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Monday, February 13, 2023

New week

Woke up, got dressed. Got the boys ready for school and dropped them off. Went to Costco to put gas in the camry and did some shopping. Hit up Target and came home. Had breakfast and went to nap.
(Morning: coffee, vanilla Chai, big breakfast, sausage mcmuffin, water)

Woke up from my nap and went to pick up the boys. Helped them with homework and gave them food. After we went to pick up my wife at SFO. We got her and drove back to Hayward to take Gabriel to his last basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: water, peanut)

We had McDonald's for dinner and went to practice. Returned home, had Gabriel shower and change. I took out the trash while Javi showered and soon after I showered as well. Sent them to bed and watched TV. Pretty soon calling it a night.
(Nighttime: Chicken McNuggets, McChicken, McDouble, coke, water, ZOA)

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