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Monday, March 7, 2011

Decision: The act or process of deciding

In life we are all faced with decisions. Every decision we make can alter what we have in store for the future. Decisions like: Do I study hard, get good grades and gain in depth knowledge to help me for my future career? or Do I slack off or even drop out because I feel school is useless? Do I accept this job over that one? Do I move out on my own? Should I take the chance to ask her out? Should I finally grow up and be an adult?
In life there are moments where we must decide what is best for us, moments where we need to decide where we go and what we will do. Some decisions are great decisions. Like when you finally accept a job offer, asking for her hand in marriage, deciding to start a family. On the other hand there are times when we make bad decisions. When we make a bad decision, it does not only effect you, but it effects everyone around you. Bad decisions can bring on anger, sadness and tears.
Everyday I hear people talk about how they are looking for work to help support their family, that they would do anything and everything for their family and that they want to be there to help raise their family. But when it comes time to walk the walk, it turns out it was all talk.
When do we begin to take accountability for our actions, you can only be in the wrong place at the wrong time, so many times. When do you realize that maybe it is your decision making skills that have put you in this position.
I'll admit, I am to blame for a lot of things, I wish I had more courage and conviction to tell the people that I love that there is something wrong. We let things go on for too long without saying what needs to be said. I hear the things that going they are through, the actions and decisions they make and I remain quiet. I always figured it was none of my business and if they want my opinion, they would ask. Many of us, including myself do not really speak up because we know the person we want to say things to cannot handle it well. For me, I fear that I may lose the closeness that I have had with people, but slowly it seems like they are going out of their heads.
There is one thing I do know, that life moves on. When we make good decisions or bad decisions, nothing stops. We tend to blame others for our shortcomings, we build up walls of excuses to justify when we make bad choices. We almost expect every one's world to stop just for us.
The most I can do is hope that the people I love make the right choices, I only hope that one day we can all talk openly and listen to each other before it is too late. I know that I have my faults and that there are many things that people would love to tell me. I have heard suggestions from people and I try to change for the better, which I can only hope that others are trying to do that to.
The decisions we make today, be it good or bad, effect what happens tomorrow and beyond. If we are not realizing that the mistakes in judgement that we have are hurting the people we love and hurting yourself, then we all have a lot of work to do. I am not perfect and I do not claim to be (well, at least not in a serious conversation) I still need to grow and still need to make decisions that will effect my future, my wife and I need to make decisions that will shape our future for us and our children. The one decision I know that I can commit to is, to at least try to change my faults and make them into positives and to take in account how will this effect my future, my wife, my children, my family and friends.

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