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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Staying in

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and we took them to school. Grabbed some Starbucks and came home. Logged into work and had a meeting. Finished up some work I was assigned and did some laundry. 
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, water, peanut butter cups)

Had lunch, finished laundry. Logged back in to check a process. Picked up the boys, took the camry to the car wash and came home to finish work. After got Gabriel ready we took him to practice. 
(Afternoon: chimichonga,  sliders, water)

Came home and had Javi shower. Washed dishes. Had dinner and had Gabriel shower. I cleaned up a bit and showered after. Now Watching TV until bedtime. 
(Nighttime: water, sprite, sushi bake)

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