to basketball practice. It was good, Gabriel had a good practice,  Javi had an awesome practice,  he did really well. After we came home.
(Morning: water, coffee, peanuts)

Had the boys shower. Folded clothes and we went to have lunch. We ate Panda Express and walked around Southland Mall and did some shopping. Came home after to finish laundry and relax.
(Afternoon: Panda express, water)

We went out to the park and took a walk and played a little football. Came home and walked over to grab some wings at Popeye's and came home to clean up, shower and have dinner. Now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: wings, carrots, cereal, water)

Saturday, August 3, 2024


Woke up and showered.  Got ready to go to Daly City for my dentist appointment. It went well, after I walked over to Gellert park to meet my wife and kids. We went to pick up lunch.
(Morning: agua)

Got to my sister's and had lunch. Chilled for a bit and went to the movies to watch Trap. It was fun after we picked up donuts and picked up the boys and came home to finish watching Summer Slam.
(Afternoon: Double double protein style, water, fruit punch, popcorn, water)

Finished Summer Slam and hit up Target. Came home to take out trash, made the boys some food, pulled Javi's tooth out and now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, scream, donuts)

Friday, August 2, 2024


Woke up and changed. Gave the boys breakfast before logging in to work. Had a quick meeting in the morning and did some work before putting the meatloaf into the oven.
(Morning: water. Coffee, rice cake)

Afternoon: Had meatloaf and we went to Costco business center. Came home to finish work and cleaned up.
(Afternoon: meatloaf,  corn, water)

Took Gabe to basketball practice.  Came home and had him shower. I cut the grass in the back and cut some plants as well. Cleaned up and showered. Watching TV until bed.
(Nighttime: rittz crackers. Carrots. Cheese, tequila and soda, water)

Thursday, August 1, 2024


Woke up and changed. Made some coffee and logged into work. On a quick break I gave the boys breakfast and went into a meeting. I finished up some work before heading out to take a walk. Came back home and finished some things before making lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water, rice cake)

Made white rice and orange chicken for the boys. I went to lucky's with my wife to grab items for tomorrow's lunch. Picked up some food for us, came home ate and finished work. After work I prepped the meatloaf for tomorrow, while Javi got ready for basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: lemon lime soda, water. Burrito)

Took Javi to practice. It was good, he had a nice workout. After we went to Target to grab some cream. Came home and had Javi shower. I showered and now watching the Olympics. 
(Nighttime: water)

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Hump day

Woke up and felt refreshed. Went to change and gather my things. Made coffe and headed out to BART.  Caught the train and read while i was on the ride to SF. Got to Civic Center and walked over to my building and set up. Did some work until I had to go to 1440 to help my team test out some systems.
(Morning: coffee. Oatmeal, water)

Had lunch and read. Logged back into a meeting and updated a few things. Gathered my things and headed to BART to come home. I got home and cleaned up and put my things away. We took the boys to swim class.
(Afternoon: Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo, zoa, water, peanuts)

They both passed to the next level and we came home. Had them shower. I showered and put thungs away. Had dinner and now relaxing until bed time. 
(Nighttime: salad, wings, water, tequila and soda)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and hopped in the camry and drove to Bayfair BART. Caught the train and headed into the city. I read on the way over. When I got to Civic Center I exited and walked over to 1235 and to my desk. Set up and started working. Had a meeting and went to have lunch.
(Morning: water, rice cake, oatmeal, coffee)

I had a piece of cake that was offered to me for someone's birthday. Ate and tool a quick nap. Met Karla for coffee and came back to have another meeting and headed out to BART to go home.
(Afternoon: water, iced coffee, carne molida, beans, cake, peanuts)

Got home and put things away. Had some dinner and we went to the park. Came home and I showered,  picked up pizza for my wife and now relaxing.
(Nighttime: bread stick, water, shrimp Fettucine Alfredo)

Monday, July 29, 2024

Back in the office

Woke up and changed. Headed out to BART and rode the train to work. Got there and set up. Had a meeting and did some work before walking over to 1440 for a meeting. Got there and talked to Glenn for a bit and met my supervisor and did a sound check and visual check. After walked back to my office.
(Morning: oatmeal, Rice cake, peanuts)

