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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

lockdown day 506


Woke up and got ready. Set up Gabriel for preschool and we drove him over. Dropped him off and came back home. Made coffee and checked in, attended the forum and a training meeting after. Had Javi run outside and took a break to play catch with him to have him move around. 

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate bar)


Had an early lunch and got ready to go get Gabriel and go to my sisters. The drive was smooth and quick, now back in to work and waiting for a meeting later with Karla to go over some items for training. Reviewed about 8 documents and went almost 2 hours, will continue tomorrow. Logged off and chilled for a bit and went outside when my brother came by to pick up the kids. 

(Afternoon: Bisteak encebollado, white rice, tortilla, iced coffee, water)


Drove home and bathed Gabriel. Watered the lawn, taped up my garden shears and went to shower. Has some sushi along with rum and coke. Watched tv and played Madden,  now off to bed.

(Nighttime: rum and coke, sushi, water, cheese its)

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