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Saturday, March 30, 2024

Rained out again

Woke up and saw they canceled the games due to rain. So I went back to sleep. When I woke up I made breakfast and cleaned up the back yard. 
After I had the boys shower. 
(Morning: eggs and Vienna sausages,  coffee)

We cleaned up some more I showered and we went to Target  came home to have a late lunch/early dinner. We went to the park for a bit and returned home.
(Afternoon: water, iced Chai, sushi bake)

Showered and cleaned up. Had some chips, watched TV and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, chips)

Friday, March 29, 2024

Godzilla X Kong

Woke up and decided to take the day off. Went back to bed. Work up close to 9 and showered. Headed out with Gabriel to watch Godzilla x Kong. I got a message from my supervisor asking if I could do one thing before rhe end of the day since it is my content and I am off next week. I told her later. We got to the movies, got our snacks and enjoyed the show. 
(Morning: Danish, water, coke, popcorn)

The movie was fun, we had the D-Box seats. After we came home. I cleaned up and went to gas up the truck, grabbed some items and coffee and came back home to have lunch. Rested up until we were going to go grab some items at Cardenas. 
(Afternoon: water. Caramel Macchiato, chicken sandwiches)

Got the items, passed by grabbing dinner and came home to eat. Watched the Giants game. Tool a shower, packed up the clothes for the boys and finished the game. The Giants won. Now going to sleep, there may be games tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: burrito, lemon lime soda, water, cajeta)

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Easy day

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and my wife took them to school. I stayed home, logged in to work. I was able to go buy ice and a few things for the trip. Came home and finished some videos and emailed them.
(Morning: Danish, coffee, water)

Made lunchnfor the boys. Picked them up and came home. Had lunch and watched the Giants game. They lost 6-4. Got Gabriel ready for his practice. We went and practice was good. 
(Afternoon: lunch, water, strawberry lemonade. Rice, orange chicken, chicken tacos)

Came home. Showered. Had dinner. Now watching TV. Goomg to bed soon.
(Nighttime: hard boiled eggs, strawberry lemonade,  chicken sandwich,  rice)

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Hump day

Woke up, changed, headed to work. Logged in and did some work before a meeting. Got ready to go to lunch.
(Morning: Danish, coffee, water, chocolate)

Had lunch with one of the managers and my team. After went back to the office to finish a job aid. Now headed home.
(Afternoon: garlic noodles with shrimp,  water, peanuts)

Got home and changed. Went to the fields. Wished Javi good luck and went to help get Gabriel's team set up. The other team didn't have enough kids so we won by forfeit. Gabriel grounde out and doubled. Javi's team won. After we came home. Showered and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, fries, cookie, water)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Training day

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready for school. My wife took them since I had my training to do. The morning went ok and we waited for the PM session.
(Morning: coffee, water, danish)

We got word that a manager wanted to attend the training session. I was like sure let her attend. We did great and after I had lunch and finished work. 
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, chicken fajitas,  lemon lime soda, water)

Took Javi to practice. Practiced with Gabriel for a bit. Came home, showers for everyone. Had dinner and watched TV. Going to bed. Early wake up tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, strawberry lemonade, pizza)

Monday, March 25, 2024

Another week

Woke up and got ready for work. Headed down and got to the city and set up to do some recordings. Did those and had a meeting. 
(Morning: water. Coffee, danish)

Had lunch and relaxed. Had a meeting and did more recordings.  Headed home and got here.
(Afternoon: peanuts, spaghetti and meatballs,  zoa, water)

Had dinner and went to Costco. Did some things in the back yard. Showered and set up for tomorrow. Watching TV., training day tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: carne molida, white rice, cookie, water)

Sunday, March 24, 2024

so sore

Woke up and went to get Gabriel breakfast.  I had coffee and started laundry. I went to clean up the garage. After some time we moved the shed and added the door handles to it. We noticed we needed some extra support for the shed floor.
(Morning: water, coffee, muffin)

We went to Home Depot and grabbed some papers and other items. Came home and reorganized the shed and put the papers under. While I continued to clean the garage and take things to the shed, my wife did some touch up work on the deck. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich, water, chocolate milk, ginger ale)

We went to Target to get some items for the house. Also got the items for Javi's snack day on Wednesday. Came home and had the boys shower, I showered and had dinner. Now Watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: iced coffee, water, ginger ale, wings)

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Rained out

Woke up and saw that the boys games were rained out. Went back to sleep. When I got up I showered and went to grav some Starbucks. After played Madden with Gabriel. 
(Morning: muffin, Caramel Macchiato, water)

We went to watch Ghostbusters Frozen Empire with my sister and after went to go eat lunch.
(Afternoon: popcorn, coke, hibachi dinner)