Had lunch and finished working on some items. Had another meeting and finished up work. Walked over to BART and came home. Took out the compost and trash. Put my lunch away for tomorrow and washed dishes. 
(Afternoon: tuna sandwich,  water, zoa, peanuts. Cake)

Took the boys to swim class. Had them shower at home. Went to Target and came back to shower. Now watching the Olympics until bed time. 
(Nighttime: water, peanut butter cups, salad)

Sunday, July 28, 2024


Woke up and made coffee. Brought down the canopy and pool. Went to shower and got ready to take the boys to basketball practice. Practice was good and we came home.
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Came home and had the boys shower. We went to eat at Texas Roadhouse and after went to Costco. Came home and put things away.  Did laundry and took a nap.
(Afternoon: water, salad with steak, bread, sundae)

Went to the park and played some football. Took a long walk and came hime. Finished folding clothes and took a shower. Got my things ready for tomorrow and next watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: water, cheese and crackers, rice cake)

Saturday, July 27, 2024

movie time

Woke up and had some coffee.  Made the boys eggs. Took a shower and we went to go get the boys some uniform items for school. Came back and watched some of the Olympic games they were showing and watched Angels in the Outfield. 
(Morning: water. Coffee)

We went to watch Deadpool and Wolverine and it was a fun movie. After we came home to pick up the boys and my Mother in law and went to have a late lunch/early dinner. After we went to Walmart. 
(Afternoon: water, calamari, crab Louie salad)

Got home and took a long walk. Showered and played uno with the boys. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water)

Friday, July 26, 2024

let the games begin

Woke up and went to change.  Logged into work and has a conversation with Karla to catch up since we hadn't talked in a while. I got busy work today so I was going that in the morning. When I tool a break I took a long walk. Came back to start watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in Paris. 

(Morning: water. Coffee)

Made some hard boiled eggs and ate real quick. Finished up some work and took a nap. Finished working and chilled a bit until we went to take Gabriel to practice. 
(Afternoon: hard boiled eggs, cran-grape juice, water. Peanuts, apple)

Came back from practice and went to pick up some Popeyes. Came home, had dinner and tool a shower. Now hanging out until bed time. 
(Nighttime: Chicken sandwich,  wings, water, wine)

Thursday, July 25, 2024


Woke up and changed. Logged into work. Had coffee and gave the boys breakfast. Did some work and went for a walk with the boys. Came back and did some laundry while getting items ready for training.
(Morning: water, coffee, peanut butter cups)

Gpt.the grill going and made hamburgers. Took another walk, sat with Gabriel while he swam in the pool. Finished work and tool a walk.
(Afternoon: 2 hamburger patties with cheese, water, zoa)

We took Javi to basketball practice and went to Costco. Grabbed some items and came home. Showered and had dinner. Now resting up my knee.
(Nighttime: water. Cookie, Cesar salad)

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Hump day training

Woke up and changed. Drove over to BART and caught the train to work. Waked over to 1440 and got ready for the training. We delivered  good training in the morning and sent them to lunch.
(Morning: iced Caramel Macchiato,  lemon loaf. Water)

Went to have lunch with Amilcar and came back to finish training. It was a bit strange. My supervisor was attempting a take over and kind of threw us off. But we were able to make it work. I left at 4 and walked over to BART to come home.
(Afternoon: water. Sandwich)

Took the boys to swim class, after we gave them a shower and went to Target. Came home and cleaned the grill. Showered and now watching TV while massaging my knee.
(Nighttime: crackers, tequila and soda, mango, water)

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

training day 2

Woke up and changed. Got ready and headed out to BART. Got to the city and tool the long walk from Civic Center to 1440 Harrison. Got there and set up and we began our training. It was a bit rough at first since we had to call their attention on being rude and not listening. But after we were able to get the training done and sent them to lunch. 
(Morning: coffee, water, donut)

Had my sandwich and went to walk around costco. Got 2 shirts and came back to finish the training. There was construction so I walked all the back to BART.  No bus today. I got on the train and headed home. It's super hot. When I got home I put my things away and helped the neighbor change a battery. Got the kids ready and we went to the park.
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  water. Donut)

