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Saturday, July 31, 2021

lockdown day 502

Woke up and showered. Got ready, had coffee and waited for my wife and Javi to get ready so we could go buy his school uniforms. After that we came home and got ready to eat lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Ate some bean soup, rested and went to Union City to drop off the xfinity gateway, got gas at Costco and did some shopping. Returned home and played some games with the boys and tried to nap.
(Afternoon: bean soup, rice, cheese, tortilla, Chicharrón, water)

Watched Netflix and had some beers. Ate dinner and put Gabriel to bed. Played Uno with Javi and watched tv. Now going to sleep.
(Nighttime: chicken césar salad, beer,water, nutter butter)

lockdown day 501

Woke up and went to check on the boys. Downloaded the pictures from the trip, made them breakfast and started laundry. Mowed the lawn and the backyard and chilled for a bit.
(Morning: coffee, water, chocolate)

Showered and had lunch. We went to watch the Jungle Cruise amd returned home. Picked up the baseball pictures and got the boys ready for Target.
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice. Popcorn,  icee)

Did some grocery shopping and had dinner. Watched a little TV and fell asleep on the couch. Now in bed.
(Nighttime: Pizza rolls, beer,  water)

Friday, July 30, 2021

lockdown day 500

Woke up.and finished getting ready. We went to check out and have breakfast and took the shuttle to the airport.
(Morning: Mickey waffles,  eggs, potatoes,  sausage, bacon)

Got on the plane and we're off to LAX.
(Afternoon: sprite, chicken sandwich, water)

Took the next plane to SFO, my sister picked us up, we dropped her off and drove home. Showered and now off to bed
(Nighttime: water. Sandwich)

Thursday, July 29, 2021

lockdown day 499

Woke up and failed to get the rise of the Resistance boarding pass. Got ready and we headed over to Hollywood Studios. We got there and rose rose Runaway Railway again and stayed in line and rode the Millennium Falcon Smugglers Run ride. Took some photos and watched the Lightning McQueen show.
(Morning: donut, water)

Got the boys lunch and now we are hanging out until 1 to see if we get on the virtual queue.  It started to rain really badly, we got on the back up queue so it doesn't look like we will get on. So we went shopping in the rain and came back to the hotel. Rain let up and we went to Disney Springs.
(Afternoon: brownies sundae, beer, water, churro, powerade)

Walked around Disney Springs, had some dinner and returned back to the hotel to pack up and shower. We return home tomorrow. My ankle and knee are hurting badly. Going to bed to see if it helps.
(Nighttime: vodka lemonade, bbq platter, beer, water, Starbucks refresher)

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

lockdown day 498

Woke up and got ready to go walked over to catch the shuttle for the Magic Kingdom. When we arrived we waited for rope drop. Got on the Jungle Cruise,  Pirates of the Caribbean,  Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and got some food. Headed over to the haunted mansion next. 
(Morning: nachos, soda, water, churro)

After we went to a.few stores and had lunch at Be Our Guest. It was a fun time and we got on more rides until the rain came down. We shopped and took off to go back to the hotel. 
(Afternoon: lobster bisque, filet mignon, mashed potatoes,  bread, beer, water, dessert)

We got back to the hotel. I bathed the boys and we went to the store. Came back and I showerd and now off to bed.
(Nighttime; beet, chips)

Monday, July 26, 2021

lockdown day 497

Woke up and got ready to go to Animal Kingdom. We caught the bus and went to the park. We walked over to the land of Avatar to get on the 2 rides there. The waits were long. The rides were fun. After we went to the Safari and ordered lunch.
(Morning: French toast stick, half of a breakfast sandwich,  water, powerade)

We ate lunch and walked around for a bit got on the water ride and barely got wet. We used a water fountain to get wet to help with the heat. We watched It's tough to be a bug and the Lion King show and went back to the hotel.
(Afternoon: ribs, rice, beer, water, coke, lemonade)

Got to the room and we went to wash some clothes and it was raining super hard and we got wet. Showered and went to wash some more. Had some dinner and folded the clothes and put them away. Tired, sore but another Disney day tomorrow. 
(Nighttime : Chalupas, tacos, coke, beer, water, lemonade)

