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Thursday, February 29, 2024

Roller skating

Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school and came home. Made coffee and started work. Had a meeting and it ran through lunch. I was able to wash clothes during that time.
(Morning: water. Coffee, brownie)

Ordered Chinese food and had lunch. Went to get the boys and came home. Finished up work with another meeting and rested before we took off to the roller skate birthday party for Gabriel's teacher.
(Afternoon: Chinese good, sprite, water)

We got to San Ramon and we roller skated. I took a bump and I was done. Had a pretzel and cake and came home to shower. Now watching TV until bed.
(Nighttime: cake, pretzel, fruit punch, water)

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Hump day

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and took them to school. Came home and had coffee and logged in to work. Had 2 meetings and tool a break
(Morning: coffee, brownie, water)

Made some sandwiches for us to eat for lunch. Picked up the boys. Had another meeting and finished the work day. We got ready to go eat an early dinner at the Olive Garden. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  chicken Gnocchi,  salad, bread, water, Dr. Pepper)

Got home and played head bands. Changed Gabriel and took a shower. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water)

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Another day

Woke up and change. Had the boys get ready and took then to school. Came back home to make coffee and log in to work. Had a meeting and came out to organize some things.
(Morning: coffee, water. Coffee cake)

Had lunch and picked up the boys. Came home to another meeting and after took the boys to baseball practice. Helped out Gabriel's team and came home.
(Afternoon: Chicken fajitas, nann bread, rice, water, sprite)

Had both boys shower,  changed the battery to an alarm sensor at my neighbors house again. Came in to shower and had dinner. Watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: lasagna, water, cookies, chips)

Monday, February 26, 2024


Woke up and changed. Helped get the boys ready. I took them to school. Came home and made coffee and logged into work. Had a meeting with my unit and talked about training. My Mom got up and I made her coffee and gave her coffee cake. 
(Morning: coffee water  coffee cake)

Was watching TV when the school called and said Gabriel threw up and I went to go pick him up. Changed him and had him rest. He played with my mom while I finished up some things for work. My wife came home and made lasagna, I picked up Javi and came home to eat.
(Afternoon: lasagna, coke, water, peanut butter cups)

After work I mowed the lawn and cleaned up some branches. Took out the trash, we hit up Target and came home. Had a snack and washed dishes. Set up the boys for tomorrow.  Showered and watched TV. Going to bed soon. 
(Nighttime: sprite, doritos, water)

Sunday, February 25, 2024


Woke up and cleaned up a bit. Showered and got ready. Did some laundry and cleared out some of the boys clothes and got a bag ready to take to Arnel. We packed up the truck and headed down to Daly City.
(Morning: coffee. Water, coffee cake)

Drove down and Arnel told me that he had to take a nap so Priscilla would have the items for us. We met her and the kids and talked a bit. After went to have lunch at Serramonte and shopped a bit before going to my sister's place to pick up my mom since is she staying with us for a week.
(Afternoon: cheesesteak, fries, root beer, water

Got home and cleaned up. Showered and worked on a project with my wife and Gabriel. Sent the boys to bed, watched TV shows that we had recorded and did laundry. Going to bed soon. Work tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water. Pancit, cheese and crackers)

Saturday, February 24, 2024


Woke up and made breakfast for the boys. Wemt to cut my hair and shave. Showered and practiced with the boys in the back yard. After we cleaned up and I made them lunch before going to a birthday party.
(Morning: eggs, spam, toast, coffee, water)

Had some ice cream and we took off yo Fremont to go to Sky Zone for Liam's birthday party. We had fun and the boys did as well. We stayed until close to 7.
(Afternoon: food, cake, drinks, water, ice crem)

Got home and had both boys shower. I cleaned up a bit and tool a shower myself. Played Madden with Gabriel and watched some TV before bed.
(Nighttime: water)

Friday, February 23, 2024


Woke up and changed. Went to get ready for work and took the boys to school. Passed by grabbing a birthday card and bag for the gift we got and gassed up the truck. Came home and logged in to work.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch, picked up the boys, finished work and took Javi to his baseball practice. Came home and had him change.
(Afternoon: fish sandwich,  shrimp, biscuits, Cole slaw, ginger ale, water)

Went to Target to grab a few things and came home. Changed the boys and got ready for bed. Going to sleep soon. Tired. 
(Nighttime: wings, tequila and soda, water)

Thursday, February 22, 2024

practice day

Woke up and got ready for work. Got the boys ready and put their clothes away. Folded more clothes and put more clothes to wash before taking them to school. Dropped them off and came home to log into work. Had a meeting in the morning and researched some items.
(Morning: coffee, water)

