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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

in office day

Woke up, got ready for work. Headed out to the BART station and made my journey to the office. Got there and it was cold. Set up and started work. I was able to do the training and answered some questions. 
(Morning: coffee, water, chocolate)

Had lunch and met Karla for coffee. Came back in and finished up some items and attended a webinar. Packed up and headed home. When I got here I put the bins away and took the boys to the park to play for a bit.
(Afternoon: water, iced Caramel Macchiato, sandwich, squirt)

Picked up my wife and we went to try out a new produce market and taqueria. Got the items and food and came home. Had dinner, it was ok. Bathed Gabriel, helped Javi shower, washed dished, I showered and hung out with Gabriel in the room. They went to bed and we watched TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, horchata, burrito, chips)

Monday, January 30, 2023


Woke up, got dressed. Got the things ready for the boys. Headed out to drop them off and came home. Had coffee and logged in to work. Did my training and helped some ew's. Now waiting for lunch time.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Went to cardenas to grab some items for lunch. Came home, ate and continued working. On my break I went to get the boys. Finished up work. Took out the trash and compost. Soon we are going to Gabriel's basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: White rice, carne molida, lemonade, water, chocolate)

practice was good, we had fun watching Gabriel play. Came home, washed dishes, changed the boys, showered, cleaned the microwave and had dinner. Now watching TV until bed time. It's cold.
(Nighttime: water, squirt, carne molida, white rice)

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Another heartbreak

Woke up, showered, got ready to go to church. We attended services and the open house. The game started while we were there. It was the Niners vs Eagles for the NFC Championship and a Super Bowl appearance. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Bad news right away as Purdy got hurt and the Niners were down to their 4th QB of the season. Then he got a concussion and he was out. So they were here at the big game, all on the line. Playing with a QB that couldn't throw the ball. Eagles took advantage and advanced. Niners will have to wait another year. After the game.we went to get some dinner.
(Afternoon: water)

We ate at Olive Garden. Came home. Washed dishes, did laundry, watched the other game. Had Javi shower, my wife bathed Gabriel. I am about to shower, watch the last if us and go to bed. Really disappointed but there was nothing they could have done. 
(Nighttime: calamari, water, coke, salad, soup, chicken Alfredo)

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Party Day

Woke up and showered. We went over to the Dollar Tree and Costco rongrab some items. Came home to rest up before going to a birthday party.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch, watched a movie, played with the boys outside and we headed to Richmond for a birthday party. Had fun and watched some of the Royal Rumble while I was there. We drove back and there was traffic. We stop by grabbing some tacos.
(Afternoon: pozole, coke, water, wings)

Got home, washed dishes, ate and finished up the Royal Rumble. Watched TV and now off to bed. Niners play tomorrow, hopefully they continue this journey. 
(Nighttime: Tacos, whiskey and Coke, water)

Friday, January 27, 2023

Dinner party

Woke up and got ready. Got the boys ready and tool them to school. Took both cars to get washed and came home to make coffee and work. Did some training and answered questions. 
(Morning: coffee, water, cookies)

Had some leftovers and finished up work. Got ready to head to Amilcar's birthday dinner. 
(Afternoon : pizza, Chinese food, squir, water. Zoa)

Had dinner and drinks, it was fun. Came back home, put the boys to bed. Changed, relaxed and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, Creme Brule, pork sandwich)

Thursday, January 26, 2023


Woke up, got dressed and got the boys ready to go to school. My wife took them as she was going to the office today. I logged in to work, did some laundry and started training. 
(Morning: coffee, water, cookies)

Went to pick up some pizza and came back. Ate and did some work before going to get the boys. Came home finished up work. Played catch and rested up.
(Afternoon: pizza, crazy bread, coke, water)

Played video games with Gabriel. Had Javi shower, bathed Gabriel and I took a shower after. Had dinner and washed dishes. Now watching TV before bed.
(Nighttime: water, whiskey and coke, pizza)

Wednesday, January 25, 2023


Woke up, got ready and headed out to BART. Got on the train, ordered ahead from Peet's and picked it up before going into the office. I got there, signed in and went to the Expo room to set up. Did the diversity training and attended forum. I did my presentation and after we had a meeting.
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, water)

