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Saturday, June 1, 2024

championship game

Woke is and changed. Gave Javi breakfast and got him ready for his game. Dropped him off and took off to Kaiser to get my blood drawn. Returned and the game started. Javi did amazing. 3 for 3, got a homerun and played a great defense.  They will now go to the TOC's.
(Morning: coffee. Water)

We got home and changed. Went to a party for Gabriel's class mate and had fun. After we came home to drop Javi off and went to another party.
(Afternoon: Tacos, torta, water. Sunkist, shot of tequila)

We had fun at the party and came back home. I took a shower and now hanging out until bedtime. Still riding on that high from the win.
(Nighttime: beer, water, whiskey, cheeseburger)

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