Rested up and about to watch another movie.
(Nighttime: water)

Friday, March 22, 2024

Snack Bar day

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready for school and took them over. Passed by the Dollar Tree grabbing a gift bag and cards for upcoming parties. Came home to work and had a meeting. After the meeting we set up another on for next week.
(Morning: muffin ,coffee, water

Went to Costco to grab some items. Passed by Cardenas and came home. Picked up the boys and had lunch. After work I went to the little league field to do my snack bar duty for Javi's team.
(Afternoon: Bean soup, rice,  water)

It went quick and it was slow. After grabbed some jack in the box and came home. Watched TV and chilled. It's raining right now. Hopefully it stops soon so the boys can play tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: Tacos, mango, root beer, cranberry juice)

Thursday, March 21, 2024


Woke up, changed, had the boys change and took them to school. Put gas in the camry and came home. Logged in to work and did laundry. Had a meeting and reviewed documents. 
(Morning: water, coffee, danish)

Hot up Costco and came home, had lunch, picked up the boys and finished up work. Tool Gabriel to practice. It was good, we did some good drills and some infield work.
(Afternoon: Monster mix, crab sandwich, ginger ale, water)

After practice I came home and washed dishes. Gabe Gabriel a shower and took one after. Had a quick snack and now watching TV until bed time
(Nighttime: water, milk, muffin)

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Game day

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready for school. My wife took them today again. I stayed here and got ready for training. It was good for us but then the people were acting like asses. Finished and took a walk.
(Morning: coffee, water, danish)

Went to pick up lunch and did our 2nd training. After I got Gabriel ready and we went to the park for his game.
(Afternoon: Panda express, water)

Gabriel did great! 2 innings behind the plate, 2 innings pitched. He got the game ball after the win. Came home and had the boys shower, I started laundry and showered. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: chocolate, water, cheese it's, crackers, bread)

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Training day

Woke up, changed, got lunch ready for the boys. My wife took the boys to school and I stayed back to log in for the training. The first one went a bit wonky. We ran over and didn't cover everything. But that's OK. After we had a meeting and got ready to go grab some things for lunch.
(Morning: coffee. Danish, donut, water)

The 2nd training was much better. After I ate and once I was done with work I had the boys do some tee work and practice pitching. We took a walk and came back home.
(Afternoon: torta de carne, breas. Rice, water, juice, refresher)

Had Gabe shower, I showered and now watching shows until bed. Training again tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: mango, water. Cheese its)

Monday, March 18, 2024

Start of the week

Woke up, got ready and headed to BART.  Got to work and set up. Reviewed some training documents and did a quick practice run. Went to the Expo room to practice. 
(Morning: water. Coffee. Danish)

Amilcar stopped by and we chatted. Had lunch and another meeting was had. After left and caught BART. There was police activity and I got sent to Hayward and had to wait to get back. Made it home to pick up my wife and Gabe to go to Javi's game.
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  water. Zoa, mango)

The game was good. They lost. Javi played well and we came home. Took out the bins and showered. Now having dinner and watching TV until bed time. Training start tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: nuggets, cheese it's, root beer, water)

Sunday, March 17, 2024

picture day

Woke up and used the bathroom. Went to clean up the back yard. Fixed the sprinklers and came in to shower and got the boys ready for picture day. We got there and Javi's team was first and I got a buddy pic with them, after I was Gabriel's team and I got in there as well.
(Morning: water, coffee)

We went to put gas kmin the truck and grabbed some items at Costco. Came home and did some laundry. We went to have lunch at Chili's and picked up some donuts at Krispy Kreme. Came home to clean up the front yard.
(Afternoon: water, coke, burger, fries, guacamole,  chips)

Played basketball with the boys and fi wished laundry. Showered and put the boys to sleep. Now watching TV and going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: donut, water)

Saturday, March 16, 2024

opening day

Woke up and change. Loaded up the truck and we went to the meet up spot for the parade. We got there and lined up and walked over to the park. Opening ceremony was good, Javi's game was first. I helped with the scoreboard and announcing. Javi was the starting pitcher and after 1 inning he caught the rest of the game. He did well and his team won. After the game we got some food and got ready for Gabriel's game.
(Morning: hot chocolate, donut, hamburger, Gatorade, water)

Gabriel's game was fun. Javi did the announcing and I helped with that and on field coaching. They won. Gabriel did great as well. Played 2nd base and catcher. They won. After we came home, I had them shower and I took a nap. When I woke up we went to sizzlers to have dinner.
(Afternoon: nachos, water)

Had dinner and came home. Cleaned up a bit. Folded clothes and showered. Now watching a movie with the boys before bed.
(Nighttime: water, salad bar, seafood)

