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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Hot day

Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school and came back to log onto work. Tool a nice walk and logged into a meeting. After I got ready to go pick up the boys from school. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Picked up the boys and came home, walked over to 7-11 for a free slurpee since it's 7/11. Logged into a meeting and when my wife came home I went to pick up lunch. Ate and finished work. After I jumped into the pool with Gabriel. 
(Afternoon: carrots, water, cranberry juice, burrito, slurpee)

Changed and took a walk with my wife. Got.her a sluree as well. Came home and showered. Had dinner, now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: water slurpee, chicken, tequila and soda)

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