Had fun at the park. Came home to shower and have a snack. Doing laundry and playing with Gabriel and his wrestlers while we watch a show.
Going to bed after super tired. 
(Nighttime: snack pack, water)

Monday, July 22, 2024

and it begins

Woke up and changed. Made coffee and logged into work. Started the training with Raena and it was a bit of a mess early on but we recovered. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Went got a walk and had some cold cuts. Went back to finish training. After I took out te trash, recycling and compost bins and took the boys to swim class. After I came home to have them shower. 
(Water. Zoa, cold cuts, carrots, chicken)

Went with my wife to drop off her friend to the airport and came home to shave and shower. About to go to bed soon.
(Nighttime: water. Mini wheats, crackers and cheese)

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The night before

Woke up and changed. Had coffee and got Gabriel ready for his basketball practice. Took him and waited for my wife to bring Javi. They both had a good practice. 
(Morning: coffee. Water)

Drove to Costco to get a cake, pizza and some other items. Came home and we had lunch and celebrated my wife's birthday again. After we chilled and went to the park.
(Afternoon: pizza, cold cuts, water, cake)

Came back from the park and took out the compost, recycling  and trash. Showered and watched TV with Gabriel and Javi for a bit. Sent them to bed, now watching TV. Training starts tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: cold cuts, candy, water)

Saturday, July 20, 2024


Woke up and gave the boys breakfast. Left birthday cards and a gift the boys gave my wife and headed down to Daly City to pick up my Mom and sister to go watch Twisters. The movie was fun and after we came home. 
(Morning: water, coffee. Popcorn)

Got home and cleaned out the truck. Had lunch and took a nap. Got ready to.go have dinner for my wife's birthday. 
(Afternoon: half burrito, water)

Had dinner and went shopping. Came home and tool a walk. Showered and now watching TV.
(Nighttime: water, rice, veggies, steak, salad, soup)

Friday, July 19, 2024


Woke up and changed. Logged into work. Had some coffee and started reviewing items for training. I had a meeting and after went for a walk. Continued my reviews. 
(Morning: water, coffee,)

Had the boys practice dribbling. Went to grab lunch. Had another meeting and more reviewing. After work we went to grab some lemonade from one of my former players that had a lemonade stand.
(Afternoon: water, lemonade, chicken sandwich,  wings, lemon lime soda)

Dropped off my wife and the boys at a friend's house. Came home to watch the Giants game. They lost 7-3. When they got back I gave the boys showers and I showered. Now relaxing until bed time. 
(Nighttime: zoa, water)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Another day

Woke up and changed. Put some clothes to wash and logged into work. Made breakfast for the boys before going to a meeting. Took a walk and practiced more of the power point for Monday. 
(Morning: water, coffee, eggs and toast)

Made spaghetti for the boys and worked some more. Had lunch and restedbuom finished up work and played catch with the boys.
(Afternoon: lunch snack, water, cran grape, carrots)

Took Javi to basketball practice and came home. Went to put gas in the camry and came home. Took a walk with Gabriel. Showered and now relaxing. 
(Nighttime: water, zoa, crackers, cereal)

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hump day

Woke up ans changed. Grabbed my things and drove over to BART. Caught the train, read on the way in. Got to the city and walked over to my building and set up for the day. Had some oatmeal and got ready for a meeting.
(Morning: water, coffee, peanuts, oatmeal)

Had lunch and chilled. Took a walk to get an iced chair. Had another meeting while finishing up some items for training. When it was time I walked over to BART to come home. Got home.and washed dishes and put things away. Got ready for swim class.
(Afternoon: Sandwich, zoa, water. Iced chai, peanuts)

Had the boys shower and we went to Target. Came home and put things away, started laundry and tool a shower. Watching Twister before bed.
(Nighttime: water, snack pack. Cheese it)

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

over it

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed to BART. Caught the train and got into they city. Walked over to my desk and set up. Had an early meeting.
(Morning: water. Coffee, oatmeal, peanuts)

