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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

First Day of work in 2023

Woke up and got dressed, wasn't sure if I was going to log in to work today. But I did. I got the items ready for the boys for school. Took them over and dropped them off. Came back, had coffee and officially logged in to work. Pretty chill day today. I signed up for a mandatory training and now just waiting for questions. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

It rained off and on. The storm came and stopped. Now we wait for the next round. We went to grab lunch at Papa Pancho's amd came home. Picked up the boys and came home to finish up work.
(Afternoon: burrito, squirter, water)

Did some work on the Mission project with Javi. My wife bathed Gabriel. I helped Javi shower and I had some Peach punch and showered as well. Sent the boys to bed and watched TV. Pretty soon going to bed as well.
(Nighttime: cup o noodles soup, peach punch, cookies, cracker jack)

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