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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Last games

Woke up and changed. Headed out to work. Got there and set up. Attended a meeting and after watched some training videos. 
(Morning: water, coffee, brownie, cookie)

Ate lunch and relaxed. We had a meeting with our new supervisor and after set up to go home. Caught BART and grabbed us some Starbucks and drove home. 
(Afternoon: Chicken, rice, tortilla, sprite, water, iced tea. Iced coffee)

Gabriel had 2 continuation games. They lost the first one, but he got a hit. They won the end game and he got a double with 2 RBIs. His season is done. After we came home, had Javi shower. I picked up pizza and had dinner. Washed dishes and showered. Watching TV before bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, pizza)

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Back to the office

Woke up and got changed. Headed out to BART and caught the train to go to work. Got there and set up. Checked emails and started watching training videos. Have some more meetings tomorrow 
(Morning: water, coffee, cookie, brownie)

Had lunch and watched more videos. Relaxed and headed home. Got home, put thr trash bins away and we drove over to Gabriel's game. He had a good game. 3-3 and an outfield assist. The ball was overthrown and headed to right field,  he hustled over and threw the runner out at second. They won 7-1. 
(Afternoon: tuna sandwich, cheese it's, water, peanuts)

After thr game we came home. I had dinner, changed Gabriel and showered. About to watch Ted Lasso before bed.
(Nighttime: tortilla and cheese, wings, beer, brownie, water)

Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day

Woke up and showered. Cleaned up outside and got ready to go to my sister's to swim and celebrate my nephews graduation again.
(Morning: coffee. Donuts)

Got to Daly City and changed,  went swimming and had lunch and cake. After we came home. 
(Afternoon: water, chanco con yucca, Gallo Pinto,  queso frito, cake)

Got home. Put things away. Took a nap. Took a shower and changed Gabriel. Made lunch for tomorrow and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: watermelon, brownie, water)

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Party time

Woke up and got dressed. Went to the dollar tree to grab a gift bag for the party today. Came back home, rested, had coffee and did some laundry. Watched a little bit of the Giants game before leaving. 
(Morning: mini donuts, coffee)

Drove to Livermore to a party for one of Gabriel's classmates. It was a dinosaur themed location.  We had fun, I met a lot of his school mates parents and the boys enjoyed themselves. After we came home.
(Afternoon: pizza, wings, donuts, fruit punch, water)

Got home, rested. Went to eat dinner with my wife and Javi at Chevy's. After dinner came home and changed Gabriel,  we were hanging out in the room until bed time. Sent the boys to bed and now watching TV until I go to sleep. Memorial day is tomorrow,  have the day off. 
(Nighttime: birra tacos, root beer, rice and beans, chips, water)

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Night of Champions

Woke up, feeling sick. Bones are cold a d aching,  stomach is acting up. But finished laundry and watched the Night of Champions PLE. Turned on the grill and showed Javi how to grill hamburgers and Gabriel how to grill hot dogs.
(Morning: water)

My wife bought taco meat. I showered and helped cut onions. We had lunch and I took a nap. Trying to recover so I can be good. We went to the park and ran into Javi's friend and they played. Rode bikes and we came back home. 
(Afternoon: Tacos,  water)

Went to Target grabbed a few things and came home.  Changed the boys and sent them to bed. Watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: brownie, chicharron, tortilla, water)

Friday, May 26, 2023


Woke up and changed. Got the boys readynl for school and took them over. Vacuumed and washed the truck, came back home and had breakfast and watched A Man named Otto. After I got ready to go get the boys.
(Morning: water, coffee, sausage mcmuffin)

After some rest I drove over to Jefferson High School for my nephews Graduation. It was a fun ceremony and after I drove home to grab food and have dinner.
(Afternoon: water, hot fries, mango drink)

Had dinner, water AFV with Javi, went to Target and came home. Changed and now watching TV. Not feeling really well, hopefully it's a quick bug. 
(Nighttime: Panda express,  beer, water)

