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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

lockdown day 533


Woke up and got ready for work. Got the boys breakfast and checked on the ice machine, still having issues. But no leaks, so that is good. Got Gabriel ready to go and had Javi change for school. Dropped Javi off first and took Gabriel to school. Both drop offs were good today, came home, made coffee and logged into work. We have a meeting to discuss training. 

The meeting was somewhat productive, we have more scheduled, just don't want to over do it and burn out before we really get started. Finished up some things and ran out real quick to get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Chocolate)


Picked up Gabriel and came home. Making some corn dogs for lunch. Super tired. Worked some more and went to get Javi. My wife ordered pizza and we picked it up. Came back home and finished the work day.

(Afternoon: water, corn dog, pizza, twist)


Bathed Gabriel,  had Javi shower, did some homework with them and I took a shower. Did the fantasy football draft and now laying in bed relaxing before bed time.

(Nighttime: beer, water)

lockdown day 532


Woke up and had a nice discussion with myself about me going in to work or not. I went to get dressed with the intention to call out for a mental health day, but I ended up logging in. Before that we got the boys ready and took them to school. Made coffee and started reviewing some items. We ended up having a meeting and really nothing is ready for us. But anyway, I answered some questions and got ready to go pick up Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, Coffee)


Dropped off my old phone to the UPS store so they can send it back to Verizon for a credit. Stopped by a place called the TeaSpoon. I had a Thai Iced Tea with bobba in it. It was good, except for the bobba. I don't like bobba, first time trying it and not for me. Picked up Gabriel and came home, now waiting for lunch. Have to go get Javi a little later. It was time to go get Javi and the pick up was pretty quick and we came home to finish the day.

(Afternoon: Thai Iced Tea, water, arroz a la valenciana)


After work I chilled a bit and helped Javi with his multiplication tables. Had dinner and took a walk. Came home and showered. Now watching TV. The ice machine in the fridge isn't working well. Trying to fix it but is started leaking everywhere. Got it to stop, hopefully it works again. Going to bed now. 

(Nighttime: pork ribs, short ribs, water)

Sunday, August 29, 2021

lockdown day 531

Woke up and went to the living room. Watched the Lil Rascals with the boys.  Made them breakfast and had coffee when the movie was over and my wife woke up, I vacuumed the living room and went to Target.
(Morning: coffee,  water)

Got in the pool, chilled. My family came over and we started grilling. Tool me a minute to get all the food cooked and then I ate. Now we are getting ice cream at Ghirardelli. Got home and we ate the ice cream, chilled. Everyone left and I took a nap.
(Afternoon: root beer, water, margaritas,  carne aside, corn, pork ribs, sundae)

Woke up from my nap and went to clean up outside. About to shower and rest up. Relaxed and helped Javi get his things ready for a shower. Did some laundry and watched The Walking Dead. Now about to go to sleep. Debating if I should log in to work tomorrow or just take a mental break day.
(Nighttime: water, Dino nuggets)

Saturday, August 28, 2021

lockdown day 530

Woke up and went to chill with the boys. After put the jumper away and put out the pool. Got ready and went to sign up the boys for fall ball. Came back home and waited to go to Livermore. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Got to the outlets, had lunch, went to the Disney store and got a few things. Came home and my new phone was here. Set it up and while it was doing it's thing I jumped in the pool with the boys. Nlw waiting to go to Costco. 
(Afternoon: Chinese food,  lemonade. Water)

Got some items at Costco,  got gas. Came back home and chilled . Ate some pot stickers and had some margaritas. Relaxing now. Off to bed. Tired.
(Nighttime: margaritas, water, pot stickers)

Friday, August 27, 2021

lockdown day 529

Woke up and got ready. Gave the boys breakfast and had Javi get ready. Made coffee and set up for the day. Have training at 8, so I can't drop off Javi today. The training was only for 2 people, it took us about 3 hours to complete. It went by with no incident. After we took a walk and I swept up some leaves from the front yard and curb and mowed the lawn.
(Morning: coffee, water)

I had to run out to get some heavy whipping cream, the one I bought yesterday was bad. Came home had some peanut butter cups so I can have something in my system while I attend this meeting. After the meeting I had lunch and went to pick up Javi. The pick up was smooth and wenwere back home and I finished the day for work.
(Afternoon: Water, peanut butter cups, shrimp fettucine alfredo)

We went to Starbucks and picked up some treats. Came back home, gave the boys diner. Tool a shower and watched Cruella. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, ritz crackers, popcorn)

lockdown day 528


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Javi's items ready for school and gave the boys breakfast. After Javi got ready we took him to school. The drop off today was quick. Came back home, had some coffee and checked in to work. Very chill day today, just have to wait for questions from people and attend a webinar and a town hall about returning to work.