Met up with Amilcar to take him out for lunch for his birthday. We had Thai food and had a good time. After I went back to the office and read some documents and answered questions. Packed up and headed to BART to go home.
(Afternoon: Thai Iced Tea, water, duck, rice, cookies)

Got home and we went to put gas in the truck. Hit up Target. Came home to have dinner and recorded Gabriel doing his presentation. I also helped him with homework. Showered and folded some clothes. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: iced Caramel Macchiato, water, chicken wings)

Tuesday, January 24, 2023


Woke up, got dressed, got ready to go to work. Drove to Bayfair BART and caught the train. Got to the city and walked over to the building. Signed un and settled in. Did my diversity training. Answerd questions. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch, talked to my mom, got assigned a document to present tomorrow. Also got a document to read and report on for Friday. Packed up and went home. There was a delay at the BART station, but I got home at a good time. When I got home I put the bins away and cleaned up some leaves in the backyard.
(Afternoon: Sandwich, squirter, water, monster mix, zoa)

Had dinner, washed dishes, my wife bathed 
Gabriel, had Javi shower. I showered and put things away. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: Chinese food, squirt, water)

Monday, January 23, 2023


Woke up and got dressed. Got my things ready to go and headed out to work. The BART ride was good today, but it was cold again. I got to work, signed in and set up. Did my training and talked to a few people. Walked around to make myself seen and now waiting for questions. 
(Morning: water, coffee. Cookie)

Had lunch, talked to my mom. Relaxed a bit and finished up work. Caught the train home and went to get the car washed. Took out the bins, cleaned up outside with the boys and came in to get ready to go to Gabriel's basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: Bean soup, carne asada, tortilla, monster mix, zoa, water)

Practice was good. Went to grab dinner and came home. Changed the boys and I went to shower. Had them go to bed and watched TV for a bit. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Dr. Pepper, fries, burger, water)

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Divisional Round

Woke up and went to clean up. Helped Javi shower, gave Gabriel a bath. Showered after and set up the grill for later. Watched some Lopez vs Lopez before the first game.
(Morning: coffee, water, bacon)

Watched some of the Bills vs Bengals game and started grilling the meat. I need to get better at it as I have a bit of a way to go to get better with grilling. Waited for the Niners game to start.
(Afternoon: carne asada, tortilla, coke. Water)

The Niners won! Moving on to the Championship game on Sunday. Had some cheesesticks and showered again set up for tomorrow. Watched a show and now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: water. Cheesesticks)

Saturday, January 21, 2023

try out

Woke up, showered and got ready. Made breakfast for the boys and got Gabriel ready for his farms try out. We went over to the fields amd he went off to try out. He did really well. So proud of how he did. After we came home to change his shoes and we were off to Walmart. We grabbed him a new bat and batting gloves. We hit up Costco after to grab some meat to grill tomorrow .
(Morning: egg, cheese and bacon sandwich, coffee, water)

Got back home and had some pizza, watched some of the game and took a nap. After the game we went to Target and returned. 
(Afternoon: pizza, water, juice)

Took out some trash. Watched more football. Changed Gabriel and changed as well. Finished up watching That 90's show and now watching Violent Night. After going to bed. Big game for my Niners tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: pizza, beer, water, mini wheat, puffs)

Friday, January 20, 2023


Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready for school and took them over. Passed by Starbucks to get some coffee and came home. Logged in to work and now just waiting for questions while doing my diversity training.
(Morning: coffee, Caramel Macchiato, water)

Cleaned the boys bed, changed the sheets and washed them. Attended my unit meeting and went to pick up the boys. Grabbed some McDonald's on the way home for lunch. Played outside with the boys and finished up work.
(Afternoon: water, coke, big Mac, chicken nuggets, McDouble, McChicken, fries, cracker jack)

Watched Smackdown and relaxed. Hung out with Gabriel and changed him. Changed myself and had some Gold Bar Whiskey and Coke. Now watching TV until bed. Gabriel has his try outs tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: whiskey and Coke, chips, goat cheese, crackers, water)

Thursday, January 19, 2023


Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys breakfast and got their lunch ready. Got them ready and we were off to drop them off at school when we came back I had coffee and logged in. Started my diversity training and waited for questions from the ew's.
(Morning: water, coffee, cookie)