Thursday, May 25, 2023

walk off Marlins

Woke up, got ready for work. Took Javi to school, Gabriel stayed back. Passed by grabbing McDonald's for breakfast. Came home and started working. Today is a chill day. Had a meeting with my unit and Julia told us she was leaving. After that I rested up and gave Gabriel lunch.
(Morning: sausage biscuit,  sausage mcmuffin,  hash brown. Coffee, water)

Watched Missing and logged back into work. On a break went to pick up Javi and came home. Gave him food and finished off work. We went to the little league field to get ready for the game. Javi started and did great. The Marlins won on a walk off.
(Afternoon: water)

Came home and showered. Took pictures of Javi with his game ball. Sent them to bed. Having a few celebratory drinks for a great season. Now chiling before bed.
(Nighttime: beer, half a burrito,  big mac)

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Ump day

Woke up, got dressed and headed off to work. Hopped on BART and got to the city. Set up in the Expo room for the Inbound training we were going to be doing. The training went well for what it was. I sent them on lunch after and told them to come back at 1.
(Morning: water. Coffee, cheese horn)

Had lunch and waited for 1.did the last hour of training and released them. Set up for the 4-5 babysitting hour. At 4:30 I left to go catch the train to come home. Got home, played catch with Javi before I had to go help umpire a game. Did that and came home.
(Afternoon: water, zoa, m&m's, hot fries, spaghetti and meatballs)

Got home and Gabriel was sick. I change him and had dinner. Since Gabriel isn't feeling well my wife if giving me attitude as if I was the one who got him sick. Anyway, showered and watched TV. Now off to bed. Last day of work for this week tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: carne molida, while rice, beans, beer, water)

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

End of season party

Woke up and got dressed. Took off to work and got there. Set up and had a few meetings and set up for tomorrow's training. After some time I came back home.
(Morning: coffee, water, cheese horn)

The rode back home was good. Logged back in to work and finished up some things. Logged out and got ready to go to Gabriel's team end of season party. It was fun,  they had pizza, cold cuts and drinks. The kids played and we came back home.
(Afternoon: cold cuts, pizza, shots, beet, water, spaghetti and meatballs,  iced Caramel Macchiato)

Got home but had to run to Target real quick. Grabbed some items and came home. The boys had showered and I showered as well. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water. Beer. Hot fries, pizza)

Monday, May 22, 2023

last games

Woke up and got dressed. Took off to the BART station and headed over to work. Logged in and started watching training videos. Met briefly with Karla to go over training for Wednesday. Around 11:30 I headed back home to fish the work day.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Berry horn, peanuts)

Got on BART and came home. Had lunch, did some more training and training prep. Picked up Gabriel and came back to finish the day. Got ready and went to take Javi to his game. We got there, warmed up and turns out there was a miscommunication and we had no game. It was on Thursday now. So we held a mini practice where Javi pitched and did well. After we watched Gabriel's last game of the season. He got 2 hits and they won.
(Afternoon: Chinese food leftovers, water)

Came home and took out the bins. Had dinner and showered. Watched TV and now off to bed  early day tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: Popeye's chicken, water, Cole slaw)

Sunday, May 21, 2023


Woke up and changed. Got ready to go watch Fast X. We got to the theater and got popcorn and fruit punch and found our seats. The movie was ok, I didn't like Jason Mamoa in the film, he wad a bit over the top and trying to hard. That is saying a lot for this franchise. Anyway, we came home and had the boys get ready for where we were going next.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Popcorn, fruit punch)

Went to the dollar tree to grab some items and had lunch at Burger King. Filled up the tuck with gas and came home to take a nap. Played Madden with Gabriel and after went to thr years to mow the grass. Came back inside and worked on a project with Gabriel before headed out to the park.
(Afternoon: Chicken sandwiches, water)