(Morning: Water, Coffee)


Went real quick to Target with Gabriel, got some things and came back and chilled. Now getting on the webinar. Got called in to a meeting with my unit. It's BS, but it is what it is. We made our concerns heard and hopefully they will be listened to. But it's straight BS.

(Afternoon: Strawberry Acai refresher, pineapple juice, water,  chicken, mashed potatoes,  ice cream)


Attended the back school zoom meeting. Bathed Gabriel and I took a shower. Had dinner and watched tv. Now going to bed.

(Nighttime: eggs, vienna sausages and bread, bottle of wine, water)

Thursday, August 26, 2021

lockdown day 527


Woke up and got ready for work. Got the boys ready and got them breakfast. I chad to start the training at 8 so I couldn't go take Javi to school. We were given the news that Gabriel school was closed until Monday with a school event. So he stayed home. I did the training and it went well. Now just waiting for Javi to get out at 2:15.

(Morning: Water, coffee)


Had lunch and chilled. Got Gabriel ready and went to get Javi and came home. Did some exercise and now resting up. Going to do Yoga with the boys later after work. Did some yoga and watched tv. Waited for my wife to get home. 

(Afternoon: Chocolate, Carne Molida, white rice, water)


Went to get sushi and came home to have dinner. Showered and relaxed. Washed some clothes and folded them. Now going to bed.

(Nighttime: water, beer, sushi)

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

lockdown day 526


Woke up and got the boys ready for school. Javi and Gabriel had breakfast and we drove them to school for the drop off. Tried a different route for Javi and it was good. After we dropped off Gabriel we came home and I checked in to work, had my coffee while waiting for the training to start. For the most part the training went well, there was one person who always complains. We have one more later and a full 4 hour training tomorrow.

(Morning: Coffee)


We went to pick up some Cheese Steaks and Gabriel, passed by Popeye's to my mother in law some food. Now going to go into the next training. Finished up training and Brian came by to drop off a gift for Gabriel. After that I was done with work.

(Afternoon: Cheese steak, coke, water)


Helped Javi shower and we went to Target to.get some items. Came back and had dinner and I showerd. Chilled and now going to bed. Training again tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: Mac and cheese, water, cake)

Monday, August 23, 2021

lockdown day 525


Woke up and went to get ready. Got breakfast for the boys and got Gabriel ready for school. Javi got dressed and ready for school as well. The drop off so far has been a bit stressful, but we got them to school on time. Came home and made coffee and logged in to work. I was able to meet with Karla about the training tomorrow and the one for Wednesday. Reviewed some documents and now just waiting for time to go get Javi. I started checking my BP today, it was 144/90, which is much better then where it was. Took a walk during my break.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Went to go get Javi, again it was a bit stressful the way they have the pick up. Hopefully when the before and after school program start, it will be better. Picked up Gabriel and came home to have lunch. Chilled outside with the boys while they used the jumper and now running out the clock at work. After work I chilled for a bit and tool a walk with Gabriel. 

(Afternoon: Coke, water, bisteak encebollado, white rice, tortilla and cheeese)


Got home, had dinner, took out the trash and recycling. Showered and watched tv. Rested up the vocal cords for tomorrow. About to go to bed.

(Nighttime: water, beer, cold cuts, sandwich, cake)

Sunday, August 22, 2021

lockdown day 524

Woke up and had coffee. Chilled and went to get ready. Cleaned up a bit and we hung out for a bit waiting for lunch.
(Morning : coffee, water)

We had lunch and went to southland mall, got the boys some clothes and after we went to Walmart to get some items for snacks for the next few weeks. Came back home and put things away in the backyard. Now watching the Niners preseason game and NXT 36.
(Afternoon: pupusas. Lemonade, water, strawberry and Mango smoothie)

