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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Back to the office

Woke up, got dressed, grabbed my things and headed to BART. Caught the train and got to Civic Center. It started to rain on the walk over to the building. I signed in and set up. Did training and answered some questions. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had lunch, talked with my mom for a bit. Continued working and when it was time I packed up and headed home. There was a delay with bart and it took my about 10 extra minutes to get home.
(Afternoon: Sandwich, cracker jack, cookies, coffee, zoa, water)

Put up the sun and put out the turtle..brought in the bins. Ordered a pizza and picked it up. Had dinner, helped Javi with the shower, showered after and watched a show on Netflix. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, pizza, wings)

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