After the park we dropped Gabriel off at home and took Javi to l Sizzler's with us. Had dinner and came home, I rested some more and wat he'd AFV with Javi, later Gabriel joined in. Changed them and sending them to bed. I am going to shower and relax until bed time. A new week begins tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: Sizzler's, root beer, water)

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Baseball and Birthday party

Woke up early. Changed and made the boys pancakes. Got Javi ready and we were off to the ball park. Warmed up the kids and talked to some of the parents. The boys both had games at the same time. I kind of saw Gabriel get a hit from my angle. Javi did good, he played 1st base. Got a walk, HBP and scored 2 runs. After we came home.
(Morning: coffee, water. Berry horn, donut)

Had some nachos and we drove down to get the boys hair cuts. Grabbed some tea and headed over to my sister's place. Hung out for about an hour or so and went to Arnel's house for his birthday party. Had some good food, good conversations and fun time. Came back home after.
(Afternoon: shots, water, pepsi, chow mein, BBQ, clam chowder, lumpia)

Got home and watched a live stream of Amilcar walking across the stage for his graduation. It was a cool moment. Had the boys shower,  I showered and we finished watching Dungeons and Dragons. Now folding clothes and off to bed soon.
(Nighttime: water, jack daniels punch)

Friday, May 19, 2023


Woke up, got dressed. Got the kids ready for school and dropped them off. Came home to make coffee and logged in to work. Had our unit meeting and after talked to a few people before reviewing items for training. 
(Morning: water, coffe)

Took a nap, had some lunch. My wife came home with the boys and I finished up working. After I ordered some Chinese food for us. Had dinner and played Madden with Gabriel and we watched the Super Mario Brothers Movie. 
(Afternoon: berry horn, hot pockets, water, orange soda, fried rice, orange chicken,  chowmein)

Had the boys change. I took a shower and we started watching a movie. Now off to ro bed. Early call time tomorrow for the boys baseball games.
(Nighttime: beer. Water)

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Game day

Woke up and got dressed. Had the boys get ready for school, packed dip their lunch and headed out to drop them off at school. Came back home to make coffee and log in to work. Had a meeting and set up the flow for the training next week. Before lunch I headed out to McDonald's to get the boys Happy Meals for lunch  to drop off at school.
(Morning: water. Coffee, berry horn, big max, McDouble)

Grabbed some Starbucks and went to get the boys. Came home and finished working for the day. More training videos and set up for training next week. Got Javi ready to go to his game and we were off.
(Afternoon: Caramel ribbon crunch Frappuccino, water)

Javi's team lost. He did ok. A HBP, walk, 2 runs scored. Played at Shortstop and 1st base. After came home to drop things off and headed to Target to grab items for my wife to take to Gabriel's field trip to the zoo tomorrow  came home and had a snack, watch TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: chips, kettle corn, beet, cookie)

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Hump day

Woke up and got ready to go to work. Grabbed my things and headed over to BART. Hopped on the train and headed to work. I passed by Peet's grabbing some coffee and breakfast. Got to the office and set up. Logged in and started working. Answered a few questions before going into out forum meeting. Presented our group topic and listened to the rest. Reviewed some items with Julia and took my lunch break.
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, chorizo con huevo wrap, coffee, water)

Had lunch and watched a video. Attended a demo for ICT for an upcoming training. Warxhed another video and wrapped up my day. Headed home. I was able to catch the BART a few minutes after I got to the station. Got home and waited for my wife to get off so we could go get some items for Gabriel's project.
(Afternoon: water, zoa, sandwich, berry horn, peanuts)

We got the items at Michael's. Had dinner at Papa Pancho's and came home. I talked to my mom for a bit and changed the boys. Showered and watched my wife play the new Zelda game. Downloading an update to WWE 2K23 and going to bed after.
(Nighttime: horchata, water, super burrito)