Sunday, July 25, 2021

lockdown day 496

Got up, got ready and headed out to Epcot. Got in first with the stroller and Gabriel and we rode Mission space. Had some chicken dumplings and a drink and rode the Frozen ride. 
(Morning: sprite, water, dumpling, drink)

After that we went to the Mexico pavilion and rode the boat ride and had lunch. We waited a while to order the food, but it was quick and delicious. We did a lot and I drank a lot. My sister and and I stayed behind and did some more exploring. Drank some more beers, some in Germany, some in the USA and headed back to the hotel.
(Afternoon: beer, margaritas, nachos, tacos, water, powerade)

Got here and my wife went to pick up some halls and dinner for the boys that I ordered. We were going to go back to Epcot but Javi wasn't feeling well so we stayed and showered and will be resting for tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: sprite, brownie, water)

Saturday, July 24, 2021

lockdown day 495

Woke up a hit later than my alarm but before 7 so I could try to get us on the virtual queue for Rise of the Resistance ride and it was sold out in seconds. Didn't get one. Got ready and we headed for Disney's  Hollywood Studios. Started the day with Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railroad. Hit up Toy Story land and got on the Slinky Dog coaster, Toy Story Mania and the Alien saucers. Had a scare because I dropped my phone on the slinky dog ride. But someone turned it in thankfully. 
(Morning: Iced Coffee, donut)

We walked around a bit and saw the Frozen sing along show, during that time I tried again for the virtual queue and got in. After sister and I went on the Tower of Terror, took a break, Star Tours and finally the Rise of the Resistance ride which was awesome. Last thing we did before coming back was the Muppets 3D. We got back via the skyliner and changed to go swim. After we all showered.
(Afternoon: powerade, water, alcohol)

Got ready and went over to have dinner. Chilled and came back to the room. It's bed time and we have Epcot tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: hot link, chicken, ribs, yucca, beer, water)

Friday, July 23, 2021

locldown day 494

So far it's not great. I have been trying to get to sleep but I can't. I guess the excitement of driving to Orlando to Disney World is keeping me up. Got to the hotel and headed to the airport to drop off the van.
(Morning: water, monster, coffee)

After getting back to the hotel with my sister we headed over to the Magic Kingdom. Had a great time, got on the Haunted Mansion, It's a small word, tea cups, the Seven Dwarfs mine train and Aladdin's magic carpet ride and headed back to the hotel.
(Afternoon: sundae, powerade, chicken strips, water, coke )

Got back to the hotel,  got our bags. Has Javi shower. Gabriel showered and I did as well. We had dinner and now bed time.
(Nighttime: Cubano, fries half a burger, Mac and cheese, fanta, water)

Thursday, July 22, 2021

lockdown day 493

Woke up and went downstairs. Have to start changing soon and packing up the bags as we leave early tomorrow. 
(Morning: nada)

Had lunch and got ready to go to ky appointment for a hot stone deep tissue massage. It was a nice experience and well needed. Came back and chilled before bathing Gabriel and taking a shower myself. 
(Afternoon: ginger ale, water shrimp fettuccine alfredo)

My wife went to get her nails done and we stayed. Javi showered and I packed things as we are leaving early tomorrow to got o Disney World. Packed up and ready to go. Going to bed.
(Nighttime: oreo's, water. Iced Caramel Macchiato, pizza, wings)

lockdown day 492

Woke up and laid there for a bit. My back is a bit stiff and these mosquito bites are irritating me. Went to shower and got ready to go. 
(Morning: nada)

We got to the Aquarium and walked around. It was really hot out there. The place was a bit run down, not too much action. We left to get raspados and gas. Stopped by McDonald's to eat before going home. Got home and chilled, watched some Disney + and fell asleep. My wife and her sister went to Target real quick and I stayed to fold laundry and watch the boys. 
(Afternoon: pretzel, icee, 2 mcdouble's, McChicken,  fries, water)

They came back and we had dinner, well we had something. Now just hanging out until bed time.
(Nighttime: beer, water, pizza rolls, chicken fingers)