Changed the boys, finished watching nxt and the Niners game. They won, but it's preseason, ready for kick off. Had some food and showered. Watched the walking dead and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: sandwiches,  cold cuts, beer, water)

Saturday, August 21, 2021

lockdown day 523

Woke up and went to get the yard ready. Had coffee and blew up balloons and went to shower. Ran over to costco to get the food and other items. Came back home to finish setting up.  Now we wait.
(Morning: coffee)

Outside with the boys, a lot of people are now saying they cannot make it. A little disappointing, but it's OK. We will still have fun. It's a little windy, but the sun is out. The boys are in the jumper. People started to get here, we had a good time.
(Afternoon: beer, water, cold cut, sandwich,  chips, cake)

Started watching Summer Slam, played in the jumper with the boys. Hung out with Arnel and the kids. Came in and put things away and cleaned up. Showered and rested up. Going to bed soon. So tired. Going to put everything else away tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: cold cuts, sandwich, water)

Friday, August 20, 2021

lockdown day 522

Woke up and got the boys ready. It's Javi's first day of school and we went tk drop him off. The drop off was quick and after we took Gabriel to preschool. Came back home and made coffee, rested a bit before heading out to pick up the jumper. Got it and came home to set it up for tomorrow.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Picked up the boys and picked up some food. Came home had lunch and the boys played in the jumper for a bit. Rested and went to Costco business center to get a table and chairs. Stopped by Target for baby water and came home. 
(Afternoon: burrito, water)

Finished filling up the Buzz Lightyear piñata and set up some things outside. Watched tv, rested up, started laundry. Changed the boys and had dinner. Watched Malice at the Palace and folded some clothes. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: peanut butter sandwiches, water)

Thursday, August 19, 2021

lockdown day 521


Woke up and got ready. Gabriel woke up and I wished him a Happy Birthday! He turns 4 today. Got the loot bags ready for school, got him ready and we took him over. Passed by getting some coffee on the way home. Now waiting for a meeting. Off at 12 today.  We had our meeting and it went as good as can be. Had some feed back and got our schedules for next week. Karla and I train all day Tuesday and Wednesday AM.

(Morning; Water, Iced Caramel Machiatto)


We went to pick up the birthday boy and came home. Had lunch and took them to Chuck E. Cheese. Returned home and got ready got my doctor's appointment. I was told I was overweight and had high blood pressure. I'm on medication starting tomorrow.  When I got home we went for a walk.

(Afternoon: water, rootbeer, pizza, tortilla and cheese mashed potatoes)


My wife gave Gabriel a bath. I helped Javi shower. After I helped them build the lego set we got them. The boys went to bed, I showered and now watching tv. Played Madden and now off to bed. 

(Nighttime: water, apple)

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

lockdown day 520

Woke up and got dressed. Gave Gabriel breakfast,  warmed up some nuggets for him and started training prep. Start at 8 today. The training went well, just some connection issues, but nothing too major. After I got things ready and prepared for the rest of of day.
(Morning: coffee, water, donut)

Picked up Gabriel from school. He did not have a good day. Came home had lunch and signed up Javi for his school lunch program. Checked back in to work and running out the clock. When I got off of work I hung out a bit Watchung Lego Masters and we went to Target. 
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs,  water)

Got the helium tank at Target and some cupcakes for Gabriel's class tomorrow for his birthday. Ate at Chili's and came home. I showered and got the boys ready for bed. Finished up Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Margarita, beer, water, Dr. Pepper, bacon burger, loaded mashed potatoes, cĂ©sar salad,  chips and guacamole)

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

lockdown day 519

Woke up and got ready. Got Gabriel's things ready to go for school. Dropped him off and came home. Made coffee and checked in to work. Answered questions and waited for time to go get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee,  water)

Went to Target, picked up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and started the training. It went well. After we got ready to go get gas and go to the movies.
(Afternoon: water, chicken gnocchi soup,  chocolate)

We watched Paw Patrol the movie, passed by Krispy Kreme and came home. Showered and now resting up. My knee is a bit better, I made an appointment to get it checked out on Thursday. Going to bed now. 
(Nighttime: popcorn, nachos, coke, water, donut)