My wife came home from work and we went to pick up lunch and the boys. Got back home and ate, finished work and got Gabriel ready for practice. Practice was good, they asked me to take on a bigger role with thr team so I did. After we came home.
(Afternoon: Panda express, water, Thai tea)

Came back home and had the boys shower. Played Madden with Gabriel and attended a webinar for the school, after I showered and mow watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, beer, chow mein,  cookies)

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Hump day

Woke up and changed. Headed to work and set up. Read a business processes a d got ready for forum. Did my part and listened to the rest. 
(Morning: water, coffee coffee cake)

Had lunch and rested up. Read a bit and finished working. Headed back home and played so m e baseball and football with the boys.
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, water. Chocolate)

Changed Gabriel. Showered and did laundry. Had dinner and watched some TV before bed.
(Nighttime: quesadilla, beer, water, cookie)

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

In office

Woke up and changed. Got my things ready and headed out to work. Caught the train and got to the city. Dropped off the first order of chocolate and set up my work space. Walked over to 1440 to deliver the other orders and came back to my desk to do the 2nd part of training. Finished that up and went to eat and read for lunch.
(Morning: water. Coffee cake, coffee)

After lunch I had another meeting and set things up. Tomorrow I have to present at forum. After I waited to go home. Walked over to BART and caught the train home. Got here and put the bins on the side of the house and came in to wash dishes.
(Afternoon: chillaqules, water, peanuts)

Picked up dinner and ate. Had Gabriel shower and Javi showered after. I cleaned up a bit and showered. Hung out with Gabriel and after they went to bed I watched some TV.
(Nighttime: water. Coke, burrito,  chips)

Monday, February 19, 2024

Day off

Woke up and made eggs and sausage for the boys. Chillaquiles for my wife and me. Went to shower while the cheese finished melting and ate. Played Madden with Gabriel and I went to o drop the off for a play date.
(Morning: water, coffee, Chillaquiles)

After I dropped them off I went to South Land Mall to walk around before watching Bob Marley: One Love and after I found some shoes for myself and cleats for Gabriel. I picked them up and we went to Target to get Javi's glasses and some items for a project for Gabriel. Came home and cleaned up and took out the trash.
(Afternoon: popcorn, coke, water)

Had dinner, played Madden, took a shower and changed Gabriel. Sent the boys to bed and now watching a show before bed. Early wake up tomorrow to go into the office.
(Nighttime: water, chicharron, tortilla)

Sunday, February 18, 2024


Woke up and went to have some coffee. Showered and chilled for a bit. Started doing laundry and played Madden with Gabriel. Got ready to go run some errands
(Morning: coffee, cookies water)

Hit up the ATM, got the boys hair cuts, went to Target and to Chuck E Cheese. Came home and continued laundry before going to the park. Came back home to finish laundry 
(Afternoon: pizza, root beer, fruit punch, water, fries)

Went to cardenas to grab some items, came home and had dinner. Had both boys shower. Changed and now watching TV before bed. Presidents day tomorrow so no work for me.
(Nighttime: carnitas and chicharron,  tequila and soda, water)

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Dentist appointment

Woke up and made breakfast. Ate and took a shower. Waited for Gabriel's coach to drop off some chocolate we have to sell and went to pick up the box for Javi's team. Started selling those suckers right away. Before I left the house we had 40 sold out of 120. 
(Morning: coffee, water, eggs, sausage)

Got to my sister's and dropped off my wife and the boys so I could go to the dentist. Made it to my appointment and got my teeth cleaned. They were all good again after I picked them up along with my Mom and Sister and we had lunch at Red Robin's. 
(Afternoon: water, rootbeer, fries, burger. Onion rings)

We watched Lisa Frankenstein and dried my sister off. Picked up the boys, drove to Walmart to find the baseball pants and came home in the rain. Changed Gabriel and made him a soup. About to shower and chill the rest of the night. 
(Nighttime: nann bread, water, beer)

Friday, February 16, 2024


Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school, noticed the left front tire was low. Put air in it and went to fill up the truck. When I got home I saw the nail that was in it so I went to get it patched up and went to watch Madame Web.
(Morning: coffee, water)

After the movie I came home, played Madden with Gabriel. Went to the Nike outlet and took Javi to his eulye exam. After we returned home to get ready for dinner.
(Afternoon: popcorn, coke)

Had a great meal at Kincaid's and came home. Changed and watched a movie, now off to bed. Dentist appointment tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: prime rib, mashed potatoes, water, Creme Brule, key lime pie, salad. Clam chowder)

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Staying in

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and we took them to school. Grabbed some Starbucks and came home. Logged into work and had a meeting. Finished up some work I was assigned and did some laundry. 
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, water, peanut butter cups)