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

lockdown day 491

Woke up and gave my wife her birthday cards. She left to the spa. I got the boys ready and I took a shower. Now waiting to go to lunch.
(Morning: reeses pieces, water)

Went went to eat and came back to have some cake. Now relaxing. We went to the park and for a walk, returned home and my wife and sister in law went to CVS. I stayed here with the boys.
(Afternoon: churrasco,  gallo pinto salad, coke, water, cake, coffee)

They came back and the boys were trying to film a video for Javi's YouTube channel. Now just relaxing having a few beers and seeing where the night takes is. The night did not take us anywhere lol. Came up to put Gabriel down, will watch some TV for a bit before bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, cookies)

Monday, July 19, 2021

lockdown day 490

Woke up and got ready to go to the beach. Got to Miami Beach and swam and played. Dried off, had some snacks and around 12 we got ready to go.
(Morning: water, gatorade, chips, cookies)

Got home, had Javi shower, I showered, my wife and Gabriel will shower after we eat. I fell asleep hard after eating. My wife and her sister went to get some things, I stayed with the boys and took thrm to the park. 
(Afternoon: water, beer, gallo pinto, tajadas, churrasco, queso frito)

Started watching RAW and bathed Gabriel. About to head downstairs. Had a few beers and chilled. Came back upstairs and now hanging out while Gabriel goes to sleep. Tomorrow is my wife's birthday. 
(Nighttime: beer, water)

Sunday, July 18, 2021

lockdown day 489

Woke up and got ready, got Gabriel ready and were almost ready to hit the car only to see that everyone else wasn't ready. So now we wait. Going to a water park today. We drove down to Hollywood Florida to the water park. We played for quite a bit and went down water slides, swam and had good fun. Changed and headed out for lunch. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Drove down to the Hard Rock hotel and had lunch. We saw the memorabilia they had and drove home. Got in, washed clothes and showered. Chilled with the boys and rested up. My wife went out shopping with her sister. When they came home we went to the park for a bit and now waiting for Money In The Bank to start. 
(Afternoon: burger, fries, coke, water, beer)

The event started and now just watching and waiting for clothes. Folded clothes and had a snack, still watching MITB. About to go to bed soon. 
(Nighttime: beer, water, cookies)

Saturday, July 17, 2021

lockdown day 488

Woke up and took a shower. Changed Gabriel and I am relaxing here until we leave.
(Morning: nada)

We drove to the waterfront in Biscayne and searched for something to eat. We ate at a buffet and rode the ferris wheel and saw nice visuals of Miami. Drove back home and I fell asleep. Met them at the park in front of the house and chilled came back in and my wife and her sister went to pick up dinner.
(Afternoon: beer, meat, chicken, salad bar, water, cheesecake)

Nighttime: Had some burgers talked to my Mom and Sister. Joined a zoom event to sing Happy Birthday to Samina. Went back downstairs to watch tv and now going to bed. Early start tomorrow.
(Nighttime: beer, burger,  wings. Water)

Friday, July 16, 2021

lockdown day 487

Woke up and we went to pick up the rental. Came back to the house and had breakfast. We got some rest while the boys watched Space Jam 2 and went to Target.
(Morning: coffee, water. Nacatamale, toast)

Had spaghetti and meatballs, and rested up before going to get some soft serve yogurt. We came back from the yogurt place and I took a nap. I was tired. Woke up had some cookies and we were off to dinner.
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, water, soft serve yogurt, cookies)

We went to an Italian restaurant, had some food and good conversation. Now we are back home resting, it's been a long day full of time adjustments. Helped Javi shower, played Uno and a dice game. Now bed time.
(Nighttime: rib eye, mashed potatoes, calamari, mozzarella sticks,mushrooms, water, beer, césar salad)

Thursday, July 15, 2021

lockdown day 486

Woke up, showered,  had some coffee and finished packing up. Almost time for us to go to my sister's than the airport. We got to my sister's and said good bye to my mom and her. Amilcar came by and he dropped us off at SFO. We checked the bags in and got passed security and had an early lunch. Starbird.
(Morning: coffee, water, Starbird chicken sandwich,  fries, coke)