Monday, August 16, 2021

lovkdoen day 518

Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel's things ready, got him ready and my wife took him to school. I stayed behind to get the training ready had coffee and started training. It went well, smooth. Ended 15 minutes early.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Went to get Gabriel and came home had lunch and checked back in to work. Going to try and clean up some leaves today in the front yard. Trash day is today as well. It's hot and nice outside. Ran out the clock and after work started cleaning outside, sweeping up the leaves and other items. We went for a walk to pick up dinner.
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, water)

Got Popeye's and walked back home. Ate, watered the lawn. The boys bathed and showered. I took out the trash and showered. Folded some clothes and now watching a show before bed. Going to bed now.
(Nighttime: Popeye's chicken,  mashed potatoes,  biscuits, apple pie)

lockdown day 517

Woke up, chilled with the boys. Went to shower and got ready to see what the day had in store for us.
(Morning: nada)

Went to Walmart to get the candy for the piñata and picked up lunch at Texas Road House. Came home and had lunch and watched the Giants game. Cleaned up the backyard and went to the park.
(Afternoon; bbq chicken, ribs, mashed potatoes, césar salad, water. Bread)

Dropped everyone off at home, went to Target. Came home got the goody bags ready for Gabriel's school and party. Had some food and relaxed some more. Have training tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: beer, water, pizza rolls)

Saturday, August 14, 2021

lockdown day 516

Woke up and went to have coffee. Chilled and cut my hair and shaved. Showered and got dressed and got the boys ready as we were going soon to Vincent's baptism reception in Antioch.
(Morning: coffee, banana)

Got there and had lunch. The boys played in the park for a bit. We went over to their house after but the lights were out in the area so we decided to head home. The drive was good. We were listening to the Niners preseason game. Got back home, watched the rest of the game and went to have dinner.
(Afternoon: tacos, beer. Soda. Water, cake)

We had some seafood at the Crab Shack and came home. I showered and started watching a show on my iPad while my wife played Zelda. The boys went to sleep and now I'm off to bed.
(Nighttime: seafood, coke, beer, water)

locodown day 515

Woke up, got dressed. Took out the trash. Got Gabriel's things ready for preschool,  changed him and took him to school. Passed by Starbucks for a Morning treat and came home. Logged in and submitted my time sheet. Now reviewing the new documents for training.
(Morning: Iced Caramel Macchiato. Water)

Went to get Gabriel and picked up some McDonald's for lunch. Came back, ate and checked back in to work. Now waiting for a final meeting before running out the clock. Very sleepy, I want to nap, but I will not. So the meeting was straight up donkey balls. Oh well, going to log off soon. Not even worried about it. After work we went to look for a gift for Vincent and came home. Now going to bed.
(Afternoon: McDouble, McChicken, Chicken nuggets, fries, coke, water, cookie)

Got home and chilled, made food for the boys. We went to get a gift bag and pick up sushi for my wife. Came home and heated up the left over Chinese food and ate. Now watching tv and about to play Madden. 
(Nighttime: Chinese food, beer, water. Jack and coke)

Thursday, August 12, 2021

lockdown day 514

Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel's items ready to go to school. Dropped him off and came home. Made coffee and got into a meeting. The meetjng was BS, but it is what it is.
(Morning: coffee. Water)

Went to get Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and practiced new documents for the trainings. After work we went to Party City.
(Afternoon: shrimp fettuccine Alfredo,  water)

Ordered Chinese food. Bathed Gabriel. Walked over to pick up the food. Came back and ate. Showered and finished up Watchung the Giants game. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: Chinese food, beer, water)

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

lockdown day 513

Woke up and went to get ready. Got Gabriel's items ready for school and now waiting to take him in. Forum this morning and training in the PM. Had an early lunch and chilled before I had to get ready for training.
(Morning: coffee, water, meatloaf)

Had a ZOA and started training. It went well, just some people were a bit irritating, but it's all good. Done with training and now getting ready to log off and go out to grab some items. Went to Bayfair Mall and got my restock of Broken Skull IPA and hit up Target  
(Afternoon: ZOA, Water, Chocholate)

Came back home and chilled in the hammock. When my wife and kids came home we went to Five Guys amd got dinner. Showered and now going to bed Gabriel to bed. He did not want to.go to sleep, he was acting up and crying. Finally he went to bed. I played Madden and now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: bacon cheese burger, fries, beer, water)