Had lunch and started laundry. Went to pick up the boys and finished up work. Played catch with them and now relaxing a bit.
(Afternoon: patty melt, root beer, water)

Showered, changed the boys, sent them to bed after working with them on their projects and homework. Watched TV and finished laundry. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: wine, water, chips, cheesesticks, chicken strips)

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Hump day

Woke up, got dressed. Helped the boys get ready. I took the boys to school and grabbed some McDonald's before coming home. Logged into work, ate and had some coffee. Now doing my training.
(Morning: coffee, water, McDonald's)

Went to pick up Popeye's for lunch, picked up the kids as well. Got home, ate and finished work. Helped the boys with homework and we played catch outside again. 
(Afternoon: Popeye's chicken, root beer, water)

Cleaned up, had javi shower. My wife bathed Gabriel and I showered after. Folded some clothes and watched TV. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: cookies, water)

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

day off

Woke up, got dressed. Got the boys ready to go and we took them over to school. Came back home, I tried to nap but couldn't. We went to Goodwill and dropped off some donations and picked up some valentine's day cards for the boys. Grabbed some food and napped.
(Morning: water, coffee, pancit, pork, BBQ pork)

Woke up and we went to pick up the boys. Came home, rested, played catch with Gabriel and had Javi pick up some leaves. After came in to watch TV.
(Afternoon: water, mango juice, cookies)

Helped Jave with his project, showered. Changed the boys. Had dinner, sent them off to bed. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, beer, pizza, goat cheese, crackers, BBQ pork)

Monday, January 16, 2023

The waiting game

Woke up and hung out with Gabriel. Showered and we played catch outside. Came back in and I helped my wife look through the clothes of the boys to toss out or donate. After she got ready so we could go run some errands.
(Morning: water, coffee)

We had lunch at Ike's and went to Costco. After we went to Target and came home. Rested up for a while and did laundry. Now watching the game.
(Afternoon: Sandwich, dr. Pepper, water, cookies)

Dallas won so they come to San Francisco on Sunday. Hope the Niners continue to win. Javi showered, I took out the trash and compost. Gabriel was bathed and I showered after. Made myself a sandwich for dinner and now just relaxing until bed.
(Nighttime: water, beet, sandwich)

Sunday, January 15, 2023


Woke up and took a shower. Had coffee and a donut and watched some of the Bills vs Dolphins game. We left at halftime to go get some shoes for Gabriel. We got to the Nike outlet and found shoes and cleats for him. I got 2 pairs of shoes. After Gabriel ate some Panda express and we were off to Home Depot.
(Morning: water, coffee, donut)

Picked up some gates and weed killer for the house. Came home and put up the gates and barriers. Did some weed killer spraying. Javi went to his friends house. I took a nap and when I got up we picked up Javi.
(Afternoon: water)

We ate at Mel's and came home. Played charades with the boys, did laundry, showered, played darts with the boys. Sent them to bed and watched TV and finished laundry. Now off to bed. No work tomorrow due to MLK holiday. 
(Nighttime: water, beer, root beer, fries, burger)

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Wild Card

Woke up and tookna shower. Started cleaning up and headed out tongrab some juice and chips for later. Today the Niners host the Seahawks in a Wild Card matcup. Picked up the items from target and came home.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Started cooking the taco meat and had lunch. The game began and the first half was a bit to. Lose for comfort. My Mom and Sister came over and we finished up the game. The Niners dominated the second half. After we went over to watch the movie Plane while my Mom watched the boys and Myrna
(Afternoon: Tacos, coke, water, chicharron)

The movie was fun, we came back home. Had more tacos, my Mom and Sister left to go home. Changed the boys, cleaned up and washed dishes and now watching highlights of the game. Pretty soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, tacos, chips)

Friday, January 13, 2023

day off

Woke up, showered and went to Cardbeas to look for the taco meat. It was a successful visit. Got the meat, got some donuts and put gas in the truck and came home. We got everyone else ready and headed out to San Rafael to check out the Mission. 
(Morning: donuts, water, coffee)