We got on the plane and at the last minute two people sat next to me, but they went to sit elsewhere and I got the seats to myself so the boys can bounce around between the seats.
(Afternoon: ginger ale, cheese its, water, nutter butter)

Finally got in. The flight was good overall. Got picked up and now heading to my sister in laws house. Got here and took the luggage up and connected my CPAP.  Had food, about to go lay down.
(Nighttime :  gallo pinto, tortilla and cheese, coke, water)

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

lockdown day 485

Woke up and got dressed. Have the day off to take care of a few things before we leave tomorrow. Took Javi to breakfast at Black Bear Diner and ad a good meal. After we hit up Target and got some snacks and candy for the plane ride. Came home and took a nap.
(Morning: coffee, pancakes, eggs, bacon)

Went to pick up Gabriel and came home. Played Mario maker 2 with the boys. Had lunch and now relaxing. After my wife got off of work we went to Target for a few gift cards and came back home to wrap up packing.
(Afternoon: water, sprite, chicken sandwiches)

Finished packing, showered, had dinner and watched the season finale of Loki. Going to bed now.
(Nighttime: tortilla and cheese, beer, water, nutter butter)

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

lockdown day 484


Woke up and went to get changed. Got Gabriel's bag ready and got him ready to go. Dropped him off and came home to make some coffee before checking in to work. Answered questions and on a break put away the hammock and canopy. Now waiting for time to go get Gabriel. Only 1 training today.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate) 


Picked up Gabriel and came back to do the training. There were a few questions during this one that we were able to answer on the spot and with help. After I had the left over burrito and an ice cream sundae. Now going to run out the clock. Decided to take the day off tomorrow and start vacation early.

(Afternoon: burrito, ice cream sundae, crush, water)


Watched the All Star game before cutting my hair and shaving. Tomorrow I will finish packing and be ready to go. HD some food and watched tv while doing laundry. Now it's bed time.

(Nighttime: tortilla and cheese, water, beer)

Monday, July 12, 2021

lockdown day 483


Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel's bag ready and got him dressed. We went to go drop him off at school and came back home. I had my coffee and checked in to work. Answered a few questions and now I am waiting for questions. Talked to Amilcar for a bit and now getting ready to go to Target before getting Gabriel. 

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Picked up Gabriel and came home to have lunch. Checked back in to work and now waiting for 4:30. 2 more days of work after today, 5 more trainings. Started packing up my back pack with some items that we are taking. So ready to be off for the day and for the week. Logged off of work and went to watch the Home Run Derby.

(Afternoon: Bean soup, white rice, cheese, water, chocolate)


Went to go pick up some food and came home. Had dinner, about to shower and relax for the rest of the night. Watched some Parkd and Recreation and now going to bed.

(Nighttime: water, beer, burrito)

Sunday, July 11, 2021

lockdown day 482

Woke up and finished the laundry. Had breakfast and started packing for the trip. About to shower and go get the boys.
(Morning: coffee, water, eggs and sausages)

Headed down to get the boys. Made a stop at Target real quick and headed to the park. They played a bit and we went to have lunch at Red Lobster. After we came home and rested up a bit. I watered the front and back lawn and now going to shower. 
(Afternoon: Admiral's feast, water. Iced Caramel Macchiato)

Showered and after had Javi shower. Watched some tv and had some dinner and drinks. Starting to get excited about the trip. About 98% packed and ready to go. 3 more work days.
(Nighttime: beer, Jack and coke, shrimp and pasta, cupcakes, water)

Saturday, July 10, 2021

lockdown day 481

Woke up and put clothes to wash. Showered and got ready, folded clothes and got made out way down to see the kids.
(Morning: boost x 4)

Drove down, got to my sister's and went to Serramonte. I drove to the dentist for my appointment that went well. After met them at Serramonte again before driving to the movies to watch Black Widow.
(Afternoon: Big Mac, mcdouble,  McChicken, iced tea)

Got to the theater and watched the movie. It was good and went to Target after to get some milk. Watching tv while washing some bedsheets. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: popcorn, icee, beer, water)

Friday, July 9, 2021

lockdown day 480


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel ready for school, it's show and tell day and he is taking his Red Sox shirt and hat to talk about. We took him to school and stopped by Starbucks for a treat and came home. Logged in to work and submitted my time sheet and now waiting for questions. Soon will be going to get Gabriel.