Tuesday, May 16, 2023


Woke up, got dressed, grabbed my things and headed off to the BART station. Hopped on the train and headed over to work. I got to my desk and set up.  Started watching the training videos and had to deal with other things, took a break and finished more videos before lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee, berry horn)

Had lunch and called my Mom. Went back to my desk and watched more training videos. Uploaded some items to a website for work and packed up and came home. Walked over to BART and caught the train home. Got to Bayfair BART and drove home to out the bins away and take Gabriel to practice. 
(Afternoon: carne asada, Gallo Pinto, tortilla, chocolate, water)

Practice was good. It was hot out with a slight breeze. I had a chat with Gabriel's coach and with Javi's coach. Hung out until it was over and came home. Had both boys shower. I showered and had dinner. Sent the boys off to bed and watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, jack daniels lemonade, shrimp Fettucine Alfredo)

Monday, May 15, 2023

Game day

Woke up and got dressed. Drove over to BART and headed to work. Got to work and walked over. Set up and started watching some training videos. 
(Morning:  water, coffee, berry horn)

Had lunch and watched some more videos. Answered some questions, packed up and headed home. Got on BART and got to Bayfair. Drove over to pick Javi up for his game.
(Afternoon: carne asada, tortilla, Gallo Pinto, apple juice, zoa, water)

The game was good until it wasn't. Javi played 1st base and catcher. Walked once, got an infield hit, scored once and stole 2 bases. His team lost and was eliminated from contention  2 more games left for him. Gabriel did well. He got a lot of hits and played different positions. After came home and took out the trash bins, had dinner, showered and put the boys to bed. Watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: carne asada, Gallo Pinto, tortilla  water, wings)

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother's day

Woke up and changed. We went to Target to get some last items for today. Returned home and finished setting up. I had the slip and slide out for the boys and we did some slipping and sliding. 
(Morning : water, capri sun)

Started up the grill and cooked. Everyone came over and we had a fun time. It was very nice out today. After everyone left we cleaned up and put a lot of things away. 
(Afternoon: beer, Jack Daniel's punch, water, carne asada, hot dog, tortilla, Gallo Pinto, ceviche, tostada chips, cake)

Helped the boys shower and I showered after. Rested a bit and had some food. Sent the boys to bed and watched a movie. Now going to sleep. Early call time tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: carne asada, tortilla, water, chips)

Saturday, May 13, 2023


Woke up and showered. Gave the boys breakfast and got Gabriel ready for his game. We took him amd it was a strange game. They made a mess of it today. But Gabriel hit 3 times and got on base twice, scored twice and  played at 2nd base and the pitcher position. After gave the team snacks for Javi's team as he was going to miss the game.
(Morning: coffee, cheese horn)

Changed and got ready to go to Antioch for our nieces communion. We got there after being in traffic for a bit. We ate and had a good time. Then we came home.
(Afternoon: sushi bake, tacos, torta, quesadilla, beer, soda, water)

Got home and cleaned the yard. Hung out outside for a bit and came in. Showered again and now watching TV before bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water)

Friday, May 12, 2023

Not enough

Woke up and showered. Got the kids ready and we took them to the dentist. They had a good visit. All good with their teeth. After we grabbed some McDonald's so they could eat and we took them back to school.
(Morning: coffee. Water)

Drove back and dropped them off to school. Came home, cleaned the grill. Gassed up the truck and washed it. Went to get a covid booster shot and took the camry to get gassed up, did some shipping at Costco and washed the camry. Came home and rested.
(Afternoon: sprite, water, big Mac. Mcdouble, chicken nuggets)

Grabbed items at Cardenas and Target. Came home. Chilled and had dinner. The Warriors got eliminated from the playoffs. Right now trying to set up the sprinklers. Going to watch TV and go to bed after.
(Nighttime: sushi bake, beer, water)