Had lunch and talked to my mom. Had another meeting and helped an annoying ew with an item. After I walked over BART and came home. Got here and cleaned up, wash dishes and we were off to Costco. 
(Afternoon: water, meat patties, corn, peanuts)

Ordered a cake and shopped. Had dinner and came home to drop off the items. Went to the park to play basketball and came home. Showered and now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: pizza, hot dog. Cookie, water)

Monday, July 15, 2024

New week

Woke up and changed. Logged into work. Had a meeting and set up another one for later. Updated a power point and went for a walk and before eating I went to Kaiser to get some meds for Javi.
(Morning: water, coffee, chorizo con huevo, toast)

Had lunch and started the clean up of the backyard. Put the pool down and let it dry. Cleaned out some more items from the office and now having a meeting regarding training split before logging off.
(Afternoon: salad, meat patties, corn, water)

Took Gabriel to swim class, Javi didn't go due to swimmers ear. Came back and had Gabriel shower. We walked to Popeye's to pick up some food. Came back and I took a shower, talked to my mom and had dinner. Watched TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: wings strips, nuggets, water, chocolate)

Sunday, July 14, 2024


Woke up and changed. Had coffee and chorizo con huevo. Went to watch Longlegs while my wife took Gabriel to basket all practice and Javi went out with his friends family. After the movie hit up Target to get some cleaning supplies and came home. 
(Morning: water coffee. Chorizo con huevo)

We went to Pleasanton to look for some items my wife wanted. We walked around some and had lunch and came home. 
(Afternoon: iced tea, beef and broccoli, brown rice, pot stickers,  salad, water)

Got home and took a nap. Started the office clean up.showered, had ice cream. Played cards with the boys and watched TV. Going to bed now.
(Nighttime: water, ice cream)

Saturday, July 13, 2024

swim day

Woke up and packed up the things to go swimming. We went to Costco to get some chicken and meat. Came back home and took a walk. Changed and we got ready to drive down.
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Got to my sister's house, put the bins in the truck and went swimming. After we got some food from Chili's. We helped move my mom's mattress and set up YouTube on the TV. Mounted a TV for my sister and came home.
(Afternoon: cacao, water. Burger, Cesar salad,  broccoli)

Got home and took a long walk. Cleaned out the bins and tool a shower. Had a snack.and now relaxing until bed time.
(Nighttime: ice cream, water. Chips, cookie)

Friday, July 12, 2024


Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school and  came back to have coffee ans log into work. Had 2 meetings and took a nice walk. The sun was out, I had my headset on. It was good. Came.back to another meeting before lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water. Carrots )

Finished work, took the Pathfinder to get a smog check. Came home to have lunch, went to Kaiser to get my 2nd shot. Picked up the boys and took them to buy birthday cards ans a birthday gift for my wife. Came home and chilled
(Afternoon: salad, veggies,  pulled pok sandwich,  water, zoa)

Took Gabriel to his basketball skills practice. Hit up Target and came home. Took another walk, showered, had dinner and now relaxing.
(Nighttime: water, salad, ribs)

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Hot day

Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school and came back to log onto work. Tool a nice walk and logged into a meeting. After I got ready to go pick up the boys from school. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Picked up the boys and came home, walked over to 7-11 for a free slurpee since it's 7/11. Logged into a meeting and when my wife came home I went to pick up lunch. Ate and finished work. After I jumped into the pool with Gabriel. 
(Afternoon: carrots, water, cranberry juice, burrito, slurpee)

Changed and took a walk with my wife. Got.her a sluree as well. Came home and showered. Had dinner, now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: water slurpee, chicken, tequila and soda)

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

in office

Woke p and changed. Grabbed my things and headed over to BART. Caught the train and rode it into work. I got to my desk and set up, attended forum and went for a walk to City Hall. Went into another meeting that took me into lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee, oatmeal)

Had my lunch and red a bit. Took another walk to grab an iced coffee. Came back to another meeting and finished the day off. Walmed over to BART and came home. When I got here I took a walk with Gabriel. 
(Afternoon: Chicken sandwiches, iced coffee,  water, peanuts)

Took the boys to swim class. Came home and had them shower. I took a long walk with my wife. Came back and talked to my Mom for a bit and I took a shower after. Had dinner and now resting. 
(Nighttime: water, salad, chicken, cheese crackers)

