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Monday, March 18, 2024

Start of the week

Woke up, got ready and headed to BART.  Got to work and set up. Reviewed some training documents and did a quick practice run. Went to the Expo room to practice. 
(Morning: water. Coffee. Danish)

Amilcar stopped by and we chatted. Had lunch and another meeting was had. After left and caught BART. There was police activity and I got sent to Hayward and had to wait to get back. Made it home to pick up my wife and Gabe to go to Javi's game.
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  water. Zoa, mango)

The game was good. They lost. Javi played well and we came home. Took out the bins and showered. Now having dinner and watching TV until bed time. Training start tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: nuggets, cheese it's, root beer, water)

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