We got there and tool a look inside. It was very nice. Grabbed a few things as souvenirs and went to grab lunch. The place we wanted to gonto was busy so we came home to shell shock and had lunch. When we got home I rested a bit and put together the new lawn mower. Tested it out, played outside and now watching Smackdown. 
(Afternoon: lobster, shrimp, water)

Had some Mac and cheese, watched TV, now going to bed. Tomorrow is the Wild Card game and I hope the Niners take care of business and move on to next week.
(Nighttime: egg nog. Mac and cheese. Water)

Thursday, January 12, 2023

day before long weekend

Woke up, got dressed. Got the boys ready for school. Dropped them off and came home. Made coffee and logged in to work. Answered questions and set up for my 4 day weekend.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Made spaghetti and meatballs, dod some laundry and rest up a bit before logging in to work again. On my break I picked up the boys, came home and played catch. Ran out the clock and now we ate waiting to go grab some groceries. 
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, water, chocolate)

Went to Target and Cardenas. They didn't have the taco meat we were looking for. Maybe we go tomorrow. Came home, ordered some food and had dinner. Watched TV and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: fish and chips, beer, water)

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Hump day

Woke up and got ready to go to work. Drove to the BART station and hopped on the train. Got to work in a good time and set up in the Expo room. Attended the forum meeting and presented a few topics. Did my other training as well. Now answering questions. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch with Kathleen and had some good conversation. Finished up at my desk and packed up, walked over to the bart station in the rain. The trains were delayed due to rain and got on the train.
(Afternoon: water, zoa, cookies, pizza)

Grabbed us some Starbucks. Got home, rested up. Showered, cleaned the boys bed and had dinner. Now watching TV until bed.
(Nighttime: jack and Coke, Caramel Macchiato, water. Cheese sticks z pita chips and goat cheese)

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Back to the office

Woke up, got dressed, grabbed my things and headed to BART. Caught the train and got to Civic Center. It started to rain on the walk over to the building. I signed in and set up. Did training and answered some questions. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had lunch, talked with my mom for a bit. Continued working and when it was time I packed up and headed home. There was a delay with bart and it took my about 10 extra minutes to get home.
(Afternoon: Sandwich, cracker jack, cookies, coffee, zoa, water)

Put up the sun and put out the turtle..brought in the bins. Ordered a pizza and picked it up. Had dinner, helped Javi with the shower, showered after and watched a show on Netflix. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, pizza, wings)

Monday, January 9, 2023

Rain out

Woke up, it was raining hard, I decided not to go to work. My supervisor offered me the chance to work from home and I took it so I could attend this webinar I needed to attend. Stayed on until 1 pm.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Went to watch M3gan and picked up the boys from school. Had lunch, took the lights down from the tree, took it out and cleaned outside. Got ready to go take Gabriel to his basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: coke, squirt, carne molida, white rice, popcorn)

His first practice was good. He had fun. Passed by McDonald's grabbing dinner and came home to eat. Showered and got ready for tomorrow. Watched some TV and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: McDouble's, water)

Sunday, January 8, 2023

week 18

Woke up, showered and we went over to Black Bear Diner for Breakfast. Had a good meal and came home to clean up. Did some yard work and cleaned the living room. About to get ready to watch the Niners game.
(Morning: coffee, water, omelet, hash browns, pancake)

The game was good. Niners won. During the game I sent the boys out to pick up the branches that have been falling all week due to the storm. When the game was finished we went to look for some food. We ate at a place called LA Pinata and came home.
(Afternoon: chips, water, carnitas, rice and beans)

Got home, rested, bathed Gabriel. I took a shower and got my things ready for work tomorrow. Now watching TV until bed time
(Nighttime: water, beer)

Saturday, January 7, 2023

First weekend

Woke up. Did some work on the Mission project and went to shower. Cleaned up and we went over to pick up my mom for lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water)

We picked up my Mom and had lunch at the Outback Steakhouse. Went over to my sister's for a bit and came home.
(Afternoon: blooming onion, rib eyes, Cesar salad. Bread. Coke, water)

Drove home, went to Target, came home and chilled. Finished the model portion of the Mission project. Showered, played cards with Javi. Changed the boys, took a shower. Watched a show with my wife and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: chocolate, wine, beer, water)