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Another day

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready to go to school and dropped then off. Went to grab some items to make meatloaf. Came home and logged into work. Had a meeting and prepared the meatloaf and rice, took a walk.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Picked up the boys and had lunch. When my wife got home I went to get an oil change. Took a walk there and another walk when I got home. Finished up work and tool a quick nap.
(Afternoon: meatloaf, broccoli, corn, water, zoa)

Went to play basketball at the park, got gas for the truck and came home. Showered and had dinner. Now relaxing until bed time.
(Nighttime: Chicken sandwich, broccoli, water)

Monday, July 8, 2024

New week

Woke up and changed. Took the boys ro school and came back home to make coffee and log into work. Had a meeting and tool care of a lot of things. Took a walk before going to pick up the boys.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Picked up the boys. Had lunch and did some more work. I was able to mow the grass in the backyard. After work I got the boys ready to go swim. 
(Afternoon: Chicken sandwiches,  water)

Swim class was good. Came back and had the boys shower. I emptied the pool in the back yard and cleaned up. Showered and now doing a bit of laundry.
(Nighttime: watermelon, crackers)

Sunday, July 7, 2024


Woke up and drank some water. Went for a walk and came back to shower.
(Morning: water)

We went to Costco and did some shopping. Came back home and put things away. Gabriel wanted to use the pool. I started watching NXT Heatwave. Went out and hung out in the backyard. 
(Afternoon: cookie, water)

Had dinner, took a walk and showered. Now resting up for tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: Chicken sandwich, water, tequila with soda water)

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Money In The Bank

Woke up and chilled. Went out to the. Ack to set up the pool.
(Morning: water)

Spent some time outside and came in to have lunch and take a nap. Started watchung Money in the bank and went outside so the boys could play in the pool.
(Afternoon: pizza, water, hot link, soda)

Finished watching MITB. Took a walk with Gabriel.  Showered and had dinner. Now watching TV.
(Nighttime: water, wings, fries, veggies)

Friday, July 5, 2024

Half day and Movie day

Woke up and changed. Logged into work. When the boys woke up I fixed them breakfast and had them shower. I did some laundry and had a meeting to go over a ppt that needed to get done. Ran over to pick up pizza and came home. My mom and sister came by and we went real quick to grab some coffee.
(Morning: water, pizza, coffee)

Logged off of work and went to Union City to watch Maxxxine with my sister. It was ok. Came back home and chilled while we waited for my wife to come home so we could go watch Despicable Me 4. She got here and we left to pick up Javi's friend and drove to the movies. 
(Afternoon: popcorn, water)

After the movie we ate a Famous Dave's. The food was ok, they messed up on my sister's to go order so they made the no visit list. After came home, watered the front lawn amd went for a walk with Gabriel. Showered and now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: corn bread, brisket salad, water)

Thursday, July 4, 2024

4th of July

Woke up and changed. Went to get the truck washed and grabbed some ice. Packed up and we headed out to the Duck Pond to meet up.
(Morning: water)

We got to the park and put our chairs up as well as our pop up tent. We had fun, some food and enjoyed the weather. Around 3:40we drove down to visit Arnel, Priscilla,  Allix and Kingston. We met some new friends of theirs and had some food and good conversation. 
(Afternoon: water. Coke, tacos, torta, capri sun, Gatorade, cheeseburger, potato salad, pasta salad, margarita, ginger ale)

We came home, I started emptying out the pool to see where the air leak was. Showered and we hung outside watching the neighborhood fire works show. Now watching TV until bed .
(Nighttime: water)

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Woke up.and changed. Grabbed my things and headed out to BART. Got to work and started reviewing documents before a meeting.
(Morning: water, coffee, oatmeal)

Had lunch and did some more work came home. Washed dishes and we took the boys to swim class.
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  water, zoa, chips)

Got home, had the boys shower. Went to Target and came back home. Showere and ate. Now watching Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F.
(Nighttime: water. Tequila and soda, cheesesticks, nuggets, pizza, Caramel Frappuccino)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

so hot

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed off to BART to catch the train to work. Got to the city and walked over to the building and went to my desk. Set up and had some oatmeal and started working on a few things and did a training on cyber security. 
(Morning: water, coffee, oatmeal, peanuts)

