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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Ump day

Woke up, got dressed and headed off to work. Hopped on BART and got to the city. Set up in the Expo room for the Inbound training we were going to be doing. The training went well for what it was. I sent them on lunch after and told them to come back at 1.
(Morning: water. Coffee, cheese horn)

Had lunch and waited for 1.did the last hour of training and released them. Set up for the 4-5 babysitting hour. At 4:30 I left to go catch the train to come home. Got home, played catch with Javi before I had to go help umpire a game. Did that and came home.
(Afternoon: water, zoa, m&m's, hot fries, spaghetti and meatballs)

Got home and Gabriel was sick. I change him and had dinner. Since Gabriel isn't feeling well my wife if giving me attitude as if I was the one who got him sick. Anyway, showered and watched TV. Now off to bed. Last day of work for this week tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: carne molida, while rice, beans, beer, water)

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