Had lunch, finished laundry. Logged back in to check a process. Picked up the boys, took the camry to the car wash and came home to finish work. After got Gabriel ready we took him to practice. 
(Afternoon: chimichonga,  sliders, water)

Came home and had Javi shower. Washed dishes. Had dinner and had Gabriel shower. I cleaned up a bit and showered after. Now Watching TV until bedtime. 
(Nighttime: water, sprite, sushi bake)

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

observation day

Woke up and got dressed. Headed out to work. Got there and set up. Walked over to 1650 to observe training. It went ok. After I walked to my desk and grabbed my things.
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, cheese Danish, water)

Came home early. Picked up lunch and ate
 Checked into work. Took Javi to his team meeting and came home.
(Afternoon: fish sandwich,  shrimp, Cole slaw, iced tea, coffee, water)

Hung out, helped with homework,  showered. Doing laundry and watching TV until bed time. Had some wine and made a purchase that I will probably regret later lol. Anyway. Going to bed after.
(Nighttime: sushi bake, ceviche, chips, wine, water)

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

In office

Woke up and went to get changed. Got my things and drove over to BART. Caught the train and got to the city. Got to my desk and set up. Checked emails and went to a diversity training. 
(Morning: coffee, water Madeline)

Had lunch and had another meeting. Finished up work and walked over to Civic Station and came home. When I arrived I played catch with the boys and had Gabriel hit. We went to Costco after.
(Afternoon: Tacos, water)

Grab some items, had dinner and came home. Put things away, did some accounting and helped Gabriel shower. I washed dishes and cleaned up before taking a shower and now watching TV before bed.
(Nighttime: water. Sierra mist, hot dog, pizza, cookie)

Monday, February 12, 2024

turning the page

Woke up and showered. Changed and got the boys ready to go to school. Dropped them off and grabbed some Starbucks.  Came home, put on a movie and took a nap. Woke up started laundry and went to drop off some McDonald's for the boys at school. 
(Morning: water, Caramel Macchiato)

Came back home and rested some more. Had lunch and picked up the boys. Came home to drop Javi off and change Gabriel. We went to Target and returned home to play catch before going to Gabriel's team meeting for baseball.
(Afternoon: Tacos, doritos, water, sprite)

Returned home and had dinner. Helped Gabriel with homework. Played Madden with him and I took a shower. Sent them to bed and we are watching a show before going to bed. 
Turning the page on last night's loss. What I don't like or respect are 'fans' that decided not to rep the Niners today. This is not a hobby, this is life. Niners all day!
(Nighttime: lobster ravioli, sprite, rosquillas, cereal, water)

Sunday, February 11, 2024

heartbroken again

Woke up and cleaned up a bit. Had the boys shower and I showered.  Now just waiting for kickoff. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

My Mom ans Sister came by and the game started. It was a tough close game. Refs were again not calling holds on KC and the Niners couldn't take advantage of early drives
(Afternoon: wings fries, veggies, beer, water)

Niners ended up losing in OT. Many factors went into the loss, I don't feel like discussing it. Bottom line is that they lost and will have to make it back and win it. They are overdue. After the game watched some TV, trying to avoid anything football related at the moment. 
(Nighttime: cake, wings, beer, water)

Saturday, February 10, 2024

The night before

Woke up and showered. Changed and changed the boys. Had some coffee and we were off to Serramonte to find uniform pants for Gabriel. Grabbed them at Old Navy and headed to my sister's. 
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Got to my sister's and hung out. We were having a brunch to celebrate my niece's wedding. We had food and when it was over we came home.
(Afternoon: Tacos, beans, rice, chips, cake, fanta, water, cider)

Got home and played Madden. Showered and changed Gabriel. Watched a movie and now going to bed. Tomorrow is the Super Bowl and I am calm and excited at the same time. I hope the Niners win and win big!
(Nighttime: jack and Coke, water, rosquillas)

Friday, February 9, 2024

The Friday before

Woke up and changed. There was a strange smell around the house. A mix of skunk and burnt wood. Got the boys ready in their Niners gear for school and we headed out to drop them off. Picked up some breakfast on the way home. Logged into work and handled some items.
(Morning: coffee, water. Sausage mcmuffin, sausage biscuit,  hash brown)

Went to take money out of the ATM. Hit up Target, picked up the boys and lunch. Had lunch and finished up work and headed out to the movies to watching Turning Red.
(Afternoon: water. Peanut butter cups, double. Bacon cheeseburger, onion rings, fries)

Got back home from the movie. Changed and now watching TV. W more sleeps until the big game.
(Nighttime: water. Beer)

Thursday, February 8, 2024

My back

Woke up and changed. Changed the boys and took them to school. We saw the aftermath of an accident where a pedestrian got hit by a truck. Came home, had coffee and logged into work. On a break I changed the bed sheets and put them to wash. Had a meeting and rested up. I ended up straining my back and I am in pain.
(Morning: coffee, water. Peanut butter cups)