Had lunch, read and started working on a project. Helped out a ew with some issue and I finished up work. Headed over to Civic Center and caught the train home. Got home and put things away and headed go the little league field to watch a game.
(Morning: Arroz a la Valenciana, zoa, water, peanuts)

Nighttime :
The game was good. It was hot. Came home and took a shower and changed. Doing some laundry and watching TV. Made lunch for tomorrow. It's still boiling here.
(Nighttime: chips, guacamole, water)

Monday, July 1, 2024

Monday Monday

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed over to BART  Caught the train close to 6:30. Arrived to the city and walked to my building and set up. Started working in a few things early so we could get a head start on things. 
(Morning: water coffee, oatmeal, peanuts)

Had lunch and called my Mom. Attended 2 meetings and cleaned up and got ready to go home. It's a hot one today. On the way home I stopped by to get Slurpee's as a treat for us.
(Afternoon: water, sandwich, slurpee, peanut butter cups)

Took out the trash, got the boys ready for swim class. Came home and had the. Shower. Going to shower soon and relax until bed time. It's still hot here.
(Nighttime: water, peanut butter cups)

Sunday, June 30, 2024

money pit feeeling

Woke up and waited for the repair guy to show up. Made the boys breakfast and he came by. He checked out the water heater and said we needed to replace it. So we got the estimate and we went ahead and had him do the work.
(Morning: water)

He was working on the water tank and I started Watchung the Giants game. They were doing good. He finished up and now we have a newly installed and secure water tank. It was needed, but the bill was not. Anyway, I got the pool ready for the boys and they went in. I listened to the last of the Giants game and they Beat LA.
(Afternoon: crackers, Tacos, beer, water)

I took a shower and we went to Starbucks. Came back home to rest and watch TV. Going to bed soon. 
(Nighttime: iced chai latte, water)

Saturday, June 29, 2024


Woke up and made breakfast for the boys. I showered and went to watch A quiet place. I enjoyed it, after I came home.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Popcorn, coke)

Since if it's not one thing it's another,  our water heater is messed up. So I called it in for a service. Let's see how that goes. They are coming in tomorrow. We went to Chuck E Cheese and came back home before going out to.our anniversary dinner and Walmart. After we came home and chilled a bit.
(Afternoon: root beer, pizza, water, oysters, calamari,  crab sandwich,  fries, shrimp and crab enchiladas,  rice)

Chilled outside again. Watched the Giants take a dump on themselves against the Dodgers. Changed and now watching TV.
(Nighttime: water)

Friday, June 28, 2024

another one

Woke up and changed. Got a call from Lowe's that they will deliver and install the dryer by 8. My wife dropped off the boys and brought Starbucks. They came and installed the dryer thankfully and I worked all morning.
(Morning: water, iced Caramel Macchiato)

Picked up the boys. Had lunch, worked, had a meeting, finished work and chilled until we went to the park to shoot some hoops 
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, fries, onion rings, burger, water )

Went to grab some ice cream at Clancy's. Watched some of the Giants game and they announced that Orlando Cepeda, the Original Baby Bull had passed away. The Giants just lost Mr.Mays and now Mr. Cepeda. May he rest in peace. Now going to watch TV until bed.
(Nighttime: water. Ice cream)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Last training

Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school and passed by picking up some McDonald's for breakfast.  Came home and called about the dryer and it looks like maybe tomorrow we get it. Training was odd, my teams app was not working but we managed to get through it. Started making spaghetti and meatballs and picked up the boys from school. 
(Morning: coffee, water, McDonald's breakfast)

Worked on some items and had lunch. Installed the screen door in the back and finished up work. Tool a quick nap before making some food for Gabriel. 
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, water, zoa)

Showered and had some fruit, watered the grass in the front. Now trying to book our vacation. 
(Nighttime: apples, banana,  strawberries, grapes, water)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