Thursday, May 11, 2023


Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready for school. I took them over today as my wife had to go to the office early. I went to Walmart real quick yo grab a new bat for Javi. Came home and logged in to work. Talked to my unit mate and reviewed some items. Now waiting for my wife to get back.
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Went to Target and had pupusas. Picked up the boys and finished work. After work I took Jabi over to practice. It was a fun practice and we came home after. 
(Afternoon: pupusas, coke water zoa)

Went to Costco to grab the items for Sunday. Came home to put things away and had dinner. Washed dishes and watched some TV before bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, hot dog, Sierra mist, water)

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Walk off win

Woke up, got dressed and took off to work. Got there and set up. Working half day in office and the other half at home. Had a nice conversation with Dora and when it was 12 I left home.
(Morning: coffee, water, peanuts)

Took BART home, picked up Starbucks and got home. Logged in and finished work. Had Javi and Gabriel hit off the tee and catch. After work we went to the little league field. 
(Afternoon: pizza, Caramel Frappuccino, water, monster)

The game was good. Javi played the whole game at 1st base. Made some good plays. Scored a few runs. Not sure how it happened but hia bat got bent out of shape, have to get him a new one. We won on A walk off in extra innings. After came home and helped Javi shower. I showered and had dinner, watched TV and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: nachos, water, beer, tortilla and cheese, mini wheats)

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


Woke up and changed. Got my things and headed out to BART. Caught the train and got to the city. Ordered a coffee from Peet's and went to my building. The morning was a bit slow, some questions being asked but nothing major. 
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, lemon loaf,  coffee, water)

Had lunch and attended a webinar. Answered more questions and updated a website and documents. Packed up and walked over to BART and headed home. Got home and put things away and we were off to Benihana's. 
(Afternoon: meat patties, white rice, cracker jack, water)

Got to Benihana's and met my family. Had a good dinner, it was expensive. After dinner we came home. I showered and watched TV, now going to bed.
(Nighttime: Benihana's trio, fried rice, white rice, water, ice cream)

Monday, May 8, 2023

New week

Woke up and got dressed. Grabbed my coffee and headed out to the BART station. Hopped on the train and headed to the city. When I got there I walked over to my building and set up for the day I had to turn in the recordings I did for training. I answered some questions and it was a pretty chill day.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had lunch and finished off work. Grabbed my things and headed to Civic Center and hopped on the train home. Took the car to get washed and dropped off my backpack and we were off to Gabriel's game. I was talking to one of the Mom's from our Marlins team about the game Javi will miss. Before the start of the game I went with Javi to get get a hot dog and fries. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  cracker jack, zoa, Gatorade)

The Red Sox lost, Gabriel hit a nice grounder down the 3rd base line and made a great play in left field. The Giants and the Warriors lost as well. Came home and showered, ate dinner and put things away for tomorrow. Now watching some TV before bed .
(Nighttime: meat patty, bread, quesadillas, pineapple magic drink, water)

Sunday, May 7, 2023


Woke up and went to shower. I got birthday cards from my wife and kids. Got ready to go watch Guardians of the Galaxy vol.3.
(Morning: coffee. Coke, popcorn, water)

The movie was good. Very good. We went out to have lunch and it was not a good experience. We were not checked on after being seated. I had to inform the manager about that. The food was ok.
(Afternoon: Crab and shrimp Fettucine, water, appetizers)

Got home.amd napped, mowed the lawn in the backyard. We went out for ice cream. Came home and had the boys shower. I showered after and watched TV. Now going to bed. Early call time for me tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: milkshake, water)

Saturday, May 6, 2023


Woke up, Gabriel was still sick so he is not going to his game. But it looks like they canceled it anyway. Showered and hot dressed. Watched TV for a bit until we went over to go have lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee, donut)

We ate at Famous Dave's and hit up Walmart. Now home and resting. Took Javi real quick to Target and came home. Now here Watchung Backlash. 
(Afternoon: BBQ, water)