(Morning: Iced Caramel Macchiato, water)


It's hot, I went to get Gabriel and we had some lunch. Now going to log in to my unit meeting. There was a delay in the meeting so it got rescheduled for later. Now going in to the meeting. We got information that the city plans to re-open on 9/1/2021 but no plans for us to go the office just yet. Now running out the clock.

(Afternoon: Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo, water, coke)


Went to the park and took the bikes for the boys to ride. They did great. Went to 7-11 to get them Icees and came home. Fed the boys and my sister asked if she could get them today for a 2 day stay over. I gave Gabriel a bath, went to get Wing Stop and came home. Javi showered and got ready, they picked them up. I showered and watched a movie. Now going to bed.

(Nighttime: coke, water, wingstop)

Thursday, July 8, 2021

lockdown day 479

Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel's things ready and got him ready and headed over to drop him off at preschool. Came back home, made coffee and checked in to work. A little later going to pack up and head on over to my sister's. I sprayed the grass in front with a treatment, I have to water it later tonight, hopefully it works. We took a walk and now back in to the training room.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Made some food for the boys and now heading out to pick up Gabriel and go to Daly City. Picked up Gabriel and I gave him the option of Mac and Cheese or Pizza, he took the pizza so I ate the Mac and Cheese. Drove to Daly City and logged back in to work. Now just waiting for questions to be asked.
(Afternoon : water, iced coffee, pizza, mac and cheese, monster, donut, nugget, fries)

Nighttime :
Drove home and watered the lawn. Picked up some food. Had dinner, showered amd changed the boys. The internet went out and came back. Played Madden amd watched tv. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, burrito)

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

lockdown day 478

Woke up and went to get dressed. Gabriel is not going to preschool today as my wife is taking him and Javi over to my Mom for a bit. Made coffee and checked in. Training again today. The first training went well, a few minutes under the full time. Let's see how the next one goes. The second training was good as well, there were a few questions but nothing too major. Going to see what I eat.
(Morning: coffee, water, brownie)

Warmed up some left over pizza, want to save money for lunch since I don't know what we are doing for dinner. I am very tired, watched NXT and took a quick nap, about to go back in and set up for the next 2 trainings and be done with it for the day and for the week. The first training was good, took almost the whole time. While waiting for the next one my wife came home with the boys. When I am done here I am going to get them ready to go to their last swimming class and get dinner.
Finished up training and got the boys ready for swim class. Drove them over and so far Javi has done great, now waiting for Gabriel's turn.
(Afternoon: Pizza, water, Blue Machine)

After swim class I took the boys to In and Out burger and came home to have dinner. Showered Gabriel,  sent Javi to shower and I tool a shower as well. Did a quick load of laundry and watched Monster's at work and Loki. Now watching Parks and Recreation. 
(Nighttime: strawberry shake, water, 2 double doubles)

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

lockdown day 477


Woke up and went to change for work. Got Gabriel's lunch bag ready and got him dressed. My wife took him to preschool as I had to start early for a training. The morning training went well, there were just 3 people in there and we went the full time. After the training I took a long walk with Javi and came back to water the front lawn again and wait for questions.

(Morning: Coffee, Water)


It was time to go get Gabriel, so we took off and dropped off some paperwork to Javi's new school and picked up Gabriel. Came back home and had lunch. After lunch I set up for the next training and it went well. This one just like the others went almost the full time. I emptied out the pool on my break before setting up for the next training which I am currently in. After work we cleaned up the office and moved some things around. Put the pool away and went for a walk.

