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Monday, March 14, 2011

A Decade of me...

In 54 days I will close out one chapter in my life and turn the page to the next. On May 6, 2011 at 11:59:59 pm, I will turn the page on my twenties. At 12:00:00 am on May 7, 2011 I will begin a new chapter, my thirties. An end of a decade, a lot has happened between May 7, 2001 and May 7, 2011. There are many things that I have been able to do that I have been and I am truly proud of and of course there have been many things that I have done and haven't done that I am not so proud of. Thinking about the last decade of my life I have some moments that I would like to share with you, I will not go too much into detail with them, since there will be so many of them.
2001- June 30-met my future wife at my friends house
        - July 16- officially became boyfriend/girlfriend via 'Thriller'
        - September 11 - Tragedy strikes the US as the World Trade Center are attacked.
                                 - My first day of work at Starbucks Coffee
        - November - Friendship lost and lives changed.
2002- October 11- My Grandfather passes away
        - October-  San Francisco Giants make it to the World Series, do not win.

2003- April-September- San Francisco Giants go wire to wire, eliminated in NLDS
         -Went to Hawaii with my Mom and Step dad and Amilcar
2004- June-Went to New York City to go to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown.
                   Visited Statue of Liberty, 9/11 memorial, empire state building and Yankee Stadium
          -September 6- William Narvaez Jr is born, my brother becomes a Dad, I become an Uncle again
2005- Moved out
          -Went to Disneyland for the 50th Anniversary and for my Mom's Birthday
2006- May 2006- I receive my BA from SFSU
2007- August 7- Barry Bonds becomes the all time HR king
        - My nephew Cesar is born in Nicaragua
        -Attended weddings: Elmira and Wilmer; Oscar and Monica
        -Talked to an old friend after 6 years
2008- April 15- Santiago Narvaez is born, second child for my brother
        - June- My nephew Charles graduates from Jefferson High School
        - August 8- Proposed to Ulisa at the ACME chophouse at 24 Willie Mays Plaza
        - October- Went to New Orleans for a conference with Starbucks
2009- June 25- Michael Jackson-King of Pop passes away
         -June 26- Ulisa and I get married at City Hall in San Francisco
           July- Honeymoon in Nicaragua to visit my Dad and in-laws
         -Attended the wedding of my sister Karen and Danny
         - Future endeavoured by Starbucks
         -Began working at Arriba Juntos
          -Ulisa finally gets me on Facebook
2010-June 14 My niece/Goddaughter Alexia turns 13.. a teenager now
         -Amilcar gets engaged to Olga
         September 19- Charles turns 20
         November 1- The San Francisco Giants win the World Series in 5 games
         -Went to Disneyland to see Captain EO
        -Went to Universal Studios and saw Alejandro Sanz in concert
        -spent Valentine's day in Las Vegas
2011- January- Started my blog
          -After 10 years, Oscar, Amilcar and me go hang out, just the three of us.
         -January 26 Amilcar turned 30
          February 5 - Got a picture with the Commissioners (World Series) trophy!
         February- Officially joined Twitter
         March 5- Alina and Juan get married
         March- Charles gets drafted to play with the San Francisco Grays
These are just a few things that I can remember off the top of my head. I know that there are much more. I even may have some of the dates or years wrong, but I do know that these things happened and I enjoyed being a part of them. Yes, I did mention that there were things that I did that I was not too proud of, but I am not going to mention them here. Remember, the good times outweigh the bad. 10 years worth of memories and growth. I can only look back on this time and learn from it, share the memories that were made from it and share my stories for many years to come.
What do the next 10 years have for me? A church wedding for sure, Honeymoon in Cancun, Children soon? (I hope) and maybe some more World Series titles. What I want is a new job with better pay (don't we all?) and to win the Lotto! but seriously, the next 10 years I wish are filled with love, family, friends, success and happiness.


  1. You forgot to mention first time going to vegas. First time going to a real halloween party, and lets see... first time going to LA together. Many little things. But very nice

  2. There are way too many things to put on this list. I tried my best. Like I said before if you could give me the year and what happend, I can see what I am missing. =)