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

lockdown day 512

Woke up and got dressed and ready for work. Made Gabriel some nuggets for school and got his things ready. I took him to preschool and came back home. Made some coffee and checked in in work. Light day today, training tomorrow. Told Javi to get ready so we can do a quick Target run to get some items.
(Morning: coffee. Water)

After Target we went over to pick up Gabriel. Came home and had lunch, checked back in to work and now going to wait for questions until my shift is over. In a bit I'm running over to get some Jamba Juice. Very irritated right now, Gabriel is out of control, crying and acting up. Took him and Javi to Jamba Juice and he was not behaving. Came back home and he starts crying over the drinks, I just walked out and didn't even have anything. This kid is a thief of joy.
Ran out the clock, logged off and now going to see what happens next.
(Afternoon: Chicken, Gallo Pinto, water, peanut butter cups. Apple and Greens)

We went to pick up some food for my wife and Javi. Came back home and I showered and watered the front lawn. Played a game and sent the boys to bed. Today was not a good day for them and me. They were being butts. Had some string cheese and chocolate and now watching the Giants game.  They won on a walk off. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: string cheese,  chocolate, water)

lockdown day 511

Woke up and got ready for work. Got Gabriel ready to go and my wife took him to school and I started training. The training event well and now going to get Gabriel.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Ran out to get Gabriel, came home to have some lunch. I had prepared meatloaf earlier and my wife put it in the oven while I trained. It was delicious. Right now on a break in training. Hopefully we finish up in 90 minutes. Finished up early and chilled, did some sleeping outside and watered the lawn. After I finished that we went to costco.
(Afternoon: Meatloaf, white rice, coke, monster, water)

Got some items and came home. Had dinner and soon going to help Javi shower. Finished that and I went to shower,  doing laundry now and watching tv. Going to bed now. 
(Nighttime: Sierra mist, hot dogs, water)

Monday, August 9, 2021

lockdown day 510

Woke up and went to make breakfast for the boys. Watered the lawn and did some yard work. Put out the picnic table, canopy and hammock. Chilled and changed. My nephews came over and we were going to the park.
(Morning: coffee, water, eggs and toast)

Afternoon : 
We went to the duck pond park and practiced baseball. We had a good time after we went to pick up some pupusas for lunch and chilled here at the house. After they left I took a nap in the hammock and took down one canopy and put up the other one. 
(Afternoon: pupusas, fanta, water)

We went to Home Depot and bought some chairs, we saw a lawn mower that we may buy. We have to talk about it. Hit up Target and came home. Got home put things away, organizes some items and took a shower.  Made some ChicharrĂ³n and now eating. Went to bed after.
(Nighttime: ChicharrĂ³n, beer, water, tortilla)

Sunday, August 8, 2021

lockdown day 509

Woke up and went to chill in the living room with the  boys. Tool a nap, had breakfast. Bathed Gabriel and got ready to drive down to the city to get hair cuts for the boys, a quince and visiting Amilcar and Olga after that before going back home.
(Morning: coffee, water, French toast)

Drove down and there was traffic,  had to get creative on where we went to get to the appointment. We arrived 5 minutes late but better than the 15 minutes late our original estimate had. After we bought a Bizz Lightyear piñata amd went to order the cake. When we were done we drove back to attend the quince. We had a good time, the boys were acting up, that really annoyed us.
(Afternoon: iced caramel Macchiato, water, jarritos, chicken, carne asada, rice, popcorn, chips, cake)

After we drove to vist Amilcar and Olga. Hung out for a bit and came back home. Had dinner and chilled. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, bread sticks, water, beer)

Friday, August 6, 2021

lockdown day 508


Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel ready for preschool and went to go drop him off. When I came back I saw that he forgot an item for his show and tell day, so I went back to drop it off. Came home and had my coffee and checked in to work. Reviewed the documents and they are still not up to date. Had a meeting with Karla regarding the flow of training for next week and assigned ourselves some documents. We will meet later today to see if we have to update the materials ourselves.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Went over to pick up Gabriel and stopped by Javi's school to pick up his jacket. Came home and had lunch, now checking back in to work and seeing if we get the updated materials. Finally got the materials and we did a run through of who will do what. I think we will do well come Monday. 