Event finished and I made nachos. Had a few drinks and now watching TV before bed.
(Nighttime: nachos, water. Cereal, jack and coke)

Friday, May 5, 2023


Woke up, got dressed. Took the boys to school. Came home, had coffee and logged into work. Attended a meeting and got my assignment. After we went out to run some errands. 
(Morning: coffee, water)
Picked up my free Krispy Kreme donuts for my birthday. Came home and after some rest went to grab lunch. Came back to eat and logged in to work. Picked up the boys and finished working. Did some recordings I needed to fix and now logging off for the weekend. 
(Afternoon: donuts, panda express, coke, water)

Hung out with Gabriel,  watched half of the Little Mermaid with Javi. Showered,  got the boys ready for bed and started watching a movie. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water)

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Field Trip

Woke up and went to get dressed. Got lunch ready for the boys. Javi was really excited about his field trip. My my wife dropped them off at school and she was headed to work. I went over around 8:40 to go sign in and join them. I got my little group and we jumped on the bus and we were on our way to the Exploratorium. We got there, checked in and joined another group. It was 2 chaperones and 6 kids all together. We had fun going around and the kids had a blast as well.
(Morning: water, coffee)

We had lunch before exploring again and taking the boys to the gifts shop. We headed back to the bus and headed back to the school. We got there and I signed out Gabriel as well and went home to rest. I took a nice nap.
(Afternoon: water. Sandwich, cheese fries)

We picked up wing stop and came home. Had dinner. I showered and changed Gabriel. Now watching TV until bed time. Had fun with Javi on his field trip today.
(Nighttime: wings, fries, veggie sticks, beer, water)

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Evil Dead Rise

Woke up and got dressed. Didn't geel like going into the office so I asked if I could log in to attend the forum and be off. Which I did. Now getting ready to go watch a movie. 
(Morning: water, coffee, chocolate)

Got to the theater and bought popcorn and soda. Watched the movie and it was ok. It was really loud in there. After drove home and chilled with the boys. It started to rain and they canceled the boys games, so I took a nap before going to get gas for the truck.
(Afternoon: popcorn, coke, arroz a la valenciana,  water)

Had both boys shower and I shower we after. Washed some clothes, washed dishes and now watching TV until bed. Tomorrow I am chaperone for Javi's class.
(Nighttime: water. Cheese sticks)

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Brother's birthday

Woke up and went to get dressed. It rained last night so it was a wet commute. Grabbed my things and took off to the BART station. Got on the train and headed over to work. Got to the city and got to my building and went to set up. Morning was busy with reviewing recordings and editing. 
(Morning: water. Coffee, bread)

Had lunch, talked to my mom and took a nap. When I woke up I logged back into work and answered a few more questions and updated a website. Now heading home. Called my brother to wish him a happy birthday. 
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, water, Gatorade,  chocolate)

Picked up some Starbucks and came home. Chilled a bit and we went to Target. Came back home to put things away. I had dinner and showered. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: Chicken McNuggets, fries, peanut butter sandwich, water, iced Caramel Macchiato)

Monday, May 1, 2023

New week

It's May 1st, I couldn't really sleep, but I woke up early to get ready to go to work. Caught the BART train to the city and whe. I got there I walked over to my building. Set up in the Expo room and chatted with a few people. I started to record my training assignment. I was able to finish up before lunch time.
(Morning: coffee, water, rice Krispy treat)

Had lunch and worked on a few things before packing up and heading home. Got to the BART station and on the way home washed the Camry. Picked up Javi and we were off to his game.
(Afternoon: party leftovers, smart popcorn, water, zoa)

Javi had a great game catching, a great play at the plate and would have had 2 more caught stealing if is teammates would have held on to the ball. He walked, singled, stole 2 bases and scored. His team lost and after the game we came home. They changed and had dinner, I took out the bins and showered. Had dinner and now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, ceviche, hot dog, chips)