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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

In office

Woke up and changed. Got my things ready and headed out to work. Caught the train and got to the city. Dropped off the first order of chocolate and set up my work space. Walked over to 1440 to deliver the other orders and came back to my desk to do the 2nd part of training. Finished that up and went to eat and read for lunch.
(Morning: water. Coffee cake, coffee)

After lunch I had another meeting and set things up. Tomorrow I have to present at forum. After I waited to go home. Walked over to BART and caught the train home. Got here and put the bins on the side of the house and came in to wash dishes.
(Afternoon: chillaqules, water, peanuts)

Picked up dinner and ate. Had Gabriel shower and Javi showered after. I cleaned up a bit and showered. Hung out with Gabriel and after they went to bed I watched some TV.
(Nighttime: water. Coke, burrito,  chips)

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