(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, water, Gatorade)


Rested after work and went to Gabriel's team pizza party. It was a bit awkward due to the money issue. But he had some fun. After we came home and had dinner. I showered and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: meatballs, wings, cheese sticks,  beer, water)

lockdown day 507

Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel's things ready for preschool and we went to drop him off. Came home and checked in to work. Started reviewing the materials for the training and that took up most of my day.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Went to pick up Gabriel and lunch and came home. Had lunch and checked back into work for more review of materials and meetings. Spent the rest of the work day like that as we have training next week.
(Afternoon: Pizza, bread sticks, fanta, water)

After work we went to Target and came home. I showered and watered the back yard. Made some mac and cheese for dinner and had some wine. Watched suicide squad and played Madden.  Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, wine, Mac and cheese, water)

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

lockdown day 506


Woke up and got ready. Set up Gabriel for preschool and we drove him over. Dropped him off and came back home. Made coffee and checked in, attended the forum and a training meeting after. Had Javi run outside and took a break to play catch with him to have him move around. 

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate bar)


Had an early lunch and got ready to go get Gabriel and go to my sisters. The drive was smooth and quick, now back in to work and waiting for a meeting later with Karla to go over some items for training. Reviewed about 8 documents and went almost 2 hours, will continue tomorrow. Logged off and chilled for a bit and went outside when my brother came by to pick up the kids. 

(Afternoon: Bisteak encebollado, white rice, tortilla, iced coffee, water)


Drove home and bathed Gabriel. Watered the lawn, taped up my garden shears and went to shower. Has some sushi along with rum and coke. Watched tv and played Madden,  now off to bed.

(Nighttime: rum and coke, sushi, water, cheese its)

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

lockdown day 505

Woke up and got dressed. Have the day off to take Javi to the doctor and dentist. Got Gabriel ready and dropped him off at preschool. Came back home and picked up Javi and we went to the Dr. The appointment was good, he is a bit heavy heavy needs to eat veggies, we will work on that. After I dropped him off at home and went to his school to drop off his medical paperwork and took the camry in for a smog check. It cleared. Now at home waiting to drive down to get Gabriel and go to my sister's. 
(Morning: Iced Caramel Macchiato,  chocolate)

Went to get Gabriel and drove down to my sister's. Put away some items my mom had for me and got Javi ready go go to his dentist appointment. After the appointment we stopped by Arnel's house and hung out for a bit with him and Kingston. After grabbed some Panda Express and chilled with my Mom and Sister for a bit. Gabriel had taken a nap and when he woke up we got ready and drove home. 
(Afternoon: panda express, coke, water)

The drive was good, got here quick. Came in and put things away.did some accounting and we took a walk. Started laundry and took a shower. Watched a movie and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: string cheese, water)

Monday, August 2, 2021

lockdown day 504


Woke up and went to get ready. Got Gabriel's items ready for school. Tried to log in to my lap top and it locked me out. I had to call IT. I was going to go to the main office, but I was able to get them to unlock it from here. Started checking emails and talking to people, had a conversation with my supervisor about upcoming training and potential office return date. On my break I took a walk with Javi. Now just waiting for time to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water, concha)


Went to pick up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and took out the recycling. About to go hang out with the little monsters and check back in to work. Sitting here waiting for questions and running out the clock. Very tired, need a nap. Logged off of work and played Mario Golf with the boys. Now going out to take out the trash and water the lawn.

(Afternoon: Gatorade, water, chicken, gallo pinto, pineapple empenada)


Had dinner and bathed Gabriel,  helped Javi shower and after I took a shower myself. Gabriel fell asleep so I moved him to his bed. Washed dishes and now watching tv before bed.

(Nighttime: beer, water, hamburger,  fries)

Sunday, August 1, 2021

lockdown day 503

Woke up and made the boys breakfast. Ate and chilled for some time before showering and taking Javi to the movies to see Space Jam.
(Morning: toast, eggs, bacon, Sausage, coffee, water)

We got to the movie theater and watched the movie. Enjoyed some popcorn, drinks and the recliners. Afterwards I took him to JC Penny to get a Space Jam shirt and came home. Chilled until we went to Target to get some bio freeze for my knee.
(Afternoon: popcorn, coke, water, ChicharrĂ³n,  tortilla)

The lights went out and we got word that they would be back around 10:30. The boys were upset send didn't know what to do. My wife was upset with me because apparently I made the outage happen. So I went to chill by myself in the living room and the lights came back on. Watched some tv and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza rolls, water, cheese its, sprite)