(Afternoon: Chicken tacos, white rice, lemonade, water, brownie)


Came back home and drove go get some sushi. Had dinner and showered, played some games and now watching Lego Masters. Watched some more shows and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: sushi. Beer, water)

Monday, July 5, 2021

lockdown day 476

Woke up, made coffee, watched Space Jam with the boys. Chilled fkr a bit and headed out to grab lunch.
(Morning: coffee)

Drove to McDonald's and got lunch. Came back home. Ate, Cleaned the bed, put clothes to wash, showered and got ready. Took the boys to the park, came home to wash the car, cut the grass and water the lawn. My wife came back from shopping and I have been hanging out in front. Went to chill on the hammock while finishing up the next load of laundry and came in to fold it and play Mario Golf.
(Afternoon: McChicken. Mcdouble, chicken nuggets,  water, coke)

We went to Walmart to.grab a few things. Came back and gave the boys dinner. Tool out more trash and now going to chill for the rest of the night. Watched a movie on Netflix and it was a bad one. Fear street I think it was called. Anyway time for bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, lemonade, spare rib, tortilla, corn, pizza, cupcake)

lockdown 475

Woke up and went to make coffee. Chilled a bit and went to build the picnic table. Blew up the pool and filled it with water. Jumped in with the boys and had some fun.
(Morning: coffee)

Chilled in the water and played with the boys. Had some pupusas and my Mom, Niece and her boyfriend came over and we started up the grill. Had some more drinks and food, chilled and cleaned up.
(Afternoon: pupusas, beer, carne asada, corn, Margarita, water)

Had a sundae and played some games with the kids. Showered, bathed Gabriel,  had Javi shower and washed and folded laundry. About to go to bed. 
(Nighttime: water, sundae)

Saturday, July 3, 2021

lockdown day 474

Woke up and had some coffee. Showered and we went to Target to grab some items for later. Gassed up the truck and now we are back home.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Made some Chicharrón and had a caramel frappuccino. Leaving soon. Drove over to pick up out Aunt and drove to Antioch. Had a few beers, tequila,  carne asada and had some fun. 
(Afternoon: caramel frappuccino, Chicharrón, water, tortilla, carne asada, tequila, beer)

We had a fun time reminiscing about things back in the day and it got late on us. Drove back home and put the boys to bed and now watching some tv before going to sleep.
(Nighttime: water, gatorade, lemonad)

Friday, July 2, 2021

lockdown day 473

Woke up, a day off today. The beginning to a long weekend. I went to shower and got ready. Had Javi change and changed Gabriel before making coffee and having mini donuts. We headed down to get Javi's hair cut and to Serramonte. 
(Morning: coffee, mini donuts,  water)

We got to Serramonte and went to the Disney store, we ran into Priscilla and finally met Kingston.  Allix was there as well. We grabbed some food and headed to Target before going to my sister's. Javi had an eye doctor appointment and ny wife took him, when she got back we drove home to rest up.
(Afternoon: Pad Thai, Thai iced tea, water)

Purchased the Niners 94 Throw Back Jersey and we took off to Costco to get some things for the weekend. Drove to Sonic's to get some milkshakes for everyone and came home to water the lawn. Now hanging outside and about to go in to watch Boss Baby 2.
(Nighttime: beer, water, tortilla and cheese, Margarita,  chocolate)


Thursday, July 1, 2021

lockdown 472


Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel's bag ready for school. Got him dressed and we took him to preschool. Drop off was quick and we came home. Made coffee and had some chocolate loaf. Checked in to work and pretty soon going to start getting things ready to go to get Gabriel and drive to my sister's.

(Morning: Water, coffee, chocolate loaf)


Made the boys some chicken strips and chicken fingers. Sandwiches for me and my wife. Had lunch and went to pick up Gabriel and headed down to my sister's house. Got here and logged in to work and now just waiting for questions and running out the clock. Day off tomorrow and back at it until Tuesday. The work day ended and I was able to hang out for some time before driving home. 

(Afternoon: Sandwich, Iced Coffee, Water, donuts)


Got home and played Mario Golf for a bit before going out to pick up dinner. Came back and ate, bathed Gabriel and I changed. Watched some tv and now off to bed. Off for the next 4 days. 

(Nighttime: Hawaiian BBQ, beer, water)