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Thursday, August 22, 2024


Woke up and changed. Not feeling good with this COVID issue. Put on my mask and gloves and helped the boys get ready for school. Took them and came back to watch a little bit of TV before going back to sleep. 
(Morning: water)

Woke up and we went to Costco to grab some items for the boys and some juice that I wanted. Came home to drop the items off and went to go pick up the boys. Came home and set up Javi's email for school and went to pick up a pizza. Had lunch and tried to take another nap. Woke up.and had Javi get ready for basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: pizza, mango juice, water)

Javi's practice was good. Came home and had him shower. I watched the DNC speech before taking a shower. Had the boys clean up and go to bed. Ate some salad and watched some TV. Didn't get the chance to walk as much as I wanted to, but I'm sick so it's OK. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: water, cranberry juice, chicken Cesar salad, thraflu)

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