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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Back in office

Woke up, got ready to go to work. Drove to Bayfair BART and caught the train. Got to the city and walked over to 1440 to start my day. We attended an all staff meeting and did our official welcome to the new team members. After I walked to my building. 
(Morning: coffee, oj, pastries)

Had lunch with Kathleen and had a good chat. After I logged back into work and reviewed some items. Packed up and headed home.
(Afternoon: Sandwich, water, zoa, candy, cookies)

got home, we took Gabriel to practice. Came back home, washed dishes and had dinner. Showered, changed the boys. Sold some chocolates for the fund raiser and now watching TV until bed time 

(Nighttime: rice, torta de carne, chocolate)

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