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Monday, June 10, 2024

TOC game 2

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my coffee and headed out to work. Caught BART into the city. When I got there I walked over to my desk and set up. Around 9 I went to meet my supervisor for coffee and went over to do introductions with the new cohort that started today. After I went back to my desk and worked on a few things.
(Morning: coffee. Iced coffee, water, peanuts)

Continued working up to 1:30 !and headed to Civic Center to catch BART home. Got to Bayfair and drove to Kaiser to get the first of 3 shots for hep a/b. Came home to eat and napped. Around 4:20 I went with Javi to his game.
(Afternoon: Orange chicken,  rice,  coke, water)

The game was good. Javi was starting as catcher, played LF and ended at 1st base. He got a single and 2 RBI's. Cut down 2 runners at home and one stealing. Got the last 2 outs at 1st base to end the game. Now they play Wednesday for the championship. After we came home. Took out the trash, ate and showered. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, milk, peanut butter sandwiches)

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