My wife came home from work and we went to grab some deli sandwiches. Came home to eat and on my last break picked up the boys and came home.
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  water)

Played Madden with Gabriel. Had both boys shower. I showered and relaxed. Doing some Landry and watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, cookies, rosquillas)

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Training day

Woke up and got dressed. Drove to Bayfair BART and caught the train. Got to Civic Center and walked over to 1440 Harrison. Got things ready for the training. We did the training and I got ready to go to my desk.
(Morning: water. Coffee, bar, madeline)

Had lunch and logged in to work. Had a meeting and after got ready to come home. Got here and washed dishes and cleaned up.
(Afternoon : Sandwich,  zoa, water. Peanuts)

Had dinner and showered. Changed Gabriel and now watching TV until bed time. Started some laundry as well.
(Nighttime: chimichonga, pizza, water, cran-grape)

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

bummed out

Woke up and got ready to go. Arrived at Bayfair BART.  Headed to work got to my desk a d set up. Practiced my part for tomorrow and had a quick meeting. 
(Morning: water coffee, Madeline)

Had lunch and took a nap. Finished work with another meeting. Came home to play basketball with the boys. Had some food and went to put gas in the truck and came home.
(Afternoon : pasta, water. Zoa)

Had dinner and showered. Now watching TV. Found out that due to age and limited spots Javi didn't make it to the Majors division. He will be in the Minors division. Selected by his old coach. We have some things to discuss with him tomorrow.  Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: Bean soup, chicken nuggets, chicken fingers, water)

Monday, February 5, 2024

Super Bowl week

Woke up and changed. Headed to work a d set up. Had a meeting and set up for Wednesday. After I took a break.
(Morning: coffee. Water. Muffin)

Had lunch, talked to my mom and read. Attended another meeting and wrapped it up for the day. Came home to take out the bins and clean up
 Installed the doors to the shed. 
(Afternoon: left overs, water, zoa)

Had dinner and played Madden with Gabriel. Changed him and I took a shower. Washed the covers from the seats out back. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: Shrimp pasta Alfredo,  beer, cookies, Pocket, water)

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Willie Mays day

Woke up and showered. Got dressed and had some coffee and relaxed a bit. Started laundry and we headed out to Gabriel's team pizza party.
(Morning: coffee. Water)

Got to Strawhat Pizza and we had fun. Gabriel got a trophy and played with his teammates. Se had pizza and went to Target to grab items for the week.
(Afternoon: water, root beer, pizza, cookies)

Finished laundry and took a nap. Ran out to grab something my wife needed for dinner. Came back home and changed Gabriel,  had dinner and showered. Watched TV and now off to bed. Early wake up tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, beer. Sushi bake)

Saturday, February 3, 2024

last games of the season

Woke up and showered. Made the boys eggs for breakfast. Got Gabriel ready and we went to his game. Gabriel scored a quick 2 points and they had a fun game. I left early with Javi to his game. The 5th grade game was exciting. It came down to the wire. After we came home.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Javi got ready for his try out and we went over. He did well. Still struggled with the pitching part but had really strong hits. After we grabbed lunch and went to the movies to watch Argyle with my sister. After we came home.
(Afternoon: water. Coke. Chicken nuggets,  McDouble, popcorn)

My Mom and Sister left to San Jose for a concert. We had dinner and I showered again. Now relaxing until bed time.
(Nighttime: pork bun, orange chicken, Mongolian beef, water. Beer)

Friday, February 2, 2024

Groundhog Day

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and took them to school. Grabbed some Starbucks and came home to log in and talk with my unit. Got caught up and got ready to go get thr boys. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Grabbed the boys, told them that spring is coming early according to Punxsutawney Phil. Had lunch and finished work. Tool a nap.
(Afternoon: water, tacos, salad. Chimichonga)

Went to Costco and had dinner at Dave's Hot Chicken. Came home and changed Gabriel. Took a shower and now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: Chicken sandwiches, fries, coke, water)

Thursday, February 1, 2024

VIP day

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready for school and took them. Went to Target to grab a few things and came home to rest up. 
(Morning: water, coffee. Peanut butter cups)

We went to the boys school for their VIP day program. Gabriel's class sang Skinamarink and Javi's class sang A Million Dreams. They al did great. After we came home and I rested a bit before taking Gabriel to basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: senorita bread. Water. Arroz a la Valenciana)

Had dinner and took Javi to practice. Came home and had him shower. I showered and watched some TV. Now off to bed. Tomorrow is Friday!
(Nighttime: water coke, arroz a la valenciana, chimichanga)