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Thursday, July 8, 2021

lockdown day 479

Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel's things ready and got him ready and headed over to drop him off at preschool. Came back home, made coffee and checked in to work. A little later going to pack up and head on over to my sister's. I sprayed the grass in front with a treatment, I have to water it later tonight, hopefully it works. We took a walk and now back in to the training room.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Made some food for the boys and now heading out to pick up Gabriel and go to Daly City. Picked up Gabriel and I gave him the option of Mac and Cheese or Pizza, he took the pizza so I ate the Mac and Cheese. Drove to Daly City and logged back in to work. Now just waiting for questions to be asked.
(Afternoon : water, iced coffee, pizza, mac and cheese, monster, donut, nugget, fries)

Nighttime :
Drove home and watered the lawn. Picked up some food. Had dinner, showered amd changed the boys. The internet went out and came back. Played Madden amd watched tv. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, burrito)

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