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Thursday, August 19, 2021

lockdown day 521


Woke up and got ready. Gabriel woke up and I wished him a Happy Birthday! He turns 4 today. Got the loot bags ready for school, got him ready and we took him over. Passed by getting some coffee on the way home. Now waiting for a meeting. Off at 12 today.  We had our meeting and it went as good as can be. Had some feed back and got our schedules for next week. Karla and I train all day Tuesday and Wednesday AM.

(Morning; Water, Iced Caramel Machiatto)


We went to pick up the birthday boy and came home. Had lunch and took them to Chuck E. Cheese. Returned home and got ready got my doctor's appointment. I was told I was overweight and had high blood pressure. I'm on medication starting tomorrow.  When I got home we went for a walk.

(Afternoon: water, rootbeer, pizza, tortilla and cheese mashed potatoes)


My wife gave Gabriel a bath. I helped Javi shower. After I helped them build the lego set we got them. The boys went to bed, I showered and now watching tv. Played Madden and now off to bed. 

(Nighttime: water, apple)

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