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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Future endeavours

Today I had to do something that I have not had done in a long time. I had to make the decision to "future endeavour" an employee. For those of you reading (which probably is not a lot..yet) when I say "future endeavour" I mean being terminated. The expression comes from the WWE. When they release a superstar they say "we wish them the best in their future endeavours", hence forth the reason I use it. Anyway, back to the point.
Making the decision to "future endeavours" an employee is sometimes an easy one, but a lot of the times it could be a very difficult decision. I remember when I worked for Starbucks I had to "future endeavor" a few people. Some were no doubt about it, while others were really tough decisions. Let me explain.
Here is an example of what I mean when an employee is a no doubt about it "future endeavor":
Comes in late, does not care about the quality of their work, disrupts and disturbs others, basically doing everything they can to be the opposite of what a good employee is. Now sometimes, hiring managers can spot potential bad employees, but every once in a while some slip through, either because they are good interviewers or even if they get good references from friends and other employees. When an employee shows a bad attitude towards their supervisor or even talks bad about their organization, that is when the beginning signs of departure happen.
Now an example of a difficult "future endeavour":
This is when you know the employee has so much potential. Works hard, goes above an beyond what you ask of them. Always there to help out in a jam. But can never be on time. Breaking the smallest of rules and getting written up for them. Do you let them slide because they have a great work record? or treat them like everyone else who barely skates by? Then there is the employee that does the minimum, just to get by. Doesn't try to do more then the job description and expects to be praised. But you can't let them go because they follow the rules. You can't just terminate someone without just cause, if you do, you are asking for trouble.
The "future endeavour" today was an easy one. The employee knew that it was coming. It's better when that happens because blind siding can really be messy. So what is my point to this. Well, I guess it would be that everyone works to the best of their abilities. No, wait that's not it. People tend to work to their happiness level. You know the saying "If you love what you do, you'll never work a day on your life" That rarely happens to any of us. My suggestion... If you are not happy with the job you have, make the best of it, work hard, show initiative and make a name for yourself. At the end of the day when you send out your resume or application it is YOUR name that is going on that paper. You owe it to yourself to learn, do and be the best at whatever it is you do.
I will admit that I sometimes forget to do that, work is stressful. Sometimes you give your all and get nothing in return, you see others not pulling their weight and they get the praise. I get it, I've been there. But then I think about who I am cheating if I do not give my best effort, I am cheating myself, because I build myself and my work experience and I try to build me as a brand.

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