15 years

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and tool them to school. Came back to log into work. Did the morning training and relaxed a bit before going out to get the boys. 
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Picked up some Panda Express and got the boys. Had lunch and finished up work. After I hung outside a bit with the boys. 
(Afternoon: Panda express,  watermelon mango juice, water)

Took the boys to swim class. Came home to have them shower. Hit up Target for some items we needed and now home relaxing and enjoying our 15 year wedding anniversary. 
(Nighttime: arepa, water)

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Another day

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and went to drop them off at school. Came home and logged into work. Had the morning training session and we had two people acting like asses. Anyway after I did a mandatory training and waited for time to go get the boys.
(Morning: water. Coffee, cookies)

Picked up the boys and came home. The boys had lunch and I waited for my wife to get in. We had lunch and I did the PM training. After I talked to my unit mates and logged off. Tossed around the football with Gabe in the back and we laid out in the hammock and enjoyed the weather. 
(Afternoon: coke, chicken tacos, rice, beans, water)

We went to Costco and came back home. I showered and now hanging out with Gabriel until bed time. 
(Nighttime: water. Cookie)

Monday, June 24, 2024

All Star game 2

Woke up and went to change. Drove over to BART and caught the train to work. Got there and set up. Had a quick check in with my unit member ans worked straight until 1:30.
(Morning: coffee, water, peanuts, chicken, chips)

Came home and cut the grass in the back yard and in the front yard. Rested up and got Gabriel ready for his game. I got ready and we were off to the little league field. 
(Afternoon: water. ZOA)

The game was good, Gabriel got 2 hits. Score twice and played 2 innings. We won 9-0, clinching the series and we raised the flag as the 2024 Farms Division Champions. After we came home and showered and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, rice, carne molida, platano, cocktail)

Sunday, June 23, 2024

All Stars game 1

Woke up and got ready to go to Gabriel's game. Made the boys breakfast and changed Gabriel. We drove over to the little league field and we started warming up. Gabe got the starting nod at Catcher. He had a great game. Caught 2 innings and played 1 in LF. Score twice, got a Double and Single with 2 RBIs. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Came home and changed. We went to have lunch at Chili's with my Mom. Brother, his girlfriend and my niece and new nephew. After we came home to rest up. Tired from the sun earlier.
(Afternoon: chips, guacamole, water. Coke, burger, fries)

Cut my hair and shaved. Got my things ready for work tomorrow. Showered and not hanging out watching TV. 
(Nighttime: water, cookies)

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Swim day hangout

Woke up and had coffee. Changed and grabbed some snacks at Target and picked up lunch at Popeyes.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Ate lunch and drove to aLoft to meet up with some friends from the little league. Had some drinks, pizza, snacks and swam around a lot. We hit up the pool and hot tub and had some fun conversations. 
(Afternoon: Chicken, wings, Cole slaw, water, beer, drank, pizza, nutter butter)

Drove home and had everyone shower. Now hanging out until bed time. Game 1 of the All Stars is tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, chips, chicken, Lunchables, cookie)

Friday, June 21, 2024

end of the work week

Woke up and changed. Went to drop off the boys. Came home to make coffee and signed into work. Pretty chill morning until we had a meeting.
(Morning: water. Coffee, oreos)

Had lunch and finished work. Rested a bit before going to drop off Javi at a friend's house and take Gabriel to a birthday party. 
(Afternoon: grape soda, rice. Carne molida, McDouble, Caramel frappe)

The party was fun, we came home and on the way picked up Javi. I showered and now watching TV until bed.
(Nighttime: water, pizza, cake, nuggets, bread)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Back to work

Woke up and changed. Logged into work and did the training in the morning . It went well, after I reviewed some documents and got.redy to go get the boys at school.
(Morning: water, coffee, oreos)

Picked up the boys and came home. Made lunch and finished the day at work. Got ready to go to Gabriel's last baseball practice. 
(Afternoon: water, orange chicken, rice)

Practice was good. Gabe was mad because I made some plays on the balls he hit. Came home and showered. Had dinner and now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: cheesesticks, water. Cranberry juice, cereal)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and tool them to school. We went to eat breakfast at Black Bear diner and hit up Costco. Came home and rested until getting the boys.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Breakfast sandwich)