Friday, March 15, 2024

Pizza Party

Woke up.and changed. Set up for work. Took the boys to school and came home to wokrk. Studied up for the training on Monday. Had a few meetings and we had lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Went to cardenas, came home, had burgers, picked up the boys and finished work. Went to the park before going to Javi's basketball team pizza party. 
(Afternoon: water, zoa, burger, cheese its)

The party was good. Pizza was good. Javi got his trophy and we came home. Put the boys to bed. I showered and now watching TV until bed. Baseball Opening day for the boys tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, pizza. Wings)

Thursday, March 14, 2024


Woke up and got dressed. Set up my station here at home. Took Javi to school and came back to drink coffee and have a quick catch up session with Karla and a meeting with my team. Did laundry in-between all those things

(Morning: coffee. Water)

Finished laundry, folded clothes. Picked up Javi, grabbed food and ate lunch. Got Gabriel read for practice. We went and it was fun. The had a scrimmage game and Gabriel did well.
(Afternoon: Monster mix, cheese it's, water, sprite, burrito)

Got home, had both boys shower. I showered and did one more batch of laundry. Watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, snacks)

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Observation day

Woke up and changed. Headed off to BART. Walked over to 1440 and got ready for the day. Did the hard off to OJT and spent the morning wondering why I was there.
(Morning: coffee, monster mix, water, Madeline)

Had lunch and finished up work. Headed to BART. Caught the train, there was a delay due to police activity so I was stuck for a bit. Made it home and did some light pitching with the boys. After we went to Target. 
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, zoa, water, Caramel Frappuccino)

Came home, showered and had dinner. Folded clothes and now watching TV until bed time

(Nighttime: Chicken, rice, tortilla, cheese its, water)

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

We do it live

Woke up and got dressed. Packed my things and headed out to BART. Caught the train and walked in the rain over to 1440. Got there and chilled for a bit before work. Started training and listened up until my part. We started the activity and I sent them to lunch.
(Morning: Madeline,  Coffee. Water)

Had lunch, talked to my mom and began training again. Did the activity with the group. It was interesting. I was able to leave a bit early and made it to the bus and caught bart at a reasonable time. Got to Gabriel's practice around 5:15.
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, water, zoa, peanut butter monster mix)

Finished practice by giving the kids a speech about behaving in the dugout and hustle on the field. Gabriel got a hit off of kid pitching and he pitched. 2 strikes outs for him. Came home and had him shower. I showered and did some accounting and watched TV
 Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: Chicken, Cole slaw, biscuits, ginger ale, cookies, water)

Monday, March 11, 2024

Training day

Woke up and got ready for work. Drove to BART and caught the train. Arrived to Civic Center and walled over to 1440. We did the training and sent them off to lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee, peanuts)

Had lunch, finished training and set up for tomorrow. Caught the bus to Civic Center and caught the BART back home. Got here and cleaned up a bit and washed dishes. 
(Afternoon: water, zoa, left overs, peanuts)

Went to Target and came home. Showered and watched some TV. Helped Gabriel with homework and now going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: chips, cookies, water)

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Spaghetti Feed

Woke up and went to shower. Had the boys shower as well. Got them ready to go hit outside. 
(Morning: water)

They hit and caught outside. We went to pick up the jerseys at the spaghetti Feed a d came home.
(Afternoon: puopusas, water)

We ate dim sum and came home. I showered and got my things ready for tomorrow. Watched some shows and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: dim sum, water, tea, desserts)

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Birthday party

Woke up and showered. Made breakfast for Gabriel and did some laundry. Got ready to head over to pick up my Mom. We drove down and I picked her up, we went to the movie theater. My mom, the boys, my brother and his family watched Kung Fu Panda 4 and I watched Imaginary. 
(Morning: eggs. Vienna sausages, bacon, toast, water, coffee)

After the movie we drove over to Arnel's house for Allix's 5th birthday party. We had fun amd had food, just relaxed and after a few hours took my mom home and drove home.
(Afternoon: water, Dr. Pepper, sprite, cake, food)

Got hom, Gabriel wasn't doing so well. Gave him meds, hung out with him and now watching a movie. Clocks already  changed, one more day of rest.
(Nighttime: pizza, water)

Friday, March 8, 2024

Finally Friday

Woke up. Changed. Got the boys ready for school. Dropped them off, picked up donuts and came home to log in to work. Had a meeting and did some document review.
(Morning: donuts, coffee. Water)

Gassed up the truck. Grabbed some fish sandwiches and picked up the boys. Had them hit and catch in the back. After work we watched Kung Fu Panda 4.
(Afternoon: fish sandwiches, sprite, popcorn, coke, water)

