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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Observation day

Woke up and changed. Headed off to BART. Walked over to 1440 and got ready for the day. Did the hard off to OJT and spent the morning wondering why I was there.
(Morning: coffee, monster mix, water, Madeline)

Had lunch and finished up work. Headed to BART. Caught the train, there was a delay due to police activity so I was stuck for a bit. Made it home and did some light pitching with the boys. After we went to Target. 
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, zoa, water, Caramel Frappuccino)

Came home, showered and had dinner. Folded clothes and now watching TV until bed time

(Nighttime: Chicken, rice, tortilla, cheese its, water)

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