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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dedicated to all...

I wrote this today with a few people in mind. I realize that I have used a lot of hurtful words and said too many hurtful jokes to the people I love. I just wanted them to know that I am trying to be more sensitive to that fact that words do hurt, that words to remain with you and that resentment grows and because of this relationships can diminish. The worst thing I could experience is losing the people I love in life. So this one is for you, I wrote it thinking about you and how I only could imagine your perspective...If I ever did or said anything to hurt any of you I truly am sorry...I hope you have noticed that I have changed...
Title: Definition of Me...
"How could I let you make me feel so weak and insecure?
How could I let your words define who I am?
When you call me names it starts the cycle of pain.
I try to hide my emotions deep inside, but my biggest fear is one day my resentment towards you will arise.
I know you may say that you tease me out of "love",
that I should not take your words too "serious", because your words were said out of "fun"
But let me ask you a question, who was it "fun" for?
I spend days agonizing, nights crying and feeling alone.
With no one to turn to, my concerns are never heard.
Even if I told you how I felt, you would just mock me in return.
If you were in my shoes I know you would feel the same,
would you just "get over it"?
or would it continue to play over and over in your head.
If you were in my shoes I just know you would feel the same,
then maybe, just maybe you would understand why I am in pain.
I need to turn myself around, I know it's easier said then done.
But I need to proud of myself and who I have become.
I will not let you make me feel weak any longer,
I will not let you make me feel insecure,
your words will never define me anymore.
I am strong, intelligent and you can no loner hurt me.
I just need to realize that only I can define ME!"

-There it is, I hope you enjoyed it. Until next time....

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