Dropped Javi's friend off at home. Dropped my family off and picked up some pizza. Came home to wash dishes and talk to my mom. After I ate and hung out with Gabriel. Now reading and about to go to bed.
(Nighttime: root beer, water, pizza)

Thursday, March 7, 2024


Woke up and changed. Got lunch ready for the boys and tool them to school. Came home to make coffee and logged in to work. Attended a training and a meeting. Waited to drive down for my cousins funeral. 
(Morning: water, coffee, coffee cake)

Drove down to burger King and grabbed lunch. Picked up my Mom and drove to the cemetery. The funeral was ok and after stopped at my grandparents grave site and tool my mom home and came back to take Gabriel to practice. 
(Afternoon: 2 whopper Jr's, water)

Had dinner and washed dishes. Showered and now watching a movie. 
(Nighttime: Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo, sprite, water)

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Hump day

Woke up and changed. Headed to BART and caught the train to work. Got there and set up. Reviewed some items for training next week and had a pretty chill day.
(Morning: coffee, water, coffee cake)

Had lunch, read a book and checked more items. Printed what I needed and answered some questions. Headed home and the BART ride was fine. Just a slight delay. When I got home I greeted my wife's friend who is visiting for a few days. I played basketball, football and baseball with the boys outside. 
(Afternoon: White rice, carne molida, water, zoa)

Made Javi a burger, Gabriel a peanut butter sandwich, I had soup. I showered and we played Loteria and another game called Head Bandz. Did laundry and watched TV. Reading a bit before going to bed. 
(Nighttime: water, chicken noodle soup, reeses pieces)

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Tuesday office day

Woke up and changed. Drove to BART and rode into the city. I read on the way to work and it was fun this morning. Got to work and set up. Completed the items I set out to do for the day and waited for lunch.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Coffee cake)

Had lunch and came home. The ride on BART wad good, I read some more and got home to put the bins away and finished out the work day. WWE 2K24 came in and I downloaded the game. They canceled Gabriel's practice so we played and went to Costco. 
(Afternoon: water, tuna sandwiches, coffee, chocolate)

Grabbed some items and came home. Had the boys shower, played some wrasslin and now watching TV for a bit. Back to the office tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: turkey amd Swiss sandwich, water, cookie)

Monday, March 4, 2024

back in office

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed out to work. Got there and started printing the items I needed. I was able to also test out a training case before heading out to a meet and great. Came back to the office and had a quick meeting.
(Morning: coffee, water, coffee cake, Madeline)

Had lunch and had another meeting. Set up a flow for training. Started to build scenarios and other things for training. When time was up, I headed home for the day. Got home and put the grass in the backyard. Played catch with the boys and came in to have Gabriel do homework. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  iced Caramel Macchiato,  peanuts)

Showered and had some dry cereal for dinner. Tool out trash, compost and recycling. Now watching TV until  bed time.
(Nighttime: cereal, water)

Sunday, March 3, 2024


Woke up and made breakfast. Ate and had some coffee. Was playing with Gabriel when they delivered a package for my mom and she was not happy with it so I went to Khol's to drop it off to return to Amazon. Came home and chilled a bit.
(Morning: water, coffee. Nann bread, eggs, bacon, sausage)

Dod some more laundry and we went to the park. We played a bit of basketball and when it started to rain we came back home. We left the boys with my mom ans went to Target and picked up lunch.
(Afternoon: water, rootbeer, tacos)

Went to drop off my mom at home and came back. Had Gabriel shower and played Madden with him. My wife had Javi shower when he came back from his friend's house. I showered and watched TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: nann bread, cheese, water)

Saturday, March 2, 2024


Woke up and showered. Went to Kaiser to get my blood draw. Passed by Costco gassing up the truck and came home. Made breakfast for the boys and went to put gas in the camry and did some shopping. Came home to have coffee and waited for my brother to get here so we could go get lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Drove to Texas Roadhouse and had lunch, went to Walmart afte and came home. Watched TV and hung our while the kids played .
(Afternoon: bread, Rib eye, beer. Water, Cesar salad, loaded mashed potatoes)

Showered and chilled. Now watching snl until bed time.
(Nighttime water, candy)

Friday, March 1, 2024

end of the week

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and took them to school. We went to Cardenas to grab items for lunch and came home. Made coffee and logged in to work. Had a meeting and waited for lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee, empanada)

Had lunch and picked up the boys. Came back and finished work. After we went to the movies to watch Dune part two.
(Afternoon: sopa de queso, water, popcorn,  coke)

The movie was almost 3 hours long. Came home and showered. Had some left over Chinese food and now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, Chinese food)