Friday, January 6, 2023


Woke up and got dressed. Got items ready for the boys and took them to school. Came back home and made some coffee and logged in to work. Just another chill day today, answering questions. 
(Morning: water, coffee, rosca)

Had some bean soup and checked back into work. Our unit meeting went a little long so I couldn't pick up the boys. Finished up work and played outside for a bit. Now heading out to Michael's to get items for the Mission project. 
(Afternoon: Bean soup, white rice, chicharron, water, zoa)

Got the items and came home. Worked on the project and had more rosca. Showered and cleaned up and now watching TV until bedtime. 
(Nighttime: chicharron, tortilla, rosca, beer, water, chocolate)

Thursday, January 5, 2023


Woke up, got dressed. Got things ready for the boys. Took them to school and passed by Starbucks getting a treat for us. Logged in to work and answered a few questions from people. 
(Morning: coffee, Caramel Brule latte, water)

Picked up some Panda express and came home. Had lunch and on my break picked up the boys. Came home and finished up work and after I played catch with Gabriel outside for a bit. He did ok, needs more practice, we'll get there

(Afternoon: Panda express, coke, water)

Went to cardenas and came home. Washed dishes, showered and had some dinner. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, chicharron, tortilla, cajeta)

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

First Day of work in 2023

Woke up and got dressed, wasn't sure if I was going to log in to work today. But I did. I got the items ready for the boys for school. Took them over and dropped them off. Came back, had coffee and officially logged in to work. Pretty chill day today. I signed up for a mandatory training and now just waiting for questions. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

It rained off and on. The storm came and stopped. Now we wait for the next round. We went to grab lunch at Papa Pancho's amd came home. Picked up the boys and came home to finish up work.
(Afternoon: burrito, squirter, water)

Did some work on the Mission project with Javi. My wife bathed Gabriel. I helped Javi shower and I had some Peach punch and showered as well. Sent the boys to bed and watched TV. Pretty soon going to bed as well.
(Nighttime: cup o noodles soup, peach punch, cookies, cracker jack)

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Calling out

Woke up and got dressed. Called out sick today. Needed a day to reset. Might call out tomorrow. But not sure. Got the boys items ready for lunch and took them to school. Had coffee and took a nap before heading out to watch a movie.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Put gas in the camry. Went to the movies to watch The Whitney Hiuston movie. It was good, kind of long, but good. After I took the car to get an oil change and possible brake change. They didn't have to part for the brakes so I had to leave the car. I walked from there to the house and had lunch.
(Afternoon: popcorn, coke, torta de carne, white rice, water)

Picked up the camry. They changed the brakes and the rotars. We went to Target to return a toy Javi got for Christmas. Came home, talked to my mom, I took a shower and we watched a show. They told me we could work from home tomorrow if needed due to the storm, so debating if I log in or not. Anyway, going to bed.
(Nighttime: oreo cookies, peach juice, water)

Monday, January 2, 2023

Day off

Woke up, changed, made coffee and had a muffin before we started the drive to San Rafael to the Mission to see it for Javi's project. We drove over and we took pictures when we got there but it was closed. 
(Morning: coffee, water, muffin)

Drove back and came home for a bit. We got ready to go to hop hop at the mall with Javi's friend. We shared a crepe and they went to play. I got a hat and we came home. When we got here I moved the camry, took out trash, cleaned up some leaves had an early dinner.
(Afternoon: crepe, water, beer, arroz a la valenciana, goat cheese and pita chips)

Watched the Bills and Bengals game and there was a scary incident with a player (Hamlin) that got injured and almost died on the field. The game was postponed thankfully. I showered, changed Gabriel and had some more goat cheese and pita chips. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: goat cheese, water)

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Day 1

Woke up and laid back for a bit watched some football before going to shower. Helped chop up ingredients for lunch, bathed Gabriel and got ready to watch the Niners game.
(Morning: muffin, coffee, water)

The game was good. Not what I wanted, but I kind of expected. It was tense, back and forth but the Niners won in OT. After I had the boys try out the flag football set. We rested up after.
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, guava juice, water)

We headed over to Chevys for dinner. Had a decent meal. Hit up Target for Christmas clearance items and came home. Had Javi shower. I showered we watched TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: chips, root beer, burrito, beer, water)