Got the boys and came home. Went to the park and came back and took a nap before practice.  
(Afternoon: water. Cookie)

Practice was good. After came home and had the boys shower. Now relaxing and going to rest up before going to bed. Training day tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, )

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Say it ain't so

Woke up and changed. Logged into work and got ready for training. We did the first one and it was pretty good. After I went out to get some ingredients to make meatloaf. 
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Picked up the boys and came home. Had lunch and went back in to work to do the 2nd training. It was fine. I heard a commotion in the front snd our neighbor was being assisted by EMTs. She got taken to the hospital. 
(Afternoon: meatloaf, grape soda, water. Rice, corn)

I was watching the Giants game and they announced that The Say Hey Kid Willie Mays passed away at age of 93. We sent to get a gift for a party on Friday and came home. I showered and had a snack. Now watching TV until bed time. Off tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: meatloaf, cheese and crackers, beer, water)

Monday, June 17, 2024

New week

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready to go to their first day of summer school. After I went to Kaiser to get my blood drawn. On te way back I stopped for coffee and washed the truck. Came home to log in and started practicing the training for tomorrow.  Did it a few times to get comfortable with it and went to pick up the boys. 
(Morning: water. Iced coffee)

Had lunch and finished some work. Went to practice with Gabriel and stayed until 6. After o took him to his swim class. 
(Afternoon: rice, Bean, tortla, chicken, lemon lime soda, water)

Came home, had both boys shower. I showered and had dinner. Now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: water, Gallo Pinto, chocolate)

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's day

Woke up and finished watching Beetlejuice.  Went to clean up the garage and had Gabe do some hitting off the tee. 
(Morning: zoa, water)

Showered and got ready. Watched some of the Giants game. We went to eat at Horatios and came home. I took a nice nap.
(Afternoon: Cesar salad, prime rib, mashed potatoes, Creme Brule,  Coke, water, artichoke dip)

Watered the lawn and back yard. Had Gabriel ride his bike. Changed him and showered. Cleaned out the coffee machine and the water pitcher. Now hanging out until bed time. 
(Nighttime: peanuts, puffs, water)

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Swimming day

Woke up, had coffee and watched Clash at the Castle. Got ready and headed out ot my sister's to swim.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Afternoon: We grabbed some snacks at Target and went down. Swam for about 90 minutes and had lunch. When our clothes was done drying we came back home.
(Afternoon: water, pizza, wings, bread, chips)

Got home, finished the PLE and changed. Now hanging out and watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: chips, Gatorade,  water)

Friday, June 14, 2024


Woke up and changed. Headed out to Kaiser to get the ultra sound. Came back home to start work. Did a few trial runs of the training for next week. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

The boys had lunch and I wrched tv. Chilled and finished up work. Went to the movies to watch Inside Out 2.
(Afternoon: Crab sandwich,  popcorn, coke, water)

We ate at olive garden and came home. Showered and now watching TV before bed.
(Nighttime: Chicken Gnocchi soup, sald, water, beer)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

All Star practice

Woke up and changed. Made coffee and logged in to work. Had my weekly meeting with Karla and another meeting before lunch. Went for a walk with the boys.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Made lunch for the boys, red for a bit and finished up work. Got Gabriel ready for practice. 
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, water)

Practice was good, it went for almost 3 hours. Came home to eat and shower. Now watching the Boys before bed.
(Nighttime: water. Ginger ale, spaghetti and meatballs)

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Woke up and headed to work. Got there and set up. Did my part at forum and we had a few meetings. Had some coffee and waited for 12.
(Morning: coffee. Water, peanuts)

Had left over Chinese food and another meeting. Headed out at 1:30. Got home and went to pick up lunch at McDonald's. Age and took a nap before going to Javi's game.
(Afternoon: water, zoa, McChicken, McDouble, McNuggets,  Chinese food)

The game was not good. They lost 8-6. I felt so bad for Javi and the kids. It was a game they should have won,  but unfortunately they did not. Javi walked, struck out and popped out to and the game and the season for his team. He was upset, I had a long talk with him on the ride home. Hopefully he plays baseball again. Came home and showered,  doing laundry and going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: cereal, beer, water)